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Vivian's Ring (A Second Chance Romance Book 2) by Lila Felix, Elle Kimberly (17)



One year later


I CONTINUED TYPING as the words flowed through me. I’ve never been able to finish a book this fast, let alone three. Storyline after storyline kept popping into my head and I couldn’t stop writing.

“Vivian?” My mother knocked on the cabin door.

Brent had completely redone the cabin to make it my very own writing cave. There was a large desk, a top of the line computer, and all my bookshelves. Not to forget my Bluetooth speakers to enjoy all my music.

“Hang on.” I called out.

“Vivian,” Mom said more firmly.

I sighed as if I was a child. “Fine.” I rushed to finish my last thought and put it into the computer before I saved it. I hiked up my wedding dress as not to step on it. I checked my mirror to make sure I didn’t look too wrinkled.

“I’m coming in.” She finally announced and pushed open the door.

Since the day I asked Brent to marry me, we have spent almost every moment together. Even planning our wedding. I loved him and he loved me. We have spent many days riding the horses, rounding up the cattle, taking the cattle to auction, and lounging together.

Also, in the past year, I’ve reconnected with my parents. Mom and I have gone on weekly dinners, not including the parties we’ve hosted here at the ranch. Who would have thought hosting parties would be fun? Who would have thought I would like looking at Pinterest hoping for theme ideas? Brent just smiled at each suggestion and then would push the cart around the craft store.

I never thought of myself as a crafty person, but I wanted to create more than just words now. I wanted to create the world I had in my head. The one filled with happiness, love, and dreams. Real dreams of family and friends and a life.

I loved my life now.

Short of the dress and the suits, I had created everything. The centerpieces, my bouquet, the invitations, all of it. It was all made out of love and happiness. I feel like I have a whole new outlook on life. I wasn’t living before, but I am now.

“Vivian, you need to come with me. Your wedding is about to start.” Mom looked lovely in her red dress.

“I’m ready. I just had a scene in my head I had to get out.” I pulled my dress up higher and followed her out of the cabin and to the car. Normally, we’d ride horses here, but it would get my dress dirty.

The sweetest part about finding my dress was Mom and Pam going with me. I never dreamed of a big wedding or a wedding at all. Mom drove me to the closest dress shop and Pam met us there. She and I hadn’t talked a lot, but we’re both civil to each other. I figured she was still mad about everything. I knew how much she loved Brent and was being the protective mother.


At the dress shop I had tried on at least ten different dresses and nothing seemed to be right. They were too puffy, too tight, or too flowery. I wanted something simple and sweet. Something I could wear on the ranch since we were being married there.

“Vivian, what about this?” Pam pulled one off the rack.

“Oh that’s lovely.” Mom opened the bag.

My mouth dropped as I saw the most beautiful dress ever. It didn’t have a train, which I thought was silly anyway. It was lace without a lot of flair and I loved less flair.

“Try it on.” Pam suggested.

I took it from her hands and went into the dressing room. It fit me like a perfect glove. I spun around several times and the tears of happiness were ready to stream down my face. This was the dress I wanted to wear to marry Brent. When I stepped out Mom and Pam both gasped and I knew they loved it as much as I did.

“I’ll take it.” I announced. Mom told me she was buying the dress for me and there were to be no arguments about it.

As Mom was paying for the dress, Pam pulled me outside by her car. I was nervous about what was about to conspire, but I kept an open mind.

“I wanted to talk to you for a second.”

I nodded.

“Vivian, I love you as if you were my own daughter. I always have. I shouldn’t have been harsh with you when Brent brought you to the house after you two were married. Well, originally. I never want to see my son in pain and as a mother, I have a deep urge to protect him. When you left the second time, that heartbreak was there again, but I went over there and told him to go to you.”

I looked down to the ground.

“When he came back again, I knew you would come for him. I saw the love in your eyes for him. Your independence is honorable and I love it about you. I’m happy you are marrying my son so I can officially call you my daughter.”


As we pulled up to the house, my smile grew wider. Brent...the man of my dreams…was standing on the porch. His hands were in the pockets of his tux. I giggled seeing his shiny black cowboy boots. I had bought them for him as a wedding gift.

“Hello, Wife.” He greeted me opening the door.

“Hello, Husband.” I kissed his cheek. “Thanks for not shaving.” It wasn’t long ago I told him I enjoyed the light scruff on his face.

“You look amazing.” He held out my arms and inspected me. “You are perfect.”

“Not sure about that.” I bite my bottom lip.

“I am.”

“Come on, you two.” Pam came out of the house. She waved her hand for us to follow her around back.

Brent held out his arm and I took it with ease. He guided us toward the backyard. The only guests we invited were our parents, Olivia, and a few of Brent’s business partners. Since we were already legally married, we were doing this just to proclaim our love in front of the closest people in our lives.

I have a lot of pride for everything we created for this wedding. The arc in front of everyone was woven with wood and wildflowers. I’ve always loved wildflowers. The chair backs had similar flowers covered with white clothes.


I beamed with pride at my husband. “I was born ready.”

My dad turned on the speaker as Mark Willis’ “I Do” softly played. Brent and I walked down the small aisle. As Dad stopped the music, Brent and I turned to our family and friends.

“This isn’t a typical wedding, but Viv and I are far from typical.” He joked and squeezed my hand. “We first met in grade school and quickly became best friends. Soon after we began to date. I was thirteen when I realized I was going to spend the rest of my life with her.” He glanced at me and then turned back. “Then she left me and didn’t speak to me for ten years. But I held steadfast and knew someday she would come back into my life. She did. Soon, we were drunk and awoke with rings on our fingers.”

Everyone laughed.

“Then, through my impressive negotiating skills, she came back home with me. It was being back here where our fondest memories are and we were able to rekindle our love.” He sighed. “And then she left me again.”

This time everyone laughed louder.

“But I kept my faith that she would come back and I think it’s what has made us stronger.”

Tears filled my eyes.

“Now, we’re here today to pledge our love to each other again and have some amazing barbecue and sweets.”

Our guests clapped at this. Brent and I faced each other as Mom came up and took my bouquet of flowers. He took my hands in his with the brightest smile on his face.

“Vivian, I’ve never been one to shy away from my feelings. However, there was one time I can remember. We were both eighteen and you left me for the first time. It was then I should have begged you to stay and marry me. I didn’t because I knew you had bigger dreams and aspirations. It’s something I always respected about you. You have always set a goal and reached it.”

I wiped the first tear from my cheek.

“I have loved you longer than I can physically remember. I have dreamed of getting married a million times over because you make me a better person. You make me better at everything. It’s your strength and determination I thrive off of and I love you even more for it. I can’t imagine a time in my life without you and I can’t fathom one in the future. Thank you for being my best friend and wife. I love you.”

He pulled a gold band out of his pocket and slipped it on my finger. Then he handed me a handkerchief and I dabbed my eyes.

“Okay, my turn.” I took a deep breath and pulled myself together. “As an author, I have written several romantic scenes. The only reason I was ever able to do those was because of you. You always seemed to put me on some sort of pedestal and I never understood why. Sometimes I thought it was because you were just being kind. Other times I thought I was dreaming it all, but in fact, it was all true. As I reflect on it now, I realized you were a special human being. You were meant to be in my life to make me better.”

He glanced down at his boots.

“You don’t even know how many times I really wanted to pick up the phone and call you. But I had to find me. A me without you. And you know what? I don’t want a me without you. Every good memory I have is because of you. You are my past, present, and future. You’re my everything and I love you.”

Mom handed me the ring for Brent. I easily slid it on his finger. Brent quickly cupped my face and kissed me with a deep passion.




“WHY?” I ASKED as Brent loaded the bags into the rental car. “I figured you would want to go anywhere but there for our honeymoon.”

“Not necessarily.” He shut the trunk and opened the car door for me. “Come on. We’re going to your cabin.”

I slid onto the seat but am still confused as to why he wanted to spend our honeymoon in Washington at my cabin. I had only been back one time since leaving and going to Texas to declare my love and life to him. I wasn’t sure if I was going to sell it or what I was going to do with it. Maybe rent it out?

I loved the ride to the cabin as Brent was discussing some new property he was wanting to invest in and I was able to write a little bit on my laptop.

As we pulled up to the cabin, it looked the same and I didn’t feel sad as I had many times before coming here. Yes, I loved this place but there weren’t many good memories here. Just a lot of work and stressful days. Brent gathered up everything as I unlocked the door and pushed it open. Even though it was dusty and almost everything was covered up, it looked exactly the same.

I began to remove the cloths from the furniture and he took our luggage to the bedroom. When he came back in, he helped me fold up everything.

“You know there’s no food here, right?”

He nodded and sat down on the couch. “I know. We can run into town to eat or if you want to cook we can grocery shop for what we need.”

“Why here?” I took the place next to him.

“Because I know you love it here.” He pulled me closer to him. “And I also know you’re thinking about selling it and I don’t think you should.”


“Well, technically it’s your place and you can do whatever you want, but it would be nice to keep this for us.”

“Us?” I pulled back a bit. “What do you mean?”

“This could be our vacation home. Or our weekend getaway home. Whatever you want to call it, but I think you should keep it.”

I leaned on his shoulder and looked around the cabin. Memories of deadlines and late night writings filled my brain and I realized I want newer, happier ones. I picked up his hand and kissed his ring.

“I would love to have this as our getaway.”

He beams. “I love you.”

“I love you.”