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Cabin Fever: A Mountain Man Romance by Rye Hart (69)


My nerves were shot after the confrontation with Nancy, but I could tell by Hunter’s body language and tone that if Monk hadn’t been between them to hold him back, Hunter might have done something he regretted. I didn’t think he had any kind of violence in him, but when a man is pushed and the drama includes his child, there’s no telling what kind of emotions might come over him.

I couldn’t believe the looks of his ex. She’s done some hard living for sure and her resting bitch face would put Cruella’s to shame.

Angie finished up with a customer as I returned. After they took their donuts and left, she gave me a knowing glance. “You seem a bit flushed and your lipstick is half gone. Did you kiss him?”


I hadn’t told her the real reason he’d wanted me to come by and told her instead that he’d used the proposition as a ploy to get me over for a date after all. I had to listen to her ‘I told you so’, but it was better than her freaking out over a fake marriage.

“Mhm, I knew you taking those pastries were an excuse to see him.” She nudged me with a teasing smile as I stepped around to go into the kitchen. “You likeee him.”

“So what if I do, I’m not getting my hopes up.” I was going to have to take whatever we had a day at a time because it was based on an arrangement and what boiled down to lust. I didn’t want to fool myself into thinking it was more.

“Please, the man is coming around and fixing things. Then he invited you to dinner. He likes you.”

I thought about his impressive erection and clenched my thighs together to relieve the ache. He had liked me for sure. My face began to burn and I didn’t want Angie to read my expression and continue her bout of teasing. I went into the kitchen to decorate a cake for an order and left her to the front to deal with customers.

After work, Hunter walked over as soon as Angie was getting ready to head out. I gave them a quick introduction and she held her thumb up behind his back and hurried out to her car.

“Does she know about the arrangement?” He watched out the window as she backed out and drove away.

“No. I told her you had a proposition, but I lied about it after I heard what it was. She’d flip out. Have you told anyone?” I wondered if he’d told his Mother.

“Monk knows. Mom knows I’m seeing someone. I didn’t want it to be weird.” He narrowed his eyes as if thinking of how to say what he meant.

“You didn’t want her to think you’re marrying a stranger, so if she thinks you’ve got a girlfriend and you up and marry her on a whim, at least she’d know you dated a little while first.” I gave him a sideways look. “That wouldn’t be weird?” We shared a laugh and he leaned against the counter looking worn out from the day.

“I’m tired. Someone kept me up way past my bedtime.” He stretched his arms and back and then went to sit down at a table.

“Poor baby. I’ll remember not to do that next time we have dinner.” I took the box I’d put aside for him earlier in the day out of the case, and brought it to him.

He grabbed my hand as I placed it on the table. “I’m not complaining and does this mean you want to do it again?”

“Maybe.” I pulled away and he peeked inside the box.

“What’s this?” He leaned down and smelled the apple pie I’d baked special for him.

“That’s for you and Tani.” I walked around to close out my register for the day as he closed it back up.

“You’re going to spoil us. Thank you. Tani is going to love it. We planted an apple tree, but it doesn’t get cold enough for them around here. It’s pretty, but doesn’t produce.”

“That’s a shame.” I liked the idea that he did things with his daughter like plant trees and build her tree houses. From the looks of their home they had lots of fun together. I wondered what it was going to be like moving in and if she’d like me. “I’m looking forward to meeting her – though I’m nervous as hell.”

I felt him behind me and then his arms came up to my sides and his mouth found my neck as I tallied up and put the money in my bank tote. I giggled and walked back to the kitchen slowly, letting him kiss my neck and knead my breasts as he followed. I tossed the bag on the counter near my purse and hopped up to sit beside it. He settled between my legs and slipped his hands around my waist.

“I like that you want to meet my little girl.”

“Well, I figure if I’m going to be around, it makes sense.” My head fell back as he kissed his way down my jaw and to my breasts until I lost my train of thought.

His mouth found mine again while his thick fingers rubbed my mound through my jeans and I ground my hips against them.

“I thought about you today.” He continued to caress me like I was clay in his hands molding to his every touch.

“I thought about you too. It made me tingle.” I hoped my confession turned him on.

“Right here?” He pressed harder on my mound sending pleasure aching through my clit.

“Yes.” The word hissed out as I shuddered with need.

“I thought about how sexy you were last night when you came for me. And how you edged it like a greedy girl. It was hot, Sarah.”

“It feels so good.” I pulled him closer wrapping my arms around his head and running my fingers through his hair.

“I’m going to make you feel good over and over again.” He dipped his head down to where his fingers had been working and bit softly through my jeans, his breath warming the spot and making me moan.

“We can’t do this here.” I knew I shouldn’t have sex in my kitchen for obvious reasons, but he sure made me want it.

He chortled and grinned as he stood straight to meet my eyes. “I know. It would be so good though wouldn’t it? I’m giving you something to think about while you’re in here baking me pies.”

“You’re teasing me and I’m soaked.”

“Mm, then my work here is done.” He wagged his brows and stepped back but I locked my legs around him and pulled him close.

He kissed me nice and slow but I pulled away. “We need to make that list, remember?”

He glanced around the kitchen and shrugged. “You make the list. We’ll fix anything you want.”

“Now who’s spoiling who?” I had hoped he’d help with the list because I didn’t want him to think I was taking advantage of the situation.

“I figure it’s the least I can do for you. You’re agreeing to marry me. That’s kind of hard to repay.”

I put my finger to my chin and thought a moment. “You’re right. I’m so getting the raw end of this deal.” Then I gave him a nudge and giggled. “I’m kidding. I don’t want to overdo it though, so you tell me if it’s all too much.”

“Honestly I have the money to fix this up. I was going to expand the shop but that fell through so I might as well use the money for this.” He kissed my hand. “You and Tani are worth it.”

“Why aren’t you expanding?” I didn’t want him to put anything on hold to try and help me.

“It’s nothing, forget I mentioned it. How about you come over tomorrow night and Tani and I will take you out to dinner? That’ll give you a chance to meet her.” He kissed my forehead and pulled my legs from around him.

“I’d like that.” He took my hand and I hopped down from the counter to walk him out.

I couldn’t help but wonder about his business expansion and decided I’d ask him about it another time. Until then, I’d be happy in the moment and not try to worry too much. My stomach tightened in knots knowing I was a day away from meeting Tani.