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War (Wrong Book 4) by Stevie J. Cole, LP Lovell (6)



I've been in this jail for a week. A fucking week! What the hell, is Gabe going to leave me here to rot? David comes waltzing over to the bars with a breakfast sandwich. "You need to eat, mi amigo."

"Where is fucking Gabe?" I say through clenched teeth.

Shrugging, he takes a bite of the sandwich. "He said he was coming today," he says, pieces of egg falling from his full mouth. He's told me that for the past seven days. "Sure you don't want some?" He holds the sandwich out with a grin before he turns his back to me and leans against the bars, watching the small TV placed on his desk. "I love Andy Griffith," he says before cramming more of the sandwich in his mouth. "I always wanted to live in Mayberry."

"But you chose the cartel instead," I say, taking a step towards the bars.

David's a nice guy. Too nice to be in with the likes of Gabe. He's just too trusting and I hate to do this, I really do but... I quickly slip my arm through the bars, wrapping it around David's thick neck and pinning him against the rails. He drops his sandwich and struggles, clawing at my arms as I squeeze harder.

"I hate to do this, David. I really have no other choice."

His frantic movements weaken and within seconds, he's limp. I grab the keys from his belt loop, ripping them off before I release him. He falls to the floor with a thud, and I reach through the bars again, shoving key after key in the old lock until one finally clicks and the heavy door creaks open. I step over David's unconscious body and run out of the jail, because he won't be out long.

The heat envelops me when I fly out into the parking lot. I fumble with the keys, looking for anything that resembles a car key and finally find one with the Toyota logo. I glance around the parking lot, my eyes stopping on a rusted Toyota pickup, and I hurry to it, opening the door and climbing inside. The smell of stale drive-thru food hits me and I choke back a slight gag as I peel out of the lot with no idea where I am going. I sure as fuck can't go to Jésus unarmed.

When I reach the outskirts of Juarez, I stop at a small gas station to use a phone.

A bell dings when I walk inside and an old woman peeks up from behind the counter, smiling. I wave and grin as I step up to the counter. "¿Puedo usar tu teléfono?" I clear my throat. "Por favor."

She grabs an old rotary, and I dial Marney's number, swearing under my breath as I wait for the dial to come back around. "Y'ello?"

"Don't say a fucking word. Is Gabe around?" There's nothing but static on the line. "Marney? Oh for fuck's sake, just don't say my name."

"Nah, he's gone."

"I need you to come get me. And bring guns."

"Um-hmm, so I see you broke out. I told him not to do it, but ain't nobody listening to old fucking Marney..."

"Marney! Are you gonna come get me or what?" I grate into the phone, and the woman warily lifts a brow at me.

"Yeah, yeah. Where am I meeting you at?"

"I don't fucking know."

"Well, hell, boy, how the hell am I supposed to get you if you don't tell me where to meet you."

I glance out the window and see an old McDonalds with half an arch lit and blinking. I look up at the woman behind the counter. "¿Qué calle es ésta?"

"Veneza Avenue," she says.

"The McDonalds on Veneza Avenue, about twenty minutes from the jail."

"A'ight. Sit tight and hold your britches," he says and hangs up.

"Gracias," I say to the woman as I hand her back the phone before I walk off, shoving my way through the door.

I climb in David's truck and pull it around back by the dumpster just in case Gabe comes looking for me, and then I sprint across the street and wait inside McDonalds. I go through half a pack of Marlboros waiting. Every time the door opens, I tense. Finally, about an hour later, Marney pulls up in one of Gabe's Hummers. He opens the door and the second he steps out; I'm bolting through the exit and toward the car.

"I can’t believe he locked me up,” I groan as we pull onto the highway.

"'Ah, hell. I can," he says. I shoot him a glare and he shrugs. "Well, we all know you got a temper on you, and you—"


"See!" He shakes his finger at me. "Getting' all pissy right now."

"I'm trying to fucking think here. Jesus." I stare out the window at the filthy city passing by, racking my brain about what the hell to do.

"Where the hell we going?"

"Just..." I know I can't go back to Gabe's... "drive. Get out of the city."

"A'ight." Marney floors the accelerator and we drive down county road 2 until we spot a motel with a flickering light. I can't afford a mistake. I can't lose her again, and I know I can't pull a stunt like taking down Jésus with just me and Marney. I may have lost control of most things, but the one thing I do still have is money. And mercenaries are a dime a dozen in Juarez.

I just need to find a few...




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