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Jasmine of Draga: A Space Fantasy Romance (The Draga Court Series Book 3) by Emma Dean, Jillian Ashe (19)

Chapter Nineteen


Draga Royal Palace

Planet Draga Terra

That council meeting had been something out of a nightmare.

Joslynn paced outside the council room. From what she gathered the War Council was usually held somewhere else, but the tang of fear must be too heady for the Crown Princess. It would cow those generals when she needed to appear strong.

Tomorrow, tomorrow she would be Queen. The prospect terrified her.

An evacuation of the outer rim, the execution…it all seemed to pale in comparison to seeing Sirus walk through those doors with Giselle. She’d had no word, none from her fiancé other than the report they were alive and on their way back to the core. Seeing him practically stroll through the room…Joslynn snarled. One of the guards outside the door flinched, but she ignored him.

She should send a cast to Colin, start plans to evacuate, start packing her things to assist her people, perhaps find out where they were supposed to evacuate to.

Instead of all those things she waited outside the council room to pounce on Sirus.

Suddenly Joslynn realized how stupid she was being. Waiting to yell at her fiancé wouldn’t help her people. She was not some lovesick fool; she was the damn Countess of Pedranus. She whirled around so fast the guard who’d flinched took a step back at the sudden motion. Joslynn snapped her teeth at him just for being so spineless.

Another guard waited at the lift and said something into his implant. The doors opened and she stepped in, crossing her arms and tapping a foot impatiently. The footman inside the lift politely asked where she would like to go and she snapped out a response. Somewhere deep inside she felt like a monster for being so rude when these poor people deserved none of her irate temper.

The lift descended too slowly for her taste and she practically burst out of it when the doors opened on the floor of the guest suites. Joslynn headed straight for her rooms, pulling out her simulcast and tapping out a brief message to Colin. She needed a status update on everything so she could start making plans, start setting things into motion.

There were sixty million people on her planet last time she checked. Where they would all go was a mystery to her. If she’d agreed to marry an Ushanov they would have gladly taken in her people. The lucky bastards just managed to stay in the line designating where the core ended and the outer rim began. Instead she had fallen for a Scyrian lord and his planet was in just as much danger as her own.

The population was a bit smaller on Scyria, but still…moving all those people…the panic and disruption it will cause would be endless. The pirates would have a field day with that. Joslynn shuddered to think of the casualties. Would Raena send forces to help escort the civilians or would they all have to fend for themselves?

Joslynn slammed her palm on her door and it opened too slowly. She slid in and then stopped in the center of her sitting room. There was so much to do, so much to think about she felt frozen and helpless, not knowing what to do first while her fiancé was in the wolf’s den no doubt fighting for their peoples’ rights.

The message to Colin had been sent. Raena was supposed to release the evacuation destinations after the War Council per the new, rote message on her simulcast. Her people had to start packing now. If the inner shield went up there would be only a few places where they could file into the core and each ship would have to be vetted. It would leave them all vulnerable to easy attacks from pirates or the Neprijat.

She tapped out another quick message about the evacuation.

Joslynn slumped into a chair after sending it. There would be a delay and Colin wouldn’t receive the messages for hours. Then hours for her to get his response. She needed to go home; she needed to be with her people. Joslynn didn’t care that she was the last of her line. She had distant cousins on Pedranus and as long as one of them made it out of this war alive, her planet would not suffer more than any other. There would be no anarchy or a random assignment of a new noble house from Raena.

Goddess, who would the Crown Princess even choose to replace a family that had ruled Pedranus since its founding?

Joslynn shook her head to rid herself of the morbid thoughts.

There was only one person she knew who could help her. Joslynn’s fingers shook as she selected their device and started the call.

What she had seen during the Game of the Wolf…Joslynn was afraid of her. She’d avoided the princess because she needed time to gather her wits about her. After everything, and even knowing there was something under that mask…Joslynn hadn’t realized there would be more hidden under the surface – a creature so savage and dangerous her hands wouldn’t stop trembling.

The way she’d bit Hayden

But her fear did not take precedence over her people.

“Joslynn, what can I help you with?” Adelina’s sweet, perfectly polite voice asked. It had a tinny sound to it. The video of the princess’s face jostled and there were buildings behind her, the sun, and the clear blue sky.

Joslynn swallowed nervously, suddenly wishing she had a glass of water to drink from. She had known this war would strip that mask from Adelina – known it, and still she hadn’t been prepared for what was underneath.

“You are leaving in three days. Would you have the space on your starship and the time to drop me off on Pedranus before reaching the border?” Joslynn asked, keeping her voice as neutral as possible.

The princess’s eyes shuttered and she suddenly looked distant and aloof. The change in her was still a massive shock to Joslynn and she would never, never forget the way Hayden’s blood had dripped down her chin with that chilling smile.

Or the way she’d curled her lip at Raena with no emotion whatsoever on her face, blood spattered on her skin after the executions. At this point, Joslynn had no idea what was really Adelina and what was a ruse – a part of the game. The princess was strong, vicious, and far more powerful than anyone could ever have known.

The skill required to keep that power hidden for so long – that scared Joslynn more than the power itself.

“I could on one condition Joslynn,” Adelina stated. “It is up to you if you want to agree to it or not, if you think you can handle it. I’m sending you the coordinates where I’d like you to meet me in a few hours. Tell Sirus not to bring a carriage. Hire a taxi and keep his weapons hidden. Wear something…less formal.”

Joslynn flinched. She supposed she deserved that little quip.

None of what Adelina said made any sense to Joslynn, but it didn’t really matter. She needed off this planet as quickly as possible and she didn’t think Sirus would be able to take her back to Pedranus. No doubt he would be roped into something else by Raena. She had to take this lifeline and use it to her advantage.

Joslynn chewed on her lip. Should she even take Sirus with her?

“I can meet you myself,” she said. Her voice was clearer and stronger than she actually felt. Asking for help after everything was rude beyond compare, but if there was a chance Joslynn could learn to come to terms with Adelina’s true nature and come back to the friendship they had…this would be her test.

“No,” Adelina snapped. “You need someone you trust to protect you. It’s,” she said. “You’ll understand when you arrive. I’m sending a time with the coordinates. Don’t be late.”

The call ended abruptly and Joslynn felt shaken as she set down her simulcast. What in the bloody hells was this crazy female up to? She got up and went to her room, shaking her head. In all honesty she didn’t want to know. Adelina kneeling in that blood like it was an everyday occurrence – maybe this had been a bad idea.

No, she reprimanded herself. She needed to stop being afraid. Adelina had never hurt her, and deep down she knew the princess never would.

Joslynn threw open her armoire doors and considered the clothes she’d brought with her. There was only one outfit that she would consider ‘not fancy.’ It was the one she’d brought that she wore when working out in the mines or the fields. Would that be too drab?

It didn’t really matter, did it? Adelina did not want her to wear a gown so the princess had to deal with the consequences of her request. Joslynn yanked out the items she needed and threw them on the bed. She took her jewelry off and set those in their boxes carefully. No doubt if it wasn’t safe, she shouldn’t be dripping in gems and jewels.

Joslynn sighed. It would still be four days until she could get off this blasted planet. Everything about this trip had gone upside down. She turned and selected the gown she’d brought specifically for the coronation and hung it on the dress form to hold the shape. Joslynn draped the proper jewels around the neck and took a step back.

The emerald gown was strapless and would hug every curve until it reached her waist. The skirts were folds and folds of the dark green silk that created a full skirt. They would trail along the floor a bit with the small train. Her matching slippers would keep her frame small. Heels were not something she enjoyed wearing.

The necklace itself was more stunning than the dress. It had rows of peridot and diamonds that would hug her throat and drape down to her cleavage. The earrings would contrast with her hair perfectly and properly represent the colors of Pedranus. Joslynn was quite proud of finding the peridot gems that matched her eyes so perfectly. She hadn’t been sure she would find enough to create the necklace.

The door to her sitting room opened and despite how much she missed Sirus, Joslynn didn’t turn. She was still angry with him.

Four days total until she could leave Draga Terra and be among her people again. Joslynn pulled out the exact clothes she would need for four days and then began packing the rest of them, completely ignoring Sirus.

His footsteps halted at the threshold to her bedroom and she almost regretted approving his DNA to open her doors.

“Joslynn,” he said softly, gently. The words practically pleaded with her to understand and forgive.

She glanced over her shoulder and the look on his face about broke her. His eyes were wide and wild, haunted as they took her in. The clear, ice blue eye was still perfect among all the scar tissue. It was strange to have him looking at her with both eyes.

Joslynn opened her arms.

Sirus crossed the room in two strides and wrapped his arms tightly around her. He lifted her up until her feet no longer touched the floor and she squeaked, hardly able to breathe. “Sirus put me down. I want to yell at you.”

He laughed and buried his face in her hair, breathing her in. “Just let me hold you, and then you can yell at me for as long as you like.”

Joslynn stroked his hair. What Sirus had gone through, she didn’t know. But it had been enough to shake a hardened warrior. “I wasn’t sure I’d see you again,” he murmured.

Those words made ice run through her veins. A chill ran down her spine and she tensed. Her anger drained away as she considered how close she might have been to losing him. When Sirus set her down she kicked off her shoes and climbed up onto her bed, shoving clothes to the ground. Once she was settled against the pillows she patted the spot next to her.

Sirus never looked away from her face when he unstrapped his boots and pulled them off. He crawled onto the bed and lay next to her, resting his head on her belly. A massive sigh heaved through him and Joslynn felt terrible for wanting to yell at him. She stroked his hair and stayed silent.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t send any messages,” Sirus said, his voice shaky. “The Neprijat knew we were coming, they were inside our borders waiting for us when we reached Treon. I had to be careful.”

Joslynn could barely breathe, but Sirus needed her. So she kept stroking his hair back from his forehead in a soothing rhythm and let him talk the horrors from his mind.

“We were afraid to send messages that could be intercepted by traitors, pirates, and the Neprijat. We had to split the armada and take different routes back. We didn’t rejoin our forces until we made it to Ushanov space. Even then we still had to be careful and hide where we could. Getting a message sent out through a nebula is impossible.”

Sirus’s voice was lifeless; rote, as though he had to explain the same thing to the Crown Princess. Joslynn noticed there was a new scar on his temple, a perfect circle. It was all she could do not to shudder.

“They have ships that are nearly indestructible. We were only able to take one down in space with Giselle’s worldbreaker.”

Joslynn’s hand stilled. A worldbreaker – Giselle would have ended life on Treon with it if she’d had to. Her fear of Raena grew and Joslynn wondered if she should consider something drastic to save her people from such a heartless ultimatum.

Sirus continued, pulling her back from her thoughts and she ran her fingers over his forehead and through the silky strands of his hair.

“The monsters they have are only minions, but strong, quick, and destructive enough to soften a battlefield for certain victory. They wait until those hounds rid them of most opposition and…”

Sirus stuttered and his body began to shake. Joslynn pulled him up until his head was on her chest and she wrapped her arms around him silently. Whatever had happened, she almost didn’t want to know. “Finish it quickly, my love,” she murmured into his hair.

“They can control your mind,” Sirus said in a rush. “One of them nearly killed me by telling me to shoot myself with my own gun.”

The scar on his temple…Joslynn felt silent tears fall from her eyes and land on Sirus’s cheeks, forehead, and in his hair.

“Thankfully one of my own men beheaded him, but they can control us with only their words. We were unable to capture one and study it. And then they have their weapons, and stealth, and those indestructible ships…” Sirus trailed off and the silence was ominous.

How could they possibly fight such creatures?

“Princess Adelina is leaving in four days to ask the dragons for aid in the war,” she told him, softly so as not to startle him out of his reverie.

Sirus turned and looked up at her. “Raena didn’t mention the dragons at all in the War Council.”

Joslynn shrugged and kissed his forehead. “I don’t think she believes Adelina will be successful. What was said in this positively secret meeting I, as a fellow noble ruler, am not allowed to attend?”

Something died in his eyes and he laid his head back on her chest, right over her pounding heart.

“The recording of what transpired on Treon and in Treon space was played back for all to see. I lost so many warriors. We had to wait for days to gather the bodies of the dead, floating in space as though we’d forgotten about them. There were too many and I couldn’t find them all. They had to be burned on Treon. We didn’t have the space for so many bodies on the remaining ships.”

Bile rose in her throat, sharp and acrid. Joslynn closed her eyes and said a silent prayer of thanks Sirus had managed to come back to her alive and well. “I’m sorry, my love. What can I do to help?”

Sirus rolled, turning into her until his face was pressed against her stomach. He stayed like that for a few moments and then sat up on his knees, raking his hand through his hair. “There is nothing. I left most of my forces on the border. No doubt there are Neprijat ships we don’t know about. With their stealth tech they can avoid the outposts and all the patrols with ease. There is no way to detect them.”

“Then what is the plan?” she demanded. What had been the point of such a showy War Council if nothing would be solved?

“Raena gathered numbers from all leaders of armies, and all nobles will be required to supply a percentage of their warriors and those soldiers will be delegated to guard certain sections of space. There will be another meeting later tomorrow with all ruling nobles to go over this, and to select where each evacuated planet will go.” Sirus shrugged. “With so little information all we can do is defend. Prince Nash is holding the border with his soldiers, aiding our own forces. He was headed to Seprilles after setting up his forces on Treon. We only saw him for a day before returning to Draga Terra.”

There was that at least. She trusted Prince Nash not to leave them stranded. “Someone will have to warn him about the evacuation,” she mused.

Sirus had that strange look again. “I’m not sure he’s planning to pull back from the border,” he said quietly.

“You’re not sure, or you already know he’s not?” Joslynn snapped. “Stop playing games with me Sirus. I understand your position, but I have my people to worry about.”

Our people,” he reminded her sharply.

Joslynn sighed and cupped his cheek gently. “Yes, our people. We have a meeting with Adelina somewhere in the city in a few hours. I’m going home to Pedranus. Our people need my help with the evacuation. In four days I hope to be on the starship with Adelina and headed towards the outer rim.”

Sirus pulled her forward and into his lap. He said nothing for a while, content to just hold her. “I’d like to know what she has planned. My instincts are telling me that one is up to something.”

“I agree,” Joslynn murmured, enjoying the feel of his hard muscles against her soft curves. “Come with me?” she asked, adjusting until she straddled him. Her arms went around his neck and her breasts pressed into his chest.

His breathing hitched and Sirus gripped her hips hard enough to bruise. “You’ll never have to ask me twice,” he growled before gripping the back of her neck.

The kiss wasn’t sweet or gentle, it was hard and desperate. Sirus bit her bottom lip and then shoved his tongue in her mouth before stroking it gently with his. It made Joslynn shudder as warmth spread throughout her body. Her fingers tingled as she held onto him. She returned the same fierce possession he’d given her, dragging her tongue over his canines.

Sirus shuddered and then growled, flipping her over in one smooth motion. He pushed up her skirts hard and tore her undergarments with his nails. “I need you,” he bit out, his voice dark and guttural.

“Yes,” she whispered. Joslynn arched her back and parted her knees. She needed him so badly it hurt. They both had to be reminded Sirus made it back, that he was indeed alive and well.

Thankfully the dreadful menstruation had been less than a day. The pain was gone and she needed her fiancé, her soon-to-be husband to remind her he was hers, and she his in the most physical, visceral way possible.

“Don’t be gentle with me,” she demanded when she felt the head of his cock at her entrance.

Sirus stared into her eyes and pushed inside. He wasn’t slow, but he took his time burying himself inside of her until his hips met hers and she was full to the hilt. The feeling of his cock stretching her was exquisite. She wanted to close her eyes and throw her head back as the pleasure built so quickly.

Joslynn kept her eyes on his, meeting his gaze as he thrust inside of her, pulling out only to sink right back in – faster and harder with every drive of his cock inside her. She felt her entire body tighten as the pressure built and Joslynn knew she couldn’t hold back for long. Her nails ran down his shoulders to his back and she grabbed his ass, pushing him into her even harder. She sobbed his name as he followed her silent command.

Sirus roared as he came, bursting inside of her. There was so much of it his seed spilled out, dripping down her thighs as she came with him, convulsing and shuddering. Joslynn milked his length with every clench of her muscles and Sirus groaned at the sensation.

He pulsed inside of her and the sensation made her eyes flutter closed. Sirus collapsed on top of her, kissing her neck, her lips, and all over her face. Joslynn held on tight, refusing to let him go.

“I love you, Sirus,” she whispered against his ear.

He kissed her slow and sweet, taking his time to properly worship the taste of her lips. His hips moved against her and she felt him harden again. Joslynn gasped as Sirus started a slow, torturous rhythm inside her, hitting her clit just right.

“Again?” she teased, gasping when he rolled his hips tight against hers.

“As many times as you’ll let me,” he growled against her throat, licking a trail down to the top of her dress. He sucked on her nipple through the thin fabric and Joslynn couldn’t help the way her back arched up to meet his hot, wet mouth.

“Give me everything you can,” she said as she felt another orgasm start to build, so sensitive after the last one. “Take everything you need.”

Sirus couldn’t keep it slow as his cock hardened and stretched her even further. He pounded into her and she screamed his name. More of his hot seed filled her and her hips rose up to meet his, crashing together until Sirus lifted her up, still stroking his half hard cock into her.

On his knees he held her up and off the bed with such ease and strength it astounded her. Joslynn’s breathing was hard and fast and she could barely function let alone think when he felt ready for more even now.

Sirus pulled out and then slammed into her, sliding out so slowly and then practically dropping her on his cock so he hit deep and hard. “I plan to give you everything.” His words were barely understandable they were so guttural and raw. “I will give you the universe Joslynn, anything you want is yours.”

She whimpered as another orgasm started to build with his vicious strategy, so wild and delicious she had to rely on his strength to keep her upright. Joslynn held him close, knowing there was a very real possibility he could be taken from her permanently.

“You, Sirus, are all I want.”

Then he indeed took her as many times as she’d let him, until Joslynn was limp and sated as he held her close. Vowing to never forget what it was like to be loved by him, no matter what happened.




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