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Annihilation by B.C. Burgess (48)


Once the golden family was on the same page, things moved quickly. Quin returned home with his parents and Layla’s grandparents. Then he and the triplets sat with Layla on the sofa while they discussed options and made decisions. Silent tears were shed, but there was no sobbing or bargaining, and no one argued or expressed the anger weaving through their auras.

When the triplets got hungry, Quin helped Layla settle in. Then he gave them all kisses before leaving with his parents and Layla’s grandpas.

Daleen and Morrigan stayed, keeping their emotions in check surprisingly well as they planned Benzio’s birthday party, but their auras revealed everything they were trying to hide. Morrigan was usually the first to succumb to her sorrow, but so far, she’d kept her head up and dried her tears as soon as they fell. Layla had seen her act this way before, but never firsthand. She’d seen it in her dad’s memories, after he asked Morrigan not to break down in front of her dying daughter.

Layla chewed her lip while wondering if Quin had made a similar request. If he had, Morrigan obviously intended to honor it, and of course Layla appreciated it, but there were things that needed to be said.

“What do you think, sweetie?” Morrigan asked.

Layla focused on a sketch of a birthday cake that had four tiers and was decorated with the theme of Benzio’s favorite book. “It’s perfect.”

Morrigan smiled and set aside the drawing. “Next up – entertainment. Remember that rainbow slide you made? I was thinking something like that would be fun. And we can set up a safe zone for flying. Kids his age love getting the chance to spread their wings on their own. We can cushion the ground and put soft barriers around them before setting them loose. It’s kind of like a hexless bouncy house, but better.”

“Sounds fun,” Layla approved. Then she swallowed a lump and drew a deep breath. “Stop planning for a minute.”

They both looked at her in confusion, but they put aside their tasks without arguing.

“Is something wrong?” Daleen asked.

“A lot,” Layla countered, her eyes already burning with moisture, “but you know that, so we don’t need to talk about it.” She looked at her nursing babies while bracing to continue. Then she met her grandmas’ curious stares, unable to stop the rivers running down her cheeks. “I want to thank you. I know you don’t want my gratitude. You probably think I’m doing you a favor, so I have a favor to ask you.”

They tilted their heads as their confusion grew.

“Anything,” Morrigan promised.

Layla vanished the tears dripping from her chin, her jaw flexing as she slid her fingers through her children’s silky hair. “I want you to imagine yourself in my position. Not the earth angel part of me. The mom part of me. I want you to examine my options from every angle, because only then will you fully understand how much the two of you mean to me. If it were you, if you had to leave your babies behind, you’d want to leave them with someone who’d love them like you love them, someone who’s able and willing to keep them safe, nurture them, teach them, and give them amazing birthday parties. You’d want them with someone who knows you, someone who’ll think about you every day and keep you fresh in their minds. A lot of moms are separated from their kids for one reason or another. My pain isn’t unique, but my options are. When I go, I’ll do it knowing my children are getting everything they need. That’s a gift that can’t be replaced. That’s what you’re giving me.”

Daleen pulled two tissues from a box. Then she handed one to Morrigan right as the dam burst and a sob broke through her trembling lips.

Daleen patted Morrigan’s jolting back while drying her own tears. “We’re happy to do it, darling. We just wish we didn’t have to.”

Layla nodded while cleaning her face with magic, but her chest was so clogged a coherent response had no hope of getting through.


Quin took a moment to hug and kiss Benzio before helping Caitrin break the news to the adults on the lawn. Then he fielded their worried questions before asking his uncle Belinos to get the items on Layla’s shopping list. Belinos agreed to make a trip to Portland the following day, so Quin offered his thanks then braced to visit Kegan.

As Quin took the stairs to Brietta’s porch, Banning and Aradia emerged from the house, and Quin came to a halt while scanning their auras. Their vivid colors glowed extraordinarily bright, and the smile on Banning’s face proved he’d taken his physical relationship with Aradia to another level.

“Hi,” Aradia greeted, flashing a pretty smile, but then she narrowed her focus on the air around Quin. “What’s wrong?”

He blinked and swallowed his despair, suddenly unable to say the words. “Are you two going somewhere?”

“I am,” she answered. “Alec’s taking me to lunch in Portland. Bann’s flying with me to the edge of the community. Do you need me for something?”

“No. I’m here to talk to Kegan.”

“He isn’t here,” Banning revealed. “He and Bri planned to visit the refugee camp this morning. They haven’t made it back yet.”

“That’s right,” Quin recalled, reorganizing his timeline. “Mind if I fly with you? I need to talk to the Crusaders.”

“Not at all,” Aradia agreed, descending the stairs. “How’s Layla?”


Aradia’s forehead wrinkled at the ambiguous response, but she didn’t press for more information.

She and Banning flirted on their way to the community’s eastern border. Then the two of them sat on a log to wait for Alec.

Quin left them to it and approached the nearest Crusader. “I need to speak with Drexel.”

The soldier mind searched his commander, and Quin leaned against a tree while lighting his joint. He took several hits, blowing the smoke toward the treetops while watching Banning and Aradia act like teenagers in the throes of puppy love. They sat too far away for Quin to hear anything more than Aradia’s giggles, but his eyes were wide open, and he’d never seen the two of them so happy.

Drexel flew in from the north, followed by Bryce, Tristan and Emrys, so Quin snuffed out the joint and walked forward. He glanced over his shoulder, making sure he was out of earshot from Banning and Aradia. Then he tucked his hands in his pockets and met Drexel’s stare.

“Layla overheard you last night. She was standing around the corner during our meeting.”

Tristan and Emrys blanched and shifted, undoubtedly recalling everything they’d said while evaluating it from Layla’s perspective.

“Did you know?” Tristan asked.

Quin’s muscles rolled as he shook his head. “I’d never be that harsh with her. If I’d known she was listening, I would have busted Drexel’s jaw to shut him up. But what’s done is done.”

Drexel’s spine stayed straight despite Quin’s ire. “She needed to hear it.”

“She agrees with you, but she’s sweeter than I am. I think you’re an asshole who spews shit without any consideration for the people you’re taking a crap on. Layla’s an angel, man. Even if she weren’t an actual living, breathing piece of a deity, she’s an incredible woman, and she deserves some fucking respect. It’s bad enough she has a bunch of men trying to call her shots. The least you could do is consider the way your rants and decisions will affect her.”

“I’m not here to coddle her.”

Quin balled his hands in his pockets, struggling to contain his temper. “She doesn’t need coddled. She’s the boss. We work for her. Not the other way around. She could shut you down in an instant. All of us. The only reason we’re steering her fate is because she lets us. She chooses to give us a voice, and her decisions aren’t made for our sakes. She presses forward because she’s the strongest person you’ll ever lay eyes on. You’re beneath her, Drexel. Remember that the next time you open your mouth around her.”

Bryce tilted his head and took a risk. “I’m not saying you’re wrong, but to be fair, we didn’t know she was listening.”

Quin’s hands escaped his pockets as he stepped forward. “Nothing about this is fair. And I’m an extension of her,” he added, pointing toward the lawn. “You don’t get to her without going through me. I don’t know what role you expect the guardian to play in her life, and I don’t give a shit. I have my own priorities. Listening to you bitch and belittle us isn’t one of them.”

Drexel remained stoic, and only the contraction of his pupils and the flexing of his neck assured Quin he was listening. “Regardless of what you think of my tactics, it sounds like they worked.”

“The only thing your attitude accomplished was pissing me off and hurting Layla. There were other ways to do this.”

“You wouldn’t take my meetings.”

“Two weeks. I asked you for two weeks so we could celebrate the holidays. She’s sacrificing everything for this bullshit, and you couldn’t give her two weeks of peace?”

“We’re all making sacrifices. The four of us weren’t with our families for the holidays.”

“But how many have you shared with them in the past?”

The commander’s gaze wandered as an answer failed to reveal itself.

“What’s wrong?” Quin pressed. “Too many to count? How fortunate for you. Guess how many Christmases Layla has celebrated with her family. One. This was it. It was her first and possibly last holiday season with us. I wasn’t about to let you ruin it.”

Drexel stayed quiet and rigid, refusing to falter under Quin’s severe stare. Then Bryce cleared his throat and moved to the commander’s side. “Permission to speak my mind, Sir.”

Drexel gave a curt nod, so Bryce continued. “I’ve served the angel under two commanders, and I clearly see both sides of this debate. You’ve disappeared on us before, Quin, and you refuse to bring us closer than your borders, so our frustrations and worries are justified. We wouldn’t hound you if you’d let us in. Having said that, the commander’s strengths do not include tact and sympathy.” He shifted toward Drexel and squared his stance. “I’ve seen it firsthand, Sir. When it comes to the angel, a softer touch is required. Venetia struggled to adjust, but she was learning that she garnered more cooperation from this family when she treated them as such. They’re not soldiers. It would serve us well to remember that when speaking with them.”

Drexel’s lips thinned as he took Bryce’s advice into consideration. Then he touched his comrade’s shoulder while looking at Quin. “My lieutenant is a fine asset. Venetia taught him well.”

Bryce mumbled a thank you before stepping out of the way, and Drexel and Quin engaged in another long moment of eye contact, each daring the other to keep arguing. Quin had no intention of backing off. He’d meant every word and wouldn’t apologize for them.

Drexel drew a deep breath and wised up. “I’m sorry I hurt Layla. I live to help her succeed. Perhaps I’ve been going about it the wrong way. I’ll agree to work on that if you’ll agree to come out of your bubble.”

Quin held out his arms. “That’s what I’m doing.”

“Why isn’t she with you?”

“There’s a lot to be done before we go.”

“When is she willing to leave?”

Quin did his best to keep his spine straight. “Soon. Maybe in a few days.”

“So we’re still not getting a commitment.”

Quin narrowed his eyes and spoke through a clenched jaw. “You’re getting enough. She’s giving up everything – her dreams, her home, her babies – she’s giving it all up. Willingly. She didn’t have to be threatened or shamed or coerced. She decided to do this on her own, and she made the decision overnight. You should be bending over backward to accommodate her needs. And she needs a few days.”

Drexel bowed his head. “Then we’ll give them to her.”

“We’ll try to be ready by next weekend, so make the plans. I expect a safe trip. If you can’t get us to Maganthia without running into trouble, there’s no point in travelling with you. You’re replaceable. Layla isn’t.”

“I won’t argue with that.”

“Then we might be able to work together. We’ll meet daily to keep each other updated on our progress. Deal?”

“I’ll take it,” Drexel agreed, offering his hand.

Placated by the commander’s concessions, Quin accepted the gesture. “One more thing. Have you received news about Haley? The little girl who worked in the Dark Guild nursery?”

“Yes.” Drexel dug into his satchel and handed over a folded piece of paper. “She’s in our care. Send your letters to that address. Lorcan will make sure she gets them.”

Quin held up the paper and raised an eyebrow. “More proof Layla’s the boss. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

He turned away and headed for Aradia and Banning, who remained by the log, but they’d gotten to their feet and were worriedly watching him.

“Everything okay?” Banning asked.

Quin dodged the inquiry, unwilling to sour their good moods and ruin Aradia’s lunch. “We’ll talk about it later. When is Alec supposed to be here?”

“About twenty minutes ago,” Aradia answered, anxiously scanning the forest. “He’s never late.”

Quin dug into his satchel and handed over Layla’s cell phone. “Give him a call.”


She dialed and listened to it ring, and Quin patiently waited, ignoring the curious glances Banning threw his way.

Aradia frowned and pulled the phone from her ear. “No answer. He mentioned his battery was about to go dead when I talked to him this morning. He probably hasn’t gotten a chance to charge it.”

Quin took the phone and tucked it away. “Did he say where he was?”

“He stayed the night at the refugee camp.”

“Bri and Keg should be back soon. They might know what’s keeping him.”

Aradia fidgeted with her jewelry while searching the sky. “I’m going to wait. You guys don’t have to stay.”

Banning wrapped an arm around her shoulders and kissed her head. “I’ll stay until he gets here.”

She smiled as she leaned into him, and Quin gave Banning’s shoulder a slap before heading for the lawn.


Several coven members ate lunch outside, including Layla and Benzio, but Quin didn’t have time to sit. After forcing a sandwich into his queasy stomach, he returned home and started packing. His dad went with him, taking notes on issues that would need to be dealt with if he and Layla failed to return.

“Her letters will be in the box Aedan made her,” Quin revealed, loading books into his magical bag. “On the top shelf of our armoire. Don’t let the kids have them unless… unless you’re certain we’re both dead. The same box has addresses and phone numbers for her hexless friends, Travis and Phyllis. They’ll need to be informed if we don’t make it back.”

Kemble jotted down a note about Layla’s friends then helped Quin pack another shelf of books. “How much cash do you have?”

“About twenty grand.”

“I’ll get you some more. If you need something I can purchase from here – plane tickets or hotel rooms – call me. Save your cash. Wealth speaks in Maganthia.”

Quin summoned Aedan’s guitar. “Do you think Morrigan and Daleen will be upset if I take this?”

“No. They’ll be glad it’s being used to serenade their granddaughter.”

Quin transferred the guitar into his bag. “Will you alternate staying here? Or do you plan to move the kids around?”

“We’ll stay here. We have no reason to refuse your request to keep them in their own home.”

“Aradia,” Quin countered. “This is her home, too. You won’t get much privacy if you stay here.”

“We’ve had more than enough privacy in our lives. Have you talked to Aradia about all this?”

“Not yet. She and Alec had a lunch date.”


Quin halted his task and scanned his dad’s aura. “What’s up?”

“Well”—Kemble rubbed his jaw as he hesitantly continued—“Aradia’s pretty attached to Layla.”

“I know. That’s partly why I haven’t told her yet. Layla might want to be there when I do.”

“There’s something you’re not considering. What if Aradia wants to go with you?”

Quin blinked, wondering how he’d failed to anticipate such an obvious predicament. Aradia had every reason to leave with Layla, but very few reasons to stay behind. Alec planned to leave Oregon soon, so he wouldn’t keep her there, and though she and Banning had grown close, she still carried the independence of her past.

Quin shook his head. “Layla won’t let her go.”

“It’s not up to Layla, Son. She needs to realize that. I know she refuses the help because she wants to keep everyone safe, but that’s not her call to make. If what the Crusaders claim is true, the entire world is in danger, which means every person on earth has a motivation to fight. If you hadn’t requested we help raise your children, your mom and I would be leaving with you, regardless of Layla’s opinion on the matter. We’re all in this together, so if someone in our family wants to fight, you and Layla will have to accept the help.”

Quin swallowed a lump. “If Aradia leaves, Banning will insist on going with her.”

“Then you’ll let him. He’s not a kid, Quinlan. He’s a man. He’s been through more than you had at that age.”

Quin’s nostrils flared as his heart squeezed. “Why don’t we just take the whole damn family with us?”

“You’ll take whoever wants to go. This isn’t like our battle against Agro. If we lose this one, nobody lives. Not even the people you leave behind.”

Quin tossed aside his satchel and sat on the sofa, resting his pounding head in his palms. “How am I supposed to break this to Layla?”

“Don’t. Let them do it.”

“We’ve seen how that goes.”

“If they’re grown up enough to go to war, they’re grown up enough to face Layla’s reaction.”

Quin raised his head and scowled. “You think I’m worried about them? It’s her heart that shatters. If they spring this on her without any warning, the consequences will be hers to deal with. Not theirs.”

Kemble remained quiet as he searched Quin’s profile and aura. Then he sat next to him and quietly spoke. “You know her best, so if you think you should warn her, that’s what you should do. Layla’s emotional, but she’s not blind to reason. Help her understand they’re not just fighting for her. They’re fighting for their own future, their own peace of mind. They’re simply making the same choice she is.”

Quin nodded while gazing through the picture window at the snowy forest. “I suppose you’re right.”

“It’s easier to see things clearly from the outside looking in.” He slapped Quin’s back then got to his feet. “Layla’s clever, and she rarely has to be prompted to take other people’s feelings into consideration. Sit her down and give her a chance to come to terms with reality. She might take it better than you think.”

“Maybe,” Quin mumbled, summoning his satchel. “But there’s a downside you’re not considering, and I know she will.”

“Enlighten me.”

“When we’re out there, facing danger around every corner, Layla will be trying to save us all. The more family members who go with us, the more people she has to worry about, and she’ll do it to the detriment of her own safety.”

“You’re probably right, but when her back is against a wall, they’ll all come running. You won’t be the only one trying to save her, and she won’t be alone if she needs to save you.”

Quin smirked and summoned more supplies. “Was there ever a time when you didn’t have all the answers?”

Kemble smiled, his eyes growing shiny as he watched Quin cast a safety spell around a stack of family photos. “Like I said, it’s easier to see things clearly from the outside looking in.”




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