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Jasmine of Draga: A Space Fantasy Romance (The Draga Court Series Book 3) by Emma Dean, Jillian Ashe (3)

Chapter Three


Draga Royal Palace

Planet Draga Terra

Adelina’s mind raced as she considered everything she would need. The lift doors opened on the fifth floor and she went straight to the royal study with Nadyah at her side. A wave of her hands and the door opened. The sun was bright and the room practically glowed. Varan waited for her response.

The royal study was an oasis of calm while she felt wind-tossed and haggard from the torrent of emotions she couldn’t seem to get a handle on. Another deep breath released more of the fear Adelina felt lingering after the War Council.

The encoded vid-cast transmission flickered and then his savage face reappeared. There was a light in his eyes that she wasn’t sure how to interpret. “How did you know?” Adelina asked quietly. She needed to hear what she already suspected.

She sat on the couch while Nadyah fussed. She watched her courtesan call the servants for sweet iced tea with milk, dates, and nuts. Nadyah fluttered back and forth while Adelina waited for the thief’s explanation.

“Everybody saw it, Princess. Somehow the recorders sent everything straight to the livestream. It could have been part of the Neprijat hack, but everyone in the galaxy watched every moment since the monster requested Raena’s hand in marriage.”

Oh dear, sweet goddess. Adelina had to put a hand to her chest to ease the pounding of her heart. It hurt and she reminded herself to calm down. Raena would find out about the breach in security soon enough. Adelina only hoped it wouldn’t cost someone their life.

“I need you,” Adelina whispered. It was too much. All the confidence she’d managed to muster drained away as she realized soon she would be leaving the Draga galaxy to beg a dragon for his protection. The thought was so ludicrous she couldn’t help her frightened laugh. The Neprijat wanted a royal, and the King would take her if he thought he could make her queen.

Adelina only hoped the Drakesthai were less dangerous than her own sister.

The race of the Drakesthai was thought to have died out hundreds of cycles ago. The small strip of border they shared with the Hai galaxy had been silent for so long, until someone had tried to cross twenty cycles ago. They’d been forcibly turned back and all attempts at communication had been denied. Then those rumors that surfaced. Whispers of monsters ravaging the Hai galaxy and taking over…when those rumors had claimed the Neprijat were the ones who’d done so, no one had believed. Not until the Neprijat murdered the entire royal family of Khara and recorded it.

And Raena had offered her to the king with barely a blink of her beautiful eyes.

Varan’s emerald eyes sparked and he bared his teeth. “My life is yours.” His deep voice made the simulcast vibrate with the depth of it, and Adelina had to close her eyes.

The sacred words nearly cracked her careful control on the tears she could feel ready to fall. The relief she’d felt when she found out Giselle was alive…the ache at Nash’s absence…the pure, undiluted terror – it overwhelmed her.

“I need your protection,” Adelina finally said, her words soft. “I need your warriors, and your contacts.” Adelina steeled her resolve and straightened. She would have to command him, and she needed that Draga strength to do it. “I have the Crown’s permission to approach the Drakesthai for an alliance. Your attendance is required.”

The transmission flickered in the following silence. Then Varan’s face reappeared and she’d never seen him so deadly serious. “Shall I come to the palace, or can you meet me here?” he asked. “I need to speak with you in person to ensure everything that is needed is in place before our departure.”

“I will come to you tonight. Tomorrow I will need you here. You have two weeks to get your affairs in order before I submit everything to Raena for her final approval.”

Adelina felt shaken. For a moment she had doubted the Prince of Thieves would help and his agreement to assist gave her hope.

“How many soldiers do you need?” Varan asked. She could hear him shuffling through his desk as they spoke, already following her orders.

Adelina glanced at Nadyah who went to the door, taking the tray from a curious servant and rudely shutting the door in their face.

She contemplated the careful line between safety and the appearance of peace. “Three ships and a total of five to ten thousand soldiers,” she said. “I do not care if these soldiers are spies, warriors, rogues, assassins, or thieves. I need them to be one hundred percent loyal to you, and willing to take an oath to serve me.”

“Noted, your highness. I will have everything for you to look over tonight.” Varan glanced up from his notes. “Tomorrow, I will bring a diamond.”

Her heart lurched into her throat and Adelina glanced at Nadyah. Her courtesan looked grim, but she nodded.

“Let him,” Nadyah said. “I’ve never been more scared than I was today. I won’t lose you to that monster.”

A tear dropped despite her iron-like control. Adelina looked back to Varan. While she didn’t love him like she loved Nash – she felt relieved. Raena liked him, and perhaps she’d leave Adelina alone after the horror she’d wrought that day.

“Noted, Varan,” Adelina said. “You are not attending the Games then?”

The Games were a longstanding tradition, but when the royals hosted they were invitation only and this year Varan had received one. The royals only hosted the full set of Games for weddings and coronations. Otherwise they played a few of them on occasion for holidays such as the Summer and Winter Solstice.

“I am not, Princess I have much to attend to here.”

Adelina nodded. It was for the best. She didn’t want Raena’s temper to find him. “I will see you tonight then, Varan.”

Mia vitae se tya,” he replied and promptly ended the transmission.

She slipped the simulcast in her pocket and let it all sink in.

After Giselle came back she would be leaving her home. She would command the lives of others and they might die for her in this fool’s errand. No one knew exactly how many dragons were left, but they were supposed to be the most fierce, violent warriors known to the universe. Not even the Corinthians were as brutally efficient as they, or so people said.

Reports from the border were always a bit hazy and exaggerated.

Nadyah had everything set out and handed Adelina a chilled glass of her favorite orange-colored sweet tea, the milk curling and moving like clouds in the sky. A sip and she instantly felt a bit more settled.

“I’ve never left Draga Terra,” Nadyah mused as she sipped her own tea.

A pang of guilt went through Adelina. Nadyah had agreed to go with her before she ever asked Raena. She’d made sure to tell Nadyah it was allowed for her to decline, but so far no one had turned her down.

“I’ve only left the Draga galaxy once,” Adelina admitted. She could feel the anxiety waiting to take over, but she shoved it back. This was the right choice, and Adelina had to learn to push past her fears. “I’ve never traveled alone though. I doubt the royal tours have properly prepared me.”

But she’d be able to put some space between her and Raena until things settled down.

The two of them considered the looming trip in silence, and then Nadyah asked, “So we are going to the Ladrole tonight? Do we need to sneak out or will this be sanctioned?”

Adelina shrugged one shoulder and stared out the window. Birds fluttered to and from the balcony in the early morning sun, the pinks and purples of dawn finally fading. Their chirping seemed so far away and distant in that moment. She traced a finger, following the swirls and patterns of shadow across the couch from the lattice shades over the windows.

“It would be better to wear a disguise,” Adelina finally said. “And as I still want to keep that a secret we will need to sneak out.”

“Will we bring Alpha this time?”

It was something to consider, but if she brought Alpha then Adelina would have to let him in on all their plans, including the upgrade to the ships. Adelina wasn’t sure, but she doubted Nash wanted her to share the tech he’d gifted her with anyone and everyone.

“No, but I will let him know we are leaving. Maybe he can even let us through the front gates so we don’t have to take the sewers.”

Nadyah snorted as she sipped her tea. “That would be a pleasant change.”

“I’ll need new clothes for this trip,” Adelina stated. “So will you. There is so much to plan and think about.” They needed supplies, weapons, food, water, perhaps a gift or two for the dragons, and a way to beat the Neprijat once and for all. It was no small task.

“Make a list of the clothes,” Nadyah said. “I will have whatever we need made immediately. The supplies I can start gathering. Is there someone we can talk to about what we should have?”

“Caspian would know,” Adelina said, wondering if the advisor would relate all they said to Raena. “It would be prudent to hide the true nature of our starships when we are between each of the planets in open space…”

If they hid the royal crest, declared themselves as mercenaries and altered the ship manifest there would be a good chance real mercs and pirates would leave them alone. Then Adelina could fly the Draga flag so to speak when she needed to pull her rank.

“Agreed,” Nadyah said.

Adelina looked to her courtesan and rested one arm over the back of the cream-colored couch, and then propped her chin on her hand. Nadyah’s skin had a little more color to it from all the time they’d spent outside training, but it was still a buttery white. Her golden hair accented those dark, sapphire eyes that always drew Adelina in like honeybees to summer-berries.

“I never want to think of this morning again,” she whispered to her courtesan.

Nadyah grimaced and her eyes were sad. She reached out and rested her hand on Adelina’s cheek.

At night she’d been dreaming about Nash. Nightmares where she found him dead on some distant planet or his body was sent back to her in pieces by the Neprijat King. The strain from trying not to think about him, or how much she missed him only made the ache in her heart worse. Now she was sure the dreams would include the Neprijat King in a different light.

The dull ache that throbbed in her chest all day and night might dissipate if she were distracted.

“I need to keep busy,” Adelina said. “So I never have time to think about what I’ve lost, what I almost lost today.”

The thought of marrying that monster…how he’d carve into her flesh as he took her from behind on their wedding night – eating her skin like it was a delicacy.

She stood and ran for the washroom. Adelina barely made it to the toilet before she heaved. It would never happen. She’d gladly drink poison before allowing such a thing, but knowing her sister didn’t seem concerned was the worst of it all.

“Raena said she never would have gone through with it,” Adelina said, resting her head on the cool wall. She wasn’t sure if she tried to convince herself or her courtesan.

Nadyah said nothing as she stroked her hair.

“I believe her,” Adelina whispered, covering her face with her hands. “But I can’t forgive her.”

Nadyah pulled Adelina into her arms. “I would gladly kill her for you.”

The soft, fierce words shattered the mask of calm Adelina had been holding onto since she’d left the council room. Tears fell in silent streams down her cheeks and she held onto Nadyah tight. Her courtesan kissed the tears away and murmured softly in Ilashyan. Her promises soothed Adelina and she sighed.

“My sister still loves me,” Adelina said. “She simply doesn’t see how what she does is wrong. Raena looks for the solutions to the problems, and the consequences are just collateral.”

“I refuse for you to be collateral,” Nadyah snarled. “The woman I love is no one’s sacrifice.”

Adelina looked up at Nadyah in shock. “You love me?”

“Of course I do,” the gorgeous female said. She got to her feet and helped Adelina up as well. Those sapphire eyes looked down at her and she smiled sadly. “You are mine to protect.”

Adelina didn’t know what to say. She had known there were feelings between them, but this was something she hadn’t anticipated. Did she love Nadyah in the same way?

“I understand,” Nadyah said; adjusting Adelina’s hair until it was just so, all traces of her weakness gone. “Your heart is held by another, and I am simply your Mistress in the bedroom.”

Adelina let her courtesan lead her back into the study, but those words felt wrong. “No, you are more than that. I do have feelings for you, but I’m just not sure what they are.”

Nadyah nodded. “It is typical in a camerraleto, especially one where you’ve allowed me to help you learn to please a female, instead of choosing another.”

Adelina shook her head and sipped on her tea, giving her time to find the right words. “It is more than that.”

She’d read all the books Nadyah had assigned her; books on body language, how to flirt, how to seduce, different sexual positions, the way to dress for desired reactions, and so on and so forth. The theory of the camerraleto was all she’d been able to manage while they’d waited for confirmation on her genetic status. There was also breathing techniques to help with control, and then the extra lessons in the fighting arts to help burn off Adelina’s extra sexual energy.

All of the books had been read and some of them twice. She couldn’t help the blush she felt heat her cheeks. They were all so graphic with drawings to help one understand the process precisely.

Practicing what she’d learned the last week had been divine. Nadyah had helped her with Nash, and then after he left they’d started on the female to female pleasure. Adelina never thought she’d enjoy it so much, or that it would set her on fire the way that it did. Nadyah was beautiful and kind, she was honorable and sexy.

Adelina reached out and traced a golden curl of Nadyah’s with the tip of her black nail. It would be a lie if she said she didn’t have feelings for her courtesan, but Adelina wasn’t sure she loved her as more than a friend.

Nash also detested Nadyah’s blatant sexuality.

Adelina shoved the thought to the back of her mind. Nash was a Corinthian. They didn’t have the courtesans and rarely married more than one partner while her people, the Kalans, were flexible and fluid. They’d made no promises of monogamy to each other, even if it were possible for someone like her, Adelina had to entertain Raena’s options. And if Adelina refused to explore what she desired, refused to finish her camerraleto because a male who did not understand her ways might disapprove, then was she really allowing herself to become the person she truly was, the person she wanted to be?

He would simply have to understand.

Adelina considered the feelings she had swirling inside against Nadyah’s confession. “Is this too much?” she gently asked her courtesan. “Will finishing my camerraleto hurt you? The last thing in the world I want is to cause you pain.”

“No, sweet girl,” Nadyah murmured, moving closer to Adelina so that their thighs touched. “I want you to find happiness wherever you can. If that happiness is with me or with Varan, then so be it. He is one I cannot have regardless.”

The whole matter made Adelina feel uncomfortable. “We need to ensure he is not your mate. I will not consider him if he is.”

Nadyah kissed Adelina’s cheek, her lips lingering. Her courtesan was so close, their noses practically touched. She was a wonder and a beauty. Adelina reached up and just barely touched her face, skin softer than velvet.

Those gorgeous sapphire eyes never once looked away; Nadyah did not flinch or shy from the truth. “You cannot wed a female, my princess.”

It was Adelina’s turn to pull back and look away. As much as she may want to at some point, Nadyah was right. She would have to marry a male. Perhaps if there was love between them and Nadyah did not find her mate, she could be Adelina’s mistress. There were those who had married a male and a female when heirs were required, such as the Baron of Seprilles the male he loved, Baron Romeo, and then their wife Baroness Leslie. It was not unusual to have more than one spouse.

But the male would be the one who became prince, and as Adelina was not Nadyah’s mate then marrying her would be short-sighted.

She heaved a huge sigh and pulled Nadyah into her arms. The taller female rested her head on Adelina’s shoulder and they sat that way for a long while, not saying anything as they both considered the murky future. If the Neprijat came and they couldn’t hold them back the whole matter was pointless.

“I may not ever be able to marry you,” she told Nadyah. “But if you like, you could be my mistress for as long as you want.”

Silver tears rimmed her courtesan’s eyes. “It is a lovely offer.” Nadyah kissed her, cupping her face tenderly. “But you don’t worry about Nash?”

Adelina rested her forehead against Nadyah’s. “Nash knows me, and he knows how I feel about you. If it truly bothered him he would have asked me to stop this. I only hope he will be in the Hai galaxy when we are.” She pulled Nadyah to her feet and rang for the servants to clean up the study.

“If Nash cannot handle my love for you, then we will never be able to overcome the differences in our cultures. Even if I were to explain it was a part of my courtesan DNA…he would have to accept me as I am and understand I can love more than one person at a time.”

Adelina knew her teasing smile held a note of sadness and she tugged Nadyah along to her rooms. They had some time before the Games.

“Let’s finish the camerraleto first,” Nadyah murmured. “And then you may present the offer to be your mistress if you’re still interested.”

Adelina nodded and placed her hand on her door. When it shushed closed behind them she turned to face her courtesan and flicked the clasp at the nape of her neck. Her dress fell to the floor like water running over her skin. Nadyah’s sharp intake of breath was everything and more. The scrap of lace she had on hardly covered her sex, but it was more than she normally wore.

“Would you mind instructing me in the fourth position between females before the Games?” Adelina asked.

Nadyah’s sapphire eyes burned with lust and something deeper. Her nails trailed over Adelina’s peaked nipples and she nodded. “Kneel and I will prepare.”

It was nothing to fall to her knees and submit to her courtesan. Adelina needed this. She needed this gorgeous, wondrous woman who would remind her what it was like to be loved, and to love another.




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