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Dustin (Shifter Football League Book 3) by Becca Fanning (23)

Chapter 27

By the time she woke up the next morning, she’d thought better of her idea from the night before. She would not text Dustin. She would not apologize. He’d started this whole mess. He said he wouldn’t go to the police, and she believed him. Not because he said he wouldn’t, but because he wouldn’t want to face what came of it. His pride was one thing she could count on. Instead, it was time to let loose and have some fun.

She called a few of her ladies and made plans for that night. Then, she set about her favorite Saturday routine. Yoga, easy run, long bubble bath, and a good book. It was a nice, relaxing day, and she was looking forward to the evening. She got ready and inspected herself in the mirror, feeling alive and on top of the world.

Maddie, Melissa, and Lucy were already at the restaurant when she got there. The plan was to have a nice dinner then move over to the bar as the night wore on. The bar would open to a dance floor once all the usual dinner patrons were gone. They just had to keep drinking and wait them out.

“You ladies are gorgeous,” Brooklyn said when she reached their table.

“Likewise,” Maddie said.

They ordered dinner and drinks and took it slow at first. It was going to be a long night. No sense getting drunk too fast. They ate desserts and talked about everything from hairstyles to dance moves to men. Of course, men.

“Coach Sarah hasn’t said anything to you about the Dustin thing?” Melissa asked.

“No. Why would she?” Brooklyn took a long sip of her wine, emptying her glass.

“It was all over the place. Everyone was talking about it. I didn’t know if she’d be happy about it or what,” Melissa said.

Maddie made a huffing noise. “You know she wouldn’t.”

“Then why hasn’t she said something?” Lucy asked.

“What is it you want her to say?” Brooklyn was starting to get annoyed at the conversation. This was meant to be ladies’ night, not some in-depth discussion about her actions with Dustin.

Melissa shrugged. “Dustin got put on probation over it. I didn’t know if she’d do the same to you.”

“Is that what you want to happen?” Brooklyn crossed her arms and felt the defensiveness rise in her chest.

“Of course not,” Melissa said.

“No one wants that,” Lucy agreed.

“But what you did was pretty major,” Maddie said. “I think we all expected some sort of fallout from it. At least a verbal warning.”

“Well maybe Coach Sarah knows what was going on and thought he got what he deserved,” Brooklyn said.

Maddie raised her shoulder. “He deserved worse than that.”

“Speak of the devil,” Lucy said, laughing.

They all turned toward the door. Dustin and a group of the football players walked in. They didn’t see them until Lucy held up her hand and waved. Alex saw her and waved back. Then he made eye contact with Brooklyn. He nudged Hayden and Dustin and each one looked at her. Dustin quickly looked away, but Hayden held her gaze.

Wait a second. Hadn’t he had some dinner thing to go to tonight? Didn’t he ask her to find someone for him? Was it all just a lie then? The anger rose with the annoyance.

“So much for a fun ladies’ night,” Brooklyn said.

“I think it just got more fun.” Lucy bit her lip then slid out of her seat.

They watched her walk over to Alex and start talking to him.

“Traitor,” Maddie said.

The restaurant had started to clear away the dinner tables and move things for the bar and dancing setup for the night. They were still sitting, but their table would be in the way soon. Now was as good a time as any.

Brooklyn got up and stormed over to Hayden.

“Hi there,” he said with that annoying smile.

“I thought you had a dinner tonight,” Brooklyn said sharply. “Or have you given up on supporting women’s rights?”

“No, I haven’t,” he said. “The date of the event got moved. Have you changed your mind?”

She’d have to Google that later. She hadn’t heard anything about it changing. “No.”

She turned to walk away, and he put his hand on her arm.

“Don’t go. All your friends are here.” He motioned around to other ladies. Sure enough, they’d all made their way over and were chatting with the players. What the hell had happened to staying away from them all?

“They shouldn’t be, and neither should I.”

“Brooklyn.” He stepped closer to her and leaned down to her ear. “You don’t have to hate us. We don’t hate you.”

The music’s volume rose and made it harder to talk. Soon they were all shouting at each other.

“I don’t hate you,” she said, putting her mouth close to his ear to be heard.

“Then let me buy you a drink.”

“I don’t owe you anything.”

“Who said anything about all that?” He raised his hand to catch the bartender’s attention. “I’m talking about a drink between two friends. That’s all. What’ll it be?”

She hesitated, but finally said, “Manhattan.”

“Would expect nothing less for a no-frills lady.” He smiled and ordered the drink. When it came, he handed it right to her. She would make sure it wasn’t ever out of her sight, of course.

But as she thought that, she recalled how Dustin hadn’t done the same, and she’d been the one to drug him. Fresh shame washed over her. She looked around and saw Dustin talking to Melissa.

“Thanks for the drink,” she said. “Will you excuse me?”

She turned and walked away, though he called out her name. She walked over to Dustin but didn’t want to interrupt their conversation. Instead, she stood in a place where he would see her and made eye contact, not looking away when he looked at her. She sipped her drink and waited.

Either he knew she was waiting to talk to him and he didn’t care, making her wait on purpose, or he didn’t notice and was clueless. She’d finished her first drink and ordered another by the time Melissa walked away.

“You’re a popular guy tonight,” Brooklyn said, walking over to him.

“That’s not why I’m here.” He picked up his beer and faced away from her. “I’m just here with the guys to have a good time, not to pick up women or whatever you think I’m here to do.”

“I don’t think you’re here doing any of that.”

“Then what are you going to yell at me for this time?” He gave her a sharp eyebrow then went back to looking the other direction.

“Nothing. I just thought we could talk for a minute.”

“I don’t want to talk to you.” He turned and faced Melissa, who had apparently only gone to the bathroom and had now returned.

“Join us, Brook,” she said.

Dustin glared at her, warning her not to stay. She took a long sip to finish off her drink and set the glass down at their small table. “You two have a good time.”

She walked away, feeling slightly tipsy. She sat down at a table and looked for her friends. Lucy was with Alex, talking. Melissa was talking to Dustin, and Maddie was talking to some guy from the bar. They’d all left her.

“Can I buy you a drink?”

She looked up to see some guy she’d never seen before. “You can do what you want, but I’m not going to sleep with you.”

“Sheesh.” He held up his hands. “Never mind if you’re going to be like that.”

She shook her head. That’s the only reason he wanted to buy her a drink? Ridiculous how these guys functioned. The whole world felt completely messed up. She almost bought herself another drink but made it a coffee instead. She would just get out of there and leave this night behind. Her ladies were long gone, and there was no pulling them back.

She chugged down the coffee and then made her rounds to tell her friends she was leaving. She walked quickly to her car. Her keys were in her hands, and she reached to unlock the door. A hand closed over her wrist.