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Beast by Elizabeth Reyes (27)


“That party Martinez said he’d let me know about is happening this weekend,” Orlando said as he walked into the kitchen from the back door. “More proof that this shit is lucrative, it’s taking place on the rooftop of his fancy-ass apartment building in downtown Los Angeles.”

“No shit,” Nine said as he walked in the room from the other direction. “They still looking to recruit?”

“Yeah, but only people they trust. So, don’t tell anyone else. They asked specifically for Beast.”

“Recruit?” Allison asked, not understanding but had a bad feeling. “What are they looking to recruit you for?”

Leonardo, who sat across from her at the small kitchen table, frowned. “A job.”

“Finally,” Nine said as he opened the pantry and pulled out a box of cereal. “I’m sick of these piddly checks we’ve been making. I need some real cash already.”

“What kind of job?” Allison asked cautiously.

“The kind no one talks about.” Nine laughed as he poured his cereal in a bowl.

Leonardo’s eyes locked on Allison’s. “I’ll tell you about it later.”

“No, tell me about it now.” Allison was already feeling a sort of betrayal she thought she never would from him. “Is it illegal?”

“Sort of.”

“What do you mean sort of?” Allison’s heart rate spiked as she stared him down for a real answer. “Either it is or it isn’t.”

“It’s complicated.”

“It’s a yes or no question, Leonardo. Are you really gonna get involved in something illegal when you’re not even off probation?”

“No. This won’t start until I’m done with probation. Few months from now at the soonest.”

Allison’s jaw dropped, and it took a minute for her to catch her breath. “So, it does involve illegal stuff?”

Leonardo shook his head, glaring at Nine, who was now sitting on the kitchen counter with his bowl of cereal, chuckling. “Just tell ’er, man.”

Allison could hardly pull her eyes away from Leonardo, who was working his jaw now. But she did. She turned to Nine, since clearly Leonardo didn’t seem in any hurry to explain. “What is it?”

Unlike Leonardo, Nine was more than willing to oblige. “It’s the stuff of super heroes.”

“Shut up, Nine.”

“Your man’s gonna be saving lives and bringing families back together or die trying.”

“Shut the fuck up, Nine!”

Allison shook her head, even more alarmed. “You’ll be risking your life?”

Leonardo shot to his feet so fast it startled her. “Let’s go outside.”

Instantly on her feet as well, Allison rushed around the kitchen table, dreading that her heart could be breaking in any second. The exchanged glance between Leonardo and a very repentant-looking Orlando wasn’t missed.

“My bad, man, I didn’t know—”

“Don’t worry about it,” Leonardo said, interrupting Orlando before he could finish.

Orlando’s near apology was proof enough of what Allison could only assume now: Leonardo was keeping something big from her, something even his friend didn’t realize he was doing.

The moment they were out on the porch, Allison spun around to face him, pissed that the tears were already blurring her eyes. “Okay, so tell me.”

“Baby, don’t cry.”

Leonardo reached out to her, but she flinched, pulling her arm away. Not since the moment he realized he’d technically “deflowered” Allison, had she seen him look so terrified, but she didn’t care. This terrified her too.

“Just tell me.” She swatted angry tears away. “Are you seriously gonna get involved in something dangerous? Something illegal?”

“No.” He shook his head. “Listen to me. I was going to tell you. I’d just forgotten all about it.”

He explained quickly about being approached by an old acquaintance about this “job” just before he got arrested the last time. “It’s not a job like what you’re thinking, but it can be dangerous, only he’d explained there were some jobs that were less dangerous. At the time, I was all for any level of danger because it didn’t matter to me. Even when I was in the can, he contacted me to feel me out, see if I was still interested, and I told him I was. I told him when I’d be done with probation and for him to contact me then. But now the only jobs I’d even consider are the ones that are less risky.”

Allison still didn’t get it, and she refused to let him touch her until she knew just what these jobs consisted of. “So, what’ll you be doing? Why would you risk anything?”

“It’s something I have to do, babe. You remember what I told you about my mom. She got involved in my dad’s life before she realized just what she was getting into. There were many others just like her. They also had family try to get them out, but the only ones that ever stood a chance of making it out alive and staying out, were the ones who were saved.”

He paused as if letting what he’d just said sink in. Allison shook her head. “Saved? So, you’ll be going back into that world to save people?”

“Not that world. Like I said when he first approached me, I was willing to, but not anymore. I won’t get involved in anything that might put you in danger. Only he also explained it’s not just the cartel; his clients come from all walks of life. They have family members who’ve gotten caught up in cults and abusive marriages they feel trapped in or can’t leave because they fear losing their children. Others are stuck in bitter custody battles, or their kids have been taken away because of some legal loophole, and now those kids are being abused, but again, the fucked system is too damn slow. You hear about it all the time: kids who die at the hands of their abusers, and it’s later disclosed that child protective services were aware of the abuse allegations, but their hands were tied to do anything about it. It’s bullshit.” He took a deep breath then exhaled loudly. “Remember we talked about our dreams? I told you about one of mine, but this is the other. It’s something I feel obligated to do. Me and Flip didn’t just walk away from the cartel. We were helped. I’d probably be dead right now if it hadn’t been for them. I need to pay it forward, even if it’s not someone in the cartel. Just someone in trouble. Get someone’s kid back.”

Allison wasn’t sure if her heart should be breaking or bursting. This scared her, but at the same time, she was once again in awe of this man. Leonardo was willing to risk it all to save lives.

“What about the shop?”

“That’s the best part. I need to keep that going. I won’t be doing this other stuff full-time. It’ll be on a case-by-case basis, especially since I’ll be telling him I’m out of any of the stuff that has to do with the cartel. Right now, most of his cases involve it. But from what he told me, it’s good money. These clients are willing to pay big bucks to get their family members—kids—back.”

She was almost afraid to ask. “How illegal is it?”

“I don’t know for sure yet. He never has formal meetings with anyone. Everything he does is on the down low. Never discusses business on the phone either. It’s why he said he’d send word when we could set up an unplanned run-in, where we could just chat casually. There’s no danger or risk to meeting with him. I’m not committing to anything yet. It’s a party where I’ll be casually running into him, and we’ll discuss details.”

“I wanna be there.”

“No,” he said immediately.

“Why not? You said there’s no danger or risk involved.”


“Because what?” she asked again. “Unless you’re lying to me—”

“I’m not. I just don’t want you involved in any way.”

“It’s a party, baby.” She smiled when the term of endearment just slipped out as it so often did when he addressed her. “You said it’s meant to be casual and on the down low. I’d just be a guest.” He continued to shake his head. “I could bring awareness to this. Write a story about why there’s a need for these kinds of vigilante groups.” She reached out for his hand and squeezed it when he began to protest. “I wouldn’t give any specifics—no names, nothing like that—just write about how broken the system is and why the courts should show some leniency toward anyone ever in trouble for trying to save someone.” The more she thought about it, the more it excited her. “I could research and give hard facts about the real victims, innocent children who could’ve been saved but instead lost their lives. I know firsthand what it’s like to be an abused child. My own sister would’ve taken matters in her own hands had she known, but because of my fear of her going to prison for the rest of her life, I never told her. Had there been someone or a group out there like this one, maybe I and so many others who were in similar situations could’ve been spared what we were forced to live through. I won’t ask any questions, just observe, and you can tell me what you’re allowed to. I’d never give up my sources, but most of all . . .” She squeezed his hand. “I need to see for myself just what this is all about. I trust you, but I know what it’s like to tone things down and keep things from someone for the sake of them not worrying or protecting them. I don’t want you sugar-coating anything. I understand why you’d feel the need to be part of this—”

“I’m not even sure I’ll be doing it yet. It’s why I want to talk to him. Before you, I would’ve been all in too, just like O and Nine. They’re still saying they’ll take whatever jobs he might give them. But everything has changed for me now. I need to see what’s involved in these so-called less riskier jobs.”

“So, we’ll find out together.” She slipped her other hand into his and pressed her body against his. “I’ll be there with you.”

Leonardo pulled his hands out of hers and brought them around her instead. Yelping when he picked her up suddenly, Allison wrapped her arms around his neck, feeling slightly relieved. Leonardo set her down on the porch rail and leaned his forehead against hers. “Have you always been this damn obstinate?”

“Yes,” she said proudly. “Yes, I have. Don’t get Lila started on that, but you better get used to it.”

He wrapped his big arms around her and squeezed her with a groan. “Alright, you can come with me, damn it.” He spoke against the side of her head then kissed it. “But I have strict rules.”

One of Leonardo’s stipulations for this party was that at no time would Allison be left alone. If he had to step aside to speak privately to Martinez, she was to stay by Nine’s or Orlando’s side at all times. Problem was he was worried Martinez might just want to have the casual meeting with all three at once, which would mean leaving Allison alone.

Before he could change his mind, she offered to bring Drew along. “This way, in case the three of you get called away, this little damsel in distress won’t be left all alone. Don’t worry. Drew’s gotta killer left hook. I’ve seen her train on the punching bag.”

Of course, Leonardo wasn’t a hundred percent content with this. But as she’d warned him, she was going to be there one way or another. So, having Drew along to keep her company, if need be, seemed better than nothing.

They met at the party where she had strict orders to wait in her car until Leonardo and the guys arrived in Orlando’s truck. “Seriously? We can’t even go inside and get a drink or something?” Drew asked.

“That’s them.” Allison waved at the truck that pulled into the paid parking lot; then she opened her door.

Drew got out of her side, and Allison walked around to meet with her as they started toward where Orlando was parking his truck. His truck was a four door. Good thing too. Allison couldn’t imagine those three guys fitting up front.

Nine jumped out of the backseat. Allison heard Drew gasp under her breath at the sight. Understandably, she was reacting to Nine. In all the times Allison had been around him, he was either in worn jeans, T-shirts, or wife beaters. She’d even been privy to seeing both Leonardo’s roommates shirtless, since it seemed they often walked around that way at home.

He almost didn’t look like the same guy. None of them did, not in the buttoned shirts they all wore with the sleeves folded up just below their elbows. Orlando wore a print one with dark jeans and looked very handsome. Nine wore a solid black one over distressed but stylish looking jeans. The top of his hair was slicked back, and he’d gotten a haircut so the sides of his head were shaved real close, giving him an even more clean-cut pretty-boy look. Leonardo looked especially yummy in his white shirt and black jeans. Allison couldn’t breathe in deeply enough.

“Holy shit,” Drew said under her breath.

Allison giggled as the guys approached. Leonardo reached out for her hand the moment he was close enough. “You look good,” he whispered against her lips before kissing her. “Too good,” he added before she could thank him.

Allison glanced down at her snug little red dress and matching strappy heels, not sure if she should be flattered or feel a little self-conscious. “Thank you?”

Leonardo smiled and kissed her again. “You and that smokin’ dress better just stay near me tonight.”

Even as the butterflies fluttered in her belly because it was still too surreal to think this guy was her man, Allison did her best to compose herself and regain the strength in her legs. “This smoking hot dress and my shoes are all I’m wearing tonight.” She chewed her bottom lip, feeling shamelessly sinful. Leo’s eyes widened as he glanced down and then up at her again. “Never been to a rooftop party before,” she explained, still whispering. “But I had a few ideas and figured easy access might come in handy.”

His jaw falling open made her giggle, but she turned to Drew, feeling bad suddenly that she hadn’t introduced her. Turning back to Leonardo, she motioned to Drew. “You’ve heard enough about her, but now you can officially meet Drew. Drew, this is Leonardo and his roommates, Nine and O.”

Despite Drew’s equally eye-catching dress, which proudly showed off what she called her new and improved tight curves, Orlando was the only one whose polite smile seemed to appreciate any of it. Nine barely acknowledged her with a slight lift of his chin.

“Are you kidding me with this shit?” Nine asked, looking up at the soaring and luxurious building they’d be walking into shortly. “Does he live in this place?”

“Not sure,” Orlando responded as they all looked up now too.

“Well, shit, if he is, I’m all in.” Nine laughed. “This guy must be making bank.”

“It’s way the fuck up there?” Leonardo asked, looking up as well.

“He said rooftop.” Orlando shrugged. “So, I guess.”

The building must’ve been minimum fifty stories high. It was ginormous, bigger than any Allison had been in anyway and far more luxurious. They walked into the lavish lobby. An enormous crystal chandelier took center stage in the middle of the huge room. The ceilings were so high the lobby alone took up at least three of those first few stories. At least.

“Holy shit,” Nine said what Allison knew they were all thinking as they all glanced around.

“I’ve only ever seen casinos this fancy,” Drew said.

They made their way to the elevator. Even that was beyond fancier than any Allison had ever been in. It had glass walls with views of the entire city as it went up the side of the building. The long ride all the way up to the roof was understandably a quiet one as they all took in the spectacular views.

Allison did a double take when she glanced up at Leonardo and saw he was the only one looking straight ahead at the doors of the elevator and not out the glass windows. “Did you see the view?” she asked in a lowered voice.

He nodded but didn’t turn his eye from the doors of the elevator. As odd as that seemed, with others in the elevator aside from their party of five, Allison didn’t ask more. For a moment, she thought of how much he’d lived through being part of such a violent mob. How paranoid he was about something happening to her had to go hand in hand with what he’d seen happen firsthand. Maybe he was watching the doors so he’d be the first to see if anyone dangerous was outside them?

They finally reached the top and exited the elevators. The roof was even more spectacular than she expected. But if she had to be honest, she hadn’t been sure what to expect.

Two long pools took up almost the length of the entire roof. Alongside and in between, there were tables and elegant but comfortable sofa sitting areas with fire pits. From the angle they walked into the crowded party, Allison could see at least two full bars manned by a minimum of three fast-working bartenders each on either side of the roof. Thankfully, while some guests were dressed in almost black-tie attire—tuxedos and full flowing gowns—others were as laid back as Leonardo and his friends. There were plenty in dressy jeans and buttoned-up shirts as well as cocktail dresses like Allison’s and Drew’s.

Waiters and waitresses walked all around with trays of drinks. One approached them; the tray he held offered several different kinds of drinks—champagne, wine, and martinis. Allison glanced up at Leonardo for guidance. Did she dare try one or would security be escorting her out the moment she reached for one. Leonardo nodded subtly with a smile as he reached for a martini. Drew took a martini as well, but that looked way too potent. So, Allison reached for the champagne flute instead. As thin as the flute it came in was and it only being half full, it seemed the safest route.

“You got any beer, chief?” Nine asked, eyeing the tray.

“The bars are fully stocked with everything, but if you’d like me to bring you one, I’d be happy to,” the young waiter said with a big smile. “What kind would you like?”

Both Nine and Orlando put in their orders as Allison sipped her champagne, trying to look old enough to be drinking it.

“No one’s gonna card you here, babe,” Leonardo assured her as the waiter walked away. “But you sure you’re gonna be okay drinking that? They have non-alcoholic drinks you can order.”

Allison smiled, feeling silly about the visuals she had of being escorted out by the elbow immediately. “I’ll be fine.”

She wasn’t so sure about that. As different as Leonardo had pegged them to be from the get-go, and remembering how he’d first referred to her as kid, she kept to herself that this was her first alcoholic drink ever. She’d be babying it; that was for sure. She did not want another repeat of what happened with the energy drink.

A couple of men in bigwig suits walked by, and then another couple in their near black-tie apparel strolled by as well. Admittedly, she’d been worried before tonight that this place would be full of lowlife thugs and Leonardo had tried to sugarcoat the whole situation. Allison leaned into Leonardo. “I didn’t realize this was going to be so fancy. These must be real highbrow peeps. I can’t believe you were worried about leaving me alone at a party like this.”

“Trust me. I found out real fast the fancier dressed they are, the more you need to worry.”

That made sense in a cartel setting maybe, but here? “Yeah, but this is different from the parties you were used to.”

He shook his head as they started toward the building’s edge where Drew said she wanted to check out the view. “I’ve already explained to you this job doesn’t come without risks. Most who are willing are not doing it for the reasons I feel compelled to. Most of the people he’s looking to recruit, ones who are willing to take the risk, are people with criminal and violent pasts. But unlike me and these two and Martinez, a lot of guys are never really reformed. They just look the part on the outside.” He stopped just before they reached the side of the rooftop and looked her square in the eyes. “Trust no one, okay?”

Allison still thought he was being paranoid but agreed with a nod. She started toward Drew and the guys, who were looking over the ledge and out at the gorgeous view. Leonardo dropped her hand, making Allison turn to him. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” He sipped his martini then motioned with his head for her to keep going. “Go ahead.”

“Aren’t you coming?”

He shook his head, glancing around. Allison remembered how he kept his eyes on the elevator door and away from the windows, and it dawned on her. “Are you afraid of heights?”

“No,” he retorted but avoided her eyes.

“So why don’t you come over here?” Nine asked with a chuckle.

“’Cause I don’t feel like it.”

Both Orlando and Nine laughed, and Allison regretted pointing it out that loudly now. To her relief, a guy in a suit approached Leonardo just as the waiter brought Nine and Orlando their drinks.

“I’m glad you made it,” the stocky man in the suit said, clapping Leonardo on the back.

Orlando and Nine walked over to him to say hello as well. Leonardo looked over at Allison, but she glanced away and went to stand with Drew. She was only a few feet away from him and still in full sight, for crying out loud. She didn’t want him feeling like he needed to babysit her all night.

Drew giggled as soon as she reached her. “Is your big scary boyfriend really afraid of heights?”

Allison smirked. “He said he’s not.”

“Is that why he stayed way over there and refused to look out the window in the elevator?”

This time Allison laughed. “You noticed that too?”

“Yes! Oh my God, that’s so funny. Brad’s afraid of spiders.”

Drew laughed even louder, bringing her hand to her mouth, and Allison had to wonder how strong that martini was. Leonardo being afraid of heights was funny, in a cute way, but not this hysterical. Drew’s laughter had actually turned a few heads.

Shaking her head, Drew covered her mouth as she continued to laugh. “I’m sorry,” she squeaked. “It just reminded me of hearing him scream like a little bitch and nearly jump out of his skin over a little spider.”

The explanation and Drew cracking up so much had Allison giggling too. One of the guys whose head Drew had turned, smiled at Allison when their eyes met. He was standing a few feet over, admiring the view as well. Allison smiled back nervously. He was one of the more sharply dressed guys at the party. Full suit and tie. He looked about Leonardo’s age, maybe a little older. Allison caught the way he sized Drew up then smiled even bigger when he saw she was still laughing. Interestingly for a guy this good-looking, he was alone. At least right that moment no one was standing with him.

Allison turned her attention back out to the fabulous Los Angeles skyline. “Don’t look now,” she said in a lowered voice. “But it seems you have an admirer at nine o’clock.”

Drew’s laughter calmed, and she took a sip of her martini. Allison had since decided Drew’s silliness couldn’t be blamed on her drink. The girl had drunk as much of her drink as Allison had hers—very little.

Glancing around in the opposite direction of the guy, Drew took another tiny sip of her drink. “Is he cute?” she asked, after taking the sip.

“Very,” Allison said, enjoying the girl time.

She so rarely went out and much less to parties like this. She didn’t even own party clothes. The dress she was wearing was Lila’s. Luckily her sister didn’t like wearing clothes that were too skin tight. But that didn’t mean it wasn’t on Allison. Since Allison’s curves were a bit fuller than Lila’s, it only meant she could get into the dress. But it was far more body-hugging on her than her sister.

Seeing Drew make the move to glance in the guy’s direction, Allison glanced the opposite way, feeling silly.

“OMG, he smiled at me,” Drew whispered, glancing out at the evening view again. “Damn, he is cute. What’s he Hispanic? Italian? Oh, what does it matter?” She shook her head. “I have Brad. Be good, Drew. Brad’s perfect.”

“Except when he’s screaming like a little bitch,” Allison reminded her with a giggle. “Don’t be silly. Nothing wrong with looking.”

“Looking at who?”

Leonardo’s voice startled Allison, making her flinch when she felt his hand slip into hers and pull her back. She turned to him with a smile as he pulled her farther away from where she’d been leaning over onto the ledge. “Drew’s feeling guilty about enjoying some guy giving her goo-goo eyes.” She glanced back casually so she could point him out, but with Leo and his friends back, it seemed the guy changed his mind about continuing to flirt with Drew. “He’s gone.” She fixed the collar on Leonardo’s shirt. “I didn’t even get the chance to tell you, you look smoking hot tonight too.”

Leonardo peered at her playfully. “Thank you.”

He pecked her sweetly, surprising her. She was sure he’d have something to say about her “nothing wrong with looking” comment. But he seemed to have something else on his mind. And she was right because he got right to it.

“Listen. This guy’s gonna round us up again a little later. I thought he might be talking to us out here. But he’s having us meet him down in his apartment. So, I’ll be gone for a little bit.”

“That’s fine.” Allison ran her hands over his chest because she could already feel how tense his muscles were.

Orlando walked up to them. “Is that who me and Nine think it is? Behind me?”

Both Leonardo and Allison glanced over Orlando’s shoulder casually. There were several guys in the area behind Orlando, a group of guys near the bar and then a whole group of people sitting by a fire pit. Allison glanced up at Leonardo to see him press his lips together.

“Sure as fuck looks like him, but I don’t know. It’s been so long.”


Allison glanced back in that direction but still had no idea whom they were talking about because it could’ve been anyone in the several groups of people in that area. The only consolation was they were all so well-dressed and not the least bit threatening.

“Look.” His troubled eyes met hers. “I wasn’t sure what to expect tonight, but seeing faces I hadn’t anticipated seeing again—ever—wasn’t one of them.”

“Like who?” Allison asked, her eyes going wide as she lowered her voice. “Bad people?”

“That depends.”

“On what?”

“If everyone here is really reformed like we’d all like to think we are, then we’re cool.”

His brow went up and he paused. As if their minds were connected, she immediately knew what he was saying. As reformed as he’d like to think himself, Leonardo had almost killed someone with his bare hands just recently.

“That’s different. You had good reas—”

“If I’d known these people would be here, I never would’ve brought you.”

“Leonardo,” she said firmly because he was beginning to sound not just worried but pissed—at himself. “I’m gonna be fine.”

She dared not say what she was thinking. That he was overreacting. But so far, this party had been perfectly pleasant and without the slightest bit of drama.

“I’m gonna be fine,” she repeated, gently smoothing the vein on his forehead.

Sliding his hand into hers, Leonardo kissed her then exhaled as if he were done with the subject. Allison promised to keep her eyes open and stay near him at all times.

For the next hour or so, the five of them strolled around the roof, munching on fancy appetizers, sipping on their drinks, and checking everything out. There was even a band playing on a small stage in one of the corners they all stopped to watch and listen to.

Several times Allison had made eye contact with that same guy who’d checked out Drew earlier. Each time he’d smiled at her again. He wasn’t alone anymore. He was talking to another couple. There was nothing noxious about the way he’d eyed her then smiled. It just seemed odd that he’d keep doing so when she was obviously with someone.

Only a handful of times had Leonardo let go of her hand and stepped away from her, mostly to talk to the guys in a lowered voice in that same uptight manner as earlier. Drew took advantage of one of those times to lean in and say something to Allison in a lowered voice.

“That guy you thought was admiring me . . .”

Allison glanced at Drew when she paused and saw that she was making sure Leonardo wasn’t within earshot. He wasn’t. He was too engrossed in whatever he was discussing with Nine and Orlando.

“Pretty sure he’s into you not me,” Drew went on. “He keeps looking at you, and the more he drinks, it seems the more blatant he gets about it.”

“You noticed too?” Allison asked, feeling a little uncomfortable about it. “How stupid is that, though. I mean isn’t it obvious I’m with Leonardo?”

“Exactly. I don’t think he’d be stupid enough to say something to you with those three around. But I just thought I’d give you a heads-up because I saw him doing shots earlier. You know how dangerous that liquid courage can be.”

Allison glanced around casually as the guys walked back toward them. This party was full of what she’d considered grownups. She knew how naïve she’d sound if she said aloud what she was thinking: that aside from her sister’s wedding, this fancy party seemed far safer than any of the other parties she’d ever attended—backyard parties where fights often broke out.

But she’d be mindful of what Leonardo had shared with her. Just because the people here were grown adults, didn’t automatically make them mature and trustworthy.

They took a seat at one of the sitting areas with a firepit since the evening breeze was making things chilly. They’d only been there for a few minutes when Leonardo got a text. “Alright guys,” he said after reading it. “Let’s get this done. They want us down there now.”

He turned to Allison with a very serious expression. “Call me if at any moment anything makes you uncomfortable. Trust your instincts, babe. No matter how small a gut feeling you get, don’t blow it off. Call me.”

He closed his eyes for a moment as if he were rethinking leaving her there. Allison touched his face. Knowing the guys were just a few feet away and waiting for him, she whispered, “I’ll be fine. I promise to call or text you if there’s even the slightest indication that something’s wrong.”

He took a breath and exhaled, kissing her softly before getting up and walking away. When he was far enough away, Drew turned to Allison. “He always wound up this tight?”

Aside from sharing with Drew that she was now in a hush-hush relationship with the guy, Allison hadn’t shared a whole lot of details. Drew knew about some of his past and all, but she didn’t know how hesitant Leonardo had been about anything happening between them or why. She explained briefly their history and about why he seemed so uptight tonight.

Drew glanced around. “You really think something would happen here?”

“I don’t know.” Allison shook her head as Drew checked her phone. “But after what happened with the one guy following me, I think he’s a little paranoid.”

“Hmm.” Drew was still reading whatever was on her phone screen. “I guess I don’t blame him.” Tapping away at her screen, she finally looked up and shook her head. “I’m sorry, but Phoenix texted me earlier to let me know Chelsea was running a slight fever. I was just checking on her.”

“Is she okay?”

“He said she finally knocked out, but he’s still monitoring her fever. It’s gotta be viral; she wasn’t coughing or sneezing, but she did throw up.”

“Poor baby.”

“She should be fine,” Drew said, looking around. “I need to use the ladies’ room. Have you seen any?”

“I haven’t.” Allison pointed at one of the doors leading out of the rooftop. “But I’ve seen people going in and out of that entrance.”

They both stood up and headed that way. A waiter along the way confirmed they were headed in the right direction. Drew groaned when they turned the corner and saw the line.

“Oh my God! Why can’t they ever double the ratio of ladies’ to men’s restrooms at these places. Look at that.” Drew motioned toward the wide-open door to the men’s room across the hall where men were walking in and out without a care. “That’s so unfair.”

Two women coming from the other end of the hallway overheard Drew. One of them leaned into them. “If you keep going,” she said in a lowered voice, motioning in the direction they’d just come from, “past those double doors, the doors to your right and left are doors to the stairwell. Go one floor down, and they have the exact bathroom set up as on this floor only empty.”

“Thank you so much,” Drew said, already reaching for Allison’s arm.

They hurried past the ridiculously long line to the ladies’ room. As promised, the stairwell doors were just after the double doors. When they were finally in the bathrooms downstairs, Allison realized why the line upstairs was so long. There were only three stalls. One of the ones in this bathroom was out of order, but the other two were working. Only one of them was in use. Since Drew seemed to be in a bigger hurry, Allison let her go first.

Allison studied herself in the mirror for a moment, smiling when she remembered Leonardo’s remark about her smoking hot dress. Okay, for once, she’d finally admit it. She did look pretty hot tonight.

Drew was out of the stall before the other person in the other one. Allison had just locked the door when she heard Drew curse under her breath. “Ali, I gotta call Phoenix. He just texted me he might be taking Chelsea to urgent care. Her fever’s up. I’ll be outside.”

“Go ahead,” Allison said, feeling a little alarmed for Drew. “If you have to go, I can take you. I’ll just text Leonardo.”

“I’ll let you know.”

Allison heard the door open and close then the other person in the other stall washing her hands. Taking a deep breath, she wasn’t even disappointed. Leonardo would likely be relieved if she had to suddenly leave this place.

By the time she was done, whoever had been in the other stall was long gone. Allison washed her hands and air-dried them under the machine then walked out. Drew wasn’t out in the hallway. Allison glanced around the empty hallway then down at her phone to see if maybe she’d texted her. She hoped it wasn’t that urgent that Drew left without waiting for her.

She had no texts, so she walked toward the stairwell door. Maybe she took the call in there. There was no one in the stairwell either, but the door at the top either opened or closed. “Drew?” Allison called out. “Is that you?”

Footsteps started down the stairs as Allison started up. Almost at the halfway point of the stairway where it turned to the second half of the flight, she saw him come into view, the guy who’d been eyeing her most of the night. “Hey,” he said with a big smile.

“Hey.” She smiled nervously, not sure how else to respond.

“How we doin, beautiful?” he asked, and that’s when she realized it. It wasn’t just the very heavy and distinct accent; he was drunk. “I was hoping to get a moment alone with you.”

The overly stretched-out smile was creepy enough, but the idea that maybe this guy had followed her here was even more alarming. Was he just some drunk guy trying to hit on her or was there more to him?

If I’d known these people were gonna be here, I never would’ve brought you.

She stood frozen on the step she was on, not sure whether she should keep going or let him by. “Um, I’m doing fine.”

She almost didn’t, but the way the guy leered at her, had her rethinking whether she should panic and dial Leonardo or just relax and get past the guy.

Trust your instincts, babe.

Glancing down at the phone still in her hand, she used her thumb to tap on the icon she’d set as the speed dial for Leonardo. She prayed this guy wouldn’t hear it ringing or Leonardo’s voice if he answered. Deciding to keep going since he all but stopped, she took a few more steps until she was at the middle point with him that turned onto the next flight. He took a step in front of her, not letting her by. “What’s the hurry? I just wanna a moment with you.”

Feeling her heart spike, Allison tried in vain to get around him because he blocked her again. “My hurry is my boyfriend is waiting for me up there.”

“No, he’s not.” He stepped in front of her again, making her flinch and squeeze her phone even tighter. His big body seemed to expand, making it even harder for her to go around him. “I saw him leave.”

“No, he didn’t.” Allison contemplated running back down the stairs. “He’s coming back, and he’ll be looking for me.”

Her phone rang, but before she could bring it to her ear, the guy grabbed it, smiling when he hit something on the screen that made it stop ringing. Leaning into her, he stuck it in her cleavage, his fingers caressing the top of her breasts.

“Maybe he is looking for you. Better make this fast.” The guy stepped closer to her, inhaling deeply, and Allison took a step back. “You smell that?”

He kept taking steps closer even as he continued to inhale deeply through his nose. Allison stupidly stepped backwards until she realized he’d cornered her into the wall. That’s when she finally snapped out of her terror-induced trance and tried to push him away, but he was too big—too strong. He continued to do the exaggerated inhaling thing. “That’s the smell of another man’s pussy.” He lifted his hand against the wall next to Allison’s face. “And you’re the most satisfying kind. My favorite.”

“Fuck you!” she finally said, trying to slap him, but he grabbed her wrist so hard she thought it might snap.

“Oh, no.” He pressed his heavy body against hers. “I think I’ll fuck you.”

She started to cry out in pain because he squeezed her wrist even harder, but he grabbed a fistful of her hair and yanked hard. “Shut your fucking mouth,” he said through his teeth as he spread her legs with his knee.

The door at the top opened, making him freeze for a second, but he recovered quickly. He kept his body over hers and kissed her, rendering her voiceless. His disgusting rancid tongue violated every corner of her mouth. Whoever had opened the door must’ve changed his mind about coming down when he saw the two love birds going at it in the stairwell. “Guess fucking you right here might be too risqué.” He dropped her wrist only to wrap that hand around her neck instead, making her gasp. “Move or make a sound and I’ll snuff the life out of you right here.” An evil smile lifted the corners of his mouth when her eyes nearly popped out in horror. “Wouldn’t be the first time I had to do that.”

Like in one of the nightmares she used to have as a child where she couldn’t move or make a sound, she stood frozen and mute as his hand continued squeezing her windpipe. She felt completely helpless.

He pulled her dress up, smiling big when he realized she wore no panties, then squeezed her neck a little tighter when she began to cry.

“Please don’t!”

“Shut the fuck up,” he hissed, spreading her legs, then closed his eyes as his fingers grazed her slit. “Fuck yeah,” he said, dipping a finger into her.

Allison cried at the horrendous sensation of another man touching her. “Stop!” she sobbed, but he only squeezed her neck more, and Allison only prayed she’d pass out now before he could do more. She’d rather die a million times than experience the rest of what he seemed to have in mind.





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