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Xavier FINAL (Men of Steel #4) by MJ Fields (7)


Princess Me


I looked at the clock and it was seven. Time flies when you’re having fun. Fun. How is it that I’m actually enjoying this?

“You remind me of my brothers.”

“Yeah you mentioned that.” His lips curled up. “So tell me about them.”

“Kaen, and Keller, are two years older than me. And Grady is two years younger.”

“That’s all I get? No deets?”

“Kaen and Keller are twins, they work for themselves. Grady worked for them but quit and went to college. Criminal justice major.”

“Your parents, was I right? Old money, Mom stays home?”

“Not at all. Dad’s worked for Boston PD for years. He should have retired by now but he’s stubborn. My Mom did stay home until Grady went to school. Then she worked at a local florist, so yes, she makes dinner and we often have fresh cut flowers on the table. Blue collar family, I’m not a princess.”

“That’s cool. Hard working family, nothing wrong with that.” He pulled into a dark alley between two buildings.

“Should I be afraid?” I laughed when he put the SUV into park and turned off the engine.

“What do you think I’m gonna do?”

“I don’t know kidnap me?” I laughed and unbuckled.

“I wouldn’t call it kidnapping, I prefer artistic adoption.”

I laughed and got out of the vehicle.

I followed him to the back door of the building and he punched in a code and held the door open, “After you.”

“Do you know the owners?” I looked back as he kicked off the snow from his work boots.

“Yes, the Steel family.” He laughed as he walked by me and headed to the fridge. “I think you know the youngest, and hottest I might add.”

“And the one who’s the most humble,” a guy with pierced brows and a nose ring walked up and gave him a guy hug. You know the pat on the back and the shoulders tap.

“Ricco this is Taelyn. Taelyn this is Ricco. He’s one of the managers here.”

“Nice to meet you,” Ricco waved and grabbed a soda out of the fridge.

Xavier opened the freezer and pulled out a dish and groaned, “Thank God.”

“Hey that’s gold around here you know.” Ricco joked.

“Good thing you’re here tonight then. We might share it with you.” He held up the dish. “Momma Joe’s lasagna.”

“Josephina Steel?” I asked.

“Best cook in the world,” Ricco smiled. “Let me know when it’s done. I’ll be out front if you need me.”

He walked out and Xavier removed the wrapping and popped the dish in the microwave.

“Your mom cooks for all of your employees?”

“Yeah. She and my brothers took off for Italy after Thanksgiving. I stayed as long as I could. Felt like I was dying over there.” He pulled out a chair. “Have a seat.”


I smiled and looked around. “Before the hurricane this was a restaurant. Italian of course. My father and mother bought it when he retired from the Navy. We set up roots my sophomore year. Never stayed in one place long and honestly it never bothered me. Three brothers and two of the best parents in the world.” He stopped and looked around. I thought I saw something different in his eyes and then he chuckled. “Anyway, Dad died and the building was destroyed. We’re a blue collar family too. We would have lost everything if Momma hadn’t turned this place into a tattoo shop. We all worked here together. Busted our ass and built up a name. Never got rich but we lived well you know.”

“I’m sorry about your father.” I reached over and held his hand.

He looked down and then rubbed his thumb across the back of mine and then sat back in his chair and linked his hands behind his neck.

“As I was saying, we never had a lot but we had enough. Lots of shit happened, bad shit, but we survived. My parents met in Italy when he was stationed there. Insta-love. Her family was very wealthy and forbid her to marry him but she didn’t care. She walked away from it all for my Dad. Her family disowned her. No matter how tough things got Dad would never even think about asking for her families’ help. Never. When my Momma Joe’s Mom died we inherited a fuck load of money, and a business. Momma said no, Jase and Cyrus persuaded her otherwise. I took off for a year and traveled Europe on my own dime. I never wanted all that. I wanted this. I wanted to work, be creative, and make it on my own. I know Dad wouldn’t be pissed but I can’t say he wouldn’t be disappointed. I didn’t want to be part of that disappointment.”

He was looking at the ceiling and seemed lost in thought. Then he sat forward.

“We hid it from the world. No one connected a bunch of tattooed, pierced, fuck ups to Steel Incorporated. We all did shifts here still. Ricco and Kat, the managers knew, but they’re like family so it was cool. Then some stupid fucking picture goes viral and we are all over the news. No connections to Steel, yet, but there are reporters that hang out here waiting for a glimpse at us.”

“Why? I don’t get it.”

“Cause we are hot, tattooed bad boys Taelyn. Eligible bachelors. It’s fucking stupid but we all took off to put distance between us and the media circus. Momma is so hell bent that I’m gonna get my heart broken by some money grubbing female if that connection is made that she almost forbid me to come back. Crazy fucked up shit isn’t it?” He laughed.

“No, that’s what family does. I think its sweet she is worried about your heart.”

He stood up and pulled the pan out of the microwave using his sleeves as pot holders.

“Not sweet. She’s cock blocking me. Telling me to be careful. I swear to you I can’t do the shit I used to and that kills me. I just wanna go out and drink and dance and fuck you know?” He turned around and handed me a plate of lasagna.

I took the plate. “Thanks. Xavier that’s not what you want. You said the other day that you wanted to find the people who use those escapes and help them achieve their dreams and goals.”

He laughed. “Yeah, if their life sucks but mine doesn’t.” He sat down and took a bite. “Fuck me. This shit almost gets me hard. Stop pushing it around and take a bite. I swear you’ll be sneaking in here to raid the freezer too.”

The door opened. “What the hell man did you forget me?”

“Ricco stop being a bitch, your plate’s on the counter.”

They talked shop and ate like, well, like my brothers.

Ricco looked over at me, “You have any ink?”

“No none.”

“A virgin man, we should do her together.” He laughed.

I looked at Xavier. His expression was blank and then he looked at me and laughed. “You want that?”

“No, I’m good.”

“Come on girl. How about a piercing? We could do that too.”

“No honest to God I’m all…”

“She said no man, back off.” Xavier looked at Ricco and Ricco looked back at him. Both staring each other down.

Then Ricco laughed. “Dude, you drank the water in Italy.”

“Fuck off Ricco.” Xavier laughed and stood up.

“No you seriously drank it didn’t you?”

“Don’t you have a tit to pierce or something?” Xavier shoved him and took his plate.

“Yeah I’m sure I do man. Nice to meet you Taelyn. I’m sure I’ll see you around.” Ricco waved over his shoulder as he walked out.

Xavier took my plate. “You want more?”

“No. Thanks though, that was amazing.” I stood and walked to the sink and grabbed some cleanup wipes and then wiped down the table. “Thanks for bringing me here. I have a totally different perspective on you now.”

“Enlightening huh?” He threw the left over pieces on a plate and covered them and put them back in the refrigerator.


He rolled his neck stretching it and the muscles in it bulged a little. He opened his eyes and looked at me. I smiled at him. He didn’t return the smile and looked away.

“I didn’t bring you here for all that shit. I forgot to bring in the real reason I came. I’ll be right back.”

He walked outside and was gone for just a minute, when he returned he smiled briefly. “Come on out front. I’ll show you around.”

We walked down a hallway with three doors on each side. He opened the one with an X on it.

“This is my space. Where I ink and pierce people.”

“You miss it?”

“Yeah I do. There’s a lot of cool people who come in and out of these doors. I’ve met a lot of chicks here.”

“Hook up central?” I laughed.

“It happens you know. Some broad walks in and pulls up her shirt, the next thing you know you’re helping her tits get hard so you can pierce them. Then the next thing you know they’re bent over your table taking your cock in their wet…”

“Alright I’ve heard enough,” I laughed.

“No you haven’t. I fuck a lot of women Taelyn. A lot of women.”

I patted his back, “Good job. That’s quite an accomplishment.”

He glared at me and then, “They want it just as bad, sometimes more than I do.”

I was confused as to why he was being so, crude. It was like he was trying to make me angry. The thing is it wasn’t.

“Okay.” I looked at him and he was still holding a box. “What’s in the box?”

He looked down. “The reason for this trip. Cards, flyers, things for Ricco to hand out to some of the clients here that may be interested in working with me.”

“Great idea.” I smiled and reached for the box. “Can I see?”

He set it on the table and opened it.

“I’ll be back, I’m gonna give Ricco the list of people I want him to share this with.”

He walked out and I looked at the cards. The design was amazing. The logo was beautiful. The “O” in forever looked like a clover, but not really.

I walked down the hall and I heard Xavier’s growl. “Back off. None of your fucking business Ricco.”

“Nothing wrong with it.” Ricco laughed. “Your brothers acted the same...”

“I’m not a fucking sell out. I know who I am. I’m Xavier fucking Steel. No different than I was before the hurricane man. Stop your shit talk or you can walk.”

“You fucking kidding me man?” Ricco laughed.

I cleared my throat and held up the card. “Maybe the Irish in me but this O almost looks like a clover.”

Ricco started rolling and Xavier stormed over to me and took the card. “You’re fucking crazy. Ricco I’m out, meet me at the bar when you lock up. I need to get fucking laid tonight.”

I felt my purse vibrate and pulled my phone out.

“Daniel.” I whispered.

“Dr. …”

“Yes.” I nudged him. “He said he’d see me tomorrow.” I held up the phone so he could see the picture of Daniel.

“Jewish?” Xavier asked as he rushed me out the door.

“Yes why?”

“You Catholic?”

“I’m Irish, of course I’m catholic.” He opened the SUV door for me and I got in.

“It’ll never work out.” He slammed the door and I laughed.

He walked back in the building and was gone for a couple minutes before he returned.

“I’ll take you home.”

“Two and a half more hours of work Mr. Steel.” I reminded him.

“I’m going to the bar. I’m gonna get loaded and I’m gonna go home and fuck the luckiest girl in that place until she can’t speak. Then I’m gonna fuck her again.”

I laughed. “Good, I wanna go so I can tell you why she’d be all wrong for you.”

“Why would you want to do that? You’re going to get laid tomorrow. We’ve been working late every night this week and I need to get laid. You’re killing my game Taelyn.”

“Oh come on, it’ll be fun. I go out with my brothers sometimes. I’ve even given them thumbs up and thumbs down signals based on the vibe I’m getting. I can help you out.”

He laughed a dark malicious laugh.

“Your Mom did hire me to keep you …”

“Fine. Fine. I can have James come get you at midnight.”



We walked into a packed club and he grabbed my hand, “Stay close. Its ladies night, all the freaks are out.”

“I’ve never been here before. The music’s good.”

“Average,” He leaned in and yelled over the crowd. “Just a DJ. There are cooler places to go. Next week we’ll check some out.”

“Sounds good. You feeling alright? You seem tense.”

“Just ready for the weekend that’s all.”

“Am I that hard to deal with?” I joked.

“Huge pain in the ass.” He squeezed my hand and only then did I realize he was still holding it. I gave it a tug. “Um Xavier?”

“Just till we get through the crowd to the bar. Wouldn’t want you to get lost or hurt while you’re still on the clock.”

He pulled me behind him and grabbed my other hand and pulled me tight against him as he plowed through the people. Once at the bar he turned around, letting go of one hand. Someone bumped into me and pushed me into him.

“Watch it asshole!” He said as he pulled me against him and looked down as I was looking up. “You alright?”

I nodded. We were crammed against each other and it seemed a little weird. A little, but not completely.

He turned us and pushed me back. “Have a seat.”

I turned towards the bar and he set both hands on opposite sides of me caging me as he leaned over. “Two shots of tequila, a Johnny Walker on the rocks, double and?” He looked at me waiting for my reply.

“Vodka and cranberry please.” I yelled to the bartender.

“Keep a tab Tom?”

“Sure thing.” The bartender walked away.

“I don’t like tequila.” I yelled back to him.

“You’ll need it.”

“Why?” I laughed.

“’Cause I’m gonna make you dance in about ten minutes.”


Three shots and two drinks later and he was dragging me onto the dance floor and I was laughing.

“I have pumps on!”

“Say it again.” He bit his lower lip.


“Yeah say it.” He chuckled as he pulled me against him.

“Pumps.” I laughed.

“You’re fucking loaded Patrick.”

“I’m Irish. I can handle my alcohol.” I put my hands on his shoulders.

“Irish, you better move your hands a little lower or you’re gonna be in trouble.” He smirked.


“Hold, fast remember? I’m buzzing hard and my hands normally would’ve been hoisting your ass up by now. Fair warning.”

I laughed and moved them down.

“Much better. You were about to be impaled on the dance floor.”

“You wouldn’t dare do that in public.”

“I could carry your ass out of here so fast your head would spin.”

“You are so cute Xavier.” I poked his chest.


“Uh huh, like a little puppy dog.”

“‘Irish’ you wouldn’t say things like that.”

“‘Irish’ you’d take it as a compliment. I like you Xavier Steel.”

He smiled at me. “How much do you like me?”

“Right now a lot. But I’m a little tipsy. ‘Irish’ this room would stop spinning and ‘Irish’ that guy didn’t look so much like Daniel.”

He looked over.

“I think that is Harvey. We should go say hello.”

“He’s not here! Not until tomorrow.”

“Let’s go find out. You won’t try to take advantage of the guy if he’s not just because you’re drunk and he looks like your guy would you?”

“You never know. I don’t drink a lot because I tend to get…”

“‘Irish’ you wouldn’t finish that sentence Taelyn or I may not be able to control what I do to you.”

We danced closer to the Daniel look alike. “It’s Daniel. It’s really him Xavier.

“Go get your guy.”

I walked up to him and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned and nearly choked on his drink.

“What are you doing here?” We both asked at the same time.

“Are you drunk?” He gasped.

“Maybe a wee bit.” I leaned in and kissed him.

“Taelyn, public display?”

“So?” I laughed and wrapped my arms around him tight. “I missed you.”

He patted my back. “I missed you too. That’s why I came. I was waiting until after you were out of work. I hoped to surprise you.”

“You did Daniel. You really did?” I felt like I was going to cry.

He pulled me away from him. “Now would you care to share with me what you’re doing at a bar without me?”

“I’m working. My boss Xavier,” I turned and saw Xavier dancing with a brunette. He was looking at me and I waved. He didn’t wave back. What he did was kiss the girl he was dancing with. His eyes were wide open watching me and Daniel as his hands moved down her body. I watched her put her hands on his obliques and he pulled away from her kiss. He smiled and waved. I looked at Daniel and he waved back.

He finally closed his eyes and kissed the girl hard on the mouth. Her hands moved up to that spot that he warned me about and I watched as his hands traveled down to her ass. He lifted her up and I watched him walk out the emergency exit to what I assume was an alley.

I looked at Daniel. “You wanna get out of here?”

He was staring at the door Xavier had just exited. “No. I think I’d like to meet your boss first.”












Hung over- X


I went into the office to meet Gabe, and I was hung over as fuck.

“Late night?” He laughed.

“No, but scotch and tequila don’t mix well.”

“No really?”

“Nope. So walls go up next week?”

“They do. You have any equipment yet?”

“Nah, I’m waiting on a guy. He says he can get me some decent boards and recording equipment for a good price. I just need to give him a week or so. It’s all moving along though.”

“Second hand equipment? Not the newest on the market?”

“No. I have a budget man. I wanna be smart about this. No money coming in yet so I sure as hell don’t want to spend any more than I have to.”

“X, look around, you have money now. Why not use it?”

“That’s Steel money, not Xavier money.”

“You’re a Steel man,” he patted my shoulder and laughed.

“I am. I know where I came from too. I’ll make my own way.”

“You think your brothers didn’t?”

“I didn’t say that. Jase went to school for business. Cyrus did the Navy thing. Zandor, well he found his way. I’m finding mine. It’s hard enough letting them pick up the tab here. Doesn’t seem right.”

“Life is good man, enjoy it.” Gabe nodded and walked away.

The elevator doors opened from behind me and Abe walked out as he was sending a text.

“Welcome to the real world. What brings you down to hell man?”

“Just checking in and bringing you Miss Patrick’s pay check.” He handed me an envelope.

“Cool. I want receipts for all the money Steel puts into this so that when we fly I can pay it back.”

“Unnecessary but that’s fine.” Abe looked around. “You’re sure about this? You want to be down here X, it’s dark and damp and…”

There was a loud crashing sound and then a gust of cold air blew from the new hole in the building.

I laughed, “Not dark anymore.”

“And then there was light.” Abe chuckled.

“It’s gonna be cool. You wait.”

“I don’t doubt it. It’s also gonna be cold as hell down here.”

“I think I’ll live. You go back up to your nice cushy office and I will call you when it’s warm enough for you to come back.”

“Will Miss Patrick be too cold?”

I huffed, “I doubt it. She’s with the Harvard boy. Apparently he decided to surprise her by coming into town last night instead of tonight. Saw him at a bar last night.”

“You and she were at a bar?”

“Work stuff Abe, chill out.”

“You trying to bang her?”

“No. I don’t fuck around with chicks who aren’t interested.”

“But you’re being careful of who you bed?”

I thought about last night and the chick in the alley. “I’m fine man.”

“Just be careful.”

I reached in my pocket and pulled out a cock sock, “Never leave home without it.”


The wall went up fast. A little over half way up it was brick and then a huge window letting in much needed light. I decided to go get something to eat and stop by the home improvement store.

I sat alone in the restaurant just a few blocks away from Steel. I was dog ass tired and it was only noon. I grabbed my phone and sent a text to Taelyn telling her to take the day off. She should spend it with her guy and that it was cold at the office. She didn’t reply.

I have no clue why it pissed me off that she was probably in bed with that douche but it did. I needed to put some distance between her and I. Two weeks straight of spending more time than necessary wasn’t cool, not at all. I never hung out with chicks. Never talked about my life, past or future with them and I needed to nip that shit in the bud.

It needed to be more professional, but I didn’t want that type of atmosphere for Forever Four either. Forever Four, what the fuck was I thinking when I sketched the logo? She saw it. I hadn’t even recognized it but she fucking saw it.

I had no clue what I was gonna do because she was creeping in. I was kissing a girl last night while I looked at her. I wanted it to be her. I wanted her to get jealous, fucking jealous, like I was that she was hanging on that fucktard!

‘You drank the water,’ Ricco had laughed at me. It was funny shit too, unless it’s your dumb ass self being sucked in by the girl. And the most fucked up part of this was if I wanted to see where it led I couldn’t. Why? Because she was with Harvey, Dr. Douche, fucking Daniel.

My phone rang in my pocket and I was hoping it was her. It wasn’t, it was Gabe Falcon.

“What’s up Falcon?”

“Don’t plan on coming back. The fucking window fell and smashed all over the fucking place. Because SOME IDIOT wasn’t paying attention to FUCKING detail!”

I laughed knowing some poor son of a bitch was in trouble.

“Not funny X. It’ll be three business days before another one comes in, it’s Friday and its fucking cold. We can still work in this shit but your, lady friend, probably won’t fair well.”

“Lady Friend?”

“Oh that’s right she’s an employee right.”


“Man you need to get laid.”

“Did last night.”

“Maybe you where plugged into the wrong hole.”


“Yeah man?”

“Go fuck yourself. Have a good weekend. And don’t call, send me a text.”

I hung up and thumbed through my messages. Angel had sent one. Good she’d be tonight’s lay.

There was another from Ricco.

-Jessie G is playing in the city. Just left with a new piece. I think you should check him out. Meet me at eleven if you want. He’s one hell of a guitarist.

Perfect, I could bang Angel, then go out and call it work. Maybe pick up something else while I’m there to fuck. I’d find the right hole to plug into tonight to wipe the thought of Taelyn right out of my head.

I messaged Ricco back

-Sounds perfect

I dialed Taelyn to let her know what’s up. She and I would meet in the office on Monday.


The fuck answered her phone.

“Taelyn around?”

“Who is this?”

“Xavier Steel.”

“She’s in the shower. Can I give her a message?”

“This Daniel?”

“Yes, who else would it be?”

“No idea. Let her know she doesn’t have to work tonight. And that on Monday we’ll meet at the office.”

“I will tell her. I’ll be joining my fiancée in the shower in a couple minutes.”

“Good for you man.”

“You know she’s not some whore you bang in the alley.”

“Why is that any of my concern?”

“I was wondering the same thing. Then she laughed at me when I asked her if you hit on her.”

“Makes no sense but I’ll humor you. When did I hit on her?”

“Watch yourself man.”

“Are you for real? That girl loves you right?”

“Sure does. Takes care of me very nicely too.”

“Great. I don’t need to fuck a girl who is already fucking someone else. There is plenty of pussy out there.”

“But you have to be careful about who you choose. That’s what Taelyn said in her drunken stupor last night. So if that’s a way of leading her into considering an affair with you, I’m gonna tell you, back off or you’ll be sorry.”

“We all have to be careful Daniel. But I can assure you I’m not into planning who and when I fuck. And I’m certainly not into backing off if some stupid mother fucker tries to challenge me at something. You want to do that Daniel? Make this a game? Or do you want to listen to the fact that I am not into trying to bang some guy’s bitch!”

“Not a challenge or a threat Steel. I’m telling you she is mine, step back.”

“Don’t you have a shower to take man?” This guy was a fucking tool.

“Yes. When I’m in her who do you think she’ll be thinking of?”

“No idea man but if you’re doing it right it’ll be you she’s thinking about.”

“Don’t you worry about how I do it.”

Game on mother fucker.

“When you get in the shower do me a favor. Turn her around facing the wall. Bend her over and see if you think that little cluster of freckles on her right inner thigh is shaped like an X. If it is give it a lick for me. Don’t stop there either. I bet she tastes good. Keep moving up and try it out. Then text me the details…”

“You mother…”

“Nice chat douche.”

I hung up the phone. Fuck him! And fuck her. Why was she telling him my business? What the fuck!

I walked across the street and ordered a drink. One turned into two, two turned into three, and three turned into more, many more.

I ended up returning Angel’s text. She came to the bar, had a drink and she drove my vehicle to Cyrus’s place.

I didn’t like the way things went down with Angel. She was asking where I had been hiding all week. I explained to her that I was busy. Never had to before and never would again. That hook up was done after tonight.

I finger fucked her hot little cunt all the way there. I needed to get laid. Not just get laid I needed to fuck the life out of someone so I could shut this shit in my head off.

I fucked her mouth first, then her pussy. And I fucked it again. She was passed out when I got out of the shower. So I had accomplished what I set out to do.

I laid down and yanked at the blankets she was laying on top of and she opened her eyes. She moved under them and yes, I covered her up. I fell asleep and when I woke up it was nine thirty and she was gone. Thank God.

I had an hour to get something to eat and head to the city.


Jessie G was fantastic. He killed it on lead and base and his voice was gruff. Not poppy. I couldn’t wait to get our, MY, place up and running.

I saw Ricco wave to someone and looked up.

“What is she doing here?” I hissed at him.

“She called the shop. Said you weren’t answering your phone and wanted to know if everything was alright. I told her to stop over tonight.”

“Hey Ricco.” She slid in next to him. “This the guy?”

“Good huh? Xavier seems real interested.”

“That’s nice.” She smiled as she looked at her phone.

I reached in my pocket checking to see if I had mine and I didn’t. Shit.

“He plays base and lead.” Ricco told her.

“Did anyone record it?” She asked Ricco.

She was completely ignoring me.

“What the fuck do you have to be pissed off about?” I snapped at her.

She looked over and glared at me.

“Fuck that. I am pissed at you!”

“I’m going to grab some drinks.” Ricco slid out and smirked as he walked away.

“Let’s keep this professional shall we Mr. Steel?” She hissed.

“Sure thing Babe, how about confidentiality? You signed paperwork on that didn’t you Babe.”

“Yeah sure, but you didn’t. You told Daniel to hop in the shower and check out my inner thigh saying that…”

“Hold the fuck up. Your Dr. Dickweed answered your phone and told me to check myself. Said you told him I was hitting on you? Then HE told me he was getting ready to take a shower with you and I told him, have fun. That’s how that shit…”

“Now you hold up! I’ve known Daniel for a long time; he would never say something like that. But guys like you, well that’s another story. You’re all legends in your own minds. The fucking Alpha dogs who think…”

“You’re wrong! By the way, where is your little fucking liar tonight? He seemed hell bent on keeping you away from me and well look at you now, stalking me…”

“Stalking you? Pfft. In your dreams…”

“What the fuck do you call it?”

“Work ethic Mr. Steel. Not let’s blow off, eat dinner, chit chat, and then go get drunk and dance!”

“Is that so?”

“Yeah that’s…”

“You’re so fucking naive. Your boyfriend shows up at a bar a day early? So why don’t you tell me about him?”

“He was surprising me! That’s what men like Daniel do. He’s kind and gentle. He doesn’t hop in the shower when I’m trying to cleanse my body!”

I had to laugh at that. “So then where is Mr. Fucking Perfect tonight Babe?”

“It’s the Sabbath! He’s Jewish! Morals you know!”

“What the hell does that mean?”

“Moral?” She laughed an angry laugh.

“Nice Taelyn.”

“Not that it’s any of your business but we’ve been apart for a while. He doesn’t want the temptation on…”

“You really need to wake up Babe. He’s not different than the rest of us. Worse if you ask me. Us guys, guys like me, don’t make promise’s we won’t keep, and we don’t lie to get the night off.”

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

“It means wake up! He’s playing you.”

“Delusional that’s what you are. Oh and P.S. It’s a birth mark not an X!”

Ricco sat a trey of drinks on the table and our spat stopped.


“No!” We both snapped.

We sat and listened to the last set. I couldn’t wait to get out of here. Prissy ass bitch.

The bar was starting to empty and I glanced over at Taelyn. She was looking towards the exit. The look on her face was pure heartache.

“You okay?” I grabbed her elbow as she started to walk away.

She pulled it away. “I’m fine.” She looked at Ricco. “Nice to see you.” And she all but ran out the door.