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War (Wrong Book 4) by Stevie J. Cole, LP Lovell (23)


I’m leaned against the side of the building, staring at that truck. The bang from the gun firing sounds, and Marney leans out the window of the car. “Welp,” he chuckles, “guess that’s that.”

One shot. That was it. The noise could have easily been a car backfiring, a firework. I glance around, to see if anyone seems alarmed. The only people around are old truckers eating burgers at a raggedy picnic table to the side of the bar. They just keep shoving the food in their mouths.

I push off the building and quickly walk toward the truck, rounding the side of the trailer. As soon as I go to place my foot on the stair, the door flies open. Tor's still gripping the gun in her hand. Blood splatter is all over her chest and face. I glance behind her at the dead guy sprawled out on the massive center console, then look back at Marney and nod.

He cranks the engine and pulls off.

"You called him sugar..." I slam the door shut and take a seat in the driver's chair, staring at her as I feel around for the keys.

She crawls over the dead body and reaches in his pocket, pulling out a key fob and handing it to me. "Yeah, I was channeling Marney. Like," she says, "if Marney were a girl."

I just shake my head and crank the engine. The truck rumbles and jumps, the hood shaking. "It smells like sweaty balls in here," I mumble as I put the gear in drive.

"Yeah, because he smells like sweaty balls." She wrinkles her nose. "Can't we just kick him out in a ditch somewhere?"

"I thought maybe you'd want to hang onto sugar for a bit longer," I smirk at her.

She flips me off. "Sugar had wandering hands. A ditch is just fine for him." She starts shoving at the body, trying to push him into the back.

"If only Gabe were here," I sigh as I pull onto the highway.

She stops shoving and looks at me. "You know, you really shouldn't encourage him." She positions her back against the dashboard and places her feet on the man’s side. The hem of her skirt inches up her thighs until I can see that fucking gun strapped to her leg. Blood rushes to my dick. She grunts when she finally kicks the guy into the back part of the truck. Something about her and guns and dead bodies just does it for me. I'm a sick fuck, what can I say?

My eyes are glued to that holster on her thigh and I forget to shift gears. The truck lurches, slamming Tor back against the dashboard. She glares at me as I shove it into 3rd.

"Honey, if you could keep your eyes on the road, that'd be great," she smirks, making a slow show of removing the gun from the holster and putting it on the dashboard.

"Stop showing me your shit, and it won't be a problem," I grumble.

She crawls across to the passenger seat on her knees with her ass on show. The tires bump over the shoulder as the truck veers from the road, and she plops down with a scowl as she yanks the dress down and sits.

I drive about ten miles down the road before I pull off to the side. I glance at the back floorboard and groan. "Fuck, just had to go shoving him in the back." He's a fat fuck and hoisting his ass back into the front to shove him out is going to be a pain in the ass.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sure if we get pulled over they'll excuse the dead guy just chilling out on the center console."

"Well," I shrug, "you want the arms or legs?" I grin.

She folds her arms over her chest. "No. I am not hauling a dead body out of this truck, Jude."

"Oh yes you are. You can't start something you won't finish, doll. You should know that." I wink at her as I climb into the bunk part of the truck.

"You know, I'm starting to feel like this relationship is really one sided. ‘Seduce the fat man, Tor. Kill the guy, Tor. Haul a fucking body around, Tor.’ "

"I didn't ask you to seduce him or kill him, if you remember, I was actually fucking against it. That's on you. Now get your ass back here and grab his legs."

She turns in the seat to face me. "Fine, but the next time someone needs luring to their death, it's on you. Have fun with that. I hear a lot of the gang bangers are partial to the pretty ones, what with all their prison time."

I shake my head at her. "Now you're just being ridiculous." I bend over and grab his arms, pulling and she's still just fucking sitting there. "Tor!" I shout.

"I'm not dressed for this shit, Jude." She grabs those godawful hooker shoes and yanks them off, throwing them onto the floorboard.

Dropping his arms, I slam my palm over my face on a groan. "You're working my nerves, woman. You really are."

She rolls her eyes and climbs into the back, cursing and bitching under her breath.

"Ready," I grab his wrists again and she takes hold of his ankles.

She glares at me as we lift. I shuffle my way over the console, dragging his body because she's not doing much of shit to help. I'm about to reach for the handle when I hear a long, wet bubbling sound. Tor's eyes widen and she drops his legs, backing across the truck until she's against the bunk, gagging.

"He only just died!" she cries. "How can he smell like death already?" She gags again.

"Trucker diet," I say, laughing. "He may have shit himself, watch it when you grab his legs again." I smile so fucking wide.

"Nope. That's it." She tosses herself onto the front seat faster than I've ever seen her move. Throwing the door open, she practically falls out of the truck, coughing and dry heaving on the side of the road.

"And you call yourself a criminal," I shout out the open door as I manage to drag the fucker's body over to the seat.

"Jude, I was a doctor. I have seen plenty of people shit themselves, but that is just not fucking right. That man was unwell."

I glance around the man's body and out the door at her. "Would you get out of the fucking way, I'm about to drop his ass." She backs up, wiping tears from her eyes, and still gagging. I give him one final shove and he lands face first on the desert ground with a thud. "Get back in the truck."

She glares at me as she grabs onto the handle and hoists herself up the stairs, casting one last disgusted glance at the dead man. Her dress rides back up her damn thighs, underwear on full display. Grumbling, I pull my shirt over my head. She lifts a brow as she shuts the door and climbs over my lap to the seat.

"Dead bodies really do it for you?" She wrinkles her nose, but her eyes fix on my chest.

"No." I shove my shirt over her head and tug it down. "Cover your shit up."

She lifts the shirt and sniffs it. "This smells of dead man's shit and your sweat, Jude."

"I don't give a shit what it smells like, I don't want anyone else seeing your ass."

A small smirk pulls at her lips. "Not even you?"

"There is a dead body beside the truck, Tor, don't tempt me..."

"Okay, fine." She sits back in the passenger seat. "Shouldn't we check that we have the money before we go?"

"Again, Tor, there is a dead man in the sand outside the door of the truck." I shove the gear into drive and pull off as she huffs.

Once we reach El Paso, I pull over at an abandoned gas station where another 18-wheeler is waiting for us. Tor glances at me. "So, I guess we have to move whatever is in the back of this truck into that one?" She rolls her eyes. "Great. More lifting."

"Stop your bitching." I shove the door open and hop out, eyeing the idle truck. The door to the cab swings open and a man in a black suit slowly lowers himself to the ground. He approaches us and stops a few feet away. My eyes fall to his pointed alligator shoes.

"I am Gustavo." His brow wrinkles as he stares at my bare chest. "Do you need a shirt?"

"I'm fine."

He shrugs and heads toward the back of the truck.

"I half expected to him to be wearing a mask or something," Tor mumbles.

He snaps his fingers and I bristle. He takes some tool from his pocket and, with one swift movement, pops the trailer open. The doors groan as they slowly part. I step around the metal door and a waft of cold air hits me, a fine mist rolling out into the desert heat. Gustavo hoist himself up into the back of the truck.

"What the fuck is this?" I ask, peering in at stacks of frozen...sharks.

Tor peers around me. "Oh my god. I killed the wrong guy."

I'm confused as shit right now. "That's fucking sharks..." I say, pointing at the load of carcasses.

"Yes, very good, gringo. Sharks." He laughs as he walks up and down the row of fish. He stops and pulls a knife from his pocket, jabbing the blade into one of the shark’s abdomen and cutting a clean line down it before he shoves his hand inside.

"Oh, that's gross," Tor says.

"Really? That is gross?" I whisper.

"He just went elbow deep inside a shark. No one should be elbow deep in anything dead or alive."

Gustavo pulls out a plastic bag full of money. "Si, sharks." He grins wide as he heads back to the exit and hops down. He tosses the bag to me and I catch it. It's cold and slimy. Tor snarls her lips at it.

Gustavo makes his way back toward his truck and snaps his fingers. The doors to that truck fly open and several men file out. They don't say a word as they pass us by. They simply climb into the truck and start unloading the shipment, carting the sharks over to the back of the other truck.

"You know, since we stole this money, surely we should keep it?" Tor whispers to me, her eyes dropping to the gut covered bag in my hand.

I drag a palm down my face and shake my head. "Who are you?"

"Look, I didn't see Gabe having his tits groped for this shit." I look at her and she shrugs one shoulder. "Finders keepers and all that."

"Jesus, woman. Jésus' Hummer's yours. Now, this money."

She's silent for a moment. "I mean, I had to kill for that Hummer, and the money, so..."

"Wow, and here I thought I ruined your innocent ass..."

"You know, sometimes you really disappoint me," she says. All I can do is stare at her.

Gravel crunches behind us and I turn around to see Marney pull into the lot. He hangs his head out the window and grins. "You two love birds need a ride?"

Tor snatches the bag from my hand and walks off, climbing into the passenger side of Marney’s car.

Marney scowls at me as I walk toward the car. "Why ain't you got no shirt on, boy?"

"Did you see what she was wearing?" I ask as I yank the door open. "Ass on full fucking display!"

"No need to be so damn grumpy, Romeo," he chuckles.

"No chance of that," Tor mumbles.

I settle into the backseat and light a cigarette. Marney pulls off and I stare out the window. How much money did we just take? How much of a hit will that be for the Sinaloa? How fucking long, how many raids will it take until we can overthrow them and make Ronan happy?

How much longer until my little girl is out of danger? Danger from the f Russian and the danger being related to me causes...




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