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Black Bella : The Beginning Book 1 by Blue Saffire (8)


chapter Seven

Getting My Way


I am on cloud nine. I was so pissed off when my dad made me get up to go to mass with my mother. I was set to not speak to anyone for a year, with Lucie as the exception.

Who knew the one place I didn’t want to go would be the one place I would see her. I thought I was dreaming when I heard Aunt Maria introduce her to my mother. I was frozen in my tracks.

It took me longer than I wanted to regroup. I hope she didn’t notice the pause, though I think she did. She looked just as excited to see me as I was to see her. 

My mom can be such as airhead sometimes. Why would she say that I was promised? She was so busy talking too much, she had no clue that the girl I’m promised to, was the girl she was talking about. The beautiful girl she was afraid she shouldn’t have introduced me to.

That in itself was hilarious, but none of that mattered. I spoke to her. I touched her. Her hand was so soft. She looked great in that light blue and white suit. Her eyes are amazing. 

To think she was all upset, thinking that her escort to her party would be the ugliest guy she ever met. I’m not conceded, but I know I am nowhere near her description. She was so cute upset over nothing.

If only she knew the truth, then she would have reason to be upset. Her escort wasn’t being picked to keep her from dating in the way she thought. I was picked so that she never had to date. 

Uncle Mike was pretty pissed at me. He had told me not to follow her, but I lied and said I was going to confession. I needed to go and see if she was okay.

She looked so upset. I didn’t know why at first and that bothered me. Oh, Uncle Mike would get over it. 

To think I was all grumpy when I woke because she hadn’t accepted any of my request yet. To top that off, Sabrina spent the whole night texting me to let me know she wasn’t accepting my excuses.

Sabrina couldn’t believe that at twenty I was grounded, which hadn’t helped my mood. None that moment, though, my mood had improved a hundred percent. Nothing could bring me down.

Victoria asked me to come to her party. Well, sort of. Maybe she just wasn’t in the mood to be online. Or maybe she didn’t have internet access at her dad’s, which I doubt.

Whatever it was, I didn’t think it had anything to do with her not wanting to accept my requests. I just needed to be patient. I could do that. 

Uncle Mike pulled into the estate just as my phone went off. I thought it was Sabrina picking up where she left off, but it was Chris. He was pissed I missed the party last night.

Chris knew I could’ve made it if I wanted to, but I wasn’t in the mood. We each had picked a weekend to host a graduation parties. I was supposed to be a part of his team last night, even though my party would be next month. I text him back.

Me: Sorry man, you can miss my turn if you want.

I knew that would piss him off some more. Chris would never miss a party, not even if he was mad or grounded. I laughed to myself as I pressed send. 

Uncle Mike looked over at me. “Hey kid, I want to see you laughing when your father finds out you were talking to Venny’s girl.” 

“And who’s going to tell him?” I fired back. 

Uncle Mike glared at me. “Oh kid, you’re asking for it. Just do me a favor, don’t mess this up.” We unfastened our seatbelts. 

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Uncle Mike. I was talking to a friend that’s all,” I crooned out. 

Uncle Mike raised an eyebrow at that. Shaking his head, he got out of the car. I decided to walk around the house and go in the back door.

I wasn’t sure if someone had called my father already and told him that I spoke to Victoria. I wasn’t ready to let go of my good mood. I walked through the French doors that lead out to the pool.

Entering the family room, I headed for the back stairs straight up to my room. I loosened my tie, flopping across my bed once in my room. I couldn’t help the sigh of relief.

I was too glad to have missed my father on the way up. All I could think of was the way Victoria looked today. She didn’t seem so short this time with those heels on, but it still would have taken a noticeable bend to kiss her. I wondered if her lips are as soft as her hand.

I started to wonder if my age bothered her, our conversation kind of got cut short. Maria said something about a fitting for the party and meeting me during the week. I wondered if Victoria would be there. Not likely, since as our fathers wanted us to meet the day of the party. 

Damn, is Chris going to be a pain like Sabrina?

I took my phone out of my pocket and noticed it wasn’t a text, it was a notification. I sat up immediately. I had a new direct message. It was her. 

Victoria: Hey Lorenzo, thanks for the help. Maybe you’re right and it won’t be so bad.

:) Victoria

I decided to take my time and think this out. I wanted to play my cards right. Manage to talk to Victoria without, as Uncle Mike said, ‘messing this up.’ We could be friends, couldn’t we? I read her message over and over again, about a hundred times. I decided to direct message her back. 

Me: Hey, no problem. I know you aren’t allowed to date, but are friends okay?

I stared at my message for about ten minutes before I sent it. I decided to stop being a coward. I pushed the send button and fell back across the bed. A few minutes later, my phone was sending another notification. I opened it right away.

Victoria: Yeah, friends are okay. I guess…never asked. To be honest a friend would be nice right now.

I felt a little wounded. I knew why she felt that way. I told a lie that turned her world upside down. As much as I wanted to fix that, I wasn’t sure I deserved to be able to. However, now I had no choice. If I change my mind now, I would just hurt her more. I wanted to be the friend she needed and I would be. 

Me: Cool, can I send you my number. You can call me anytime. 

I sent the message right away this time. I was so close to what I wanted. I decided not to over think it before I did something to goof it up.

While I waited for her to respond, I started to take off my suit. I threw on some basketball shorts and a t-shirt. I wasn’t in the mood to ask Uncle Mike to drive me around, so I was in for the night. 

I heard my phone go off as I exited the closet. I leapt on the bed and scooped it up. I had two messages this time. I went for the first one. Hoping the second was not her changing her mind. 

Victoria: Sure, send it to me and I’ll text you so you have mine. Your girlfriend won’t be mad, will she?

My girlfriend? Where did she get that from? Oh, right, my mother and her big mouth.

I guess that is what that comment sounded like. Shit, I hated that I couldn’t just tell her the truth. I guessed I had to settle for as close as I could get to it. I messaged her back, avoiding, the second message, hoping I wasn’t right about her changing her mind. 

Me: I don’t have a girlfriend. Unless you are offering? :)

I sent my reply along with my number. Finally, I open the second direct message. As I read the message my eyes became wide with rage. I jumped from the bed and grab my laptop from the desk, heading for the lounge chair.

I plopped down and tore open the laptop. As the screen I was searching for came up, I could feel the steam roll out of my ears. I grabbed my phone and saw the message again. 

Victoria: Boy, is she mad at you. What did you do? Why did you stand her up?

She wasn’t assuming I had a girlfriend from what my mother said. It was that crazy Sabrina. She was online trash talking about me standing her up last night.

Great, I only promised to take her to that party because she wouldn’t take no for an answer. What’s this some bullshit? I was going to have to pay for that. This was too much. I wanted to strangle Sabrina. 

My phone went off again. I opened the message hoping it would calm me down, but it did nothing to help. I just glared at the phone, then back at the computer. What was I going to do about my Internet stalker? Victoria was curious. I had to fix that right away. 

Victoria: She seems to think she is. I wouldn’t want to cause any trouble. Maybe being friends isn’t such a good idea.

I read the message over and over. How did this happen? I was just seconds from having her number, and boom. She has mine and doesn’t think she should use it because of some psycho I don’t even pay attention to.

I’ve got to start thinking things through. If I would have just talked to my dad and gotten a ride to the party this wouldn’t be happening. Why was Sabrina making it seem like we were dating before this? I quickly direct messaged Victoria back.

Me: Yeah. I see what you mean, but she’s not my girlfriend. I’m sort of grounded I couldn’t go out that night. Wow, I feel stalked. LOL

I sent the message hoping it would go over well. I wanted to send another one asking her to call me, but I decided to relax. Sabrina was going to pay when I saw her.

I wasn’t sure what I was going to do, but I’m sure Chris would come up with something good. Just then my phone went off again. This time it was my text messaging.

I fist pumped the air. I had her number. I sighed with relief before reading the message. 

Victoria: I guess since we’re just friends, I won’t worry about you standing me up. So, this text is pretty safe and no, I am not offering to be your girlfriend, as you put it. 

Friends, right, I did say we could be friends. So, I guess she would feel safe, but I’m not looking to just be her friend. I want more than that.

I know I can have more than that if I do this my father’s way, but I want her to want it. I want her to say she wants to be my girlfriend. If that’s what she wants. So, I sent a responding text.

Me: I would never stand you up. Aw. I was hoping you would offer and save me the trouble of asking. Can I call you? 

I sent the message once again without hesitation. Victoria could have all the time she needed to think about that text. I know what I want.

So what she was off limits to me now. I wasn’t breaking the rules that my father had set. I couldn’t go near her.

I was miles away from her as far as I knew. I sat with the phone in my hand, waiting for a response as the minutes went by. It was strange, because I was actually becoming more confident I’d have my way. Even if she was taking longer to reply. I felt sure eventually she would. 

Ten minutes had gone by without a reply. I closed my laptop and placed it back on the desk. I sat my phone on the arm of the chair, as I grabbed a controller and my headset. I decided to play Xbox until she answered my text.

As soon as the game came on, the phone came to life. This time it was ringing. It was her I had programmed her name the moment I got her text. I picked up on the third ring, after clearing my throat. 

“Hello,” I said trying to sound smooth. I felt like I was in high school all over again. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest for this girl.

“Hi, I thought it might be better if I called you,” she bubbled through the phone.

“Either way works for me. I just wanted to hear your voice.”

There was a pause on her end. I waited. “You know you’re weird. One minute you act as if you are not even sure you want to talk to me, then the next you’re more than friendly.”

I tried to laugh her comment off. “Yeah, I know. I’ve had a lot on my mind the last couple of days. Sorry about that.”

“So how do I know that girl isn’t telling the truth about you? She called you a flake. I can agree with that.” I could hear the sarcasm in her voice dripping through the line. 

“Wow, I guess I deserve that, but it’s a totally different thing with you. I don’t mean to be a flake. I like you –.” 

“So, you don’t like her?” she cut me off.

“Not the way I like you. She is just a girl from school. I was taking her to the party as a favor. She has no right to make it seem like we were dating. I’m a little annoyed with that.” I wasn’t doing a great job hiding the frustration. 

“Oh, well if you’re into waiting for girls to offer to be your girlfriend, she sounds more than willing.” The sound of her giggle filled my ears. 

Even I had to laugh. “I’m only waiting for one girl to offer to be my girlfriend, but I will ask her if she takes too long. That’s if she’s into older guys.”

“Nope, not into older guys,” she said quickly. 

I curse under my breath. I wasn’t expecting that answer. At the same time, I lost a life on the game I was playing. I quickly regrouped. “That’s too bad because I really like her.”

Her sweet giggle came again. “No, I’m not into older guys. Just one older guy. That’s what I meant.”

I relaxed. “Do I know this older guy?”

“Very well actually, I think you go to school with him,” she laughed out.

“Very cute, Victoria. So tell me about your father’s rules on you not dating.” We could’ve played her game all day, but I didn’t want to play that one. 

“Oh, yeah, that may be a problem. There aren’t rules about dating, just the one law. I don’t,” she replied.

“I guess that could be a problem.” I knew it wasn’t a problem for me.

“Yeah, very much so. So I guess it’s a good thing you and I are friends,” she suggested. 

“Ok, friends, for now, but I’ll be thinking of what we can do about that law for when you’re ready to offer or I am ready to ask you to be my girlfriend.”

“Ok, friend. What are you up to? How grounded are you? I mean you’re on the phone and it sounds like you have a video game on and you are twenty.”

“You have very good ears. I’m just not allowed to drive myself anywhere. That’s why you saw my Uncle Mike driving my car.” 

“Didn’t know that was your car, show off,” she giggled again. I could really get used to that. “So, what did you do?”

Now that was a question I needed to avoid. “What haven’t I done? My father’s just sick of me and decided it was time to show me how much.” This wasn’t a lie.

“Oh, were you with your dad at my father’s restaurant yesterday?”

Wow, I didn’t see that coming. I was lost for words. I didn’t know where the answer to that question would take us. I didn’t want to answer it.

I sat stiff in the lounge chair, staring at the red screen. I’d lost another life. I could hear her shifting around on the other end of the phone. I had promised I’d be the one to give her answers and here was my chance. 


“Oh, I’ve never seen you there before. Do I know your father?”

“I don’t think so, but our fathers have known each other for a long time.” I tried to answer without leading her into questions that were too tough to answer or would make her suspicious.

“Oh, so you know about all the drama with my family then.”

“Yeah, sort of,” I replied. 

Then the last thing I was expecting happened. She started crying. I didn’t know what to do, so I just listened. She wasn’t asking me about why I was there. She was checking to see if I knew what was going on so she could have a shoulder to cry on. 

“I don’t know why my father freaked out on me like that,” I listened as she sobbed. “This is all so crazy. I don’t understand it. To top it all off I felt so guilty. My little brother said my mother has been crying. Yet, here I am in this big house getting all this new stuff, a party, and my dad mentioned a new car.

“I should be so happy, while my mom is hurting,” she whispered. “I miss my little brother.”

My heart broke with each word she spoke. I doubled over in the chair, wishing I could change what I’d done. Or I at least wished I could be with her to dry her tears. 

I just let her talk as I listened for hours. I forgot about eating, ignored my incoming calls, and forgot all about the game I’d been playing. As she tried to catch her breath I started to speak.

“Victoria, it’s all going to be okay,” I said reassuringly. “You know you have every right to enjoy your time with your dad and Maria. You shouldn’t feel guilty at all.”

“It just doesn’t feel right, you know,” she whispered back.

“I think I understand, but look on the bright side. You have a cool new friend to talk to out of it,” I joked.

She chuckled softly. “Yeah, there is that.”

“You’re breaking my heart, Sweetheart. I thought we were building something special here,” I teased.

“So, whatever,” she threw back.

I was able to get her to laugh a few more times. I could hear her sniffling here and there, though. My mind raced as I tried to think of things to come up with.

“You know I’m hiding in my closet,” she giggled.

“Really,” I breathed out a laugh.

“Yeah, this place is just…hold on,” she stifled. “Do you see that? I mean this is not your normal closet. Maria went so overboard on everything.

I placed my phone on speaker and opened the pictures she just sent in a text. I laughed at the shots, thinking of my own closet. She had no idea.

“You’re a lucky girl,” I said, after looking through the pictures. “Will you send me a pic of you?”

“Oh, heck no. I’ve been crying. I look a mess,” she responded, sounding horrified.

“Oh, come on. I’m sure you are still gorgeous,” I pleaded.

“Nope, not happening,” she replied. I could hear the smile in her voice.

It wasn’t long before we started to talk about the car she mentioned earlier. I questioned her on the what kind she liked. I felt like a lame when she started to cry again.

“I feel so undeserving,” she whimpered. “Not to mention, cars are my dad’s ultimate guilt gift.”

“Tell me about school and your friends,” I said to change the subject.

It turned out to be a safe topic. The conversation just flowed easily. I found out that she’s very close to her cousin Angie.

We talked about her little brother and my sister. They’re about the same age. Victoria is crazy about Toni the way I am about Lucie.

I liked hearing that. Even though I’ve been a toad lately, I love my family. They’re extremely important to me. I like that family means a lot to her too. Eventually we ended up talking about Maria and how she fits into all of this.

“How so you know Maria?” Victoria asked. “Is she your real or just another friend of the family aunt?”

“As far as I know, she’s a family friend I believed,” I shrugged as I answered as if she could see me. “Since both our families moved out of the old neighborhood, I haven’t seen her much. I usually see her at mass or special occasions.”

“You know she’s nicer than I thought. I don’t think she deserves any of what’s happened to her,” Victoria paused. “You know something I’ve been thinking about?”

“What’s that?”

“I wonder why Maria only took me. Why not take Toni too?”

“Good question,” I replied, while knitting my brows in thought.

“Maybe Maria has always wanted a daughter,” she chuckled.

“Maybe,” I chuckled.

“Man, my batteries dying. I can’t charge it in here. They’ll be looking for me for dinner soon anyway,” she sighed.

“Okay, beautiful. My phone is on its last leg too. I’ll call you after school tomorrow,” I purred as a promise.

“Okay,” she practically sang into the phone. I could feel the excited coming through the phone. “Lorenzo.”

“Yes, gorgeous,” I crooned.

“Thanks for being a friend,” she said shyly.

“No problem, Sweetheart. Tomorrow,” I said with a goofy smile on my face.

“Okay, tomorrow, but you can text me if being grounded gets too lonely.”

“I’ll do that,” I chuckled and ended the call.

I tapped the phone against my lip, as I thought over our conversation. My growling stomach called for something to eat. I decided to go downstairs to find some food.

I groaned when I found my uncles and my dad in the kitchen, as if they’d known I was on my way there. My father just eyed me, and Uncle Mike threw his hands up, as if to show he wasn’t the culprit. I could tell I was in for it, but who cares? It was worth it. 





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