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Rescued by the Woodsman by Parker, M. S. (66)



Moving off the dance floor, I fought the urge to look back, to catch one more glimpse of Allie.

I might have done it if it I hadn’t crashed into a petite blonde. The tipsy socialite shot me a beaming smile as I caught her arms, steadying her.

“Hi, Melanie.” I managed to keep the annoyance out of my voice.

“Jal!” She flung her arms around me and pulled me down for a sloppy kiss. “I’m sooooo happy for you and Paisley.”

She giggled and pulled away, stumbling again and forcing me to steady her once more. Fortunately, her fiancé emerged from the crowd just as I got Melanie onto her own two feet, and I was able to release her.

“Melanie, there you are, sweetheart.” He slid an arm around her waist and nodded to me.

“Evening, Jared.”

He nodded at me. “Hello, Jal. Great party. Have your office get in touch. I’ll make a donation.”

“Yes. Get in touch.” Melanie giggled and reached out, grabbing my hand. “I saw Paisley’s rock, it’s amazing.”

“Come on, Melanie.” He offered me an apologetic look. “She’s not feeling very well.”

“Of course.” In our circle, “not feeling well” commonly translated to “drunk off her ass.” Not that I really needed an explanation. I'd known Melanie for years, and she always overindulged at events like this. Fortunately, she was at least a charming drunk. “Would you like a car…?”

Jared smiled. “No. I’ve already arranged for mine to be brought around.”

We parted ways, but I hadn’t even taken five steps before I was cut off again. This time, instead of a pair of random guests, it was by a very irate Diamond Hedges. Paisley’s mother stood in front of me, her cheeks pale, save for two flags of color high on her cheeks. Her ash gray eyes glinted as bright and hard as her name, while her mouth was compressed into a thin line. She stared down her nose at me, which she somehow managed in spite of the height difference, an imperious look on her face.

“Jal.” She spoke in icy tones.

“Is there a problem, Diamond?” I gave a polite smile and worked to keep my tone just as cordial. People were all around us, and more than a few slid discreet glances our way. I had no doubt everyone was curious about what the future mother-in-law wanted to say.

Normally, that would have given her pause, made her carefully choose every word she said, guard her expression.

But whatever it was that had her so worked up had changed the circumstances from normal to…whatever this was. She sniffed as though there was something foul in the air.

“Just who were you dancing with?” Her tone was icy, accusing.

I was tempted to walk around her without answering. Maybe if Paisley had been there, I’d give her an answer. Paisley…well, yeah. I owed her an explanation. I'd been an ass to her.

But I didn’t owe Diamond a damn thing. I knew her though. She’d either follow me until she got the answers she wanted, or she’d possibly hunt down Allie, and I wasn't about to put her in the middle of all this. It was my fault Diamond had Allie in her sights, and I would take care of it.

“She’s a friend of mine.”

“Oh?” Diamond’s eyes narrowed. “She’s quite lovely. What’s her name?”

“Allie Dodds. Her family's deaf, so I thought she’d be interested in the gala.” I was almost certain I didn't imagine the flash of something dark across Diamond's eyes, and I wondered if there were rumors going around that I didn't know.

“How long have you known her?”

“Is that really your concern?” Maybe I should have just answered, but Diamond was pissing me off. I had a pretty long fuse, but the look Diamond was giving me coupled with her infuriating tone was pushing every button I had. I didn't like my own mother prying into my business, much less my future mother in law.

Diamond took a step closer and the fury in her voice might have cut some men off at the knees, but most men hadn't grown up with someone like my mother. It took a hell of a lot more than a nasty expression to get me.

“Why exactly do you want to know?” I let my smile drop away so that my face was perfectly blank.

“Let's take a walk.” She stepped forward and held out her hand.

I eyed her narrowly, considered just walking away, but again, I knew if I didn’t answer her, she’d keep after me, or go after Allie. So I held out my arm, and she took it. We began to walk, easing away from all of the curious eyes and ears.

“You and Paisley seem to have finally connected,” she said as we walked around the edge of the dance floor. “The baby, you’re engaged…then you tell her that you need some space.”

She lapsed into silence, but I didn’t rush to fill it. I could feel her watching me, but I just continued to walk, nodding at the familiar faces, greeting one or two.

She continued, “It’s understandable. You are, after all, still young. You’re nervous. You were reckless, or you wouldn’t be in this boat, but I can understand why you’re still hesitant to commit, even if you two are perfect for each other.”

As she continued to talk, I wondered if she was going to get to the point or if she just wanted to drive me crazy by talking at me for the rest of the night.

Her tone shifted to something harder than usual. “But then I see the pictures in the papers. You dancing with that…girl. And I have to admit, I’m confused.”

We came to a stop, and I looked down at her. She stared at me, her expression cold. At least we were getting down to it. I suddenly wanted it all over with. Everything. This discussion. The engagement. All of the things that I knew were keeping Allie and me apart.

“Now, we’re at this event, and you’re dancing again with another girl, and you won’t discuss it. Worse, it’s only days after you’ve decided to put my daughter to the side.” Diamond's face was flushed. “When did you meet that girl?”

“I told Paisley I needed time,” I said, keeping my voice just as icy. “And since I've gone to several functions with female friends and it's never been an issue in the past, I don't see why it is now. I don't owe you an explanation.”

Diamond took a step back.

“So, you won’t answer me?” she demanded.

“How about you tell me why you're so interested in Allie?”

She drew her shoulders back, frigid and remote like some blue-blooded ice queen. The resemblance between Paisley and her mother was striking. “Well. If that's going to be your response, I suggest you ask that girl. She should have quite a story to tell.”

She walked away, and I passed a hand back through my hair. When I turned, I could see Paisley standing close by with a few of her friends. When she caught sight of Diamond, she said something to her friends, and then started toward her mother. No surprise there.

What did surprise me was the sight of Allie just a few feet away. Tao had his arm around her, holding her close. He was talking to her, and it was pretty clear she was upset.

And she was looking at me…and Diamond.

What the hell was going on here?