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Before CE"O": Includes the Complete CE"O" Trilogy by MT Stone (31)

Chapter 10


When Monday morning comes around, I’m more excited than usual to go to work. Felicia and her mother had to go to a wedding on Saturday, so I haven’t seen her for a day and a half. We talked on the phone for a couple of hours last night, but it’s not the same as seeing her in person. I chuckle to myself as I get in the car and head for the office. I’m a little surprised that I’m getting so whipped, especially since I haven’t even known her for two full weeks. I think about how she has slammed into my life like a bolt of lightning, completely consuming my every thought. I honestly can’t imagine what it would be like if she didn’t work for me. I’m convinced that not being able to see her would be even more distracting.

“You’re late,” she quips as I meet her in the hallway just outside the executive suite. I glance at my phone, and she’s right—it’s almost a quarter past eight. “Even though I stopped off at the clinic to blood draw and pee in a cup, I still beat you.” She shakes her head in a motherly manner.

“You can go ahead and dock my pay,” I reply, giving her a quick kiss. “We have to keep those short for now. I don’t want to ruffle any feathers.”

“True. No one needs to know that you’ve already seduced the intern.” She smiles and turns, heading down the hall to her office with a cute little bounce in her step. There is something so refreshing about her. She seems much more relaxed than the girl who came in with the makeshift catalog and a great idea. More impressive is the fact that she doesn’t seem to be bothered by my past. What a huge relief.

“Look what arrived over the weekend,” Sally says, waiting for me just inside the executive suite. “I wheeled the rest down to the storage room but kept a dozen here. I thought we could probably strategically place them around the building to create some buzz.”

“Definitely!” I jump onboard with her sarcasm. “We could even hang some from the ceiling in the lobby like party decorations.” Barb gives us a crossways glare as we’re apparently disturbing her phone call. “Let’s go in my office,” I suggest, going in and shutting the door behind us.

“Barb’s trying to get us a bigger booth at the tradeshow,” Sally says with a sigh. “She’s been on the phone with them since I got in. I’m not sure exactly what’s going on, but I think they lost our original reservation. You ended up with a horrible spot.”

“Hopefully, she can get it worked out. I was hoping to make a splash, but now I wonder how many cases of these I should bring along?” I pick up a box, admiring the high-quality packaging.

“If I were you, I’d rent a van and bring them all,” she replies with a smirk. “Just don’t get picked up, or they’ll think you’re some kind of freak.”

“It’s just me and a vanload of dicks, Officer. It’ll be nothing out of the ordinary once we hit Orange County.” I chuckle at the thought of a white panel van loaded with dildos. “Maybe I can setup a roadside stand and sell any leftovers along Hollywood Boulevard,” I add, finally getting an eye roll from Sally.

“Or maybe Venice Beach,” she adds on her way out. “There’s all types around there too.”

Pulling a half-dozen boxes out of the crate, I arrange them on my desk. One needs to go to the photographer, one to the people over at Adam and Eve, and one for each of my blogger contacts at BuzzFeed, Tumblr, and Reddit who have been my best promoters since I opened shop. I chuckle to myself as I place sticky notes on each box. It’s hilarious that I’m sending out something so personal to a bunch of strangers. I’ve been trying to cut back on coffee, but after just ten minutes on the computer, it’s obvious that I need a Monday morning boost. I head downstairs to grab a cup.

On the way back up, I stop off at Felicia’s office wanting to see if I can get a copy of the mockup catalog. If I can get it to the short run printer by the end of the day, they’ll run a couple of hundred for the show. I intend to talk to her about attending the show with me too. That place will blow her mind. Her office is empty as I pop my head around the corner, which is unusual, so I proceed back to my office.

“Look! I’m the pivot in my first circle jerk,” she says with a smile as I enter my office to find her with a dildo in each hand. “I saw this once on one of those porn sites. I can’t imagine doing it with multiple guys though.”

“Yeah, you should really start slow with those kinds of things. Work your way up.” I can’t help but laugh at her, sitting there with a goofy smile on her face. “Can I have my chair back?” I ask, walking around the side of the desk.

“In a minute. I’m actually sitting on one too.” She shrugs her brows and adjusts her skirt.

“You’re full of shit,” I mutter, glancing out into the suite to make sure no one can hear us.

“You don’t think I’m capable of being a little naughty?” she asks, gyrating her hips just slightly. “This thing feels like it was made for me. I was so horny after not seeing you yesterday that I had to try one out.”

“I missed you too,” I reply, still focusing on her hips and feeling a stirring in the front of my pants.

“That’s what I like to see,” she adds, reaching out and running one of the dildos along the outline of my bulge. “Mmm,” she purrs, gyrating her hips more aggressively. “I’m sorry for disturbing you, but I was having a hard time focusing after seeing you this morning.”

“Yeah, I was hoping coffee would help, but now I’m really distracted.” I pull back from her reach, not wanting to become completely aroused. “Jesus, you have to stop that.”

“Now who’s the prude?” she teases, getting up from my chair. As I suspected, there is nothing beneath her. “You’re right, I’m not brave enough to pull off something like that.”

“I was starting to worry that you had snapped or something,” I tell her honestly, not knowing what to make of the dramatic change in her demeanor. “Is everything okay?”

“I’ve never been better,” she says, setting down the dildos and wrapping her arms around me. “You’ve shown me the light.”

“So, now do you understand the value of a sex surrogate?” I reach over to push the door closed. “Discovering one’s sexual potential can facilitate changes in all areas of their life.”

“Yeah. Normally, I don’t like going to weddings because it makes me feel like I’m missing out on something. The bride and groom are nauseatingly happy and pretend that their lives are now complete after finding the person who completes them. I always thought that one or both of them were simply settling because they had finally given up on finding someone better,” she says, sounding even more jaded than me.

“But you actually had fun at the one on Saturday?” I ask, wanting to know her current take on things.

“Yeah, in many ways, it was like I had a clear view for the first time. I could see in their facial expressions how much they cared for each other.” A reflective look enters her eyes. “Everyone was tired and stressed from all the planning since it was an outdoor wedding in Seattle, but I could actually see the love and appreciation they had for each other.” She pulls back and looks directly into my eyes. “When I got home, all I could think about was having sex with you,” she adds, only increasing the tension in my pants.

“I would love to take you on this desk right now,” I admit, looking down at the obvious bulge. “But we need to get that catalog over to the printer by four. Otherwise, we won’t have any for the show next weekend.”

She sighs. “There are only a couple of vendors whom I haven’t been able to connect with.” Her eyes remain fixed on my package. “I’ll go try them again, and hopefully, I can have it all wrapped up by noon. Then maybe we can take an extended lunch.”

“If you can get it done, I’ll take you wherever you want to go,” I offer. “I drove the Ferrari today, so I’m even up for a mini road trip.”


My hormones are raging so hard that they are driving me insane. I would be scared that something was wrong with me if I didn’t know that it was a result of my recent sexual breakthroughs. After doing a little online research, I now understand that it’s possible to squirt while having a climax. That was the most insane thing that’s ever happened to me. It was a release beyond anything I could have ever imagined. I want another one. Now. Sitting down at my desk, the last thing I want to do is talk to someone about selling their clothes, but I do it anyway, keeping my eye on the prize. Going for a ride with Rex in the Ferrari is all the incentive I need to get this catalog done.

Much to my surprise, I’m able to reach both people and receive a yes from each of them. It’s normally not too difficult to get someone to sell you things, but these two were reluctant to put their clothes into a catalog called Bettergasms. I assured them that the name would be changed to Vibrant Lifestyles or something of that nature prior to publication. I’m hoping that the prospect of a finished catalog will be enough to persuade Rex to go with the new name. After formatting the first ten pages as well as the last ten with the conservative clothes, I save the file and print a demo copy for him. The title Vibrant Lifestyle has now replaced the more risqué one. I grab the fresh copy from the printer and head down the hall to his office, hoping that he’ll like it. If not, the catalog will have to start out with lingerie and go from there.

“He’s in a meeting,” Barb informs me as I enter the suite and encounter his closed door. I take a seat in the chair across from the doorway and begin to reflect upon how much things have changed since the first time I sat here waiting to meet with him. Looking down at the catalog, I’m impressed by how quickly my idea has come to fruition. At this point, I’m actually grateful that I turned down that job in New York. If not, I would most likely be trying to afford an apartment on my own since I don’t know a soul who lives near the garment district.

My attention is suddenly drawn to the sound of Rex raising his voice. He appears to be in the midst of an argument with a woman. Her voice actually overpowers his, but I have trouble making out the words. Whatever they’re arguing about must be something serious, because when Rex comes storming out of the room, his face is completely flushed.

“Show Miss Turner to the door,” he tells Barb before exiting the suite without giving me a second look.

“No worries, I can show myself out,” the young woman says, giving me the once-over. “By the way, you can let him know I took one of these as a souvenir,” she adds, holding up one of the dildos that had been sitting on his desk.

“There’s the door,” Barb snaps, nodding to it. “Don’t let it hit you in the ass.”

I have to snicker as the woman’s expression becomes a bit less self-assured. “You’re all a bunch of bitches,” she sneers, looking directly at me.

“Who the hell was that?” I ask after she storms out.

“She’s the main reason Rex stopped being a sex surrogate,” she says with a scowl on her lip. “I’ll let him tell you about her.”

After waiting for several more minutes, I start to wonder whether he is actually coming back. “Tell Rex to stop by my office if he comes back,” I tell Barb. “Let him know I have the catalog finished.”

“Hey! Where are you going?” I hear him ask after talking a few steps down the hall toward my office.

“I wasn’t sure if you were coming back,” I reply, turning toward him. “I thought it was going to take you a while to calm down. Your face was even redder than mine got in the elevator incident.”

“Yeah, no one infuriates me like that woman,” he says, holding out his hand, wanting to take a look at the catalog.

“Who is she?” I ask, wanting to know the story.

“Give me the catalog. I’ll tell you about her when we go for a drive.” He looks at the cover briefly before paging through it. “So you went ahead and changed the name of my catalog?” His angry eyes lock with mine.

“The first two vendors won’t work with us under the old name, so it’s your choice,” I explain. “If you just want to have a lingerie and toy catalog, we can keep the old name, but I think that kind of defeats the purpose.”

“Schooled by the intern, huh?” He shakes his head and sighs. “There’s a lot more to it than just changing the name on the cover. Let’s put the whole idea on the shelf for the moment.” He opens the door to the suite, tosses the catalog onto his desk, and grabs a set of keys. “Let’s get out of here.”