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Hero Bear by Raines, Harmony (3)

Chapter Three – Hannah

Hannah woke with nervous butterflies in her stomach that had nothing to do with her new home, and everything to do with the new man in her life.

He’s not in your life, she reminded herself, but it didn’t stop her overactive brain reassuring her that he soon would be.

“Optimistic.” Hannah hauled herself out of bed and hit the shower. With a busy day ahead, getting an early start was paramount. Plus, she liked her job. There were not many days when Hannah didn’t look forward to going to work. Although meeting with Leona’s ex-husband this afternoon might be one of them. If he turned up. Clive was very good at arranging to see his boys and then backing out at the last minute. So far he’d only made it to two visits out of a possible six. Not exactly a sign of commitment.

The disappointment in their faces was heartbreaking. Which was why today she’d arranged to meet at the local park. A promise of ice cream, even on a cool spring day, might be enough to take the edge off their disappointment if he let them down. Or maybe Clive would keep the appointment. Although the awkwardness that followed, as the man who’d cruelly abused their mother attempted to play with his kids, was excruciating. It was like a lie played out before her eyes. Clive didn’t want to be there.

Hannah pulled her blonde hair into a sleek knot, not out of preference, but an attempt to appear more sophisticated. Her blonde hair and blue eyes made her look young, like a high school cheerleader, instead of a professional social worker. Early on in her career, Hannah discovered that a sense of maturity earned you more respect, which made her job easier. Not in all circumstances, but especially when dealing with men like Clive.

Sweeping thoughts of Leona’s ex-husband aside, she went downstairs to grab a coffee and a bowl of cereal before she left for the office. Hannah was more than aware she was spending a disproportionate amount of time worrying about Clive, and she knew it was because she was friends with Leona. Although she was very careful not to let her private and professional relationships bleed into each other.

Half an hour later, Hannah was leaving the house. As she got into her small but sensible car, she glanced up through the windshield at her new home and a smile spread across her face. This was home. Bear Creek offered her everything she needed. Friends and an outdoor life. Lots of recreational activities she could participate in that would help her meet like-minded people her own age.

This time, it wasn’t Clive who interrupted her thoughts, it was another man. An intriguing man. What was it Beverly had called Knox…Sex-on-legs.

Now that was one recreational activity in which she was well out of practice. Her smile widened. Knox was easy on the eyes, with a hidden vulnerability that attracted her more than it should. She did not want to date a man just because he needed putting back together. But a little sexual healing would work both ways.

“Get over it,” Hannah told herself as she backed her car out of the driveway.

Her new commute to work along the back roads of Bear Creek, winding through amazing scenery until she hit the highway, took her mind off men. Rushing into a relationship wasn’t smart; goodness, she’d seen the outcome of bad relationships enough times to make her think twice. Knox might be Sex-on-legs, but she was past the point of basing her search for a future husband on sexual chemistry. What she needed was a loyal, responsible man who would never leave her.

If Suzie and Leona had snagged men with those levels of commitment, then so could she. Of course, it helped that their men were bear shifters, committed to a lifelong partner. Unfortunately, Knox had not shown that same insta-love for her. If she dated him, it would be short, hot, and messy. Not a good mix when her emotions were in upheaval over her parents moving away. No, she should forget all about him.

Hannah’s parents raised her to understand her own self-worth. Her job had gone further, teaching her what happened when a person believed they didn’t deserve to be treated with respect. She had no doubt Knox would respect her—until his mate came along. Then she would be dumped without a second thought. It was the natural order of shifters.

Arriving at work, Hannah parked her car and went inside, eager to meet the challenges of the day. She took the stairs instead of the elevator, arriving on the fifth floor where the social services’ offices were located without breaking a sweat.

Hannah’s colleague Suzie, who had also snagged a bear shifter as a mate, was waiting for her. “Morning, Hannah.”

“Hi there, Suzie. Thanks.” Hannah accepted a cup of coffee from Suzie. They often started the day with an informal chat; it gave them a chance to share updates on cases, and offer each other advice. The team in social services worked well together, making all their jobs easier.

“You are going to need it.” Suzie gave Hannah a sympathetic look.

“What’s wrong?” Hannah perched on the edge of Suzie’s desk and sipped her coffee.

“Sandra Linden called.”

Hannah put her coffee down. “Is she OK?”

Suzie cocked her head to one side and then shrugged. “She said she wanted to speak to you. My guess would be Dustin is giving her trouble. It’s a tough situation, we all know that. But I’m worried Dustin is teetering on the edge of doing something stupid.”

“I’ll call her right back. I thought I was getting through to him.” Hannah got up, grabbed her coffee, and headed down the corridor to her office. “Thanks, Suzie.”

“If you need me, you know where to find me,” Suzie’s voice trailed after her.

“I do.” Hannah shut her office door and sat down at her desk. Before she made the call to Sandra Linden, she went over the details of the case. Dealing with shifter kids when you weren’t one yourself was often difficult, but she’d gotten good at it. One of Hannah’s greatest gifts was being able to put herself in someone else’s shoes. In this case, the shoes of a fifteen-year-old boy who had lost his shifter dad nearly a year ago.

Lex Linden was killed in a landslide when hiking deep in the mountain range that rose up to watch over Bear Creek. Although there was nothing officially noted, Hannah was certain the word hiking was being used loosely. Lex Linden was a bear shifter, and most likely out ranging over the mountains in his animal form when the landslide happened. His son, Dustin, was understandably devastated.

Just as he was getting over it, and getting his life back on track, he reached puberty and his own shifter side began to emerge. Dustin did not handle it well and ended up in trouble at school, which was why Hannah became involved. Dustin continually threw the words you can’t understand, you aren’t a shifter back at his poor mom, Sandra.

Sandra knew Dustin was just acting out: she was a strong woman and she fought to hold it all together. Hannah admired Sandra on so many levels, but the constant struggle to get through to Dustin was beginning to take its toll on her health. Which was the reason she had asked Suzie’s advice only last week; unfortunately, even the resourceful Suzie had not been able to see a clear way forward.

Now, sitting in her office, Hannah was wracking her brains to figure out any way of helping the family. Perhaps if Dustin talked to someone who could truly understand what he was going through.

A knock on the door made her start, and Suzie popped her head in. “Have you spoken to Sandra yet?”

Hannah shook her head. “No, I was trying to figure out a way of helping the family. There has to be something we can do.”

“I had a thought. Maybe Fiona could ask either Sapphi or Ruby to talk to Dustin. They are roughly the same age, and have lost their parents.” Suzie’s voice filled with encouragement. “It’s got to be worth a try.”

“Thanks, Suzie. I’ll run that by Sandra.” Hannah drank the rest of her coffee. “I’ll call her now.”

“OK, good luck.” Suzie left the office and pulled the door closed, while Hannah dialed Sandra’s number.

“Hi, Sandra, it’s Hannah.”

“Hello, Hannah.” Sandra sounded distraught. “Thanks for calling me back.”

“What can I do for you?” Hannah wanted to reach down the phone and hug Sandra.

“It’s Dustin.” Her voice broke, but she pulled herself back together.

“Is he OK?”

“I don’t know.” Sandra stifled a sob. “He’s in trouble at school again.”

“It’s OK, Sandra. Tell me what happened this time?”

“He’s been quiet the last couple of days. Quieter than normal.” Sandra’s breath shuddered as she fought for control. “It’s Lex’s birthday in two days. So I’ve been preparing myself…”

“Take your time, Sandra,” Hannah soothed.

“He got into a fight. A bad one. He’s not a violent boy.” Sandra was adamant, and Hannah believed her. Parents often tried to paper over the cracks in their relationships with their children. But Sandra had always been honest, she wanted Dustin to get the best help. She’d lost her husband; she did not want to lose her son. “Principal Collier suggested Dustin would be better off at a new school. But I’m scared this will unsettle him even more.”

“I’ll talk to Principal Collier. See if there isn’t some kind of compromise.”

“Thank you, Hannah. I don’t know who else to turn to.” Sandra took a deep breath. “I know you’re busy, but can you come over and see him? He trusts you. He might open up to you.”

Sandra’s words silenced Hannah for a moment. Her schedule was full to bursting today. “I’ll try to get to you later this afternoon. It’ll be after work.”

“I’m sorry to be a burden.” Sandra’s voice echoed with defeat.

“You aren’t, Sandra. That’s what I’m here for. I’d come sooner, but I have appointments I can’t change.” Hannah considered asking Suzie to take over Clive’s visit this afternoon, but it would likely result in Clive simply canceling.

“He’s always so much calmer after he’s been with you.”

It was Hannah’s turn to fight her emotions. “We all want the best for him, Dustin knows that.”

“I hope so. I hope he knows I’m here for him. I’ve tried so hard. I think he would have preferred it if I had died on that mountain and not his dad.” Sandra finally broke down and sobbed.

“That’s not true, Sandra. He told me how much he loves you.” Hannah couldn’t say any more. She could not betray Dustin’s confidence. She could not tell Sandra that her son had said the exact same thing—that he wished he’d died instead of his father.

“I can’t seem to reach him.” Sandra sobbed, her broken heart an agony of pain and fear.

“We’ll find a way. A colleague has offered to find someone his own age to talk to. Someone who has been through a similar experience.” Hannah would chase that idea up with Suzie.

“That might be what he needs, so he doesn’t feel as if he is alone in all this. He can’t see a way forward.”

“Listen, Sandra, is there anyone you can call? Someone who can come and sit with you for a while?” Hannah asked. Dustin wasn’t the only one who needed support through this.

“I have a friend I met at a bereavement group. I’ll call her.” Sandra regained her self-control.

“I’ll be in touch as soon as I have any news. And don’t hesitate to call me on my private cell phone number, Sandra.”

“I didn’t want to bother you,” Sandra insisted.

“It’s no bother. It’s my job.” Hannah winced at her words. “That makes me sound uncaring. And I’m not.”

“I know, Hannah. You’ve been so kind to us.”

“We’ll find a way through this,” Hannah reassured Sandra. “He’s a good kid.”

“Thanks, Hannah, I’ll speak to you later.”

“Bye.” Hannah ended the call and then immediately phoned the school. “Can I speak to Principal Collier, please?”

Hannah had mixed feelings about the principal of The Bluff High School. He was always friendly and accommodating, but his treatment of Dustin had not been as supportive as she expected. She had not yet decided whose fault that was. Dustin could appear brash and unsocial, which might alienate the principal. However, Principal Collier’s experience with kids should have given him the tools to break through and help a troubled boy.

“Hannah, good to speak to you. This isn’t a social call, I take it?” Principal Collier asked jovially. Was the principal flirting with her?

“No, I’m calling to see how Dustin has been lately? I heard there was some trouble yesterday.” Hannah kept her voice level and professional.

“We did send Dustin home yesterday,” Principal Collier confirmed. “Some trouble with another boy. Behavior we cannot tolerate.”

“I’ve just spoken to Mrs. Linden, she said you suggested Dustin move schools.” Hannah closed her eyes and rubbed the bridge of her nose. “Can you give me the details of what happened?”

“Sure. You could come over to the school and I’ll walk you through it. I have coffee and a secret stash of cookies,” Principal Collier purred. He was smooth, for sure, but he was not Hannah’s type. If she were looking for a man to plod alongside through life, he might be suitable. However, Hannah wanted a man to spark off.

“I can’t today.” Knox’s face hovered in her mind, that man could start a fire from a spark. For a relationship to last the long haul, it had to be more than sexual chemistry and more than good character traits. There had to be the right kind of mix, just like a good cocktail.

“Pity.” Principal Collier sounded truly disappointed.

“I have appointments, and I’m already running late.” Damn, she sounded as if she were making an excuse, leaving the way open for another invitation.

“I understand. A rain check, then.” Whether Hannah meant it or not, the principal had taken it as such.

Hannah gave a noncommittal murmur and let Principal Collier tell her the circumstances surrounding Dustin’s behavior. By the time she left her office to return to Bear Creek to pick up Leona’s children for their visit with their dad, she was certain this was more serious than she originally thought.

Dustin had literally exploded. Although it appeared the other child involved had not been entirely innocent. Ross Vardy had goaded Dustin into his actions. The other child’s name seemed familiar, but she couldn’t pinpoint it. Principal Collier appeared to be set on Dustin leaving the school, but Hannah had talked him into giving Dustin a week to cool off. Afterward, a meeting would be arranged to discuss Dustin’s future at the school.

Hannah would find a way to work this out. She owed it to Dustin and Sandra. Although at present, the correct course of action eluded her. She would try to arrange for Dustin to talk to Sapphi and Ruby in the next few days and hope that might give them some kind of breakthrough.

Feeling mentally exhausted, she left her office to drive back to Bear Creek to pick up Jack and Harry. Maybe the meeting would go well with Clive.

Always the optimist. Hannah switched on the radio and sang along to lift her mood.