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Jasmine of Draga: A Space Fantasy Romance (The Draga Court Series Book 3) by Emma Dean, Jillian Ashe (21)

Chapter Twenty-One


Varan’s Warehouse

Stella di Draga

Planet Draga Terra

The second gold mark didn’t hurt as much as the one on her palm, but it still made Adelina sweat as she gritted her teeth. The Master Sealer tapped her arm when he finished, and had her sit on a chair with her bare back facing him.

The mark on her back would be similar to Asher’s – the same symbol from their signet, with the sacred wolf and the rosanera. She had added a small ragna queen and the three moons to personalize the design. It would match the curve of her back like an hourglass instead of a shield across the shoulders as Asher had.

“You know, I was thinking,” Varan said. He showed no signs she caused him pain when Adelina had to squeeze his hand hard enough to break bones during a particularly nasty carving. “The pirates will have a field day with the evacuation.”

“I realize,” Adelina said in annoyance. She focused on the design of the ring before her. The diamonds helped distract her while the Master Sealer worked in silence.

Nadyah hovered nearby, but she rose and disappeared from time to time to accept shipments as they came and then redirected them to the starships.

“What if you were to send out a wide cast, a transmission that covered the entire Draga galaxy – asking for the pirates to legitimize themselves as privateers? They could hunt the Neprijat, fight them when need be, loot what they can from our enemies, and protect the evacuees.” Varan tapped his chin in thought and then bent to watch the Sealer work.

“You believe that would work?” she asked. It was a fabulous plan, and Adelina never would have thought of it on her own. The pirates would have to agree of course.

Varan shrugged, careful not to jostle her. “Any pirates that find the offer appealing will fly your flag; any that don’t are free to be pillaged along with the Neprijat.”

Adelina glanced at the prince. His mind was a beautiful, cunning, vicious thing and she admired how he used it. “Has this been done before?”

“Long ago,” he admitted. Then Varan blushed and fidgeted. “I ah, used to be obsessed with pirates as a boy.”

“Then became a thief instead?” she teased.

Varan grinned. “I couldn’t afford to leave Draga Terra, so I made do.”

Adelina felt a pang of sadness for the boy he’d been, even if she was grateful it allowed their paths to cross. Her relationship with Varan had changed. Adelina enjoyed the new closeness between them, the obvious feelings they both had though the depth was still to be realized. His attention to detail and complete support was more than she deserved.

“We can send it out after the marks are done,” Adelina decided.

A quick recording and a massive cast out to the pirates and rogues of her galaxy would help. It was something she probably should have asked Raena about, but it was for the Crown and in their best interest.

After all her sister was busy preparing for the coronation tomorrow.

Nadyah rushed up and Adelina felt the muscles in her back tighten with the beginnings of anxiety. “Princess, the Countess is here with Lord Sirus.”

The Sealer tapped her back in annoyance. She was ruining his canvas. Adelina breathed, relaxing each muscle. “Bring them in, and don’t bother hiding anything.”

Nadyah nodded and went to fetch the two.

If her gamble was right then the countess and Sirus would be good allies, people she could trust in case things went awry while she was gone. Roxy threw her a look as though Adelina were purposefully torturing her with all this noble blood.

“They won’t touch your work, or be informed of the tech outside our ability to reach the border in a timely manner,” she promised the fiery redhead.

Adelina breathed again and put the final touches on the ring she’d been working on for the last week. The wedding band was simple enough, encrusted with diamonds, emeralds, and peridots. The engagement ring was massive, a pear-shaped diamond with emeralds and peridots in a halo around it, and diamonds along the top of the band.

It was some of her best work, if she did say so herself. The carvings in the gold were done by hand, and the curlicues had been particularly trying. Both rings went into the box with the romantic little note Sirus had written. Joslynn deserved to read what he’d written about her: ‘A ring to match her eyes, and to match her soul – more beautiful even than Pedranus itself.’

She’d cried the first time she’d read it like some emotional female reading a fictional romance story, though Adelina had always loved such things.

Joslynn’s fear had strained their friendship and Adelina hoped they could repair what had been broken. She knew it was the wolf inside that scared Joslynn. The countess had never seen a true Draga in the flesh before and everything she’d seen and read said it could be disturbing for those who had never been exposed.

That little bit of extra the royals had been given set them apart in ways peace had made everyone forget. Everyone but the Draga royals.

Adelina had expected it, had known the risk when she played the Wolf, but losing Joslynn had hurt more than anything. More than Alpha telling her it would never work between them. In a time when it felt as though everyone either betrayed or abandoned her, this female’s retreat was like a knife to the heart – already cut open and bleeding, twisting every time Joslynn hadn’t responded to a cast, or avoided her gaze during meetings.

If Joslynn didn’t want to be close friends any longer, Adelina would understand, but she would be devastated. Regardless, she would help Joslynn. Lines had to be drawn because Adelina was tired of the pain. Joslynn had to accept the lines she drew and agree.

“Princess,” Nadyah said in warning.

Adelina looked up and Joslynn was nearly unrecognizable. If her hair and her eyes weren’t the same she’d think it was any common worker in the warehouse. Sirus though looked like a soldier despite his clothes. It was the way he held himself, the way both eyes darted around the room. Adelina was glad he’d kept the scar, it made him look unique and dangerous.

Joslynn looked outright shocked to see Adelina working at a table with nothing but a band covering her breasts. Even that was held up by the chair as the Sealer had cut it in half so he could access the full expanse of her back.

“Why am I here?” Joslynn asked. Then her face went white when she saw Roxy. “Do I know you?”

Roxy glared and flipped her goggles down, ignoring the countess as she worked. It was a legitimate question. Roxy’s warm brown skin was all that set her apart from the countess. They could be sisters, if not twins, apart from that.

“As you can see I’m busy preparing for my departure,” Adelina said, redirecting Joslynn’s attention. That was Roxy’s business and the female wasn’t interested in talking about it. “These are the ships that will take me to the Hai galaxy.”

The Sealer dug into her spine and Adelina had to close her eyes for a moment. Varan stood from his chair and got her a fresh glass of water without a word. She sipped it when he returned and then set it down on the table in front of her. Varan crossed his arms and stayed as close to her as he could without getting in the Sealer’s way. She didn’t blame him with the way Sirus glared about the warehouse. She’d put his fiancé in danger and the male had every right to be annoyed.

Adelina slid the box towards the pair before her. “This is the ring you requested.” It took only a few moments to pack up her tools, remaining gems, and gold.

You made this?” Sirus demanded, flipping the lid of the box open.

“Per your instructions,” she responded, tilting her head to watch the pair of them.

Joslynn did a fabulous job maintaining eye contact despite the tinge of fear Adelina could smell. Her drab clothes had the scent of Pedranus soil on them.

Adelina smiled wider than necessary and Sirus took a step closer to Joslynn.

The countess’s fear made her wolf angry.

“We will reach the border in four days without additional stops,” Adelina informed them.

“Three,” Roxy corrected. “I’ve improved upon the design.”

“Excellent, three then.”

It was almost cruel how much she enjoyed the way both their mouths dropped open in shock and disbelief.

“How?” Sirus asked.

Adelina shrugged delicately, careful of the Sealer’s work. “Corinthian tech and a brilliant mechanic who’s willing to work her employees to death to fit my timetable.”

Roxy snorted, but didn’t stop working. Nadyah flanked Adelina’s other side, not bothering to offer the pair chairs. Nadyah’s anger flickered and Adelina knew it would be hard for her courtesan to forgive Joslynn for the slight after the Game of the Wolf.

“If I take you to Pedranus you can be there in two days. I cannot help you evacuate, but if you can agree to keep all of this a secret, I don’t see the problem. This is who I am Joslynn, who I really am even though it frightens you. My first duty is to my people and the Crown. The sooner I reach the Hai galaxy the better. You can still be my ally without being my friend.”

It was difficult to figure out exactly what to tell the countess. It would be too much to try and hide it all from her on the trip, or tiptoe around the ravine between them after Joslynn had made every excuse to avoid her since the Games.

“Prince Varan has gathered mercenaries and they will be on my flagship with us,” Adelina told her. “But only the most loyal and trustworthy of them; thieves, mercenaries, assassins, and pirates Joslynn. These are the ones who will be risking their lives for my safety, and the safety of Draga. If you can handle that then you can join us on this trip. The coronation is tomorrow, and then the moment Roxy is finished we will depart.”

Adelina closed her case and leaned forward so the Sealer could finish the bottom of her mark. For whatever reason, the back was nowhere near as bad as her palm or her front. It was almost relaxing once he’d finished along her spine.

“They have all been vetted?” Sirus asked, tucking the box with the rings in his pocket.

“They have,” Varan replied. “Adelina will be meeting with them soon so they may take their oath.”

Her simulcast chimed again. Adelina felt like she was being pulled in a million different directions at once as she read both casts. “The armor has been tested and there will be enough for our soldiers ready in two days. Then the manager will ship out the rest to all the armies of Draga. I’ve put her in charge of all the factories on Draga Terra for the time being,” Adelina informed Varan and Nadyah. “Keep an eye out for that armor. It’s priceless at the moment.”

“Taj has sent enough food for six months, plus the protein cubes, Jael has sent weapons and ammunition.” Nadyah crossed her arms and frowned. “All we have left is to pack.”

Adelina couldn’t take her eyes off the second message from Giselle. “I can’t stay with you tonight Varan. If we can, please move up our timeline? I need to sit with my father. The doctors are saying it’s unlikely he’ll make it through the night.” She closed her eyes and set the simulcast on the table, ignoring Sirus and Joslynn for the moment.

The silence among the sounds of the workers was heavy. No one spoke until the Sealer grunted and tapped her back one last time. Adelina looked up and took the shirt from Nadyah. It was loose and only buttoned once at the back of the neck to keep the fabric off her skin and the gold for a few hours as she healed. The front was loose as well and Adelina felt exposed despite how much it covered.

“I can set up a vid-chat with the warriors,” Varan told her. “After we will do the recording for the pirates, and then you can put on your disguise to see Calix at the Guild.” The thief shrugged. “I don’t think we need you here for anything else.”

Nadyah nodded in agreement. “I know what clothes you will need. All your jewels and items in the panels of your closet have been brought here by Varan’s spies.”

Adelina turned to the Sealer and hugged him, slipping a trinket she’d made into his robe. “I will never forget what you did for me,” she told him.

The Sealer packed up his tools. “Bring back the dragons and the debt will be repaid.” He inclined his head to her and then Nadyah escorted him out of the warehouse.

Varan helped Adelina to stand. Her skin felt taut and awkward. Any movement sent pain up and down her spine. Her breasts rubbed the mark on her front if she moved too quickly. Adelina felt ancient as she had to move so slowly and carefully.

“The rest of the weapons will arrive here tomorrow,” Varan told her, careful of her red skin. He deactivated the chair and offered her his arm. “I’ve even managed to get my hands on a few worldbreakers.” He glanced at Sirus. “Which I hear is all that will take down a Neprijat ship.”

She took the prince’s arm, trying not to think about the corded muscles under her hand.

“As far as we know,” Sirus agreed, taking another step closer to Joslynn. He frowned at the thief but didn’t ask how he’d acquired the destructive weapons.

“I wanted to apologize for my behavior,” Joslynn said. For the first time since the Game of the Wolf she didn’t sound afraid.

Adelina studied the countess, hoping they could come back from the rift that had been created. “What behavior exactly?” she asked. As a countess she had done nothing wrong. But as a friend?

“I apologize for being afraid of your wolf,” Joslynn told her, wringing her hands together. “I knew it was there, but still…I wasn’t prepared and even though I’m still afraid you’ve never given me a reason to be, so I’m sorry. I accept your terms, and if it’s possible I’d like to try and repair the damage I’ve caused between us as friends.” The countess took a step forward and Varan subtly placed his body between Adelina and Joslynn.

Varan was a very effective male. Never once did he try to protect her in a way that was overbearing or dominating. He simply did what was necessary, giving her the option to take care of herself if she wanted. Adelina squeezed his arm. His viciously protective instincts were right there on the surface and she could smell the winterflowers.

“It will take some time, Joslynn, but I think it is possible. I enjoyed how close we became.” Adelina had never had a female friend outside of Giselle, and the hurt was still there, shoved down with everything else that wasn’t important at the moment. She shook her head. “I wish I didn’t frighten you, but I can’t help what I am.”

Joslynn took another step forward and gave Adelina a tiny hug. “I know, and I hate my reaction, but I’m not used to such violence. I will learn, I swear it.”

Adelina returned the hug. She felt relieved they’d finally been able to talk. The hurt and sadness was still there, but Adelina knew Joslynn was stubborn. The countess would make it work for her, and that was more than enough.

Joslynn stepped back and gave her a shaky smile. “If you will have me I will be ready at a moment’s notice.” She glanced at Roxy again, but left it at that.

“Then send everything here. Nadyah can help you coordinate. I’ll see you at the coronation tomorrow.”

Adelina slipped on her ring and activated the disguise program.

Both Sirus and Joslynn flinched at the change.

Varan only grinned before he escorted her out of the warehouse to the Ladrole. “Your flair for the dramatic is improving,” he said. “Learning just the right amount is not simple.”

Adelina leaned into him as they walked, soaking up his warmth. Varan wrapped an arm around her waist to keep the back of her shirt closed and hide the mark. “Is that why you decided to take eyes as payment?” Adelina asked.

He nodded. “It was very symbolic. I’ve also taken one eye before and never had a problem again. It came from this ancient saying I read in a book long ago – ‘an eye for an eye.’ Meaning you get what you deserve.”

“I’ve heard that before,” Adelina said, taking each step up the stairs of the Ladrole slowly. “But I didn’t know what it meant.”

His office was quiet and Varan helped her sit before he went to his desk. The tin of salve was pungent when he opened it, but not unpleasant. Adelina liked the sharp scent of tea tree. Varan sat beside her on the couch and rubbed the salve into her back and instantly there was relief.

Adelina sighed with pleasure and leaned back against the thief, careful of the mark. He hesitated and she arched a little, giving him permission. Then Varan rubbed the salve so, so carefully across the mark under her breasts. Not once did his hand touch the curves, but still her skin tingled.

It was enough to make her breath catch.

“Thank you, Varan. I needed that.” The salve and the touch – touch was vital to healing and Adelina had been so isolated lately she craved the feel of another.

She turned to face Varan and studied the dark green of his eyes. Nothing about him reminded her of Nash, and Adelina was glad for it so she would never mistake one for the other. They both complemented her in completely different ways.

Her eyes trailed over his messy golden hair, the high cheekbones, and the scruff across his jaw and chin. Varan had wide shoulders thick with muscle. He was large and strong if not as tall and built as Nash. His shirt hugged his frame, showing off every muscle of his abs all the way to the seam of his pants.

Varan let her look at him, let Adelina assess what she liked and what she found attractive.

Raena liked this male. If she agreed to his diamond then Varan would be her husband and they’d be engaged as Joslynn and Sirus were.

Nash was across the galaxy, and he’d crossed into the Drakesthai territory. The Corinthian’s had secured the border once they had Princess Kaita and then simply vanished. There was still no word from him, but Adelina knew they would find each other again. There was a bond between her and Nash, she would instantly know if something had happened to him – if he were hurt and killed Adelina would feel it in her soul.

The same bond she felt growing with Varan.

“What are you thinking?” Varan asked, breaking her contemplative silence.

What should she tell him? Adelina wasn’t even sure Varan had feelings for her beyond friendship despite how she felt. He’d made an offer for her hand and until it was denied he saw her as his. That was why he’d been more protective, and why he’d touched her more than he usually did. Adelina knew that was the case, yet she still wished he saw her as more than the young female she’d once been, or the submissive princess she always was on the livestream.

“I was thinking,” she murmured. “That a love built on friendship might be stronger than a love built on passion.”

Varan’s eyes widened but he said nothing.

Adelina shrugged. “I think…that I want you to be my husband because—I love you.”

It was unexpected, but the second she had allowed herself to truly be herself she was no longer caged by the necessity to choose. It allowed her to love Varan and Nash without guilt or shame. And Varan was absolutely delicious.

Varan inhaled sharply. “You love me?” he asked.

It made her nervous to admit it, especially when she had no idea how he truly felt, but this was a risk she needed to take. Adelina had learned she could no longer hold back who she was. The Game of the Wolf had taught her that much.

“I do.”

His green eyes grew bright and Varan leaned forward, taking her hands in his. “When I first asked for your hand I’d only dreamed of the possibility you would have feelings for me. You are utterly amazing and special. There is no one like you, Adelina. Everything you are doing for the people, for Draga – if I could pledge my life to you a second time I would. You make me want to be a better male, to give you everything I possibly can and more. Somewhere along the way I’ve fallen for you and not softly. Lina, I’ve always loved you, but I love you for everything you are now.”

Tears rimmed her eyes and Adelina didn’t know what to say. She hadn’t expected anything of the sort. It had never occurred to her that Varan might actually care about her, for who she truly was.

“What about my wolf?” she whispered. “There’s something wrong with me, I know it. I can be just as bloodthirsty and cruel as Raena and it frightens me.”

Varan pulled her into his lap and wrapped his arms around her. “You are a Draga royal, love. It is in your nature to be bloodthirsty and cruel when need be. We’ve been at peace so long I believe the people have forgotten what hides beneath royal skin. You would rip your enemies to pieces to protect us all. Of that I’ve no doubt in my mind. And sometimes that kind of brutality is necessary. Sometimes you have to put another wolf in their place when they try to test your dominance – or the dominance of the royals – as you did with Hayden. Look what he turned out to be, Lina. Your instincts were spot on. Never question them.”

She sighed and rested her head on his shoulder. It was strange to be so close to Varan, but it was also familiar and comfortable. He didn’t try to seduce her or kiss her, he simply held her when she needed it.

Everything he’d said had been true. The royals had always been different. “I never thought I was truly one of them, and I felt ashamed at the joy I had when Asher and Raena accepted me after the Games,” she confessed. “I’ve always wanted to fit in with them, to be liked and appreciated for my abilities for once in my life. For cycles I’ve hidden it, afraid to show any sort of strength. I was convinced I couldn’t be strong as a submissive, but now I’m learning I can be – and not only that, I can be dominant. But I am also afraid of what Nash will think when he finds out I am part courtesan.”

It was something she’d had a hard time coming to terms with. Another reason why she’d kept her true parentage from him. “What if he hates me when he finds out?”

Varan rubbed the scruff on his chin across her hair, back and forth as he thought. It messed up her chignon but Adelina didn’t care. It was oddly soothing.

“Then it’s his loss, Adelina. I’m not exactly objective on the matter, but if he truly loves you, and you love him he will accept you and your proposal.”

She turned to look up at him, feeling tiny in his arms. “You feel this way because I’m Lina?”

“I feel this way because you’re Lina, and because you’re you – as a princess or not.” Varan kissed her, soft and sweet. It was a promise of their future, and she wanted it.

Varan was the only person who knew every part of her – every single facet, and he was not afraid. He was not disgusted, or protective in a way that stifled her freedom and independence. He was a strong male and Adelina had never felt closer to anyone like she did with Varan – not even Alpha.

Adelina enjoyed the sweet kiss and every moment of it she could before reality came crashing back. It melted her inside, the way his lips worshiped hers, how his tongue slid along her bottom lip so briefly she thought she’d imagined it.

When Varan broke away he nipped her ear and slid off the couch, leaving her a bit dazed. “We have to contact the mercenaries and record the transmission for the pirates, and then your father needs you. We will have plenty of time to explore this.” Varan grinned at her and winked.

It was just enough playfulness Adelina laughed despite the heavy subject matter. “All right, let’s get this done.”




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