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Kayden the Past (Love at Last Book 2) by Chelle Bliss (2)

My First Love - Bridget

I worked my ass off and became the best cell phone salesman in my office. The ladies were the customers I zoomed in on as soon as they walked through the door. I flirted with them and gave them my full attention. I gave sexy ones my card in case they had any questions and needed to call me, making sure to circle my personal cell phone number. I would always be available to help them with an issue, which was usually bullshit, but I let them come to me first. I installed phones in cars on my days off, making the extra bank to support my extracurricular activities.

I met Bridget when she walked into my store, looking to have a phone installed in her car. Bridget was petite with long blond hair and almond-shaped brown eyes. She looked sweet as apple pie and innocent, but the clothing she wore told me she was anything but. She batted her eyelashes at me, and I turned into a hard wreck. She had me by the balls before I even tasted her lips.

“May I help you, miss?” I asked, trying to be a complete gentleman when my thoughts were in the gutter.

“I want to get a phone installed in my car. What kinda special will you give me?” she asked, heaving her large chest on the counter. “Pretty please.” Her teeth were brilliant white and perfectly placed.

I wouldn’t waste the opportunity thrust upon me. We were always allowed to play with the price, but at that moment, I was more interested in playing with Bridget. “I can knock thirty percent off and throw in the installation.”

“Ooh, I like that. You’ve made me a very happy girl. When can we do it?” she asked.

Thoughts of doing her on the counter or bent over her car flooded my mind. Fuck, I wanted to take her into the bathroom and shove my cock in her. “Anytime you want.”

Her lips twitched, and I could almost see her thinking. “I’d like to have it installed today.”

Perfect. “Well, I could put it in after work today. I could come over and do it for you. I get off around six.” I smiled at her, wondering if she would be put off by the idea.

“Yes, thanks,” she said.

That night, I went to her house and installed her phone in her late-eighties model BMW. She had a pizza delivered while I was working and asked me to have some with her when the job was complete. Dessert was her against the living room wall and bent over her couch.

I made sure she had my number in case she needed any help or had any trouble with her phone. She called me a couple days later, and we became an item soon after. She worked at her dad’s company as an assistant, but based on her luxury condo, I’d say she was paid more. Not many assistants barely in their twenties drove a Beemer and had such a high-priced pad.

Bridget invaded my life, but in the best possible way. We spent every waking moment together when we weren’t working. Our schedules often clashed, as they do when one person in the relationship works in retail. I wasn’t a traditional salesman with an office but worked in a store, trying to sell people on the newest cellular technology available.

The months flew by quickly, and I fell in love with Bridget. She may have been slightly self-absorbed, but she adored me and was a generous lover. She didn’t judge me based on my job or the car I drove; she loved me for the way I loved her. I gave everything I had in the relationship, swearing off my evenings at the bar, unless Bridget was in tow. I was content and happy with our relationship and all the possibilities the future held.

I had to take the next step and meet the parents. Mothers usually loved me, and fathers weren’t always my biggest fans. I’d never really had a steady girlfriend, and I was usually the flavor of the month, which was fine by me at that point in my life. Bridget was different from the other girls. I had fun with her, and she couldn’t get enough of me.

She couldn’t wait to introduce me to her parents. They were having a family party at their home to celebrate her sister’s birthday, and she came over to my place to beg me to be her date for the night. She had told her parents all about me and couldn’t wait any longer. I avoided the topic of the party every time she brought it up, but it was D-Day, and I could no longer change the subject.

“Come on, Kayden. They’ll love you. You have to meet them at some point,” she pleaded. “My sister’s birthday party is today, and I want you to come. Don’t make me go alone.”

“Okay, Bridge. You’re right. I’ll go with you, babe.” I leaned forward and kissed her on the lips.

She bounced up and down on the couch, filled with excitement and hope. I wanted them to like me, and I needed their approval. I knew she was a daddy’s girl, and without his acceptance, we wouldn’t have a future.

“What should I wear?” I asked, unsure if it was a casual family barbecue or if they were the type of family that dressed up for every occasion.

“I’ll go pick out your outfit, okay?”

“Sure, babe. Anything you want.” I patted her ass as she stood. I grabbed her wrist before she was out of arm’s reach and pulled her back onto my lap as she shrieked.

“First, I want you naked in exchange for going to the party,” I said as I kissed her again on the lips. I kissed her hard, pulling her to my body and sliding the tiny straps of her tank top down her shoulders and over her arms. I kissed her jaw, nipping slightly as I made my way down to her neck. I nibbled the flesh below her ear before sliding my tongue against the silky skin to her shoulder. I bit the muscle of her shoulder and instantly felt her body tense and shudder in response. I rolled her nipple in between my fingertips while holding her still with my free hand. She began to grind her pussy on my cock through the layers of material. Thank God the unit upstairs was currently vacant because Bridget was a moaner and screamer. I wanted to listen to her howl as I made her come.

I captured her lips, quieting her moans of pleasure. I slid our bodies off the couch and onto the shag area rug, never breaking the kiss. I hitched up her skirt and slid my fingers through her wetness. Her fingers dug into my shoulders, and I inserted two fingers, pumping them in and out of her like a quick-moving piston.

“You want my cock?”

“Mmm,” she said as she pushed my fingers deeper inside of her with her hand.

I flipped her over, pushed her stomach to the floor, and pulled her up by the hips, positioning her with her ass in the air. I unbuttoned my jeans and pulled out my cock, stroking it while looking at her pussy in full view, waiting for the abuse I was about to give her.

I could hear her breathing grow shallow and filled with anticipation. I rubbed the tip of my dick, lubing it. I rammed it in to the hilt as her body jerked forward from the fullness. I held her hips, drawing her back and not allowing her to move away. “Is it too much for you, baby?” I removed my cock and jammed it in harder, deeper than I thought possible before she could respond. “Want me to stop?” I asked as my body stilled. I reached down and placed my hand around my cock, feeling her wetness and running my fingertips across her opening.

She didn’t speak but moved against my cock, fucking me, moving on her elbows. I met her thrusts, and my body bounced off her ass, allowing the speed to grow faster. I placed my hand on her bottom just above her ass. I rubbed my thumb against her asshole. It was so small, tight and forbidden. The pressure of my thumb increased, and I could feel her body adjust and relax to the sensation. I wanted to hook her, gain control of the situation and fill her up a little more, intensifying the pressure against my cock.

I slid my finger inside. “Ouch,” she moaned.

“Shh, baby. It’ll be good. Relax a little bit.” I stilled my finger inside her, allowing her body time to adjust as I continued to pound her pussy relentlessly. Her moans grew louder with each thrust, and I took it as the green light to move my thumb inside her. As my body slammed into her, it forced my thumb to go deeper.

“Oh God, yes.” Her face was sideways in the carpet with her eyes half open, rolled back in her head. I held her hip, gripping tightly as my orgasm neared. I dug my fingertips into her ass, thumb firmly rooted, and laid my body across her back. My fingers trailed a path across her body to her clit. I rubbed it in a circular motion, feeling her pussy contract around my cock. “Yes, fuck yes,” she wailed. I kept the pressure firm but not too hard as my balls tightened, and my cock grew harder at the peak of release. When her body grew slack from complete relaxation and ecstasy, I reached up and grabbed her hair. She was my captive in this moment and at my mercy. I fisted her hair and pulled her to me, bending her neck back, unable to see her face.

My release was so intense that my body shuddered and convulsed from the sensation. Drool dripped out of my mouth and onto her back, but I didn’t give a fuck at that moment. I rested my forehead against her spine and waited for my cock to stop twitching inside her tight post-orgasm core. Our bodies were both slick from sweat, and my skin glided across hers as I caught my breath.

“Fuck, that was incredible,” I said, kissing her spine.

“Mind-blowing,” she whispered into the carpet. I sat up and stared at her body as she lay there still with her ass in the air. I pulled my thumb out slowly. “Ouch,” she said.

“Sorry, babe. Did I hurt you?” I asked.

“Just for a second, but damn, that shit rocked my world. No one has ever done that to me before,” she said, wiping her lips as she pulled herself up on her elbow.

“Good, ‘cause I want to put more than my thumb in there.” I rubbed my palm across her ass, feeling the softness and a world of possibilities. “Now, go pick out my clothes,” I said as I smacked her ass.

“What if I don’t?” she asked.

“Then I’ll shove my cock in that tight, pretty asshole of yours.” I never saw a human move as quick, as she shot up from the carpet and was standing up within what seemed like a second.

“Fuck that. That shit is not fitting in there. Ever.” She started to walk away and pulled down her skirt, which had made its way up to her ribs during the floor pounding I just gave her.

“It will,” I said, smiling as she walked down the hallway toward my bedroom.

Bridget picked out a dress shirt, tie, and dress pants for me to wear to the party. The party wasn’t going to be a casual affair, then. It was best, though, since I was looking to impress her father and not look like I was heading out to fish for the day with the guys. Her parents’ home was large and sat in a very exclusive subdivision in the area. It was nothing like the home I grew up in as a child.

The large, grand staircase was the most noticeable structure when we entered the foyer—outlined in black wrought iron with an intricate design featuring an O at the center. The O was the first letter of the family name, and a sense of pride was evident. People were milling around drinking champagne while classical music filled the air. I instantly felt hot and uncomfortable. “Can I grab a drink?” I asked.

“Yeah sweetie, go on into the kitchen unless you want champagne.”

“I’ll go grab something else and come find you in a few minutes,” I said, kissing her on the cheek.

“I’ll be out back. I’m sure that’s where my parents are. Let me go warm them up a bit.”

“Good idea. I’ll find you in a couple minutes.”

“Don’t be long,” she said as she walked away, slowly pulling away from my hands until only our fingertips touched. She hooked her fingertips with mine and gave me a smile before breaking the connection.

She turned around and walked away. I stood there watching her walk through the room and stop to greet and kiss various people. What the fuck am I doing here? I was so out of my league. I was a poor kid from a split family who worked as a salesman. She was a rich girl who wouldn’t get Daddy’s approval when it came to me.

I walked into the kitchen and was greeted by the hired help. They were filling champagne glasses and small silver trays with appetizers to hand out to the guests. “Where can I get a beer?” I asked.

The room went quiet as a number of people stopped what they were doing to look at me, to see who wanted a beer in this home filled with caviar dreams. “Beer?” one man asked.

“Yes, sir. Just a plain old beer.”

“Let me look for you, sir,” he responded and walked to the fridge, searching through the contents for my drink of choice.

“Ah, I found a couple tucked away in the back,” he said as his body became visible again from the other side of the door. He held out the beer for me, but I looked at it funny. It wasn’t a beer I had ever heard of before. I was used to Bud or Natty Light. It was an imported European beer with a name I couldn’t read or pronounce. “Let me get you a glass, sir. The family would frown upon you walking around, drinking out of a bottle.”

“Lord forbid.” I popped the top and took a large swig of the cool liquid. I was sure it was pricey, but it tasted like any other beer I’d ever had in my life. I just wanted something cool and wet, still thirsty from our earlier activities. I took the glass, emptying the contents of the bottle into the beautifully crafted silver vessel. At my mom’s, I’d be lucky to find a clean plastic cup with Batman half worn off to pour my drink into. “Thank you.”

I walked through the crowd and sipped my beer before finally finding my way to the backyard. I spotted Bridget with her parents, standing near the pool. She must have been talking about me by the posture of her father. I approached slowly, trying to overhear the conversation but not draw too much attention to myself.

“Daddy, this is Kayden,” she said, smiling and pointing in my direction as I approached. Her father hated me from the moment he laid eyes on me. He didn’t have to say the words, but I could tell by the way he looked at me. He studied my face before eyeing my outfit with critical eyes.

I held out my hand to shake his hand. “Hello, sir.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Kayden.” He didn’t shake my hand but held his daughter a little closer and looked away from me. Bridget didn’t seem to notice the unfriendly welcome I received, or she was used to such a welcome by her father.

“I’m going to go greet the guests, baby girl. Find your sister, she’s here somewhere.” He kissed her on the top of her head before smiling at me and walking away.

“Well, that didn’t go quite like I’d hoped.”

She walked toward me and wrapped her arms around my waist. “I’m sorry, Kayden. He’s just a little overprotective of me. He’ll warm up to you.”

“Maybe someday, baby,” I said as I grabbed her face, lifting her lips toward mine. I kissed her lips gently, not wanting to get carried away in front of the entire family. They didn’t look like the crowd that enjoyed public displays of affection.

I’d like to say the relationship between her father and me progressed, and a mutual respect formed over the years we dated, but it never happened. I would never be good enough for his baby girl. He made it clear I wasn’t the type of person he saw her with in the future, and I didn’t have the ability to give her the financial security she deserved. Money’s great, but love’s more important. Love is the foundation that all else teeters on, the great precipice that can bring you happiness or total torture.