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Cabin Fever: A Mountain Man Romance by Rye Hart (46)


Chapter Fourteen




The End of the Week


I was curled up next to Gavin, my entire body sore, but in the best way possible. I felt sated. My vagina ached from all the sex and the massive cock I'd had inside me, and my ass was sore from the spanking—something we both seemed to enjoy. Who knew?

Lila and Jason ended up sharing our suite, and to be honest, I didn't see much of either of them the entire cruise. I wasn't entirely sure they'd actually left the room at any point last night. At least I wouldn't have to worry about walking in on Lila with her ass in the air getting drilled from the back. Tonight was the last night of the cruise, though, and the four of us were meeting for brunch in just under an hour.

I rolled over and found Gavin just waking up, he yawned and rubbed eyes still full of sleep. Even with his long hair messy and his face stubbly, he was still the sexiest man I'd ever laid eyes upon. We'd spent a lot of time together over this past week, and still, I didn't want to leave. “I guess today is the day,” Gavin said, planting a gentle kiss upon my lips.

“I know, don't remind me,” I sighed. “I don't want to leave.”

“Then don't,” Gavin said. matter-of-factly.

“You know I have to,” I said. “My mom needs me.”

My sister couldn't stay even a day longer, which meant I had to get home. There was no way I could hire an in-home caregiver, especially with a baby on the way. She needed me, even as much as I wanted to stay there, on that ship, with the father of my child. While it was too soon to say we were falling in love, there was definitely something more there between us. A connection I couldn't understand or explain.

Gavin needed a sub, and I needed a dom. I didn't know it until I met him, but I liked giving my control over to him. I liked letting him lead the way, sexually speaking. It was such a turn on and it helped ease the guilt in my brain. I'd come a long way from the first time we'd had sex, and he was slowly introducing me to all kinds of goodies he'd been kind enough to forego in our first encounter—whips, restraints, sex swings, and a whole host of other things I never imagined existed.

“You know I can take care of your mother too,” Gavin said. “I have the means to do so. And it would make me happy to make you happy.”

“I can't ask you to do that,” I said.

“Why not? You're having my child. It only seems fitting you'd stay here with me, allow me to care for you both,” he said. “If that means I take care of your mother too, so be it. I have no issue with that at all.”

My heart fluttered with so many warm feelings. The idea that he wanted to take care of me, after I'd been the one caring for others for so long, was so sweet it made me almost want to cry. I so badly wanted to agree, to say yes, so I could stay aboard this ship with him.

“I have doctors’ appointments and stuff too,” I muttered. “You know, baby stuff.”

“Like I said, we have a few days before we leave again,” he said. “We can stay in my condo in San Diego until then, get you to your appointments, and set sail again in a few days.”

“Oh God, that's so tempting,” I laughed.

“Then it's settled,” Gavin said. “I'll set up someone to care for your mother, and it'll be the best care money can buy. Your mother will want for nothing, I assure you.”

My eyes welled with tears. “Thank you, Gavin.”

He kissed me, long and hard, and I felt his erection pressing into me. I reached down, taking hold of his cock—and yes, I could now say cock without dying of embarrassment. Gavin had helped me with so much in the last week, including accepting the fact that I could enjoy sex without shame. It was a really liberating experience, one I'd been denied for so long.

I very much enjoyed his cock, and my body ached for him already, even though we'd fucked only hours before.

“Slow down, my pet,” he chuckled. “We have brunch with your friends, remember?”

“We can cancel,” I said as I nuzzled myself into his chest.

I stroked his long, hard cock through his pants and felt him shudder. With my hand gripping his cock, he wanted to cancel too. I could see it in his eyes.

“We can't,” he said, taking my hands off him and bringing them to his lips, where he kissed them gently. “But we'll have all the time in the world if you stay with me.”

“I'll stay with you,” I said. “Because there's nowhere else I'd rather be.”