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Maxen (Kinky Shine Book 2) by Stephanie Witter (10)




Our waiter walked back in the room with my credit card and his smile from earlier after I asked him if he wanted a selfie with the entire band had disappeared. In fact, he couldn’t be hiding his nervous energy if he wanted. He rounded the table and gave me my black credit card. I absentmindedly put it back in my wallet before I focused on the man fidgeting there in his work uniform. The guys and Lark all fell silent too.

“I’m sorry, I swear I didn’t say anything, but,’’ the waiter said and looked back at the door he came from. “Someone tipped the journalists. There’s a horde outside waiting for you and…’’ His dark eyes fell on Lark, and all the blood left my face at once. “Your wife.’’

“Fuck,’’ Dex muttered loud enough to cut through the deadly silence that fell around us.

I sought out Lark’s eyes and found them wide open and showing fear in them. That’s something I had never wanted to see because of me, but I had known it was coming.

“Do you have a back door we could use to leave the restaurant?’’ I asked evenly with a voice so calm and cold I barely recognized it.

“Oh shit, Harley has been calling me, but I forgot my phone was on mute since the radio station. Fuck, I’m sorry,’’ Dex said and gritted his teeth as if this mess was his fault. Fuck, either way, we’d have the journalists on us anyway.

The waiter looked from me to Dex and then back to me. “The back entrance is currently used for a delivery. I don’t know when they’ll be finished. I’m sorry, sir.’’

I put my elbows on the table and brought my face in my hands. This was a fucking nightmare.

“They know about us?’’ Lark asked quietly, her voice shaking.

“It’s all over the damn gossip rags and on Twitter,’’ Beckett said with annoyance. I pulled my face away from my hands and glanced at him. He’s looking down at his phone, shaking his head every two seconds. “They’re calling Lark ‘the most famous deceived wife’.’’

Otis swiped at his phone screen and cringed. “Yeah, it’s all over the place. And the fans are in a frenzy.’’

“Fuck, I need to get out there and tell them the truth,’’ I blurted out and stood up abruptly, almost sending my chair to the floor.

Lark grabbed my hand before I took a step away from the table and I looked down at her. Her beautiful face was turned up to me. Her eyes were still wide open in fear, but I knew the determined set of her delicious mouth.

“You can’t go out there like that. They’ll never believe you or they’re going to twist your words. Either way, we’re fucked, Maxen.’’

“She’s right,’’ Beckett butted in and pocketed his phone back in his smart midnight blue jacket. “We need to play by the rules here. We have to get to our hotel,’’ he gestured around the table. “All of us. I don’t think Lark and Alan should go back to his place tonight. And we’ll plan our next move with Floyd.’’ He turned to Dex. “Maybe Harley will have an idea of what to do tonight before we’re able to do something tomorrow.’’

Dex nodded and held up his phone before he put it in his black jeans pocket to stand up. “She texted me that we need to get back to the hotel as soon as possible. And we must not say anything to the vultures out there.’’

Our waiter cleared his throat, and we all turned to him at once. I completely forgot he was there. “The manager has our security team ready to escort you to your cars.’’

“Lark and I came in a cab,’’ Alan said, opening his mouth for the first time. The look he’s sending me wasn’t exactly friendly, and I couldn’t blame him. He knew what my life was and I’ve told him what it’d be like when my marriage to his cousin would come out, but being told and living the mess, there’s a huge difference.

“No problem. You two can come with Maxen and me. Otis and Beckett came in another car. Fuck, for the first time I think we should have listened to Floyd and agreed for the drivers,’’ Dex said and crossed his arms.

Otis stood up too and finished his glass of red wine in one huge gulp. “Let’s do this. Get the security staff ready. Tell them to focus mostly on Maxen and Lark,’’ he said to our waiter who nodded and promptly left the room to get the word out.

“I can’t believe it,’’ Lark muttered and let Alan hug her as he helped her stand, but I saw how shaky her legs were. Fuck, I wanted to swoop her into my arms, hug her with all I had and tell her that it’s all right. But I couldn’t. For all I knew, she’d push me away and slap me. I couldn’t take the rejection right now.

I ran a hand through my hair and resisted the urge to grab a good chunk of it and tug. Anything was better than going out there pressed for answers and juicy details about my wife. We were talking again, and I was sure we were getting somewhat closer. “Fuck. FUCK!’’ I yelled and kicked the chair I had been sitting on. It made a loud noise against the table and Lark startled, turning around to fix me with her pretty blue eyes.

“Destroying the restaurant furniture isn’t going to help. Don’t go all rock star on us now,’’ Beckett said and headed for the door.

“You okay?’’ I asked Lark, my breathing loud. I couldn’t unclench my hands from the tight fists I’d made. I was coiled up tight. Right there and then, the need to get high made itself known. I didn’t want to get high, but I wanted, no, I craved, something to make all of this more bearable so that damn fear of losing Lark altogether gave way to some damn positive thoughts. As if we weren’t in deep shit enough as it was. Drugs weren’t the solution, only more of a problem.

She shrugged and looked down at the floor. When she crossed her arms over her chest, she looked smaller and nothing like the usual Lark I knew. She appeared fragile. I made a move to go to her, but I froze at the last second. Fuck, we’re nowhere close to being buddies who comforted each other. I swallowed and locked my jaw before another string of curses left my mouth.

I glanced at Alan and he nodded at me before he gestured at Lark behind her back. I frowned and watched him go to Beckett, Otis, and Dex, all waiting for us for when we were ready to brave the chaos out there. As if we’d ever be ready for that shit.

Tentatively, I walked to Lark who’s still looking at the floor. Before my rehab stunt, I didn’t care about the media circus. I’ve never shied away from any kind of attention, but since then I’ve started to see things differently. We’re making music. We’re nothing special once you start looking farther than our musician status. The people in our lives shouldn’t have to suffer from our passion. We shouldn’t have to give and give up everything to the world just because we’re famous.

“Lark, hey,’’ I said quietly, slowly bringing a hand to grab hers. She didn’t back away from me, and I didn’t know if that was good or bad. “I’m sorry for all of this, but I swear I’m not going to let them harass you. Tomorrow I’ll release a statement or something like that, and it’ll go back to normal.’’

She squeezed my hand and locked eyes with me. Hers were glossy from tears she was fighting off, and I was gutted. I’ve seen women cry, been the reason of some of those tears, but I’ve never felt so bad before.

I’ve hurt this woman too much, the one woman who’s ever meant something to me.

“You can say whatever you want, Maxen. They’re going to follow me and dig up everything they can find anyway.’’ Her voice was flat, but in her eyes…in her eyes I saw fear and apprehension. Fuck, I was the reason for these emotions in her.

“You’re right. I’m so fucking sorry. You have no idea.’’ I tried to pull away, but her hand in mine tightened to keep me there, close to her.

My heart lurched in my chest, and I blinked.

“Don’t leave.’’ It’s the sweetest plea leaving her dark pink lips, and it had my fucking blood sing in my veins.

I moved closer to her, this time not thinking twice about invading her personal space. Her delicate smell enveloped me, and I briefly closed my eyes to enjoy that moment. Everything around us was going to shit, but she’s close to me. She wanted me close to her. Her warmth was just out of reach, but her hands were secured in mine, and it would take a sledgehammer to get me away from her. I was staying close as long as she’d have me.

“Never, Lark.’’ With my free hand, I cupped her face and caressed her cheek with my thumb. Her skin was delicate under the pad of my finger, so soft and smooth. “I’m here if you want me to be.’’

“We need to go,’’ Dex interrupted that moment, and I glared at him, but the concern I saw on his face reminded me I shouldn’t bite his head off. He’s always had my back and this time wasn’t any different. “Floyd is waiting for us at the hotel. He’s got a hold of our PR team back in LA to plan our next move.’’

I nodded and led a shaky Lark to the door where the guys impatiently waited. “Listen to me, you keep your mouth closed. I bet they’re out there with cameras so keep your eyes on the floor to avoid the flashes or else you’re going to hurt your eyes. Stay as close to me as possible. And breathe, Lark. You’ll feel claustrophobic, but don’t be afraid. I’ve got you.’’ I released her hand and instead wrapped my arm around her shoulders to pull her against me, as close to me as possible. If I could, I’d hide her completely. The best I could hope was that these fuckers out there wouldn’t be able to get a good look at her as short as she was next to me and right in the middle of the guys.

She nodded stiffly. “Let’s go,’’ she said and pushed her face into my pec, and while it made me shamelessly twitch in my pants for having her body so close to mine, I was also very worried. She’d never do this if she was in the right frame of mind.

We all exchanged a last look and opened the door. In the main room of the restaurant it’s pretty calm, but as soon as we reached the maître d’ and had a look through the wide door, it was easy to make out several dozens of journalists camping outside.

Lark tensed against me, and I wrapped my arm more tightly around her. One of her hands found its way to my abs until she bunched my shirt in her palm.

“I’ve got you, Lark,’’ I said reassuringly for her ears alone, and then we all strode out without a word. Lark and I were in the middle. Dex, Otis, Beckett, and Alan were around us, close to try and protect us on top of the security detachment, four big dudes, who circled around us to push away the journalists about to close in on us.

And then, we left the calm of the restaurant and walked in the chaos.

Journalists’ voices all mingled in a fucking loud cacophony. Flashes of cameras broke the night in hard lights that I’ve learned to avoid looking at over the years. One quick look down at Lark showed me her face was plastered in my chest, hidden away as her shoulders shook under my arm. Fuck.

“Hurry up, guys!’’ I said loud enough for Dex to hear in front of me and he lengthened his strides.

“Maxen, is it true you’ve been married since you were twenty-one?’’

“Maxen! Say a few words for Gossip Music’s followers!’’

“Maxen, is that your wife? Maxen!’’

I groaned and frowned more deeply than I’ve probably ever frowned and started relaxing when my car came into view. It’s difficult to navigate between these vultures prying for that one juicy detail, but I kept my jaw locked tight. I wanted to say ‘fuck off,’ but I knew it’d only create more mess than resolve anything. So I didn’t utter a damn word, and it cost me, but the woman safely tucked against me, right under my big arm enveloping her thin shoulders made me want to protect her first and unleash tension later.

She came first.

The valet who had my car keys, opened the passenger door and I quickly pushed Lark into my huge truck, doing my best to hide her from the journalists trying to push forth until they reached me, but the big guys weren’t budging. I was a huge fucker, and I could have taken care of myself, but with Lark here…

I closed the door as soon as she was settled in the passenger seat and turned around, sending murderous glares to these assholes. Yeah, they’re doing their jobs, but did they have to be so fucking aggressive about it? As I rounded the car, I saw Dex and Alan climbing in the back of my car, as a few feet from us, Otis and Beckett disappeared in Beckett’s rented SUV. I thanked Floyd for picking big ass trucks with heavily tinted windows.

“Maxen! Just a word!’’

“Maxen, what does your wife say about your extramarital activities?’’

“Maxen, how did you meet your wife?’’



I ignored all questions and finally climbed into the truck and brought it to life. I made the motor roar, hoping it’d convince these people to step back, but of course, they didn’t. It’d be too fucking easy. I hated having to drive when they’re so close to the car, crowding it from all sides. I’ve always been afraid of hitting someone. That’s not something these last few years taught me how to do.

“This is crazy,’’ Lark muttered under her breath, but in the quiet car, it’s loud and clear.

I honked furiously, my blood still soaring in my veins. Adrenalin still shot high in my bloodstream. I kept on honking and started driving. Some journalists kept on firing pictures, hoping to catch something through the windows as if there’s anything interesting to see when people were damn seated and trying to drive the fuck away!

I shook my head and finally found a clear path. Without a second thought, I floored the gas. We were finally away and making progress to get to the hotel. I glanced in the rearview mirror and sighed with relief when I located Beckett just behind me.

“Otis and Beckett?’’ Dex asked me, worry making his words short.

“Right behind us.’’

“Is this always like this when you go out?’’ Alan asked, his voice a bit shaken. I couldn’t blame the guy. Whenever we would see each other, and we’d have an impromptu gig at his bar, the crowd was calm, and the journalists weren’t close to being these rabid people. He didn’t live in our world.

“Nah, but with the launch of our new song and…uh…’’ I began and then stuttered, not really knowing what to say. I was afraid that if I said something wrong, it would set off Lark.

“Our marriage. Call it how it is, Maxen,’’ she finished for me with a too calm voice for it to be good.

“You okay?’’ I asked gruffly. I wanted to look at her and get her back against me, but I couldn’t. I should have let Dex drive so I could have watched Lark and maybe get her in my arms again to comfort her.

“Honestly, I’m not sure. It was…um…’’

“Scary?’’ Dex supplied with venom in his voice. I was sure he thought back to that time when Harley and his relationship got out, and the circus was on him and her. It could have cost them their relationship if Harley hadn’t been so strong and willing to put her job and her private life on the line for Dex.

“Scary and completely insane,’’ she agreed and added what we’ve all always thought about the media. That shit was insane.

“I don’t know how you do this, guys,’’ Alan said with more strength than before.

Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Lark agreeing with a nod, and my heart stilled in my chest for a second or two, enough to draw my attention on the little fucker. I could delude myself all I wanted, but knowing that Lark was probably going to pull away from me even more now that she’s seen what my life could be like, it fucking hurt.

I brought a hand to my heart.






“We need to release an official statement tomorrow. I’ll write something stating the facts without going into too many details. It will be hell, but it’ll blow over soon enough,’’ their manager, Floyd, said with a body heaving sigh. His eyes were red from looking at his laptop and back at his phone and the tension on his face made him look older than he seemed a week ago when I first met him in LA.

“They won’t settle down with a fucking statement, Floyd, and you know it damn well,’’ Maxen growled and punched the table for what was probably the fifth time since we all walked in Maxen’s suite at the Plaza in Manhattan. I never thought I’d step foot in this high-priced hotel in my life, and even less under such circumstances.

“Calm down, fucker,’’ Dex butted in and patted his best friend’s back before walking to his girlfriend, Harley, who just arrived from her gig. I watched Dex’s face softening immediately when his short brunette tucked herself against him, but I noticed on both their faces the worry. In fact, I saw worry etched on everybody’s faces.

“There must be a way for them to leave Lark fucking alone.’’ Maxen started pacing again. I watched his long, strong legs pump at his every step. The muscles in his back visibly flexed when he turned back again, stretching his shirt. He had discarded his jacket on the back of the couch as soon as we walked in.

“The launch of our song should be able to distract some of the attention, shouldn't it?’’ Beckett asked from the armchair.

“Doesn’t mean people can’t be interested in your new sound and in gossip attached to the band,’’ Harley spoke up, but she stood with Dex. “I checked social media sites, and it’s bursting with raving comments about the new song, but it’s also equally bursting with everybody’s two cents about Maxen and Lark. Honestly, I think it’s important to release a statement as soon as possible regarding this marriage. Some people are talking shit about you, Maxen.’’

“You think I give a fuck, Harley?’’

“She’s trying to help,’’ Otis retorted from the wet bar in one corner and poured himself two fingers of what was probably expensive whiskey.

“Do you have any idea who leaked the info?’’ Alan asked, speaking for the first time since we left Maxen’s car in the care of the valet downstairs in front of the hotel, fortunately not yet crowded with journalists and paparazzi.

“Probably someone working for either my lawyer or Maxen’s,’’ I answered before Maxen. “They’ve started the divorce process.’’

Maxen turned to me and nodded. “She’s right. I don’t see anything else.’’ He ran a hand through his blonde hair and some strands went every which way on top of his head as if he just rolled out of bed. “They’re fucking dead, whoever they are.’’

“It’s not that. I already checked, and they’re clean. I still don’t know who it’s coming from, but I have the name of the journalist who relayed the story,’’ Floyd answered and leaned farther back in the comfy looking couch.

I set my elbows on the dining table that could sit six people on the left side of the large suite. From here, I could easily see everybody. I felt Alan’s hand rubbing my back soothingly, but it wasn't calming me down at all. I was too wound up, and I hated the volatile behavior of Maxen. Now that I knew about his drug problem I couldn't help but be afraid he would fall into the deep end because of this mess. I didn't really know what’s going on with him and me, but I was worried.

“You need to find who it is, Floyd. For everything we know, they might be digging in all of our pasts. What if my stay in rehab comes out, huh? We’re fucked!’’

“Stop pacing, Maxen. You’re giving me a fucking headache,’’ Otis said and went back to sit beside Floyd on the couch.

“Shut up. It’s not the time to get shit faced,’’ he retorted without missing a beat, but there’s no heat behind his words. It’s like his mind was miles away.

“Maybe I could try something,’’ Harley spoke up again, but this time with a shy voice.

We all perked up and fixed her.

“What do you mean, honey?’’ Floyd said softly, but you couldn’t miss the stress in his voice.

“I know someone who works at Music Gossip. We’re not friends by any means, but we’ve crossed paths at a festival and then at a few local gigs. It’s not the journalist who made that piece about Maxen and Lark, but I know for sure that the new journalist could get the info about who tipped them off. She’s trying to climb the ladder at the journal. We could use that.’’

“You sure she’d help out?’’ Dex asked without much conviction and kissed her temple.

She nodded and cringed when her eyes stopped on Maxen and his pissed off look. “It’d cost something, though.’’

“However much she asks, I’m game. I don’t give a fuck if it wipes out my fucking checking and saving accounts combined,’’ Maxen replied and crossed his big arms over his chest. Without his jacket, his arms looked like they were going to burst the seams of his shirt.

“It’s not about the money, Maxen. Use your head,’’ Beckett said and shook his head.

Maxen murdered him with one glare of his usually playful green eyes before he went back to staring at Harley who reluctantly nodded.

“My best bet is that she’s going to ask for an exclusive with you. And she’ll be asking all kinds of questions about Lark and maybe other stuff regarding your private life and your, um, conquests.’’

He scoffed and held up both hands. “Either way, we’re fucked.’’

“An exclusive could help you control more what goes out and what you want to tell. It won’t stop some of them to go after you both, but it wouldn’t hurt your image and the band’s.’’ Harley nibbled on her lip and glanced back at her father who seemed deep in thought until she addressed him. “That’s the best I can think of. After that, you all should keep on promoting your new song and hope that nothing else will come out. There’s no guarantee with the media.’’

“I don’t understand,’’ I spoke up when silence fell around us. This time around, I was the one everybody looked at intently. “If it’s not someone working for our lawyers, who told that journalist about this? As far as I know, the only ones who knew about this marriage are in this room.’’ I gestured around the room to illustrate my words and leaned back in my chair.

“She’s right. Floyd, you told me yourself you’d never tell anybody, and Harley didn’t know about it up until a few days ago, and it’s obvious she’d never tell anyone,’’ Maxen added and finally sat in the second armchair. His big body fell gracelessly in the stuffed furniture.

“I didn’t tell anyone, Maxen. Honestly, I thought your drug problems would come out first, not this marriage,’’ Floyd replied and rubbed at his eyes. “Okay. Here is how we’re going to go about this. I’ll release a two-line statement to confirm that you two’’—he pointed at me and then at Maxen—“are really married. Nothing more. Harley, honey, you contact the journalist you know at Gossip Music and set up something for Maxen as soon as tomorrow. I hope they’re based in NYC because we’re not waiting. Maxen, you’ll follow what my daughter tells you. She’ll brief you. And Harley’’—Floyd stood up and faced his daughter still in Dex’s arms—“if you can get the name before the interview, it’d be better. As soon as I have that name I can start and plan for what to expect next. In the meantime, you all don’t answer your phone unless it’s me or one of you calling. The next twenty-four to forty-eight hours are going to be tough.’’ He quickly packed his laptop and waved at us before he walked out, his eyes already back on his phone. I stood up and felt Alan following me. We walked closer to Otis, Beckett, Maxen, Dex, and Harley. We all looked like no celebrations took place tonight for the launch of Kinky Shine’s new song.

“I’m sorry it messed up your song launch,’’ I said and hugged myself, eyes downcast.

“Fuck, don’t apologize, Lark,’’ Maxen exploded with a loud voice that startled me. I locked eyes with him as he stood up and walked to me, stopping close enough for me to feel his breath on my face. I had to tilt my chin up to keep looking at his face covered by his thick blonde stubble. I couldn’t miss the faint pink coloring his cheeks from his anger at the situation. “It’s not your damn fault. But believe me, I’m going to fuck up that asshole who got that info out.’’

I nodded without much enthusiasm and sighed. “This is such a mess.’’

“Better buckle up, babe,’’ Otis said and stood up, clasped my shoulder and Maxen’s and squeezed softly. “I’m going to go get some shut-eye. It’s almost one in the morning, and while I can be the party animal, this shit has me beat. Catch you tomorrow.’’

Goodbyes were made and soon, Maxen, Alan and I were alone. I yawned big, my jaw hurting after feeling the tension in it for the last two hours.

“Do you think Lark and I can go back to my place?’’ my cousin asked Maxen and it’s easy to hear that he already knew the answer. The journalists must be outside the Plaza by now. I wasn’t ready to face that circus just yet.

“You can’t go anywhere. I’m sorry, Alan.’’ Maxen rubbed his eyes and blew out some air. “I’ll book a room. They should have something available. And there’s a second bedroom through that door,’’ he said pointing at a huge double door on the far right wall. Of course, this was a very fancy suite. It must come with two bedrooms.

Alan nodded, and we both watched Maxen grab the suite’s phone and call the reception desk. In no time, someone knocked on the suite’s door and told us they had the room ready and in the meantime, we kept quiet, each of us lost in our own thoughts. I exchanged a look with Alan and then we both looked at Maxen who strangely looked away.

He massaged the back of his neck and finally locked eyes with me. The green in his was darker than usual, and the intensity in them had me wondering how I could manage to still be breathing.

“It’s up to you, Lark, but I’d feel better knowing you’re here. If it’s an issue with you, Alan will take the other room in my suite.’’

I cleared my throat and glanced quickly at my cousin who was frowning deeply, visibly unsure of this turn of event. It’s funny how a day or two ago I’d have let the two men bunk in the palace suite, but right now, with the paparazzi and how Maxen protected me from them earlier, I’d feel better staying close.

“I want to stay here.’’

Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw the hotel bellhop fidgeting slightly, and I flushed. Shit, I really didn’t want another witness.

“Are you sure, Lark?’’ Alan asked me softly, a hand on my arm. I nodded and quickly hugged him.

He went to Maxen after that, bumped fists with him like they used to back in college and then looked hard in my husband’s eyes. “Take care of her. Got it?’’

Maxen nodded and frowned down at my cousin. “You know I will.’’

Both men exchanged a long look before my cousin followed the hotel employee and Maxen and I were left alone.

“Do…uh…’’ He shook his head as if to get some order in his thoughts. “Do you need a shirt or something to sleep in?’’

I glanced down at my dress before I locked eyes with him again. Tension was surrounding us, and I wasn’t sure if it was only because of the media circus. Earlier he had told me about his drug problem and I now also knew he didn’t really regret our kiss in LA. I couldn’t get that out of my head. It all overwhelmed me.

“If you have one to spare, that’d be great.’’

He nodded and pointed at the door on the opposite wall to the one leading to the room I’d be sleeping in tonight. “My room is through that door. I’ll get you one, but if you need anything, you know where to find me.’’ And he turned away, walking stiffly to his room returning a minute later with a deep green t-shirt that would surely swallow me. I took it from his extended hand and offered him a weak smile as a thank you.

“I guess it’s time I, uh, go.’’ I breathily laughed and started to turn away when his big hand closed on my shoulder. He pulled me back to him and I almost collided into him in the sudden move.

His Adam’s apple worked in his throat. His jaw was firmly locked, making the angle of it sharper under his blonde scruff. His lips, with the bottom lip thicker than his upper one, were in a straight line. But his eyes, they were so bright it was almost difficult to keep looking at them.

“Stay with me.’’ His voice was husky, rumbling to my core, making me tense in all the right and wrong places.


He cupped my face in between his big hands, and I felt a slight shake in them. “Stay with me,’’ he repeated, and this time around, I couldn’t misread the meaning of his words.




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