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A Surrogate Love Affair by Jaimie Roberts (36)

Bonus Chapter

Ethan – Before dinner with the Armstrongs

Although Alice and that shithead husband of hers are coming over tonight, I can’t help but follow her as she goes about her afternoon. She’s heading to a dentist appointment now. I know that because I often check the calendar they have hanging up on the kitchen wall. I remember it being at two thirty, silently laughing at the irony of that time. I made sure to clear all my appointments so I could follow her around. Watching Alice has become a favourite pastime of mine now. I often see her look over her shoulder like she can sense someone’s watching, but she never spots me.

I made sure to join the same gym she goes to. We often bump into each other and chat for a bit. I love those precious few minutes because it allows me to gaze into those sparkly brown eyes of hers without my treacherous wife or her lowlife husband watching me. She always wears these yoga pants that show off what a fantastic arse she has. When she walks away, I often find myself staring at her as she does. I can’t count the number of times I’d rush home hoping Sarah wasn’t in so I could fantasize about Alice as I got myself off.

I know... I have it bad. A psychiatrist would have a field day with me. I know I’m cheating on my wife in my head, but it’s nowhere near as bad as actually living out the fantasises like Sarah does on a regular basis. She thinks I have no idea. She thinks she can sit at home, acting like she’s lonely, while she spends my money and shags anyone who gives her the time of day. Supposedly, we’re trying for a baby, so at least she has the forethought to wear condoms with these mugs. I can’t have her getting pregnant and trying to make out that it’s mine. It would totally blow my plans of having Alice offer herself as a surrogate.

The more I think about it, the more my dick gets stiff. If there’s one thing I’m good at, it’s acting. I’m more than able to act like my interest in Alice is purely platonic, secretly plotting to get her pregnant with my baby, eventually stealing her from her shitbag husband. Alice has no idea how infatuated I am by her. Lately, she is all I ever dream and think about. The more time I spend with her, noticing how much of a pure heart she has, the more I despise my wife.

Taking a seat at a coffeehouse across the street from her dentist, I order a coffee and wait at the window for her to reappear. While I’m waiting, I can’t help but think how much of a lucky bastard that dentist is to get close to her as she opens her mouth. It makes me wonder what she would smell like. What she would taste like. For a brief moment, I wonder if it would be a good idea to buy her a latte and bring it to her, then I remember she’s not mine yet.

Patience, Ethan.

Patience has its rewards, and that reward is Alice becoming mine and mine only. Mine, like she was supposed to be eight years ago. I often think about suing that taxi company for screwing up. I’m sure I would have been as smitten with Alice then as I am now. Unfortunately, I got the scheming, lying cow. I must admit, she did work me. She worked me really well back then.

Not anymore.

After another half-hour, my heart rate picks up when I see Alice emerge from the building. Throwing my cup in the bin, I quickly grab my paper and walk out, making sure to keep on the opposite side of the street and a few steps behind so she doesn’t notice me. Her favourite wine shop is right up the street. I wonder if she’ll go in there like she usually does and buy her normal bottle of Freixenet for tonight’s dinner party. I smile as she approaches and watch as she steps in. Knowing I need to do something, I look behind me and dash into a shoe shop. Immediately, I’m set upon by a saleslady.

“Looking for something for a girlfriend...or wife perhaps?” she says with a leer.

She’s fishing for information, but all I want to do is pretend I’m interested in these shoes so I can watch Alice.

“Or maybe,” she says, making me want to roll my eyes, “you want to buy some for yourself?”

Looking around, I notice they’re all women’s shoes. “No, not me. My wife loves shoes, so I thought I would pop in and see if I can find anything nice for her,” I say, trying to keep one eye on the store across the street.

“Oh, that’s nice. All women love shoes, so you’ve come to the right place. Do you know her size?”

I’m getting frustrated. I just want her to go away so I can wait for Alice. Is that too much to fucking ask?!

“No, I don’t,” I reply, hoping to get rid of her. “I just thought I would look first and see if I find something she may like. If I do, I can call her and ask.”

She rolls her eyes and smiles. “Maybe I can show you a few I think she may like.”

This girl doesn’t know anything about my wife. “No, that’s fine. I just want to browse for now.”

“Or...” she starts. All I want to do is get the fuck out of here. “You can guess the size and always bring them back if they don’t fit.”

This woman’s getting on my last nerve. Just as I’m about to open my mouth, I spot Alice coming out of the store. “I have to go,” I say, running through the door like a bat out of hell. I will have to make a mental note never to go in there again.

I fix my eyes on Alice’s back. She’s wearing a long, fancy cream coat that hugs her voluptuous body. When she walks, her hips sway and her luscious brown curls bounce up and down. She’s wearing black heels with see-through tights that help accentuate those tight muscles in her calves. As I think about licking that calf from bottom to top, my dick springs to life.

Fuck me, I really have it bad.

When she turns a corner, I know she’s heading for the car park. My car is in there, too, but I don’t want her to see me. I will get to see her tonight and hopefully tomorrow morning when she goes to yoga.

A smile creeps up on my face as I keep walking. Tonight is the night I plan on bringing up the subject of surrogacy. When I mentioned it to Sarah a month or so ago, she was hesitant. She knew it could take time, and if we were to explore that avenue under normal circumstances, I’m sure she would be right. But I have a plan, and that plan comes in the form of Sarah’s best friend. A friend who’s been haunting me for the past year. A friend I hope to make my wife within the next two years—that’s if I get my way, of course.

Getting Alice pregnant within the next year is my number one aim right now. The thought of her being filled with my sperm and her belly becoming round with our baby makes my dick strain against my trousers.

As I walk past the car park, still on the opposite side of the street, I take one last peek to see if I see her.

If I do manage to see her one last time, it’s fate, I tell myself.

Turning my head in her direction, another smile appears, but it’s filled with a strong sense of hope this time.

Yeah, she’s mine, I tell myself. She’s mine, and no one and nothing is going to get in my way...

Not even Alice herself.