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Black and Blue: Black Star Security by Cynthia Rayne (8)

Chapter 8


“What kind of tea do they have?” Storm paged through the menu with a frown. “Is it organic?”

After leaving the trailer park, they’d had Ryder checked out by the doctor, and then handed him over to the sheriff. West had filled out about a hundred forms with Huck.

The sheriff had been pleased as punch and asked West to tell him everything. West had a feeling they might become friends. And he was more determined than ever to bring the rest of the convicts in.

After the Marshal Service confirmed Ryder’s identity, Black Star would get twenty five thousand dollars. It was a great start.

To celebrate, West had offered to take everyone out for a celebratory dinner. After all, they’d just gotten their very first pay day. And he hadn’t wanted to single Annie out, even though she was the only one he’d wanted to spend time with tonight.  Unfortunately, only King and Storm had taken him up on the invitation.  Zane had gone into town to run a few errands.  Nox had mentioned something about a bar.

Mack had been knee deep in her John Doe investigation, and he hadn’t been able to pry her fingers away from the computer keyboard.  She’d been at it for hours.  When he’d gotten up this morning, she’d already been hard at work and said she was closing in on a possible lead. 

“West?” Storm asked, and West blinked, thrown back into the present.

“I’m sorry. What did you ask me?”

They were at Red’s Smokehouse.  It was a small, local restaurant that did a lot of business in these parts. The place didn’t have much atmosphere—the floors were white linoleum and the wood paneled featured the occasional pair of deer antlers, mixed in with neon Wild Turkey signs. 

 And yet the meals were outstanding. 

People came from several counties for the food, because it was so damn good. Outside several grills were going, and the smell of steak and chicken made his stomach growl.

“What kind of tea do they have?” Storm asked.

“I’m guessin’ it’s Lipton,” King said.  “And probably sweet, the way God intended.”

 “What about their vegetables?” Storm wrinkled his nose. “Do they use GMOs?”

“What in tarnation is a GMO?” King tossed his menu on the Formica table.

“It means a genetically modified organism, and it can refer to a plant or animal. I don’t eat them.”

King frowned. “Why not? It’s science, progress.”

“Europe banned them.”

“Then your shit out of luck. You live in the good ol’ US of A. They’ve got chicken, beef, and fish. If you’re worried about carrots, you’re missin’ the point.”

West smothered a chuckle.  GMOs sounded like nothing more than snake oil to West, but he let it go. Everyone had their quirks. He happened to love butter, bacon, and bourbon.

 “I miss California.” Storm sighed.

“You’ll get used to it.”

“Don’t ever say that again.” His eyes widened in horror. 

 “Enough chit chat. What’s up with you and Annie, brother?” King asked, changing the topic in his oh-so-subtle way.

“How do you mean?” He took a sip of his Maker’s Mark, relishing the smoky, spicy taste of it. It was his favorite brand of bourbon. “She’s only an employee.”

Storm turned his head to the side, watching West intently. Damnation. He was practically a walking lie detector. At The Farm, he’d taken deception training, and learned to detect deceit in others, too. West had watched him crack terrorists wide open, like a walnut after a few hours. He never resorted to enhanced interrogation methods, because Storm didn’t need to—the man was that good.

Thankfully, Red, the proprietor came over to take their order, interrupting the awkward conversation.

“What can I get you, folks?” Red Ferguson asked.  At one time, he’d probably been a redhead, given the fiery hairs mixed in with all the white. He was a slight man, but sprightly for his age.  “Oh, hey, West, it’s great to see you.” He placed a friendly hand on his shoulder and gave it a squeeze.

“Nice to see you, too.” West loved the personal touch. Damn, it’s nice to be home.   

Both King and West ordered steaks and baked potatoes, nice and simple.  Unfortunately, Storm made things a bit more difficult.   

“I’d like the chicken with brown rice, not white.  And a side salad, instead of the corn.  What kind of vinaigrette do you have?”

King sighed gustily.    

“Italian dressin’.” Red raised a brow. “Why?”

“Do you know what kind of oil it’s made from?  I don’t do soybean.”

What did innocents soybeans ever do to him? Scratch that. West didn’t want to know.

“No clue.” Red placed the pencil he’d been writing with behind his left ear.

“Can you check?” Storm asked.

“It’s from a bottle, son.  What do you want from me?” Red had finally hit his limit. 

“I’m trying to live a healthy lifestyle.”

“Then I suggest you go for a run after you finish dinner.” Red grumbled something under his breath.

West and King lost it, cracking up, slapping one another on the back.

“I’ll bring you a salad and the bottle. You can knock yourself out.” And then he disappeared into the kitchen. 

“What’s so damn funny?” Storm demanded.

“Because you are the fussiest thing I’ve ever seen.” King chuckled. “Honestly, it’s like havin’ supper with a woman.”  He pointed to West.  “And don’t think you got off the hook so easy.  Talk.”

“About what?” West played dumb, willing King to move on to another topic. 

“About all the eye-fucking you two have been doin’.”

“Yeah? What are my eyes sayin’ now?”  West asked.

Storm nodded.  “You’ve got a thing for the lady marshal, don’t you?”

“I do not have a thing for her.” West didn’t need these chuckleheads and their obvious innuendo while she was around.

“Yeah, you do.  You couldn’t take your eyes off her today.  I was worried that junkie might give you the slip when you were loadin’ his smelly ass into the Jeep.”

“Never gonna happen. I don’t let anything get to me during a mission.” Above all else, West was a professional.

 “Bullshit. Come on, brother, it’s been a while since the divorce. Don’t you think it’s time?”

“Hey, I’m doing just fine.  In case you’ve forgotten, I worked my way through several women this summer.”

“Yeah, and they lasted what…? Twenty minutes apiece?”  King made a face.

“Hey! I last a lot longer than twenty minutes. And maybe I’m sowin’ my oats?  I didn’t get the chance last time.”

Up until the divorce, Paige had been the only woman he’d ever slept with, and he’d been fine with it.  West hadn’t wanted anyone else.

“King has a point.  You’re not a manwhore.” Storm frowned.

“You only think so, because I was already married when you met me. Trust me, back in the day...”

He trailed off, because they both shook their heads, evidently not buying his crap. And that’s exactly what it was, a great big stinky pile of horse manure.

West wanted Annie in the worst way.

“Seriously, give it a shot. King raised his brows. “I don’t know Annie very well, but she seems like a nice girl. She’s pretty, smart, and feisty as hell. Why not date her and see what happens?”

West was exasperated.  He really didn’t wanna talk about this. 

Storm had been watching the entire conversation intently. And he cocked his head to one side, scrutinizing West.

“Tell me you’re not interested in her.”

“I don’t wanna go out with her.” West schooled his features into an unreadable mask.

“You’re lying.”

“No, I’m not.”

“Another lie.” West opened his mouth to protest, but Storm raised a hand. “I can do this all night. You might as well admit it to yourself, even if you don’t tell us.”

West was aggravated, irritated.

The whole point of this new position was to put Katie front and center in his life. He had too much on his plate to go chasing after a woman, no matter how captivating she was.

King nodded in approval.

“And what about you, King?  How long has it been since you put yourself out there?”

West nodded to the chain around the other man’s neck where King’s wife’s engagement and wedding rings still dangled. King only took them off to shower, for pity’s sake, so he had no right to lecture West.

Storm gasped, and West knew he’d gone way too far, crossing the line and then some.

King went whiter than unbaked biscuit dough, hands clutching his bourbon glass. And West felt like shit for hitting him where it hurts. King might be a giant, but he was a gentle one, and he didn’t deserve such a low blow.

“I’m sorry, brother, I shouldn’t have run my mouth. You’ll dive back in when you’re ready.” King had lost the love of his life in the most painful way imaginable. He still didn’t know how King had pasted himself back together and moved on. Tragedy had struck both of them suddenly, like a lightning bolt.

King shifted uncomfortably in his seat.  “Forget about it.”

West squeezed his forearm.  “I mean it.  I’m sorry, brother.”

King nodded and forced a small, tight smile. “What can I say? I’m savin’ myself for Savvy.”

They all laughed, and the tension broke.

Thankfully, they didn’t talk about women for the rest of the night.


One down, two to go.

Annie was feeling a bit better. She’d actually made some progress on her goal. For months she’d been spinning her wheels, plodding along, night after night.

Finally! I’m moving forward.

HQ, as the team called it, was quiet.

 The guys had cleared out, and Mack was in her room. She’d said she was close to a breakthrough on the case and Annie prayed Mack was right. Doe would be hard to track down. He was shrewd, composed, and he knew how to cover his own tracks. Unlike Ryder, he wouldn’t draw attention to himself.

She’d passed on dinner with the boys and instead grabbed some fresh produce from the fridge and made a spinach frittata for dinner. The plan was to eat healthier and get herself back into tiptop shape.

And avoid West, so you don’t screw up this chance at redemption.

Annie had gone to the gym after the food had settled in her stomach. Once more, she stood in front of the speed bag, beating the snot out of it.  

Where do you think he is right now?

Stop thinking about West.

Great. Now, I’m arguing with myself.

Annie might be nuts, but she wasn’t quite as pissed off this evening. So she gave herself up to the movement, the tension release.

And she must’ve lost track of time.

Suddenly, the gym door swung open and West walked in, flanked by both Storm and King. She was grateful they weren’t alone again.

They nodded in her direction and started doing pull ups. Evidently, it must be back day. Popping her earbuds in, Annie turned around and focused on the bag once more. She wasn’t leaving here until she was ringing with sweat.

When she glanced up again, West was staring at her as he ran on the treadmill. King and Storm had left, and she hadn’t even noticed. She must’ve felt the weight of his stare from across the room. It wasn’t hard to see why, he sized her up again, and his gaze was practically a caress, an offer.  

Annie was breathing hard, but she wasn’t exhausted. Not yet. If anything, she was keyed up, ready for more.

Locking eyes with her, West licked his lips.

She swallowed. Oh. Hell. No. And yet her feet were rooted in place.

He vaulted off the treadmill and stalked closer to her.

Annie made a run for the door, but he manacled one wrist, and his hand felt like steel.

“Why didn’t you have dinner with me tonight?”

“I was busy.”

“Doin’ what?”

She didn’t have an answer for him. Not one that made sense anyway.

His gaze raked over her. “You’re about ready to pop, aren’t you?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Yes, you do. King once told me that I needed to let it out and now I know why. You’ve been bottled up for months, haven’t you? You’re ready to explode.”

“And what did you bottle up?” Annie was curious about him, despite herself.

“You aren’t the only one who lost somebody important, but let’s deal with your issues, mine are already settled.”

“I don’t have any issues.”

“We both know you’re lyin’. Come on. I wanna see the rage.” He tugged her closer, pushing her, trying to make Annie angry.

And it was working.

“Trust me, you really don’t.” Most days, it felt like the rage was choking her. Slowly suffocating her.

“Whatever you can dish out, I can handle.”

Annie brought her dukes up. At that moment, she’d love nothing more than to punch him in the mouth. And afterward, she’d kiss the pain away. It was all too much—the attraction, the irritation, and the confusion.

“Why are you here?” Annie didn’t understand. “What do you want with me?”

“Fuck if I know, but here I am. I can’t seem to leave you alone, and what’s more, I don’t think you want me to.”

Damn him, he was right. She’d been wanting to see him all evening, willing him to walk in the door.

West spread his arms, leaving himself open to attack. “Come on, Rook, do your worst.”

 He didn’t think she was a threat, and maybe she wasn’t, given all the commando training he’d gone through. SEALs were put through the ringer, and most of the recruits failed. Not only had West made a SEAL team, but he’d been elevated to team leader. West was formidable, in every sense of the term.

Annie launched herself at him, full strength, both fists flying. Her double jab—eye, then jaw—rocked his head back. He fell to the ground, skull cracking against the floor. His eyes fell shut, and his head lolled to the side.

Triumphantly, she stood over him. “Come on, get up. I know you’re okay.”

He didn’t respond.

“West? Quit playing around.”

Oh no.

“West? Are you all right?” Annie hit her knees, touching his chest. “Oh my God. Did I hurt you?”

“In a manner of speakin’.” With a growl, he grabbed her and pinned her beneath him. West had both wrists in one of his hands. “Don’t you feel better?”

Yes and no.

He settled between her thighs and his erection had reared to life beneath his pants. It rested against her thigh—thick, hard, and ready. “You’re killin’ me, Rook.”

Annie ached for more, too, but she kept her mouth welded shut.

“You want me, don’t you? I can smell it. Nearly touch it, and fuck, I want to taste you.” He let out a muffled curse. “Your nipples are hard. I can see them pressing against your T-shirt. You’re imaginin’ them in my mouth, aren’t you? And I’m thinkin’ about suckin’ them, too.”

She suddenly forgot how to breathe. And speak. Annie couldn’t focus on anything but his mouth, which was parted like an invitation.

She wanted to touch the sharp planes of his face. Most importantly Annie needed to kiss him. Not wanted. Needed. A sweet wetness pooled between her thighs. Her body was readying itself for him, eager for his invasion.

I’ve got to stop this.

Annie opened her mouth, but he pressed a fingertip to her lips.

“Don’t lie to me.” He leaned down to whisper directly into her ear. She could smell the cool, crisp scent of his citrus cologne over sweat-dampened skin. Feel his hot breath on her neck. “Mmm, yes, you want it, don’t you?”

God yes.

He released her hands to cup her breasts through the thin cotton of her T-shirt. And then he delved between her legs, and seized her sex. The fabric was a thin barrier, flimsy and inadequate, especially when he kneaded her, rotating his palm.

 “This is insane! We aren’t having this conversation.” Annie scooted out from beneath him using all the willpower she could muster.

“Fine, if you don’t wanna talk, we don’t need words to communicate. Kiss me,” he coaxed. “That’s all you have to do. Press your lips against mine, and I’ll handle the rest.”

Annie had the sudden realization he could really hurt her.

Unlike the rest of the men she’d dated, West wasn’t an asshole. No, he was a decent guy who helped other people, and he could handle himself in a fight.

He was an honest to God hero. A LEO. Of course, Mike was right.

And Annie was on fire for him, too. But if she got attached and they parted ways, it would sting. She’d miss him.  And she’d had enough of losing men she cared about.

“No, we can’t do this. Ever. It’s a terrible idea, West.”

“Yeah, I know.” West ran a hand down his face. “I thought I could back off, but I can’t. And we both know you don’t really want me to, do you?”

Annie swallowed.

“Tell me to back the fuck off and I will.”

She shut her eyes, tried to force the words out, but Annie couldn’t make herself say it.

Ugh. I’m such a hypocrite.

 He winked. “I thought so. Now, I just have to wear you down.”

 “Even if we did…”

“Fuck?” West supplied.

Annie closed her eyes, overwhelmed by the imagery. All she could see was him on top of her, hips bucking, sliding into her.

Snap out of it.

His voice got rougher, deeper. “Think about it, Annie. I’d be rocking my cock so deep into—”

“I get the picture!” It had been seared into her mind, like a brand. “But it wouldn’t mean jack. I’d walk away like nothing ever happened.” Annie didn’t even sound convincing to her own ears. “So what’s the point? We’re both too old for a fling.”

“That’s cute.”

West got to his feet, towering over her.

She should back away, but couldn’t. Instead she stood, and placed her hands on her hips and tipped her chin back, daring him to finish the thought. Maybe Annie wanted to pick another fight with him just so she had an excuse to put her hands on West again.

 “What’s cute?” Annie prompted when he didn’t reply.

“You actually think you’d be able to walk after I got done with you.”

She stifled a moan.

“I’d fuck you bowlegged.”

Annie just walked away from him on shaky legs.

When she reached the hallway, Annie sprinted down the length of it, convinced West was hot on her heels, but she ran right into Mack who’d clearly been heading to the gym to speak with West.

“Is something wrong?” Mack asked.

“Nope.” She smoothed the hair away from her face. “No, everything’s fine. Why? Don’t I seem fine?”

Her brows knitted. “No, you seem kinda nuts.”

I can’t argue with that.

“Um, were you headed somewhere?”

“Yeah, I’ve got a lead on John Doe, and I need to fill West in. Why don’t you come with me? You’ve gotta hear this. Come on.”

Awww, crap. Back into the lion’s den...

“Okay, sure. Why not?” Annie suddenly wished she’d spent the evening getting her Zen on instead.

 Mack jogged down the hallway, and Annie followed her.

When she walked in the door, Annie found West on a bench, doing sit ups in rapid succession. His abs bunched and moved.

Annie smothered a sigh. I wanna put honey on those ridges and lick it off.

She winced and tried to pay attention, although she was really freaking distracted.

 “What’s up?” West asked, not stopping his momentum.  

“I know how we can get to Doe.”  Mack bounced from foot to foot, as though she had so much energy she might burst, while Annie felt like a wet noodle, all limp and wobbly.

 “Okay, let’s hear it.” West sat up on the bench.

“Doe coaxed those stupid superheroes into robbing the bank.”

Annie thought back to their earlier conversation. “You found a connection.”

West squinted at Mack. “Doe pushed them into being patsies?”

“Yeah, in every single one of his crimes, there’s always been another robbery in the vicinity. It’s always messy and draws a lot of attention. I’m surprised no one put it together before now.”

“I’ll be damned.” West whistled. “So the cops go after the decoy while Doe pursues the prize. So, what got stolen a couple of days ago?”

 “A resort was hit not far from here. A tech company had a retreat scheduled. They’d just laid off thousands of employees after giving themselves huge raises.” Mack raised her brows. “Doe hates hypocrites.”

Annie nodded. “That tracks with his MO. I bet the witnesses couldn’t identify him either.”

Mack shook her head. “He wore another disguise, which he always does. Doe was in and out and walked away with at least six figures.”

“How did he get so much?” Annie asked.

“He emptied their pockets and had them transfer money into an offshore account, at gunpoint, of course. They reported it to the police, but wanted to keep it out of the media.”

“Bad for their brand, huh?” Annie asked and Mack nodded.

“Excellent work, Mack,” West said. “Have our robbers been transferred to county yet?”

“Nope, they are still sharing a cell downtown.”

“We’ll head over tomorrow and interrogate them.”

Beaming, Mack headed out the door, leaving Annie alone with West once more.

She should’ve walked out with Mack, but she had to know something.

“Do you just wanna fuck me?” Annie asked before she could stop herself.

He studied her a moment and then sighed, as though coming to some sort of decision.

West rubbed the back of his neck. “You don’t know much about me, and that’s my fault. I prefer to show people who I am, rather than tell them, so let me give you a snapshot. I spent my adult life married, to the same woman, and we had two kids, a nice house, and a great life.” His breath hitched. “And then my son died.”

Her stomach plummeted.

“I’m so sorry, West.” He did know about loss, and his wound had cut even deeper than hers. Losing a child must’ve been excruciating.

He nodded in acknowledgement. “I miss Tommy every single day, but I’ve forced myself to move forward. My marriage ended and now my daughter, Katie, is everythin’ to me. Maybe you’ll meet her sometime.”

“I’d like that.”

“The point of this is, every day counts.” He snapped his fingers. “It could be over like that, so I’ll take what I can get. We both know this ain’t permanent, but I’d regret not pursuin’ you. If we had more time, I’d woo you—dinners and dancing. Or maybe I’d plan fun challenges like a poker night, where I spent the evenin’ beating you, only to take you to bed later and make it all up to you.”

Her throat had gone dry at the enticing picture he painted.

“But that’s not the best part, is it?”

Holy crap. There’s more?

“Then what is?”

“Once the relationship really begins, and you get comfortable with each other. Then you can spend Sunday mornings in bed with homemade buttermilk pancakes, or go to local football games on Friday nights and sneak kisses in the stands. But, that’s not in the cards for us, is it?”

Annie was reeling. He’d definitely turned her head, but West was shutting this down before anything really developed.   

“So have you changed your mind about me?” he drawled.



He grinned. “If you ever say fuck the consequences, you know where to find me.” West went back to his workout.

Annie slunk out the door.

To add insult to injury, when Annie laid down to sleep she heard a woman moaning and groaning down the hall. Every once in a while, her pleasure was punctuated by a sharp scream.

At least somebody’s having orgasms.




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