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Taken: A Dark Romance Collection by Duvane, JB (7)

Chapter 7 - Emily

Please, pick up your phone, I silently thought to myself. I had been trying to reach my so-called friends all afternoon, and not a single one of them had picked up yet. They were probably all getting ready for college, going shopping for dorm room accessories with their mothers before going off to some Ivy League school.

I just wanted to talk to someone—anyone. I felt horrible about the way things ended with Max and I just needed some perspective. It had been so long since I’d talked to him—almost two long weeks—and I felt like everything that went wrong between us was my fault.

I couldn’t be all bad, though. I couldn’t be the one that was to blame for everything, but that’s exactly how I was feeling. That’s how he made me feel, anyway. That I was disgusting and horrible and he couldn’t stand to talk to me as a doctor, let alone look at me again. He hated me, I knew it. And I couldn’t bare the thought of him feeling that way about me now. Not after what had happened between us.

As a last resort, I decided to call Kelly, my best friend from before I had been sent away. Kelly and I hadn't had much contact over the last few years, but she was the only friend that I had that lived in town and who’s number I still had in my phone. Early on, we’d made a point to see each other every break, and we always had a good time, but our visits had become less frequent and it had been over a year since I’d seen her or even talked to her.

She’d been on a family vacation in the Czech Republic the month that my mother died, so her and her family did not attend the funeral. I knew from her Facebook posts that she had recently returned. Being a private person, I had made a point not to publicize anything that had happened. Kelly would have no idea and would undoubtedly be shocked at the news.

"Hey, girl!" Kelly answered, recognizing my number just before voicemail picked up. "Long time no see! We have so much catching up to do!" Kelly was always so bubbly. I was thankful that she had picked up, I really needed someone to chat with right now.

"You're telling me! Thank god you picked up! I'm all alone in my mother's house and I am going fucking batty over here!"

"Where's your mom? I thought she was the one that made you go batty in the first place. Enjoy the silence while she's out!" Kelly giggled.

"My mom died, Kelly. About a month ago, while you and your family were away."

Kelly was silent a moment. "I'm so sorry, Em. I had no idea. Oh my god, I'm so sorry I wasn't there for the services

I cut her off, "You weren't even in town. Really, it’s no biggie. It was a private thing, you know, just here at the house—which I inherited, by the way. I’m living here all alone now. Just me and this great big house."

"Wow, I can't believe that,” Kelly breathed.

"I know, right? It happened literally two days after I got home after graduation. She was hitting the pills hard, and well … that's the kind of thing that happens when you're set on self-destruct like she was.” Kelly knew all about my mother and her habits so I didn’t have to explain any further.

"Jesus. I mean, I know you're right, but that's still so shocking. How are you dealing?" Kelly sounded genuinely concerned. It was nice to have a real friend to talk to. As much as I wanted to be with Max, he really didn’t seem to help much when it came to my relationship with my mother. Talking to him about it made me want to scream. At least with Kelly it was easy. She gave me sympathy and didn’t expect me to examine anything too closely.

"Well, the hardest part has been living in this ridiculously large house all alone. There’s a housekeeper that comes a few times a week and some landscapers during the day to mow the lawn and stuff like that, but that's about it. It's fucking creepy here. Sometimes I hear stuff in the other end of the house and I am way too scared to even go find out what it is. I just stay put and hope it's not an axe murderer!"

“Oh, sweetie! That’s horrible! What have you been up to during the day? Are you going out at all? You can't just stay cooped up in that place all day long. You’ve seen The Shining, haven’t you?” Kelly asked.

"Oh, thanks, that makes me feel so much better, Kel," I laughed. "But, truth is, you're the only friend I have left around here. I was gone all through high school and I didn't stay in touch with anybody else."

“What about your friends from school? Where are they?”

“They’re all over the place. But none of them are within hours of here. I tried calling a few of them, but everyone’s too busy,” I said, genuinely feeling sorry for myself.

Kelly heaved a sigh. "We're going out, girl. I am not going to let you turn into some crazy cat lady over there."

I laughed. "Thanks, Kel. I knew you'd have something up your sleeve."

"Did you have a boyfriend at school?"

“No." I laughed again. “It was an all-girls school and we were on lockdown pretty much 24/7. You'd think my clit was the freakin' Hope Diamond the way they made sure no boys got onto the school grounds.”

"Well, then, we need to fix that, don't we?" Kelly sounded excited. "Since you're not seeing anyone

"I didn't say that I wasn't seeing anyone now." I corrected her.

"Wait, so you do have a boyfriend?"

"Well, not exactly, but I will soon."

"I thought you didn't know anyone out here anymore? Who's the mystery man?" Kelly pressed.

"I can't say anything about our relationship yet—I’m sworn to secrecy.” At least that was partially true. "But he's as good as mine. He’s just really busy right now. He works a lot so he can’t be over here all the time.”

"Well, then, technically you're still single, and by the sounds of things, I don't think you should be sitting around that creepy old house waiting for your secret lover to come get you. You're young and you're pretty, Em. He’d better step up his game if he’s serious."

Kelly was right. If Max wanted me he needed to get it in gear. I didn’t want him to think I’d wait around for him forever, even though I knew perfectly well that I would.

“Well, I am pretty fucking bored. What did you have in mind? A party or something?"

"We need to get you laid. I have the perfect dude. Get dressed, and look sexy. You're goin' out tonight."

"Tonight?" For some reason I suddenly felt like I was betraying Max. I knew that was crazy. He was the one that told me to leave—that he didn’t have room in his schedule for me.

What the hell? I thought to myself. I’m not going to just sit around and wait for him.

"Yes, girl, don't make me repeat myself!" Kelly laughed. "His name is Jason, and you're gonna have to ring out your panties when you see him. I'd date him myself if he weren't my boyfriend's best friend."

"Fine," I agreed. “Tonight.” I was nervous but I really did need to get out of this house and get Max off my mind.

"Great! I'll pick you up tonight at around eight.”

“I can drive myself. Just tell me where to meet you.”

After we made the arrangements, I hung up the phone, feeling excited but still nervous. I was feeling so horrible about what had happened with Max when he told me to leave his office. Even though I couldn’t get him off my mind, I needed to prove to myself somehow that I was desirable. I knew I was going to wait for him—as long as it took to make him mine—but I wasn't going to just sit around in this depressing house while I was waiting. It was time for me to go out and have my fun, and I was going to make sure he knew about it.

* * *

I showed up at the restaurant at eight, just as we had planned. I’d never been on a blind date—actually not many dates at all to be honest—and I really wanted my car there in case it sucked and I needed to get out quick.

Jason was scorching hot, as promised, and the night had turned into a late one. He happened to have been slightly older than me, which Kelly hadn't mentioned, but was a total plus. After dinner he purchased a bottle of wine for us, and we sat on the benches by the river, drinking and chatting and making out. While it wasn't the same level of heat that I had felt for Max, his kisses were nice. I was still so distracted by thoughts of Max, though, that I couldn’t really get into it.

Jason was a lovely distraction, but even though he was older than me he still seemed like such a boy. I was after a man, and Jason just didn't have what it took to get me going. I felt like hours went by while I laid under him, waiting to get worked up enough to even want to take my clothes off.

I kept fantasizing about the way Max had held both my wrists in one of his massive hands, and the look on his face while he rammed his cock down my throat. And those eyes of his. They way they burned into me while I sucked his cock, and even after when he touched my face. I couldn’t get the image of him off my mind and eventually I told Jason to stop. I just couldn’t go through with it. I didn’t want to fuck anyone else. I wanted Max.

He was going to be sorry. Before drifting to sleep, I made a vow to myself to make sure I tortured Max with what he was missing out on as soon as possible. I was going to make him regret telling me to leave. He was going to be out of his mind with lust for me before I was done with him.

* * *

The next morning, the sun didn't wake me up until noon. I lay in bed staring at the ceiling with the events of the previous night playing out in my head and my smile faded. I remembered that it wasn't Max who I had been with. I didn’t have him or Jason or anyone. It was just me, alone again in this empty house, left to think about all of my problems by myself.

I rolled on my back and reached over for my phone and gasped when I saw that I had three missed calls from Max last night while I was out. I couldn’t even fathom how I had missed them. I looked at the time and they were all made very late, after I had gone to bed. I smiled when I thought of him calling me in the middle of the night and not getting an answer.

My heart beating fast, I checked for any texts or voicemails, but there weren't any. Typical Max, it was just his style to make me wonder why he had called. That dark mystery was exactly what I couldn't get enough of.

With trembling fingers, I called him back, still lying in bed wearing nothing but my panties. I toyed with my nipples while waiting for him to answer, anticipating the sound of that deep, sexy voice of his that I had missed so much these past two weeks.

He picked up on the third ring. "Emily."

"Max," I returned his formality. "I see you were trying to reach me."

"Actually, yes. I was quite worried when I tried multiple times last night, and you didn't pick up." His statement was clearly meant to be a question.

Let the games begin, I thought to myself with a huge grin. "Oh, Max,” I laughed airily. "There’s no need to worry about me. I was just out on a date." I knew this would pique his curiosity.

"A date? Well, good for you, Emily. I’m just glad that you’re safe. I couldn’t help but be concerned when I didn’t hear back last night or this morning.” There was that disciplinarian tone that made me so wet.

"So why were you trying to reach me all of a sudden?" I asked, trying desperately to sound nonchalant.

“Well, for one, I wanted to check on you. I hadn't heard from you in nearly two weeks."

"If I do recall, you informed me that you didn’t have any time for me in your precious schedule. After I sucked your cock, that is.”

"Emily, that's not ..." He started, then cleared his throat. "The other reason I wanted to speak with you is that the realtor emailed me a list of items to go over with you before the house goes on the market. I need to meet with you sometime soon so we can get it listed.”

"My schedule is very flexible, Max … as well as my legs,” I added for an extra twist of the knife. “You are welcome to come by anytime."

"I see. So I take it you didn't have your date over to your home last night then?" The inquisitive sound in Max’s voice almost made me jump in the air.

"Oh no, I spend enough time in this morgue.” I paused. "I went to his place last night."

Max was trying to keep his cool, but I could hear his breath hitch.

"Is it such a good idea to be spending the night with boys you just met? I think that maybe you’ve had enough upheaval lately, don't you?"

"Why would it matter to you? And don't tell me, 'Because I care about you' when we both know that if you were concerned about me solely as a patient you would not be calling me at one o'clock on a Friday night—or two, or again at three. You also would not have had me suck your cock in your office," I pointed out. The thought of having his big, hard cock in my mouth got me excited again, and my hand snaked between my legs and into my panties, circling my clit as I talked to him on the phone.

"Emily, I thought we both agreed that what we did was wrong. Yes, I do care about you. Not only as your doctor, but as your friend. I deserve to be given a little more credit than that. The fact that you spent the night with someone that you don't know well is a safety concern for someone that is in a vulnerable psychological state as you seem to be."

"Does it make you feel any less concerned that I didn't spend the night? I didn’t stay over, but I did fuck him, Max?” I laughed. “Is that any less upheaval since I slept in my own bed? Or am I in trouble for letting my date stick his cock in me?”

"I'll be coming by later this week to go over the list from the realtor. In the meantime, I’d like to suggest that you come in to my office at three o'clock tomorrow. I think it would be a good time to resume our sessions. Doctors' orders.”

“So, you’ve found room for me in your schedule now?”

“Just be there, Emily."

The way he ordered me to his office lit my body up like it was on fire. I fingered myself under the covers, the phone pressed to my ear—my wet fingers rubbing over my clit in a rhythmic beat to the sound of Max's deep voice ordering me to see him in his office. I was silent on the phone, bringing myself to orgasm.

"Emily?" Max said sternly.

"Yes, I'm coming." I breathily replied, and hung up as I shuddered through my orgasm.