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Elizabeth and the Magic of Dragons by Mason, Ava (5)


I only had to wait a few minutes before the water turned off. I counted to a hundred and then snuck inside the bathroom. Avery was facing the mirror with a towel around his waist. He didn’t say anything to me as I came inside but just watched me through the mirror.

I slipped my hands around his waist and pressed my lips against his bare back, holding him tight. He sighed and clasped his hands to mine.

“Are you okay?”

He nodded and pulled me in front of him. I sat on the counter and he leaned into me. Pulling him into my arms, he held onto me tight. Closing my eyes and breathing in the scent of soap, I ran my hands around his back, burrowing into him.

“Ever since we came here, you’ve been kinda quiet. Very thoughtful.”

He shrugged. “Sometimes I like to think.”

I pulled him back. “What do you like to think about?”

He traced my cheekbone. “You.”

I raised my eyebrow. “Well you must not like me very much then.”

He closed his eyes and rubbed his nose across my cheek. His breath across my face caressed my skin. “I like you very much.”

I put my hand on his chest, right over his heart. “Then what else are you thinking about?”

He was quiet and I felt his heartbeat, slow and steady, through my palm. He ran his hands up my side, over my shoulders to cup my cheeks. Then he ran his thumb over my lip, rubbing it softly.

I stared into his eyes, knowing that right now Avery needed me. He may not know how to ask for it, but I knew the signs when I saw them.

“Avery, it’s okay to talk to me. To tell me what’s going on. You can tell me.”

He shook his head slowly. “What if talking doesn’t help?”

I bit my lips. “Well, maybe you don’t have to talk about what’s bothering you. You can talk about anything.” I looked deeply into his eyes. “Anything at all.”

I traced my fingers over his tattoos, giving him a moment to think.

“Mia’s favorite place was the woods near the place we grew up. We used to go hiking there a lot.”

I grinned. “Of course.”

“Of course, what?”

“Of course you like to hike.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Well, you like to run. So I’m not surprised that you like to hike.”

He smiled softly. “Actually, sometimes I hate to run.”

“You do?” I was surprised.

He nodded his head. “I just like to torture you more than I hate running.”

I laughed and his face lit up. And that made me really happy, that I put that smile on his sad face.

“You made me run and you made me cook. That was double torture.”

He was grinning now. “Yep.”

“And you always ate all my olives.”

He shrugged. “Olives are good.”

I nodded, agreeing, and traced over the tattoo on his shoulder mindlessly. “Especially if they’re mine.”

He bent down and nipped at my lip. I grinned, and then he gave me a gentle kiss, whispering. “Especially when they’re yours.”

I pulled back. “You’re just trying to distract me.”

He smiled, kissing me again. “And here I thought it was the other way around.”

I shook my head. “Nuh-uh.”

Okay, he was right. But that was beside the point.

I gave him my most serious look. “Avery, you have to make me a promise.”

He gave me a wary look.

“I’m serious.”

He sighed. “Okay, what?”

“If something is really bothering you, you have to promise that you’ll talk to me. You’ll open up to me.” He was quiet and I moved my thumb over his cheek, cupping the side of his face. “I worry about you. Because I care for you.”

His eyes grew tight, and then he leaned against my head, nodding. “Okay, I promise.”

I pulled him close, loving the feel of his arms around me. Then there was a knock on the door and Riley’s voice called through it.

“Hey guys. Hunter said you needed to borrow a dress to go to the castle. Since you were taking so long, he told me to check in on you to make sure you didn’t fall in the toilet.”

I laughed and looked at Avery. “I think she’s talking to you.”

He grinned. “I do rock a dress.”

I bet.”

Riley called through. “Elizabeth?”

“I’m coming.” I climbed off the counter, then gave Avery a slow, sensual kiss, ending it by pulling on his lip with my teeth. He sighed as I pulled away, then I left the bathroom to go to Riley’s room.

* * *

Bright purple and yellow walls greeted me when I opened the door to Riley’s room. Shelves of haphazardly placed books lined the room, along with models of Pegasus horses and dragons. Riley’s desk faced the window and her computer glowed neon blue, and was attached to three different screens.

She was jumping up and down on her bed, grinning at me mischievously with a lollipop in her mouth. The bag was on her bed and she picked it up. “Want one?”

I smiled, then picked out a blue one.

“That’ll turn your lips blue. It’ll probably still be that way at the dance.”

I shrugged and she grinned.

“Ohh, cheeky, I like it.”

Then she grabbed my hand and collapsed onto the bed, pulling me onto it with her.

“Hmmm,” she raised an eyebrow. “Was Avery showing you how to work the shower?”

I unwrapped the lollipop and rolled it around my tongue, grinning. “That’s none of your business.”

She laughed and fell back onto the bed, throwing her arms in the air dramatically. She put her hand to her chest, breathing heavy, then looked up at me.

“So.” She held out her hand, raising her eyebrow. “I’m waiting for my Emmy.” When I didn’t answer her, she explained. “Like how I told Sophia off? I’ve been wanting to do that for ages!”

I grinned. “That was the best thing I’ve seen all year. You do deserve an award.”

She pushed her hand towards me and I grabbed it, then licked it.

“Ewwww!” She yanked her hand back. “Gross, Lizzy! Just for that, I’m calling you Lizard from now on.”

I shrugged. “Your brother calls me Princess. You think Lizard is going to bother me?”

She laughed, and just the sound of it made my anxiety begin to melt away.

“So, are you going to come with us?”

She pulled herself up. “Are you kidding? No way.”

Why not?”

She smirked. “Oh, you’ll see once you get there.”

I gripped her arm. “Tell me.”

She tipped her head to the side, thinking. “It’s just that all the women there look perfect; it’s horrible.” Then she turned back to me. “But you’ll have the guys, so you’ll be fine.” Then she got up and, stepping over me with long legs, jumped off with a thump.

“Which reminds me. I’ve got to get you ready. You don’t want to be late.” Her face was serious now. “You think the media hates you now? Be late to the Queen’s dance and they’ll crucify you. Believe me, I know.”

Her footsteps were heavy as she skipped across the room and she flung open her closet doors. It was bigger and deeper than Hunter’s, with dirty clothes thrown all over the floor. She pushed them out of her way as she moved towards the back. “What to wear, what to wear.”

I stood up and followed her inside, sucking on the lollipop. She was throwing several dresses over her head, most of them splashed with loud colors or bright floral patterns. Some of them were elegantly beautiful, though. “These won’t do.”

“Hey,” I leaned against the door jam. “What’s the deal with Sophia and your brother anyway.”

She laughed. “Well, they’ve known each other forever. And Sophia always had a thing for him.” She looked at me, thoughtful. “If anyone can humanize Sophia, it would be Hunter. But, Hunter’s not like that, you know?”

“What do you mean?”

She shrugged. “He values kindness and honesty. Two things Sophia greatly lacks.”

I sighed. “But what if she finds a way to take him from me.”

She frowned. “Hunter would never let that happen. He may consider it, for my sake, or some loyalty he feels to the Kingdom, but I don’t think he would ever do it.” She winked at me. “Besides, you made an official claim on them, even if you didn’t even know you were doing it. She has to respect that.”

Then she turned back towards the closet, reached for a hanger and, without even looking at it, pulled out a red dress. It was a little bit short but it was still beautiful, with black beads embroidered in the top.

“Oh, crap.” She threw the dress to the ground and I was tempted to grab it.

“Where are you…”

She disappeared in her room for a moment and then came back. “Had to plug in the curlers. In fact, what am I thinking? Go hit the shower. It’s the other door in my room. Take one fast and don’t wash your hair.” She moved her hands towards me. “I can’t work with this until you clean the stink of sweat and smelly fish off you.”

A quick six minutes later, I was wrapped in a towel and she was spraying half a can of some powdery, coconut smelling stuff in my hair.


I pulled the towel tight and then sat on the floor in front of the mirror, wiping at my blue mouth. She sat on the bed behind me, sectioning off a part of my hair, and began to wrap it around a curler.

“So,” I met her eyes in the mirror. “How long have you and Hunter lived here?”

She closed one of her eyes, thinking. “About eight years. I was fourteen. Hunter had to raise me by himself after we moved in.”

“Oh? What about…” I hesitated, but she guessed my question.

“My parents died that year.”

I clasped my hands together. Then I looked at her. “How did they die?”

Avoiding my eyes, she stared at my hair, wrapping another section. “They were murdered.”

I took in a deep breath, as the image of the murder of my own parents threatened to invade my mind. “I’m so sorry.”

She shrugged one of her shoulders and pulled at another section of my hair. “It’s not your fault.”

I moved to face her and her hands fell to her lap.

“Riley, I get it, I really do.”

Her eyes met mine and they had a depth that she hadn’t shown before. “Hunter told me about your parents.”

Suddenly I couldn’t breathe and I gasped for air. She slid down the bed and threw her arms around my neck, pulling me close. I felt ridiculous but if anyone could understand me, it was her. I took in deep calming breaths, chanting Christian’s mantra.

“Calm the mind, calm the

“Soul!” She laughed as I pulled away from her.

“Yeah, Christian’s worked with me, too.”

I wiped at my face and she pushed me back to face the mirror.

My face was flushed and I grabbed her makeup, trying to find something that would look good on me. “Did they ever find the killer?”

Her eyes darkened. “You should probably ask Hunter about that.”

My mouth opened. “Why?”

“Cuz he took care of it.” Her eyes were like steel and I nodded.


“You gonna take care of the guy who killed your parents?”

I stared at her fiercely. “Hell yes.”

She smiled. “Good.” She took in a deep breath. “Anyway, let’s talk about something else.”

“Okay.” I nodded, understanding. Some things were just too painful to think about. “Tell me, have you ever thought about dating any of the guys out there?” I nodded at the door.

She scrunched up her face. “Ewe, gross! They’re like my brothers.”

I laughed, then pulled out her makeup bag. “Good, I wouldn’t want to have to show you all my ninja skillz.”

“Believe me, you don’t have to.” She imitated throwing up.

Smiling, she worked quickly and soon my head was burning with hot curlers and I’d managed to find some subtle makeup that looked good. She nodded, approving, and then stood up.

“Come on, I found the perfect dress for you while you were in the shower.” She pulled me up and into her closet. Then she unzipped the garment bag and pulled out a gorgeous gown. It was black, lined with silver leaf patterns across the top. Then it became sheer around the stomach and had another row of silver patterns across where my hips would be. “I bought if for prom my junior year but never wore it. It’s just been sitting in my closet ever since.”

I took in a deep breath. “Wow, Riley.” I pulled at the bottom of the dress, revealing a long slit up it and I grinned wickedly. “Oh, this will kill Hunter.”

She nodded. “Exactly. It will kill all of them; I like to torture the guys as much as possible.”

I laughed and pulled if off the hanger. After stepping into it, she zipped it up. Then we began to pull the curlers out of my hair.

When I stepped out of her room, the guys were standing in the living room, laughing. They all wore well-defined suits that showed off their wide shoulders and narrow waists, with a mishmash of different colored ties. They all looked sexy as hell and my heart pounded as I stared them down. I licked my lips, staring at them intently, wishing we didn’t have to go anywhere.

As soon as they saw me, the room immediately grew silent and I suddenly felt very shy.

Riley pushed me forward, grinning. “Doesn’t she look great?”

Avery stepped forward, his eyes staring into mine, frowning. “You need to take that off right now.” He glanced towards the windows. “I’m pretty sure I can get those curtains to hang nice and loose on you because there’s no way I’m letting you out of here looking like that.”

My cheeks tinged pink as he touched them softly, my heart simmering.

“I don’t think we have time for that.”

Then he leaned over. “I think you have something blue on your mouth.” His lips enveloped mine in a deep kiss and heat rushed in between my thighs. My legs were like jelly and he wrapped his hand around my back, holding me to him.

“Gaw, get a room already!” Riley’s voice called out and she began to push at me. “You need to get going young lady before you burst into flames right here in my living room!”

Avery pulled back slowly, pulling my lip with his teeth. Then he kissed the corner of my mouth again and finally pulled away. I sighed and he grinned. He glanced at Hunter with a triumphant look.

Suddenly the guys came alive behind us and began to move towards the door. Easton’s voice rang out clearly and loudly. “Let’s get going guys, don’t want to be late.”

With Avery’s hand still around my back, we moved towards the door. “I’m getting the vibe that being late is a big sin around here.”

* * *

Feeling relieved that the media coverage was more about my dress than terrorism, we entered the front entrance of the castle. I had a feeling that either Riley or the Queen had something to do with getting the media straight.

I tried not to gawk at the immensity of the castle entrance or the lavishness of the decor but it was almost impossible not to take in everything with a childish wonder.

Even though I grew up in the United States, I’d traveled to other continents and even saw a castle or two but they were nothing, nothing, compared to this one. Although the inside of the castle seemed to be completely renovated and updated; equipped with central heating because the great entrance hall that I’d stepped into was warm and welcoming, it was such a strange contrast to the modern city right outside its doors.

“Ohh, who is this with Hunter and is she a pureblood?”

I turned to see a man about the same age as Hunter, with a purple velvet suit coat and bowtie. He had shoulder-length hair, pulled back in a tie that showed off his light brown waves. I liked his choice to stand out among a sea of black, though I preferred my guys’ suits to his. His blue eyes smoldered as they took in my dress, my stomach that showed through it, and followed the slit up my thigh. Suddenly, I wondered if I shouldn’t have worn something so revealing.

“My name is James and you are stunning.”

Heat rushed to my cheeks and suddenly Hunter pressed to my side. “James, great to see you.” His voice dripped with sarcasm.

James smiled at Hunter, his eyes tight. “I’m always delighted when you come to town on Daddy’s business. I almost wished you did it more often, instead of managing your company’s business internationally. But it’s always fun to watch you on the tele when you do come home.” His eyes moved towards me. “I hear you brought a wolf with you this time.”

He didn’t sound disgusted when he said ‘wolf’, more like intrigued, and that was a relief.

“I’m Elizabeth.”

He held his hand out and I took it; then he pressed the top of my hand to his lips. I smiled, I’d never seen anyone do that before in real life.

“I must say it is a pleasure to meet you.”

“And I, you.”

He straightened back up, still holding my hand for a moment too long, his thumb caressing my palm and then he let go.

Christian pressed in my back, squeezing my hips possessively. “Waz up, bro? Long time no see.”

James grinned and then he was giving Christian a bro hug, squeezing me between them.

“This your woman?”

Christian’s face grew serious. “She’s been claimed, yes. So, hands off.”

I frowned. “I have?”

James raised his eyebrow at me. “Well, have you?”

Growling, I answered. “Not like that, no.”

His lips twisted into a mischievous and snarky grin. “There’s nothing wrong with being claimed, doll face. I’d assumed with your looks that every dragon on sight lit up into flames the minute you stepped into the country. And even if you have been claimed, that doesn’t mean we can’t all share, right?” He leaned over and moved his thumb across my lip. “If you’d be willing, I’d share you all night long.” Then he winked.

I smiled. “That sounds interesting. I could be willing, if the situation were right.” I looked back at Christian who looked like he wanted to rip James’ head off.

“You’re my bud, but there’s no way I’m sharing her with you.”

Hunter pressed his hand onto my elbow and so I turned to him. “Have you ever shared with James, Hunter?”

His eyes darkened and his hand moved through his hair. I could see him pulling it tight. “Hell, no.”

Avery stepped in between James, pushing me behind him. “Who do you think you are?”

“I’m just looking to help the race, brother. We all need to do our part.”

Hunter looked at me, scowling. “Is that what you really want? To share with him?”

I shrugged, biting my lip. “It could be fun.”

He ran his hand through his hair again, sighing, then he tugged on Avery. “Let’s go inside dude, she’s just screwing with us.”

James laughed and I smiled. “Well, Riley did say that it was normal here.”

Hunter frowned. “Not that normal.”

Hunter pushed at Avery, trying to make him move forward. Christian was at my back and I was sandwiched in between Hunter and Avery.

Avery ignored everyone, except James, whom he was still telling off.

James looked at Avery like he was an interesting bug. Not waiting for him to finish, James just pat Avery on the chest. "No problem, man." Then he looked at me and winked. “Later then.”

I waved to him and his eye caught on someone behind me.

“Cynthia, you look ravishing tonight.”

Avery turned to me, frowning. “Not funny, Lizzy.” I couldn’t suppress the grin on my face.

Suddenly, Easton stepped out in front of us and grabbed my hand, pulling me forward. The other guys moved to make way and then he was standing directly in front of me, only an inch from me.

Closing his eyes, he took in a deep breath and his thumb caressed my palm. “Would you like to go to the dance now?”

I grinned. “Absolutely.” I gripped his hand tight. “Take me away.”

* * *

Easton put his arm through mine, escorting me deeper into the castle by way of a long hallway that led us to a huge ballroom. Yeah, a ballroom like the ones they show in the movies where the princess meets the prince and suddenly she’s in love after one dance and they live happily ever after.

I rolled my eyes just thinking about it, trying not to compare that to myself and the four men who had guarded me with their lives and invaded my heart and soul in just a couple of months. I wasn’t like that kind of princess, no, not me. Because mine would end with …until his home country declares her a terrorist and tries to have her killed.

Yep, that’s exactly the kind of princess I was.

The rest of the guys followed close behind and then stood casually beside us as I took in the room. Several couples swirled around me and now I was very glad that Riley had given me a makeover. All the women around me were required to look hot apparently because I couldn’t see a single ugly woman. Except for one who stood on the platform next to the orchestra, staring down at all of us with a frown on her face and a stick up her

Other than that, all the women were dressed to the nines and now I understood why Sophia always wore her fuck-me heels because she was just another woman in this perfect world of perfect babes and hot men surrounding me. And I totally got why Hunter’s sister didn’t want to come with.

At least I blended in, thank you Riley!

“Hey, Hunter!” A group of girls gaggled in a group, wiggling their fingers at him. He nodded to them and smiled warmly, then turned his back on them to face me. He touched my hips possessively and stroked the sheer silkiness of my dress with his thumb. I watched as they brushed away disappointed looks and circled around each other, yet still continued to glance his way.

“Old friends?”

He smirked. “You could call them that.”

I sniggered, imagining that some of them had had a taste of what I was promised to have later and a blush rose to my cheeks. He smiled, his eyes dancing as he leaned towards me. He brushed my lips softly and a heat rose in my chest while at the same time I was incredibly self-conscious of the rest of the people around us.

I gulped loudly, then felt Easton’s hand squeeze my arm, which was still in the crook of his arm. “Would you like to dance?”

I smiled. “Sure! I would love to dance. Except what makes you think I know how to waltz?” Yes, they were dancing the waltz, like we were living a couple centuries ago. And yet, somehow it fit the castle and its glowing fire hearths placed strategically around the room. I wondered if we’d somehow passed through time and were actually living in the nineteenth century.

“Oh, I don’t expect you to know the waltz.”

I hit his arm. “Hey, maybe I do.”

“Well,” he raised his eyebrow and I realized that he was in a good mood. “Do you?”

I shook my head. “Of course not!”

He laughed and I glanced at the other guys. I didn’t want to just leave them standing here but I also didn’t really want them dancing with other girls. Well, not ones hotter than me anyway. Which was at least three-fourths of the room, and possibly even ninety-nine percent - minus the stern one by the orchestra. I grabbed Easton’s hand, then Avery’s, who was looking pretty uncomfortable at the sexy vixen who was eyeing him greedily.

“Come on, Hunter, Christian. Let’s dance together.”

I pulled the reluctant Avery, and Easton, who came willingly, onto the dance floor. We interrupted the flow of several dancers who gave me heated looks, then turned their back on me and moved to a different space on the floor.

Hunter and Christian still stood towards the entrance of the room and I beckoned to them with my finger, trying my best come hither look. Sighing, Christian gave in and walked towards me. Hunter stood stoically, staring at me and refusing to budge.

I shrugged, and then began to dance, attempting to fit the sounds of the rich orchestra into a modern dance. It was a bit hard at first but soon I found my rhythm and closed my eyes, giving in to the feel of the music. I loved to dance and could do it for hours, even without the sexy men at my side. I moved to the beat, allowing the music to swell and flow through me.

I opened my eyes to see that the guys were following suit. They were flowing and dancing around me rhythmically. I grabbed Christian and Easton’s hands and moved through them in a dance of my own, completely making it up as I went. Easton let go of my hand and grabbed Avery, then dipped him.

I laughed, completely caught off guard to see Easton let go of his seriousness so easily. He grinned at me, still holding Avery over his knee, who was scowling.

Christian interrupted us by grabbing hold of my hands and pulled me close. Heat sparked in my chest as his energy flowed into me and I slowed down as he twirled with me. Then Christian’s arms were around me and we danced together, while Avery and Easton danced to their own beat beside us. Happiness blossomed through my chest and, for the first time in a long time, I forgot about everything except for the joy of dancing and the men by my side.

I could accept this.

Accept them.

The question was, would they accept me, all of them? Avery and Hunter had already answered that question but what about Easton and Christian?

I hadn’t gotten to know them like Hunter and Avery but I still felt a deep and special bond to them, no doubt brought on by the power of the necklace tucked into my dress and my wolf who reminded me repeatedly that I could and would have all of them. They were already mine, I just had to claim them.

I let go of my worries and just gave in to the music, giving Hunter another crook of my finger and my best pleading look. He rolled his eyes but finally he moved across the dance floor towards us. It wasn’t long before we were all holding hands and laughing, causing quite the ruckus as the couples doing the fancy dancing had to move quick to avoid us.

Finally the song came to an end and we ran breathlessly off the dance floor. I’d almost forgotten why we were there in the first place until a stoic and elderly man stepped in front of me, causing me to halt suddenly.

His look was appraising but neutral and I was unable to decide what he was thinking. Probably that I was such a ridiculous girl but, I’m sorry! No one put, ‘Must be serious and know how to do the waltz’ on my invite!

“Aria would like for you to follow me.” He gave me a knowing look then glanced at the guys. “Alone.” His face was still a mask of calm and professionalism and yet held no room for argument. I curtsied low, almost sarcastically and he turned on his heel. I held in my snicker; he was so serious and I was in a good mood. Waving off the guys’ offer to follow me, I followed behind the serious dude.

Glancing one last time at the magnificent room and all its fanciness, I saw the upturned lips of the normally scowling woman by the orchestra and smiled to myself. At least I’d made her smile.

* * *

I began to get a little bit nervous as I followed the man down a long hallway and into another one that was darker, more sinister. Electric currents moved over my body, making the hair on the back of my neck stand on end.

Then we came to a dead end, my breathing became shallow and my wolf instincts, which had been gradually coming alive, were now on full alert. “What’s going on?”

He turned around and leaned against the wall. “It’s okay, child. I knew your father.” He pulled up his hand, leaning against the wall. On his finger was the black onyx ring. Then the wall groaned and it slid open, revealing a secret passageway.

He moved inside and I stepped forward, trusting that the ring meant something. So far, it hadn’t failed me. There was electricity in the passageway; somehow I’d expected fire-lit torches.

I joked, trying to calm my nerves. “Wow, did you have to kill the electrician to keep this secret?”

The man laughed. “No, no killing innocent electricians. There are some people we can trust.”

The stone wall shut behind me and the rumble echoed through the corridor. “My name’s Liam, by the way.”

I shivered slightly at the echoing of the door closing. “I’m Elizabeth.” Pulse racing, I followed the path towards a wooden door.

“Of course, I know this. And Jane was your mother. She makes the best birthday cake.”

“She made the best birthday cake.” I pushed away the image that came with this comment. The last cake my mother made me ended up all over her couch, along with the brain matter and blood of one of the shifters who participated in the slaughter of my parents.

But it was true. My mom had made the best birthday cakes.

“Of course, I’m sorry.”

Ignoring him, I opened the door and was surprised to see the stern woman by the orchestra.

It’s you.”

She frowned. “Expected it to be someone else?”

“I just… How did you get here before us?”

She looked at Liam, her lips turned up in a smile. “Liam took you the long way. He wanted to read your energy.”

I looked at Liam. “That’s why I felt so strange on the way here.”

“I had to know if we could trust you.”

I folded my hands across my chest. “And, can you?”

The woman interrupted. “Of course we can. You’re Robert’s daughter.” She led me to a wooden table in the middle of the darkened room, lit only by the fire. Silver symbols were engraved along the border of the table and I ran my hand over it. “Liam is just a bit more skeptical. Please, sit.”

I sat and she sat next to me. “My name is Ember.”

Liam stood by the fire and it lit up his face with an eerie orange glow.

I clasped my hands together. “Can someone please tell me what’s going on here?”

Liam nodded towards my hand. “I see you’ve been gifted a ring from Aria.”

My throat was dry and I swallowed hard, nodding.

“She wanted you to meet us.”

My wolf instincts told me that something significant was about to happen. Something life changing. Something that had gotten my dad killed. “What for?”

“I’ve been told that you’ve met Edward.”

I nodded.

“There is an evil force that moves within the dragon community. Aria told you about Andre, but there are others and we believe they are all connected. Aria, Edward, and your father worked to fight against it. But they aren’t the only ones. There is a small group of us, and we all wear the ring. Aria believes that you could be a help to us.”

“What would I have to do?”

He faced the fire and Ember answered me. “Fix the book and nothing else. For now.”

“Then why all this?” I waved towards the room. “I’ve already told Aria that I would try my best to fix the book.”

She pat my hand and I studied her face. In the light of this room, her features seemed softer, less stern, and I could see a splash of freckles across her cheeks. She wasn’t as ugly as I’d initially thought, just not as… made up as the rest of the women from the ballroom. She had more of a natural beauty.

“We wanted to meet you also, to tell you if you ever need anything, we’re here to help you. The daughter of Robert is a friend to all of us in the group, and we vow to protect you with our lives. It’s what he would’ve wanted.”

“What exactly did my dad do for you guys?”

She looked at Liam and he moved to sit across from me. “Robert always gave willingly to help us, whenever we called. Without hesitation.”

I thought of all the times my dad left on emergency business trips.

Ember cut in. “We also believe he gave his life to protect us.”

I drew in a sharp breath. My heart pounded and it was hard to breathe. Suddenly a realization washed over me. “The black wolf. I’d never seen him or his pack before.”

Liam nodded. “We think the black wolf is connected to the evil that has invaded our castle.”

I gritted my teeth. No wonder my dad underestimated Garrett. If the black wolf had anything to do with what was going on here, then I was in.

“What can I do to help?”

Liam frowned. “If you join us, you will become part of our world.” His eyes were serious as they bore into mine. “Do not make this decision lightly. Our world is dangerous, and you may have to make many sacrifices. But your father spoke highly of you and Aria has recommended you.” He glanced at Ember. “And apparently Ember likes the way you dance.”

Ember smiled.

“Are you willing to dedicate yourself to the light, even if it puts your life in danger?”

I nodded and the man sighed.

Ember gripped my hand tight. “I knew it from the minute I saw you that you had your father’s fire.” Liam and Ember stood up and I followed suit, then Ember led me back towards a bookshelf. She opened it and I heard the noise from the ballroom. She handed me a piece of paper with their phone numbers written in a delicate script.

“We’ll be in touch. Like I said, find a way to fix the book. If you ever need anything, you let us know.” Then she paused and her eyes bore into mine. “Do whatever it takes to fix the book, Elizabeth. Aria’s life and the future of the kingdom depends on it.”




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