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Cabin Fever: A Mountain Man Romance by Rye Hart (70)


Monk and I were finishing up lunch when he decided to tell me he was ducking out early. “There isn’t anything left for me to around here. I’ve already finished my job and we’re all caught up. I even swept the shop.”

“No problem, man. Enjoy the nice weather.” I crumbled up the paper my barbeque sandwich had been wrapped in and tossed it in the trash.

“You should do the same, man. What do you have going on?” He picked up the other trash from our takeout meal and then took a last sip of his drink. The gurgling sound and rattling ice was his cue to throw it all in the trash.

“Sarah is going to meet Tani tonight. We’re taking her to dinner. Mom’s dropping her off at the shop after school, so she’s going to be sorry she missed you.”

“Tell her I’ll stop by the house. I found her some mermaid dolls at the flea market, never been opened.”

“She’ll love that.” Monk could always outdo me when it came to buying gifts for Tani.

“See ya, man.” He grabbed his keys and left, and a minute later I heard his bike crank and the sound of it fading in the distance.

I sat in the shop going over some invoices and ordering a few parts to get a jump start on the next week. About an hour had passed and I was in the back when I heard footsteps.

I glanced up to see Heather had showed up and I should have known that she’d be around sooner or later. She strutted into the back near the bench she’d cleared on her last visit.

“Hello, Sexy. You’re not still mad at me are you?” She twisted her finger in her hair and stopped across the room from me turning one leg in to look sexy while instead reminding me of an afflicted flamingo in her tight pink dress.

“I’m not mad, I’m busy and you can’t come here anymore.” I wanted to be nice, but I needed to make sure she got the point. That last little stunt she’d pulled chapped my ass, but I didn’t want her knowing that.

She came closer, stepping up within arm’s reach. “I’m really sorry. I thought I could show you how sorry I am.” She licked her lips and rubbed the top of her breasts letting her fingers slip into the fabric of her shirt. Then she rested a hand on my chest.

“I’m sure you’re very sorry but—”

Her lips fell against mine and I grabbed her arms to push her back. That wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be but I finally pushed the woman off.

“I’m seeing someone, so you can’t come around here anymore.” I wiped off my mouth and walked her to the door.

“You’ll want me back again, you always do.” I opened the door and pushed her through it, but Sarah was standing on the other side, about to walk in.

Heather cut her gaze to Sarah and then looked back and gave me a wink. “Mm, that was a hot time, baby. I’ll see you tomorrow night.”

“Don’t come back here.” I held the door for Sarah who stopped and crossed her arms, once Heather was out of site she stepped inside the front lobby.

“Every time I come here you’re with a different woman.” Her temper told me she wasn’t impressed and as much as I’d longed to see her, I didn’t want to see her angry with me.

“She’s nobody. She came wanting to flirt and I told her I’m not interested.” She stared through me until I felt like I was shrinking.

“Oh? So nothing happened then?” She gave me a sideways glance and waited for my answer.

“Nothing happened. I’m only interested in you, Sarah.” She walked me over to the wall where I had a decorative mirror hanging in the shape of a diamond. I glanced at my face and by the time I saw the smear of Heather’s lipstick, Sarah was leaving. I rushed to stop her and pulled her arm, not wanting her to go.

“Okay, she kissed me. But I swear I pushed her away. We used to sleep together but the last time I spent time with her was before you and I met. I asked her to leave tonight, and then she saw you and was only trying to piss you off. She wanted us to fight.”

“There’s no fight. What you do is your business. It wasn’t part of the deal but neither was us.” I held her tight in my grip and my eyes bore into hers. I wasn’t letting her get away so easily.

“Come with me.” I tugged her arm and she followed me into the back office. I slammed the door behind up and stepped toward her until she backed against the desk. Her eyes were wild and her defiant glare had the blood rushing to my cock. My jacket was slung over my chair and I reached into it and found the small box I’d put there that morning.

“What’s that?” Her expression was unreadable but then her eyes widened when I opened the box revealing the diamond ring.

“I was going to give you this tonight after you met Tani.” I pushed it into her hand and then she looked at it closer.

“It’s a beautiful prop.” She glared at me with a gleam in her eye.

“Put it on.” My tone was harsh, and I was done playing. Her jealousy was cute, and even though I knew it looked bad with Heather, she needed to learn one thing; I was not a cheater and she could trust me.

“Well wasn’t that romantic?” she said sarcastically She slipped the ring on her finger and then held it out to admire it.

I took her hand and placed it on my cock and before she could protest, I crushed my lips against hers. My kiss was slow and nipping, my lips not quite flush against hers as I tugged her forward by the front of her jeans. I popped the button and tugged the zipper down so I could slide my hand inside her panties. Her breathing hitched, but she didn’t say a word to protest.

“This wasn’t part of our bargain, but it means something to me. And when I tell you that I only want you, you better know I’m not lying to you.” I found her soft mound, the trimmed tuft of hair she kept there and rubbed it, parting her silky folds which were already wet with her desire.

“I can’t expect you to be faithful.”

I kissed her mouth to shut her up and she gasped as I slipped two fingers deep into her.

“As long as you wear this ring of mine, I’ll only be yours.” I pumped my fingers into her channel and she moaned. “You’ll only be with me too, won’t you Sarah?” It wasn’t a question, I expected it. Even though I hadn’t really thought about it before, I didn’t want anyone else to have her. “Tell me.” I worked her tender spot and she squirmed, bucking against my hand for pleasure. “Say it, Sarah.”

“Yes, please.” She rubbed the front of my jeans and then her hand started fumbling for my zipper.

“You want it? Tell me.”

“I want it.” Her lips crushed to mine as her warm hand gripped my bare shaft and stroked it, my cock throbbing in her hand.

“Good girl. Come for me.” I curved my fingers and pressed them firm against her g spot until she cried out with release, soaking my fingers which I pumped until the last wave of passion rolled through her.

I leaned down close to her ear. “I mean it Sarah, I’ll be faithful as part of the bargain. But don’t you ever doubt me. I’m not going anywhere, and neither are you.”

“I know. I just didn’t know how to feel about it. It’s not really a normal relationship we have going on.”

“I understand. But I want you. Don’t forget that.” I kissed her again and we took turns washing up.

When I came out of the bathroom she was behind my desk and I had her hop up and sit in my lap. She laid her head on my shoulder and admired her ring. “Do I get to keep it?”

I chuckled. “Of course, it’s yours.”

We sat there until moments later when the phone rang. Tani showed up with my Mother.

“Daddy?” Tani’s little footsteps pattered across the floor as she rounded the counter and came back to my office. She stopped in her tracks when she saw Sarah standing beside me. She smiled and her little cheeks reddened but she walked right up to Sarah and took her hand. “I’m Tani.”

“I’m Sarah. It’s nice to meet you.”

My Mother walked in behind her and extended her hand after seeing I was on the phone, but I put my lawyer on hold. “Mom, this is Sarah.”

“Nice to meet you, I’m Lana.” Mom walked around and put the heavy bag into the chair across from my desk as Tani climbed up into my lap and gave me a kiss.

“How was my girl today?” I kissed her cheek and mussed up her curly hair.

“Good, Daddy. I have a paper for you to sign.”

My mother was already handing it to me and Tani laid her head on my shoulder hiding her face in the crook of my neck. She always did the same thing when she’d get a sad face at school. I glanced up at Sarah who gave me a look like my daughter was the cutest kid ever. I wondered if she had gotten in trouble for punching that Danny kid, but instead it had a smiley face sticker and said they had a field trip planned.

“You tricked me. I thought you got in trouble.” Tani giggled and ran around to give my Mom a high five. “I need to talk to grandma, so you go with Sarah to the bakery and I’ll walk over as soon as we’re done.”

“You have a real bakery?” Tani took Sarah by the hand and left me to talk to my mom about my new relationship.