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Warning: The Complete Series by Justice, A.D. (8)




“Mr. Marchetti, this was delivered for you earlier.” The front desk security guard produced my small suitcase from behind the counter.

“Thank you.” I grabbed the handle on my way past and keep walking toward the elevator.

I didn’t miss the knowing smirk on Jillian’s face. She knew the kiss served two purposes—I was glad to see her, but it was also meant to demonstrate I knew what the bastard was up to. Since I knew how he normally operated, I expected that pathetic attempt wouldn’t be his last.

Fucking Lorenzo.

He showed me just how close he can get to Jillian, even with me standing directly in front of her. His arm was extended over her head. A flick of his wrist later, she could’ve been killed. He caught her totally unaware, and even after we left, she didn’t realize how close of a brush with death she’d just had. Lorenzo tested the amount of discipline and self-control I had, because I wanted to level my 9mm squarely between his eyes more than I wanted my next breath.

The distrust he tried to create between Jillian and me only pissed me off even more. Her confused reaction after his pathetic move wasn’t an act—she wore her feelings on her sleeve way too much. She thought I kissed her only to mark my territory, warning her boss that she was already taken. But that wasn’t my reason, and Lorenzo knew it.

When she surrendered to me in front of him, she declared her allegiance to the Marchetti family. She announced her loyalty to me. With a heated public kiss, we warned Lorenzo not to attempt to come between us. If he had any doubts before, he knew she was mine afterward—in every sense of the claim.

The elevator doors opened, and we walked to her apartment.

“You are completely lost in thought. Have you heard anything I said?” Jillian put her hand on her hip and tilted her head at me, daring me to lie.

So I smiled and watched how her expression immediately softened. “I’m sorry, doll. I was just thinking about a couple of things I need to talk to my dad about—business stuff. I don’t want to do it while we’re having dinner with everyone, but I also don’t want to give up any of my time alone with you.”

I took the keys from her hand and unlocked her door, entering first as a precaution. That act was a Marchetti-man expectation, instilled in us from birth.

“Talk to your dad while I soak in the tub. I’ll have dinner delivered so we’ll have the entire night to ourselves.” She dropped her purse on the entry table and kicked off her shoes.

“I don’t know how you expect me to get any business done with visions of you all wet, naked, and alone in the tub.” I soaked in her form, starting from her bare feet and making my way up to meet her gaze.

“We all have our burdens to bear, don’t we?” Her sassy Louisiana accent matched the smile plastered across her beautiful face. “Actually, I use my tub-soaking time to call my mom. She likes to hear about my work, especially when I’m traveling. Picturing me talking to my mom should help while you finish your business with your dad.”

“Now I have no choice but to create new visions of you naked in the tub. No offense to your mom, but I can’t have that visual in my head for long.” My expression was purposely blank to match my deadpan reply. My empty countenance only seemed to amuse her more, and within seconds, she was unable to hide her laughter.

She was so different from everyone else in my life. Naïve to the danger surrounding her. She wasn’t jaded like I was—suspicious of everyone and every move they made, always looking for the ulterior motive that may give them the upper hand over me. She trusted me with her life—literally. She had no idea a cutthroat assassin roamed freely in her home, slept next to her in bed, and thoroughly satisfied her body. She didn’t look at me with fear in her eyes. She didn’t jump at my commands because she knew any sign of disrespect would be the last thing she ever did.

The hunger, respect, and affection her eyes held were for Damon, the man. Not Damon, the mafia capo. Not the ruthless killer. Not the son of the Marchetti Family Boss and nephew of the Underboss. Not the man groomed to take over once the Boss relinquished control. When she looked at me, I felt the difference to the point I craved it. In a city of over eight million people, she was the only one who saw past my steel outer shell.

“When we finish our phone calls, you just tell me how I can correct those visions for you. Maybe you can even join me so I can have my own fantasies about you.”

“That fucking mouth.” I shook my head at her antics, but the heat in the room rose ten degrees without warning.

“My mouth? It’s all yours…don’t take too long.”

She walked toward the bathroom, her hips swaying with as much deadly intent and purpose as if she’d drawn a gun on me…only her movements had a very different meaning and created a very different reaction. But business had to be handled before I joined her. After I heard the water running and the soft murmur of her voice greeting her mother, I walked into the kitchen and called my father’s cell.

I explained the situation with Lorenzo and how I’d established my claim on Jillian in front of him. “It’s time to tell her and give her the option to stay or leave, Dad. She’s been loyal to me. I have no reason to believe she won’t continue to be.”


“Pardon?” I was sure he’d misunderstood me, but I knew better than to outright argue with him.

“Not until your mother meets and approves of her. If she gives her blessing, then you can tell Jillian. If not, then you can sever ties, and she’ll be none the wiser.”

“Understood. But what if she’s in danger from Lorenzo? He would’ve taken her public display of affection as a pledge to our family.”

“Not if she’s working for him.”

“Do you know something I don’t know?” I’d considered that possibility at one time, but I had since dismissed it. Had I missed something?

“I know your mother hasn’t approved of her yet. Bring her tomorrow. We’ll know soon enough.”

“Yes, sir.”

We chatted for a few minutes longer about other business matters, but the conversation never returned to Jillian. My dad’s elusive answers were intentional but not dismissive—if she were hiding anything, he’d find it. For him to insist she meet Mama, I knew he wasn’t overly concerned with anything related to Jillian. We hung up, and I walked to her bedroom, my steps purposely silent as I approached her bathroom door.

The sound of her sweet giggles mixed with splashes of water caught my attention. The suspicious man in me said to eavesdrop, see if it was really her mother on the line. When I heard her describe me—my handsome face, sexy body, masculine air, and protective nature—a twinge of a feeling I hadn’t felt in a long time bubbled to the surface. Guilt for doubting her squeezed my chest. I hung my head and absorbed the affection in her tone—affection for the man she thought I was.

“Mom, I really want you to meet him. Damon isn’t like any man I’ve ever met in Abita Springs. Our little town of twenty-five-hundred people wouldn’t know how to act around a man who’s so dominant, refined, and doting all at the same time. Hopefully, I can convince him to make the trip down there. I’ve already suggested he should come to Mardi Gras with me, so we’ll see. Keep your fingers crossed.”

I rested my forehead against the door and closed my eyes, listening to her every word. My purpose was no longer to eavesdrop out of suspicion. No, I was listening out of admiration and fondness at that point. Her tone and inflection carried her love for her mother through the air, wrapping me in its natural warmth. Her Louisiana twang was more pronounced when speaking to her mother, and I couldn’t help but smile to myself because of it.

A few minutes later, she promised to call back again the next day and disconnected after sending her love. The sound of water pouring from the tub faucet masked any other noise from inside the room. From her promise earlier, I presumed she was reheating the water for me to join her. Before she called my cell and caught me hovering outside the door, I rapped on it with my knuckles a couple of times before entering.

She flashed a seductive smile over her shoulder. “You’re just in time, Mr. Marchetti.”

My clothes dissolved into a pile on the floor in an instant. Jillian wet, naked, and waiting for me in the tub was all I needed to go from zero to full mast in under a second. I jumped into the tub, sending water sloshing over the sides, and caged her underneath me. Her bubble-bath-slicked skin was my siren call, one I was compelled to answer. She welcomed me without hesitation, without question. I swept my tongue across her lower lip, and she invited me in. My tongue slid against hers, devouring her sweetness and demanding more.

With a swipe of my knee, her legs parted, welcoming me to take my place between them. My engorged cock slid against the sensitive skin of her nether lips. I felt the heat from her pussy over and above the hot water surrounding us. The fiery desire in her eyes burned through me, and my relentless self-control disappeared. Only she could so easily disarm me, distract me, and consume my thoughts.

She thought I’d stand out in a town of twenty-five hundred.

But she stood out in a city of eight million.

She bent her knees, and I took full advantage of having unimpeded access to her sex. With a swift thrust, I buried myself inside her until my balls slapped against her ass. Her cries of pleasure mixed with my carnal grunt. Her velvety inner muscles squeezed around me as I slid in and out of her. Moans and screams filled the room so loudly I was surprised the neighbors weren’t complaining. The pressure increased with every forward surge, and before long I had to grit my teeth to prolong the inevitable.

When her nails scored the skin on my back, I surrendered my control and melted into my own release. My lips immediately sought hers, instantly connecting on a deeper level when our mouths fused together. Drawing in a deep breath, I moved my lips along her cheek to her neck, leaving a trail of soft kisses on her heated skin.

Then I froze when reality hit me squarely between the fucking eyes. “Fuck, Jillian. I’m sorry, doll.” I scraped my hand over my face, disbelief of what I’d done washing over me.

“What do you mean? Sorry for what?” Her trusting eyes implored me to explain.

“I walked in…you were wet and naked… I jumped into the tub without even thinking about protection. You’re welcome to see my medical records—there’s nothing to worry about. You can bet your sweet ass I’ve never made this mistake before. Losing control seems to be a recurring problem when I’m around you.”

The flash of concern that passed over her features quickly vanished, but it was there nonetheless. “I’ll offer the same to you, Damon. You’re welcome to look at any of my medical records—I’m completely clean. In fact, my yearly exam results are saved in my phone. I have nothing to hide.”

She couldn’t fake the sincerity in her voice. Or the adoration in her eyes. Or the even tempo of her heartbeat. What could I say? I was a romantic, suspicious bastard. I watched her breathing and heart rate when she spoke, always looking for any sign of deception. Another first for me—I hadn’t caught her in any sort of lie. Either she was especially good at lying, or she was the most honest person I’d ever met.