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Dustin (Shifter Football League Book 3) by Becca Fanning (2)

Chapter 2

Dustin thought about the cheerleaders. He hadn’t met any of them yet, but he’d watched them practicing in their tight little outfits and ponytails. They were all hot, but one or two stood out. He could start with the hottest ones, work his way down. It’d be easier as he went. They’d talk about him, about how amazing he was in bed, and they’d be eager to screw him. This would be like taking candy from a baby. Easier even. Those kids had a good grip sometimes.

It’d give him something to do in the evenings to entertain him. This was the perfect distraction to the team ranking bull crap, and hopefully a way to mess the other guys up. He never let a chick get in his head, but lots of guys did. Maybe one of the girls would mess Alex or Hayden up a little and throw them off their game. That would be the icing on the cake.

There had been at least two of the girls that had given him eyes back when he was checking them out before. They were both pretty hot, so maybe one of them could be first. An honored position, he thought. The first pick. His top choice. The hottest one there. Start with her, and the rest would follow. There were only ten on the squad, so this shouldn’t take him more than a month or two. He could manage at least two a week, he figured. So, just over a month, just into the start of the season, and he’d win. Then he could decide which was the best and keep her around for the rest of the season. By the time this season ended and he made the pros, he’d have a whole new group of ladies to choose from.

Dustin finished cleaning up and putting his stuff away. He sprayed some cologne and popped a piece of gum in his mouth. As he slung his duffel bag over his arm to head out of the locker room, a hand on his chest stopped him.

“Hey,” Kenny said.

“Hey,” Dustin said and took a step back so Kenny’s hand fell.

“Got a sec?”

“I guess?”

“Walk with me.” Kenny turned and held open the locker room door. They started down the hall, out of the college where their practices were held.

“What’s up?” Dustin’s mind was on the cheerleaders who were probably all in the women’s locker room they’d just walked past. He turned to look behind them a few times to see if any came out.

“I heard you talking in there. Your little contest with the cheerleaders?”

“You want in?”

Kenny gave him a sharp look. “Dude. I’m married. With a kid.”

Dustin shrugged. “Doesn’t bother some guys.”

“Well, I don’t play like that, and that’s what I wanted to talk to you about.”

“Your boring home life?”

Kenny shook his head. “How old are you?”


“You’ve got a lot to learn. I don’t know how much you know about me, but the reason I’m in the semis again after being in the pros is because of some chick I was chasing. She turned out to be married, and her husband wasn’t happy to find me in his house. I had no idea she was married, but that didn’t matter. He shot me. Messed up my career and a good part of my life. I was so down, I almost ended it all. Luckily, I found Audrey, and she helped me turn my life around. Now, I have a beautiful family. I wouldn’t give them up for anything—certainly not for a chance to chase some tail.”

“Okay, got it. So, you’re not into it.”

“You’re not hearing me. I messed up my life doing what you’re planning to do. It’s a bad idea. You have to be around these women all season, maybe longer. You upset one of them, and Coach will hear about it.”

“I’m sure it’ll be fine. They’ll just be talking about how awesome I am.”

“Man, you don’t have a clue.” Kenny chuckled. “Ladies do not like being played. You’re going to get a bad rep real fast. You’re going to mess yourself up. Just stay away from them.”

“Thanks for the advice.” This time when he turned around, he saw two of the cheerleaders walking out of the locker room. “I gotta go back. Forgot something.”

Dustin turned and walked back toward the girls, not bothering to say goodbye to Kenny. What a jerk, trying to tell him what to do. He was the clueless one. In college and high school, Dustin had been part of the popular crowd, the one all the chicks were after. No reason to think things would be different now. He was even better looking, had an amazing career going for him, and would be somewhat famous soon. Plus, he heard that almost no cheerleaders were shifters, since they’d be too big, but that they tended to like bear shifters because of their size and brute strength.

He recognized one of the cheerleaders and as one who’d been checking him out. She was hot enough, he supposed. The other one could wait. When he was close enough, he put on his most charming smile.

“Hello there, ladies. I’m Dustin Perry. You have a good day of practice?” he asked.

“Worked hard,” the blonde said with a smile.

“I bet.” Dustin looked her up and down. Her tight black pants showed off her thick thighs and round bottom. Her fitted top strained from her round breasts and showed just how thin her stomach was.

“Come on, Kitty,” the dark-haired one said, tugging on the blonde’s arm.

“Well, meow,” Dustin said, winking at Kitty.

The dark-haired one rolled her eyes. “Don’t you have some weights to lift?”

“Not when there are beautiful ladies around. Were you two about to walk out alone?”

“We were,” Kitty said. “Weren’t we, Maddie.” She gave her friend a look, like she was trying to convince her to go along with what she said.

“I can’t allow that.” Dustin turned and walked the direction they’d been heading.

“I wouldn’t mind an escort to my car,” Kitty said.

“Fine, whatever,” Maddie said. “Let’s just go. I’m tired.”

“They work you hard?” Dustin asked.

“You know it,” Kitty said.

“Everyone works hard,” Maddie said. “I’m sure they work you hard, too,” she said flatly.

“They do,” Dustin agreed. “I’m so sore, I don’t think I’ll be able to lift my arms tomorrow.”

“Aww, poor thing,” Kitty said.

Dustin held open the door and the three of them stepped into the early evening air. “Maybe if you’re sore and I’m sore, we could help each other out,” he said. “Give each other nice long massages?”

“Mmm, maybe,” Kitty said.

“Wow,” Maddie muttered.

“What’s your deal?” Dustin asked her. “Did I do something to you? Why are you so antagonistic?”

“I guess I’m sick of idiot football players thinking they have some claim on cheerleaders. Not all of us like football players.”

“Clearly,” he said. “But maybe you should give us another chance. We’re not all bad.”

“Aww, I like bad,” Kitty said.

“Okay, well, I’ll see you guys later,” Maddie said. She turned abruptly and walked along the rows of cars.

He saw her turn again a moment later and keep walking in the same direction as them. Well fine, if she wanted to get away from them, that was okay with him. Gave him some alone time with Kitty.

“This is me,” she said, stopping in front of a little red car.

Nice car.”

“Gets me around.” She opened the door and slid in.

“Hey.” He stopped the door with his hand. “What do you think about that massage?”

“I’ll have to see if I’m sore enough.” She smiled and yanked the door closed.

She had started the car and driven off before he could think of a way to get her number. Well, it was a start. He knew two of their names and had flirted with Kitty. Maybe tomorrow he could come up with a way to talk to her more and make some progress. Or maybe he just needed to move on. Jealousy worked sometimes. If Kitty saw him talking to another cheerleader, she might start chasing after him instead of him having to chase her.

The more he thought about it as he walked to his own car, the more decided he was about moving on and trying to get with a different cheerleader the next night. He didn’t have time to waste. He needed to sleep with one of them soon to be the first, establish his place at the top, and go from there. It was time to step up his game.