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Blood And Roses (Tainted Hearts) by Lylah James (9)













His arms were wrapped tightly around my waist, holding me firmly against his body. His embrace was strong and protective. I liked the way my body was cuddled into his warmth. Master—Lyov, he made me feel safe.

I couldn’t remember the last time I felt safe, loved, or cherished. But in a matter of hours, he was able to make me feel all.

I liked the way his arm tightened around my hips as we walked toward the main door. My eyes took everything in. Lyov was a wealthy man, I knew that, but for the first time, I was truly seeing his wealth.

He was a powerful man.

Strong, dangerous, and deadly.

But compared to my last Master, it felt as if I would never feel his wrath.

It felt like I would forever be cocooned under the protection of his wings. Kept safe next to his heart, by his side. Never underneath his feet.

The front of the estate was gorgeous, and I found myself mesmerized. After being locked in cages and just a cold, lifeless room for so long, it felt nice to finally see something so majestic and beautiful in the sunlight.

A few men were lined up along the path to the door. They wore similar suits as Lyov, although Master’s looked more expensive…and refined. It screamed he was the King and everyone else were just his puppets. His loyal subjects.

They were at his bidding. One word and everyone would run as they were commanded. Lyov had that type of power. I knew it the moment my eyes found him—sought him out between all those other rich men.

As if it were meant to happen. Meant to be.

He found me kneeling at Valentin’s feet. His voice caressed over my skin, both burning and soothing me at the same time. And then I found him, my body calling out to his touch and wanting to feel the soft caress of his rough voice again.

Who would have known that a man like him could calm the screaming demons in my head?

Lyov could make my heart thump, like the wings of a bird flapping desperately to soar toward the sky. Only he could make my body flush red under his penetrating gaze instead of making my skin crawl.

As we walked toward the open doors, his men standing up straighter, their posture solid and unwavering—I felt safe.

We took a step inside, and the moment my feet were past the doors and into the mansion, his lips grazed my skin lightly as he whispered in my ear.

“Welcome home, Angel.”

Lyov had the power to make me breathless. And I starved for more of him. All of him. His words. His voice. His touch. His kisses. Everything that was him—I wanted it.

His lips moved down, and with so much gentleness, he kissed the side of my neck. A feathered touch. A kiss of devotion. A kiss with unsaid words. One kiss that could rival a thousand.

His lips lingered there longer than necessary, but I couldn’t complain. My eyes fluttered closed, and I leaned more against his body, letting him feel me. I wanted the comfort he brought to my fragile soul.

I turned in his arms, and our eyes met. His grey ones heated me to the core as he gazed fiercely into my face, watching me as if I were the only thing he could see in this moment.

I had his sole attention, and he became the reason for each breath I took.

His full lips pulled up at the sides as he grinned down at me. The darkness that shadowed his face was swept off, and Lyov transformed from deadly to carefree. He was no longer Lyov, a King who owned those around him, to a simple man gazing tenderly down at me.

When I could no longer hold his eyes, mine dropped to his chest nervously. The way he stared at me, it did strange things to my stomach and heart. His hands gripped my hips, and he pulled me into his body, our fronts touching. He held me both firmly and preciously. It was a dangerous combination.

My hands instinctively went to his chest. His shirt was soft, and everything underneath it was hard. His strong muscles were firm under my touch, and I felt myself wanting more—to touch and see more of him.

His heartbeat was strong and sure, so much like himself—and so much unlike mine, which tripped with each breath I took.

I was nervous, he was calm.

I was unsure, he was confident.

I was shy, he was arrogant.

I was weak, he was strong.

We were opposites, yet when we touched, it felt like a jolt of lightning, a never-ending wave of pleasure passing through us. From the tips of his fingers to mine.

“Thank you,” I whispered, still staring at the rise and fall of his chest.

With a finger under my chin, he tipped my head back. “For what, Maria?”

I took a deep breath and then let it out slowly. Nervousness clawed at my throat, and I suddenly found it hard to speak. Lyov stared at me expectantly, waiting patiently for me to continue.

With our eyes connected, I showed him my soul. I only prayed that he didn’t steal it and drag it to the crimson fire of hell.

My lips parted, and I finally spoke again. “For bringing me here. You saved me. I don’t feel…like I used to with my previous master. It’s different. You are different. And you make me feel safe. I wish to be good for you, Lyov.”

So that you never let me go.

Those words were left unsaid. A slave never made demands. We only listened and obeyed.

I was going to be everything he wanted and needed. Then he wouldn’t think of leaving me. I would be his, just as much as he would be mine.

“It’s cute that you keep saying I saved you, Angel. If only you knew the truth. I captured you. I am the devil in disguise, and the devil…well, he likes to play games.”

His voice broke me out of my thoughts, and I stared up at him in surprise. He was no longer grinning, like a man with no worries in the world. Instead, he wore his signature smirk. The same one that made him look vicious. His grey eyes were laughing at me, but the darkness in there couldn’t be mistaken.

His fingers lingered over my neck before drawing upward. His touch moved closer to my mouth. Lyov paused, and then his eyes went to where his finger laid, just inches away from its destination. He thumbed my lips roughly, and I trembled in his hold.

He brought his head down until our mouths were so close that I thought he would claim my lips. Instead, Lyov stayed there, letting anticipation lick its way into my body. His breath feathered over my skin when he spoke again.

“I am the devil in a pretty suit, sweet Angel. Remember that.”

His voice was soft, caressing me—yet those words—they were anything but soft.

I should be scared. A small part of me was. After months of being a slave and living in captivity, it taught me to doubt everything. It had instilled fear in me.

But with Lyov, the fear was mixed with something else. I couldn’t figure it out. He made me feel. I didn’t know what it was…but my heart skipped and my breath caught in my throat. My body moved on its own—moving toward him, even closer as I sought his warmth.

His smirk grew, and he chuckled low under his breath. His chest vibrated, and I liked the way it sounded. Rich and smooth. Dark and deadly.

Valentin was a handsome man. He truly was. His face was sculptured. He was tall, his build wide and strong, very much like Lyov.

But there was just something about my Lyov that held my attention and made me want more.

It confused me.

But I’d rather let Lyov do the thinking for me. I chose to place myself in his palms and let him take care of me. I gave him the power to become my everything, so I could be what he needed.

Because I trusted him. My reasoning might be naïve and weak, but I needed him. Our match wasn’t ideal. It wasn’t perfect. But I believed it was perfect for us.

For now. Until how long?

The thought broke through my delirious mind, reminding me of the future I couldn’t see.

Even though Lyov told me not to call him Master, he was still one. Slaves are not kept forever. We are made to be bought and sold after being used.

I squeezed my eyes shut, refusing to think of this. No, Lyov called me Angel. I was his sweet Angel. My heart told me that we could never end. Me and him.


A hand gripped my jaw, the hold gentle but commanding. A strength to my weakness. “Open your eyes, Maria.”

My eyes snapped opened, and I stared up at Lyov. His eyes were narrowed dangerously, and his gaze swept over my face, intently watching my expression. My teeth nibbled at my bottom lips, nervous, scared, worried.

I didn’t want to lose him.

Lyov seemed almost angry, but when he sweetly tucked my hair behind my ears, his eyes softened the slightest bit, but never losing that dangerous look on his face. His grip on my jaw didn’t loosen, and he brought my face closer to his. I had to stand on my tip-toes until our faces were only half an inch apart. Our noses touched, and if I leaned a tiny bit, our lips would touch too.

“I can almost see the wheels turning in your head. The way you lost that happy look on your face, I don’t like it. Whatever you’re thinking, stop,” he said. My heart fluttered and stomach clenched.

“If it makes you sad, then it does not concern you. Because, Angel, the only thing you should think about from now on is making me happy.” Lyov growled the last part, as if the thought of me thinking of anything else other than him displeased him greatly.

“If I make you happy, then what happens?” I whispered as I fought the urge to cry. I felt unstable—drowning in an ocean of feelings I didn’t comprehend.

“Then you will be happy too,” he simply replied. Lyov cocked his head to the side with a thoughtful look. He released my face, and his hands went to my hips again. We fell into silence…and I liked it.

I could feel his men watching us. We weren’t alone, but instead of pulling away, I melted into his embrace.

My voice was muffled in his chest when I spoke again, but I knew he heard it before his hand tightened around my hips. “Your happiness is my happiness, Lyov. I will try to be the best for you. I promise. Until my last breath.”

Lyov pulled away and sighed before giving me the smallest smile. It was a rare one, and I liked that too. “Good. Now let me show this place. This is your home now. You are free to go anywhere as long as you stay in the estate, on our grounds. If you want to go outside the gates, you are allowed, but you will need to let me know so I can assign someone for your protection.”

He waited for my response. I nodded and listened attentively. “Everything I do is for your safety, pretty Angel. Do not think I am chaining you down, because even though I want nothing but to tie you up and make sure you never leave my bed—I want your wings to spread open so you can fly.”

My heart soared, as if my invisible wings really were spread out and I was flying…higher and higher into the bright sky. I soared toward Lyov.

He gripped my hand in his, our fingers entwining together as we continued inside. Our steps faltered as a woman stopped in front of us.

She raised her eyebrow at Lyov and then looked at me, her eyes searching my face. She then smiled. It was honest and sweet.

“I thought you were playing me,” she muttered under her breath before pouting. “But it looks like you were telling the truth. You really brought someone home.”

Lyov groaned in annoyance, but when I peeked up at him, he didn’t look annoyed. Actually, he looked like he was fighting a smile.

The woman was wearing a black dress that came just above her knees. Her curves were outlined in the dress, and she towered a bit over me. Her black hair was tugged back in a ponytail, and her kind brown eyes were smiling down at me.

“Lena,” she said after a second of silence.

I shook my head. “No. My name is Maria.”

My eyes widened, and I moved closer to Lyov. No. What have I done?

My hand came up, and I clenched his arm, afraid he would pull away from me and be angry. I squeezed my eyes shut and fought back a sob that was threatening to break free from my throat.

“I’m sorry, Master,” I whispered.

You don’t speak unless I fucking command you, dirty slut. Keep that fucking mouth closed until it’s time I shove my dick down your throat.

Slaves were never allowed to speak. It was the rule. An important one. If broken, we were punished—and the punishment would hurt. We would bleed. We would be starved—until our masters were satisfied we’d learned our lessons.

My legs weakened, and I started sinking down to my knees. Always beg for forgiveness on your knees.

I heard a growl. Low, dangerous, and angry. Lyov. It dragged me out of the darkness clouding my head.

I was jerked upright before my knees could touch the hard floor. “Open your fucking eyes, Maria.”

He was angry. I made him angry.

I whimpered in response. I was supposed to make him happy. Not angry.

Lyov pulled me into his arms. I was pressed into his hard body, and his hand gripped the back of my neck. A firm command. A soft touch. “Open your eyes and look at me.”

My eyes opened, and a single tear slipped down, leaving a wet trail on my cheek. His eyes were hard and angry, but his touch was soft and gentle.

Lyov’s lips were pressed together in frustration. I could see him battling with his fury, but when his forehead dropped to mine, and he breathed out through his nose, as if my touch soothed him…I realized that he wasn’t angry at me.

“Angel, tell me. What is my rule about you being on your knees?” he said to me.

I desperately hung on to him. My sniffles filled the vast room, and my chin wobbled with the effort to keep my tears at bay. “I should never kneel. Not unless…”

The words were stuck in my throat. Lyov nodded and continued. “Not unless I ask you to. And all the reasons why you will kneel for me—they will never cause you tears, pain, or fear. It will be because you want to kneel for me. Because you need it as much as me. It will be for both of us. Not because you think you need to do it so I won’t be angry with you.”

I remained silent. “Do you understand?” he asked. Lyov’s thumb was brushing up and down on the back of my neck now, while he still held me in place.

I nodded. But Lyov pushed the slightest bit. He knew my limits, and he never crossed them. “Your words, Angel. I need your words.”

“I understand, Lyov.”

“Good girl.”

My lips parted, and I sucked in a deep breath. My heart raced. Those words made my body tingle. It liked the way Lyov said it. The clenching feeling in my stomach didn’t ease. Actually, it tightened, and I found myself wanting to hear those words again.

Oh, how I wanted to please him.

I had to forget my past…the other rules. The other masters. I had to remember Lyov’s rules because I belonged to him now.

His hand wrapped around mine again, and the back of his thumb grazed my knuckles. The touch was so tender that my heart ached. I never thought a man like him could hold so much gentleness.

There was so much more behind the cold, hard exterior he showed everyone.

We faced the woman again, but I couldn’t meet her eyes. I almost felt embarrassed. Ashamed.

“Maria, this is Lena. Lena, as you already know, this is Maria.” Lyov’s smooth voice calmed me, and I finally found the courage to look up.

Lena didn’t stare at me weirdly. Instead, her kind eyes were glassy, and she gave me a wobbly smile. Her eyes met Lyov, and I saw her give him a brief nod before turning to me again.

“It is nice to finally meet you, Maria,” she said sweetly. “I can’t say I have heard a lot about you, but it doesn’t matter. We’ll be hanging out a lot, so we’ll get to know each other then.”

I guessed she was a friend of Lyov. Her shoulders were straight, and the way she stared at Lyov, without any fear, it told me she had some kind of power. She was respected. She would never cower underneath someone’s feet.

Swallowing nervously, I gave her a smile of my own. “Thank you.”

I didn’t know what else to say or how much I could say. Lyov gave me freedom, but I was scared to venture too far.

Lyov cleared his throat, and he tugged me more into his body. This time, I couldn’t help the smile that spread across my cheeks. Every other worry…all the fear that consumed me moments ago, everything disappeared.

It seemed Lyov liked me close to him. And my attention on him.

I peeked up at him, suddenly feeling shy. He glanced down, as if he knew I was looking at him. We stared at each other, and I forgot everyone else. The world ceased to exist, and it was just us.

Eventually, he broke our connection and looked back at Lena, who was grinning from ear to ear and practically bouncing on her toes with excitement.

“I will be showing Maria around. She’s had a long night and will be resting today. You can have her tomorrow,” Lyov spoke. His voice was hard and held no place for arguments.

Lena rolled her eyes in an act of exasperation but nodded in agreement. Lyov pulled me away, and she waved.

I found myself lifting my hand up and waving back, feeling strangely happy at her excitement. It was contagious.

Lyov and I climbed up the majestic staircase, our steps unhurried, as if we had all the time in the world. As if we owned everything.

“It’s time to show you around. I hope you like it. My father built this when he started his business. And then it was handed over to me when he passed away. Everything that was his, I own now. You are mine. So this is your home. Our home,” Lyov explained in his rough, deep voice.

Lyov wasn’t really a man of words. He spoke a few, but each time, it held so many unsaid words. Every word spoken, they meant something. They held something deep within them.

You are mine.

This is your home.

Our home.

Our. Me and him. Us. We were one.

I was his. And he was mine.

I guessed it was as simple as that. Until one of us stopped breathing.




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