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Married In Haste by Ruth Ann Nordin (9)

Chapter Nine

Ava wasn’t able to sleep most of the night on the eve of her wedding. Each hour that brought her closer to the ceremony only made her more and more anxious about the day. She hadn’t seen Brad since the dinner party, and she wasn’t sure if that was a good sign or not. Obviously, if he was in love with her, he would have made an effort to see her before today. When the dinner party ended, he had kissed her hand and thanked her for coming. It was a polite gesture. It was the kind of gesture a gentleman could give any lady, whether she was a relative, a friend, or a love interest.

By the time she, her aunt, Timothy, and Dinah reached Brad’s townhouse, she was a bundle of nerves. The footman led them into the drawing room where Brad and the vicar were already waiting for them.

Without meaning to, she checked the time on the clock above the fireplace mantle and saw that they were fifteen minutes early. She had insisted Timothy and Dinah not take too long to get ready so that they could be early. Now that she knew how important it was to Brad that people were punctual, she wanted to make sure they weren’t late. By arriving early, she was hoping to set a good precedent for how things would be between her and Brad in the future.

Smiling, Brad came over to her. “You look very pretty, Miss Baynes.” Then he turned to her aunt, brother, and sister and let them know he was glad they were able to attend the wedding.

Even after having dinner with them a few evenings ago, he was surprisingly formal. Was he like that all the time, or was it because he was nervous?

Brad turned and introduced them to the vicar, and after they exchanged greetings with him, the vicar said, “It’s a pleasure to be marrying a couple under joyful circumstances.”

Surprised he should say that, Ava asked, “Are most of the couples you marry unhappy?”

“Sadly, yes,” he replied. “Most of them are marrying because their relatives arranged the match or because they were caught in a scandal. More often than not, it’s a scandal that brings them together. Neither the groom nor the bride is happy in that case.”

Brad’s eyebrows rose, and Ava suspected he was thinking the same thing she was. Their marriage was the result of a scandal. Didn’t the vicar take the time to read the Tittletattle? The news of the incident in his bedchamber was circling all over London. Ava decided not to tell the vicar about it. If he didn’t know, then he was better off for it.

Brad, apparently, was of the same mind she was because he was quick to change subjects. “We’re glad you could come here today. I know you have a busy schedule.”

“This is what I’ve been called to do,” the vicar replied. “I am wondering how you met. This seems like such a good match. Did you meet through friends or at a ball?”

Not wishing to squash the vicar’s vision of her and Brad’s relationship, Ava decided to speak up and say, “We met at a ball. It was the one Lord Youngtown was hosting, in fact.”

“Was it?” the vicar asked, looking very pleased by this news.

Ava nodded. “We each had a dance card, and when it was his turn to dance with me, he did. The rest led us to where we are today.”

The vicar let out a contented sigh. “Isn’t it wonderful when you meet someone and fall in love right away? We should all be so fortunate.”

“Yes, we should,” Ava replied, wishing things had happened exactly the way he thought they had.

The footman came into the drawing room and announced that Loretta and Tad had arrived. Glad for an excuse to end the conversation, Ava turned to the new arrivals, surprised when she didn’t see Rosamond with them.

“Our daughter was up most of the night,” Loretta said. “We decided to let her sleep at home.”

“I hope she’s all right,” Ava’s aunt spoke up.

“She’s fine,” Loretta replied. “She took too long of a nap yesterday. She wasn’t tired at all.” She shot her brother an amused grin. “At least we got here on time.” Then she winked to show him that she was only teasing him.

“Well,” Brad began, “since everyone is here, I suppose we should get the ceremony underway.”

The vicar motioned for Brad and Ava to stand in front of him, and once they were, he began the ceremony. Through the entire thing, she tried to pay attention to what the vicar was saying, but she was acutely aware of the fact that Brad was standing so close to her. It was difficult to concentrate on anything but him. She wondered if this was something everyone went through when they married or if it was because she was in love with him.

Brad didn’t seem to have any trouble reciting his vows. He didn’t stumble on anything he said, and each word he spoke was well pronounced and smooth. So it was probably just her. Unlike him, she struggled through her part quite a bit, and she had to keep clearing her throat in order to get the words out properly. It was times like this she wished she was eloquent in speech. Actually, she wished she was eloquent in all things. Brad was going to be the perfect husband and she was lacking in so many ways.

When the ceremony was over, the others came over to congratulate them. It was at this particular moment she was glad Brad had had the foresight to have everyone meet at his dinner party. It was nerve-racking enough to go through the wedding. It would have been worse if she’d had to get married in front of strangers.

During the wedding breakfast, she was beginning to feel optimistic about the marriage. Brad seemed to be warming up to her, if the fact that he smiled at her a few times was any indication that he was pleased. Two times, he had even asked her questions. Yes, things seemed to be looking better between them, and she was looking forward to seeing how things progressed from here.




After the wedding breakfast, Brad introduced Ava to the staff and then he left her to tend to the task of telling her lady’s maid where she wanted everything in her bedchamber.

Meanwhile, he went to the den and worked on his ledger. Having spent time with her since the ball and the scandal, he thought she was an agreeable lady. She didn’t complain about things like some ladies did, and she made an effort to get along with those around her. She seemed to have a very pleasant disposition. The more time he spent with her, the more hopeful he was that this marriage would not be a disaster after all.

Just as he was finishing up the ledger, Stephen came into the room and plopped down in front of him.

“I need money,” Stephen said.

With a sigh, Brad looked over at his brother. “You should’ve thought about that before you brought Ava up to my bedchamber while I was taking a bath.”

Stephen rolled his eyes. “Are you going to keep bringing that up every time I see you? You banned me from the dinner party, and today I couldn’t attend your wedding or go to the wedding breakfast. Haven’t you punished me enough?”

“In the past, I didn’t stand by my word. I was too lenient with you. And because of that, you feel that you can treat me however you want. You don’t give any thought to how your actions affect anyone. The only person you ever think of is yourself. This time around, I’m going to do the right thing. I’m going to stand by my decision.”

“Even if it’s the wrong one?”

“This isn’t the wrong decision. It’s the right one.”

Stephen groaned. “I learned my lesson. I don’t need a mistress. I can do just fine on my own. You don’t need to worry that I’ll be using my allowance for another lady.”

“I said no. My decision stands.”

“I won’t enter the gambling establishments anymore. I’m tired of losing money all the time anyway.”

Frustrated, Brad shook his head. “You really don’t get it, do you? It’s not just the mistress and it’s not just the gambling. It’s about respect. It’s about decency. It’s about having a sense of morality. I don’t care what other gentlemen are doing. I don’t care what your friends get away with. I’m not in charge of them. I’m in charge of you. It is my duty to make sure you become a responsible gentleman.”

“I am responsible. I pay off my debts, and I paid the mistress her wages. I’ve never once cheated anyone out of anything.”

Brad groaned. Talking to Stephen was like banging his head against the wall. Brad couldn’t get through to him. He couldn’t make him understand exactly what he was talking about. Stephen got parts of it, but he didn’t understand the full scope of it. Everything Brad was trying to instill in him had to do with respect, and Stephen didn’t have any respect for anyone but himself.

“I can be good,” Stephen said as he rose to his feet. “You’ll see. From here on out, I’ll be on my best behavior.”

Brad watched his brother as he left. He didn’t know what Stephen was planning, but he knew whatever trick his brother had up his sleeve, it was just that: a trick. He wasn’t going to be sincere. He was just going to put on a show in order to get Brad to give him what he wanted. Well, Brad was no longer going to play the fool. Maybe when Stephen realized that, he would truly understand what it meant to give others the respect they were due.




Ava heard Brad was holed up in the den for most of the day. She wondered what he had been doing there all afternoon. Instead of finding out, she ended up rearranging the things in her bedchamber to her liking.

When it came time for her to go to dinner, she wondered if she would see him. For all she knew, he could be the kind of gentleman who liked to spend his evenings out. She’d heard that many like to go to White’s. Some could even spend all day there. But he must not be one of them because he was waiting for her in the drawing room. He was reclining in a chair and reading a paper.

She hesitated just outside the doorway. She hadn’t been alone with him before. At every other time they’d had anything to do with each other, someone else had been with them. She took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. She could do this. She could go in there and act as if being around him didn’t make her nervous.

She entered the room, but before she could call out a greeting, someone came up behind her and gave her shoulder a friendly tap. “Welcome to the family,” Stephen said as he stepped around her. “I take it the wedding went well since you’re now living here.”

Brad folded the paper and rose to his feet. Looking past Stephen, Brad asked her, “Did you get everything put away?”

Aware that Stephen was watching them, she replied, “I did.”

“Good,” Brad said. “I want you to be comfortable.”

“I am, thank you. You have a very nice place, and my bedchamber is just as lovely as the other rooms.”

“Has my brother showed you the entire place?” Stephen asked.

Ava shook her head. “No, not yet. I was referring to the ballroom, dining room, my bedchamber, and this room.”

“Don’t forget the other room you’ve been to,” Stephen replied. “You’ve seen his bedchamber as well.”

She wasn’t sure if he had meant that as a joke since he chuckled, or if he meant to embarrass her with the reminder. But Brad wasn’t the least bit happy with the comment because he glowered at him.

Stephen groaned. “Come now. It isn’t all that bad, is it? You two seem to be getting along.” He gestured between the two of them. “You’re already acting as stiff and formal as old married people are supposed to be.” He glanced between them and laughed. “That was funny. It was a joke.” He shook his head. “You two need to laugh more. Stop taking everything so seriously.”

Ava forced out some laughter.

“That’s the spirit.” Stephen turned to Brad. “You would do well to put forth the same effort as your wife does when it comes to having a sense of humor.” He came right up to Ava and whispered, “I hope you can teach him to stop taking life so seriously.”

“What are you telling her?” Brad asked, his frown deepening.

Stephen looked at him and shrugged. “What do you think I’m telling her?”

“Knowing you, something lewd and disgusting.”

“I did nothing of the sort. I was pleasant. I was just telling her how lovely she looks tonight.”

Since Brad didn’t look any happier than before, she said, “He said that he hopes I can help you learn how to take life less seriously.”

Stephen nodded. “She tells the truth. Though, I do think she looks rather nice in that pink gown.” He winked at her. Then he gave Brad a pointed look. “You really should appreciate her. The more a gentleman looks at her, the better looking she gets.”

Her face grew hot. She didn’t delude herself in thinking she was a highly attractive lady, but for him to refer to her that way only made her feel as if she didn’t measure up to the other ladies in London.

“If you’re trying to be on your best behavior, you’re failing,” Brad told his brother.

Stephen shook his head. “There’s no pleasing you. No matter what I try, there is just no pleasing you.”

“You can please me by keeping quiet,” Brad replied. “Why don’t you try that for a change?”

Stephen turned back to her. “You see what I have to deal with? Certainly you, someone outside of this household, can understand how difficult he is.”

“Don’t get her involved in this,” Brad said. “This is between you and me. Now, you are only allowed to dinner if you can behave yourself. Do you think you can manage that for one evening?”

The butler announced that dinner was ready, and she could hear Brad give an audible sigh of relief.

“As I said,” Brad told Stephen, “you can please me by keeping your thoughts to yourself.” He went over to Ava and extended his arm to her. “Despite the company we will have, I hope that you’ll enjoy tonight’s meal. I asked your aunt what your favorite dishes were so I could have the cook prepare them. Tonight, we’re having fish.”

This time when her face grew hot, it was with pleasure. He had done that just for her? She accepted his arm and smiled. “That was very thoughtful of you. Thank you.”

He escorted her out of the room, and she had to admit that it was a thrilling experience to be going to dinner with him as his wife. She was a hopeless cause, she supposed. She was very much in love with him. Even the tiniest gesture of kindness on his part was going to excite her.

Once they were seated at the table, the staff served the meal, and just as Brad had said, all of her favorite dishes were presented before her. And they were absolutely delicious.

“Please give your cook my compliments,” she told Brad during the meal. “Everything tastes so wonderful.”

Brad chuckled. “The cook isn’t just my cook. He’s your cook, too. If there’s anything you want him to make, just let me know and I’ll tell him.”

“I hope you’re not going to make it a habit of serving fish,” Stephen said. “I hate the smell of it. It makes me sick.”

Brad rolled his eyes. “If you don’t like it, don’t eat it. There’s plenty of other food to choose from.”

Stephen picked up his wine. “While that may be true, I can smell the fish all the way from over there.” He gestured to where the plate of fish was resting a couple of chairs away from him. “I don’t know whether it reminds me of old socks or someone’s vomit.”

Brad scowled at him. “What did I tell you about being quiet?”

“If you had chosen a better meal, I wouldn’t have needed to speak up.”

Brad turned his attention to Ava. “We’ll have fish every night if you desire. I happen to like it myself. As a benefit, it might even keep Stephen away.”

“I would be inclined to go out to eat if I had an allowance,” Stephen told him.

“Nice try, but it’s not going to work. My decision stands. You will not be getting any more money. We will not discuss this further.”

Ava wondered if Stephen was going to respond, but he only drank his wine. She knew that Brad was upset with Stephen for his role in the scandal, but she had no idea eating meals when Stephen was around was going to be so awkward. Was it always going to be like this? Did Brad and Stephen have a habit of arguing all the time? Or was this just because of her? Was she the one responsible for the discord between them?

If she wasn’t new here, she might be able to think of something to make things better. But since she didn’t know either gentleman very well, she had no idea what she could say or do to ease the tension in the room. Keeping silent so as not to make things worse, she continued eating her meal.