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Dustin (Shifter Football League Book 3) by Becca Fanning (18)

Chapter 22

When Dustin walked in the training facility for practice, he still wasn’t feeling 100%, but he was much better. The effects of whatever she’d given him must’ve worn off, and he’d been able to eat without throwing up last night. He still felt a bit tired and groggy and hoped it wouldn’t affect his performance today. He had to keep his mind on other things so that he didn’t keep reliving that night and morning over and over and feeling the shame of it all.

He pushed open the door to the locker room, and when one of his teammates saw him, he let out a holler.

“He’s here!” he called out.

Soon, several members of the team surrounded him, laughing and shouting. It took a moment for him to sort out what they were saying.

“Man, you must’ve gotten shit-faced good!” Alex said, with a clap on his shoulder.

“Seriously,” Tom said, “What in the world did you do to piss that chick off?”

“Guess the date didn’t go too well?” Hayden asked.

“What are you all talking about?” Dustin asked.

Ben held up a large color photo and shoved it at him. “They’re all over the training facility.”

Dustin held the photo in shaking hands and looked it over. It was him, sprawled out on his bathroom floor, mostly naked. The Sharpie drawings looked fresh all over his face, and his hands were positioned in a way that one thumb was in his mouth and the other hand gripped his dick. At the top of the photo, someone had written on the print, “Dustin Perry, MVP - Most Vile Prick.”

“Brooklyn did this?” He looked from player to player, hoping his voice didn’t sound as weak to them as it did to him.

“I’d guess it was her,” Alex said. “What happened the other night?”

Dustin pushed through the small crowd and stormed his way toward his locker. As he passed the rows, he tore down every poster he came across. She must’ve printed a ton of them.

He threw down his bag but then made his rounds through the whole locker room, taking down every poster he could find. He returned to his things and shoved the fistful of posters into his locker. Hayden walked into the row a moment later.

“They’re all over the building,” Hayden said.

“Great.” Dustin narrowed his eyes and pulled out his uniform.

“So… you try to hit on her or what, man?”

“No, I was a total gentleman. She’s a crazy bitch.” His fist balled up, and he reached for his phone. He was going to let her have it.

“Well, Coach is looking for you.”

He dropped his phone. “Why?”

“He saw the posters.”

Great. After all this bull and all the crap she’d already said to Coach about him, now this. He was going to get reamed out big time. How could she do this to him?

Alex came laughing into the row. “Man, you must’ve pissed her off good. Can’t believe she went there.”

“Yeah, it’s hilarious,” Dustin said.

“Aww, man, don’t worry about it,” Alex said. “It’s funny. The guys all got a good laugh in this morning as we got here. Fun way to start off the week.”

“Wasn’t too fun for me.” He yanked off one sneaker and then the other. “My head is still messed up from it.”

“How much did you drink?” Alex asked.

“About half a glass of wine. That bitch drugged me.”

Hayden and Alex exchanged looks then burst out laughing.

“She drugged you?” Alex asked. “No way!”

“She has some balls, that one,” Hayden said.

“Did she date rape you, too?” Alex asked.

“No,” Dustin said and slammed his locker.

“Too bad,” Alex said. “At least she could have done you the favor of getting you off if she was going to do all this.”

“I’m sure it’ll all blow over soon,” Hayden said.

“Right. If Coach doesn’t kick my butt over it,” Dustin said.

“He’ll probably get a good laugh out of it and tell you that you got what you deserved,” Hayden said.

“Perry!” Coach’s voice boomed through the locker room.

“Guess I’m about to find out.” Dustin pulled up his pants as Coach stormed around the corner.

“My office. Now.” He disappeared just as quickly as he’d appeared.

Dustin looked over at Hayden. “Doesn’t look like he’s getting a good laugh out of it.”

“Good luck, man,” Alex said.

“Thanks,” Dustin mumbled as he walked away and entered Coach’s office. He sat across from Coach and swallowed hard.

“You want to explain this?” Coach slammed one of the posters down on the desk.

Dustin took a deep breath. “That cheerleader, Brooklyn, did this. She drugged me and did this.”

Coach sat back and crossed his arms. “You want me to believe that you were an innocent victim here? After the whole scandal we’ve already faced with you and those cheerleaders?”

“It’s true. I met Brooklyn for coffee to try to resolve our issues. She came back to my place to talk more, and that’s when she drugged me and did this. I should press charges.”

“I think, given the trouble you’ve already gotten yourself into with those girls, you’d better stay far away from all of them. In fact, I’m going to make sure of it. As of right now, you’re on probation. One more slip-up like this with those cheerleaders, and you’re out. Got it?”

“But Coach

“I don’t want your excuses. And I don’t want to hear any more about you and those girls.”

“Yes sir,” Dustin grumbled.

“And I expect that you will not let this affect your game.”

“It won’t.”

When Dustin got out on the field, he found it difficult to keep that promise. The guys kept pointing and snickering at him, and when he made the mistake of looking over at the girls’ practice, he found them shooting daggers at him. Brooklyn looked over once and gave him a triumphant smile. The whole practice, he was off. His mind wandered, and he missed plays. He wasn’t paying attention, and it was a terrible practice.

When the team hit the locker room later that day, Dustin felt embarrassed and pissed off. He wasn’t sure if he was angrier at himself for letting this all happen or at Brooklyn for what she did, but either way, he was ready to tear someone apart.

Hayden, too, was slamming his locker and throwing his things around, looking upset.

“What’s up, man?” Dustin asked him.

“Don’t talk to me,” Hayden snapped.

“Whoa, what’d I do?”

“I’m sure somehow you have something to do with this.”

With what?”

“Holly broke up with me today. She mentioned the contest and wasn’t too happy about it.”

“That sucks,” Dustin said. “But I don’t see how you can blame me. You and Alex were part of the contest, too. Brooklyn overheard all of us talking about it, remember?”

Hayden slammed his locker shut. “Maybe that Brooklyn chick is a little too full of herself. She thinks she can go around telling all her ladies what to do and who to date.”

“Exactly. She’s the one who started making a big deal out of all this. If she would have just let things go, there would be no problem.”

Hayden shook his head. “I can’t believe she got Holly to break up with me over it.”

“She’s pure evil.”

“I’m starting to think you’re right.”

“About what?” Alex said, coming into the row.

“Brooklyn convinced Holly to break up with Hayden,” Dustin said.

“That’s messed up,” Alex said. “What’s with that girl?”

“She needs to be taught when to keep her mouth shut,” Hayden said. “This is taking it too far. Holly and I were happy. I wasn’t doing the contest anymore, and there was no reason for her to get upset. But Brooklyn had to go and stir things up.” He punched his open palm. “I don’t appreciate her getting in the way of my love life.”

“She’s gone way too far,” Dustin said. “First, she drugs me and puts up posters all over the place, now this.”

Alex shook his head. “What are we going to do about her?”

“I don’t know, but we need to pay her back somehow,” Dustin said.

“Agreed,” Hayden said through clenched teeth.