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Daisy (Archer's Creek Book 2) by Gemma Weir (22)


The weight of his body on top of mine is perfect and wrapping my arms around his neck I cling to him, holding him in place. My skirt is still pushed up around my hips, my panties forgotten on the floor and I can feel his hard erection pushing against my sex. I want to have sex with him. I’m scared of the inevitable pain but despite that I want him to make love to me.

It’s only been a few days. My father would call me an idiot and a whore for giving myself to a man I really don’t know that well. But I’m falling in love with him and I want to be his completely, in every possible way.

Our gazes are locked, and I can’t look away. He’s so beautiful but rugged at the same time. The look in his eyes is full of earnest emotion, he doesn’t even need to speak for me to know what he’s thinking, because I can see my own thoughts reflected back at me through his eyes.

“Daisy?” I whisper.


“I’m so glad we found each other.”

His fingers stroke my hair. “Me too.”

We fall silent again, our eyes never wavering, our bodies touching, our hearts beating in sync.



“Grits said that I could move in with her and Anders once this stuff with my father is over.”

His eyes snap back into focus and his face twists into a scowl. “What?”

“I can’t go home, and I didn’t know if you’d want me to stay here with you.”

“I swear you don’t hear anything I say to you. I’m falling in love with you. I want us to be together, living together, growing together. You’re mine and I’m yours, that’s not a temporary thing Angel, that’s forever. It took me twenty-one years to find you, I’m never gonna be stupid enough to let you go,” he says, his voice a mix of exasperated and passionate.


“Angel,” he says pensively.

“I filled up your closet with the clothes Grits brought me.”

A laugh bursts from him and he smiles. “Good. I want your stuff all mixed in with my stuff. I want my life full of you, and you can have the whole closet if you promise never to talk about moving in with Grits again.”

“I might need the whole closet. She wants to take me shopping for even more stuff.”

“If it’s more clothes like the stuff you’ve worn the last couple of days, then the closet’s yours, baby,” he says with a wink.

Lifting my head from his chest I steal a quick kiss, then let my head fall back down again. “My father’s going to come here and I’m going to have to see him, aren’t I?”

Daisy nods. “Yeah, I think so. I wish I could deal with him for you but he’s gonna need to see us together. We might need to put on a bit of a show for him, especially if he brings Carduccio or any of his henchmen with him. We need to send the message that you’re not an innocent little virgin anymore.”

I start to speak, but Daisy stops me.

“I know you’re still a virgin, baby, but we need him to think that I’ve corrupted you and that we’re fucking like we’re auditioning for a porno. My guess is that you appealed to Carduccio and his kid because you were untouched. Once he sees or hears that you’re my old lady, then you’re just a beautiful girl. Beautiful girls are ten a penny, but beautiful virgins that look like you are a much rarer breed.”

I nod. “I keep thinking this is all just a horrible nightmare, that I’m going to wake up and Nicole’s still going to be alive. My father’s trying to sell me; I just don’t understand how this has become my life.”

Daisy pulls me on top of him, his arms wrap tightly around me, and he whispers into the top of my head. “It’s all gonna be okay. I’m so sorry that this happened, but I promise it’s all gonna be okay.”

Snuggled against his firm chest I let myself believe him. We hibernate for the next few hours, basking in the happiness of our bubble and then the knock on the door comes and I already know what they’re here to tell us.

My father is here.

I don’t want to see him. I don’t want to see his face or deal with the anger and rage that I know he will direct at me. I’m scared of him and I want to hide in our room and pretend he’s just a bad dream. But I can’t. Climbing off the bed, I pull on my discarded panties and head to the bathroom to wash my face and redo my hair.

Staring at myself in the mirror, I blanch at the terror that’s already visible in my eyes. The urge to hide behind the mask of indifference I usually use to survive my father is strong, but I don’t want Daisy or Anders or any of these amazing people to see me cower to my father. I need to fight back, so I let all of the feelings of repressed rage, pain and humiliation bubble up to the surface. All of the emotions I’ve tamped down in hopes of not aggravating my abuser pulse through me. Stuffing the sleeve of my shirt into my mouth I scream into the fabric. I scream and scream until my chest is heaving and my hands are shaking so violently, I can’t hold the shirt against my mouth any longer.

Closing my eyes, I pull in gasping lungfuls of air. Looking up into the mirror I stare at my appearance. My eyes are sparkling, and my cheeks are streaked with red. I look alive, I look strong, and for the first time in two years, I look determined.

Letting my arms fall to my sides, I stand up straight, pulling back my shoulders and stretching to my full height. “Fuck you, Father.” I say aloud. It’s not a word I’m used to saying, but I feel a surge of power just by uttering it out loud.

Eyeing myself in the mirror I say it again. “Fuck you.” My tongue wraps around the words and a smile spreads across my lips. “Fuck you, you evil, twisted monster.” A laugh bursts from me and I watch how it changes my appearance. I look young and happy, so incredibly different from the terrified mouse I’d seen in my bedroom mirror just a few days ago.

Meeting Daisy has changed everything, and I refuse to go back to the broken mess I was. I’m not sure I’ll ever be fixed but since Daisy came into my life the pieces of me are slowly moving together again. I won’t ever be the perfect version of me, but I’ll be whole.

“You okay, Angel? We need to go deal with him,” Daisy says through the bathroom door.

“Yeah, I’m ready,” I shout, allowing myself a final glance at the strong woman staring back at me in the mirror.

Pulling open the bathroom door, I find Daisy hovering by the bed. “Let’s go,” I say and move toward the bedroom door.

“Hold up, baby. I’ve got something for you.”

I stop and turn to face him.

Uncertainty crosses his face before he steps over to me and slides the shirt I’m wearing off my shoulders. He pulls it down my arms and drops it to the bed behind him. I glance down at the loose tank I’m wearing and then back to him.

“I know we already talked about this, but before we go out there I wanted to talk to you again,” Daisy says, seeming to stumble over his words. “I’m falling in love with you, Angel. I want you in my life and in my bed. You make me feel and I’d forgotten what that was like. My life is so much better with you in it and I want everyone to know that you belong to me and I belong to you.”

Watching his face, I can see all of the emotions that are swirling inside him. I’ve never seen him shutter his feelings and a sadness builds in my heart that this beautiful, kind man might shut himself off from people. I try to imagine what he would have looked like as a child and my heart twists as I think about him moving from home to home, never wanted, and refusing to make friends because he feared losing them.

He clears his throat and his piercing gaze focuses solely on me. “I want you to be my old lady and I want you to wear my property patch. I want to claim you and show the world that I’m lucky enough to call you mine.”

He turns to the bed and picks up a small black leather vest. It’s a miniature version of the one he’s wearing, except on the left-hand side is a beautifully embroidered patch that reads ‘Property of Daisy’.

I reach for it and Daisy chuckles; the low sound makes a tremble of awareness pulse through me. “Is that a yes then, Angel?” he asks.

Taking a step closer, I stand up onto my tiptoes and kiss him. “Yes,” I whisper against his lips.

My heels barely hit the ground before Daisy scoops me into his arms and swings me around. A giggle escapes me, but his lips catch it as he crashes against me, devouring me in a passionate kiss. Our tongues duel frantically against one another as our lips explore. The kiss gradually slows to a sensual embrace. When he lowers me to the ground my eyes flutter open and I’m overwhelmed by the love I feel for the man standing in front of me.

Daisy holds out the vest and I spin around, sliding my arms into it. Reverently, he lifts it over my shoulders and then turns me so I’m facing him again. He strokes a single fingertip across the words and silently mouths “Property of Daisy.” His fingers tangle with mine and he leads us out of our room and toward an inevitable confrontation with my father.

Hand in hand we walk outside into the warm Texas sunshine. My eyes squint, shocked at the brightness, but we continue to walk until we reach the group of people standing in front of the compound’s large metal gates.

“I want my daughter.”

I hear my father before I see him. Daisy and I quickly reach the group of Sinners and as if it had been rehearsed the group parts and we walk straight to the front, stopping next to Anders and Blade.

The group of bikers close in around us and although I don’t look, I can feel the presence of the guys looming behind me. Daisy releases my hand and pulls me tightly against his body. Eagerly clinging to his strong chest, I lift my head to look at the hoard of people that are congregated on the other side of the gate.

I try to scan the crowd and identify who they are, but apart from seeing the familiar brown uniform of the sheriff’s department, the only people my eyes can focus on are my father and Senator Carduccio who is standing next to him.

I know the moment my father sees me. Even through the heavy metal barrier I can feel the weight of anger and hatred his gaze contains.

“Angelique, here. Now,” my father barks, as though I were a disobedient dog being called to heel.

Every muscle in my body tenses and Daisy strokes a reassuring hand up and down my back as he tries to soothe me.

“Who the fuck do you think you’re talking to?” Daisy growls.

My daughter, that’s who. Angelique, get here now,” my father shouts, his face turning redder and angrier.

Daisy laughs. “Your daughter’s fine right here thanks.”

“I’m not talking to you. I don’t deal with biker scum. So I suggest you release my daughter or I’ll have the sheriff come in there and collect her,” my father says haughtily.

The Sinners collectively grow restless as my father insults Daisy. A ripple of apprehension flows through me; these people have taken me in and sheltered me when I needed them. Right now, my father is insulting them. My arms drop away from Daisy’s chest and I feel myself taking a step forward. Daisy crowds behind me, his body pushing against my back, literally holding me up as I find the strength to speak to my father.

“No,” I shout.

Everyone goes silent and all eyes turn to me. My father’s gaze narrows, as I look from him to Carduccio and back again.

“Angelique, this is your last warning, get out here right now,” my father hisses between clenched teeth. His hands are balled into fists at his sides and I can see the rage building within him.

“No,” I say, my voice loud and clear. “I’m not going anywhere with you. I’m Eighteen. I’m not a child, and I’ve decided to move in with Daisy.”

My father’s eyes bulge and his face reddens even more. “Angelique, you are my daughter and you will do what I tell you to.”

“No I won’t,” I say. My body is shaking so violently that Daisy has to wrap his arm around my waist to keep me upright.

“Angelique, I’m warning you,” my father says, his voice low and full of sinister warning.

“What are you going to do, hit me? Because the bruises are still here from the last time. Or are you going to pull off your leather belt with the big metal buckle and try to make me do what you want with that?” I turn to Senator Carduccio. “Did he tell you that the merchandise was damaged? Did you offer him a lower price for me when he told you that I’m covered in scars from where he’s punished me with his belt? Did you get a discount because my back, legs and ass are covered in lines from where he hit me so hard the buckle broke my skin?”

Senator Carduccio scowls at me and then turns to my father. “What happened to the mousy virgin?”

“She’s untouched, she just needs to be brought back into line. I can deliver her subdued and knowing her place,” my father says to Carduccio.

“Fuck you,” Daisy shouts. “This is my old lady and my property. You don’t get to speak to her or look at her unless I say so. You might be the mayor, but I don’t give a crap. I suggest you get your pathetic woman-beating ass back home. You’re not welcome anywhere near my woman.”

My father starts to vibrate with rage. “No child of mine will ever be a biker’s whore, get your filthy hands off her before I have you arrested.”

“See this patch, old man?” Daisy says pulling my property patch forward. “That says ‘property of Daisy’. She’s mine.”

The last two words come out as a roar, before he lifts me into the air. I wrap my legs around his waist and my hands around his neck and kiss him like it’s the last time I’ll ever get the chance. He slides his hands up my thighs and warm air caresses my ass when he lifts my skirt higher. I know that my panties are on display and that Daisy’s hand is sliding between my legs. I know we have an audience and that this is all part of a show for my father and Carduccio, but I don’t care. I want him to push his finger inside of me. I want him to stroke me and make me orgasm and I don’t care who’s watching.

“Enough,” my father screams.

Sliding down Daisy’s firm body, my skirt rides even higher. My ass is on display, but I don’t pull it down. Instead I glance over my shoulder and smirk at both my father and Senator Carduccio.

Carduccio’s mouth twists into a displeased line and he turns to my father. “Deals off, she no longer has any value to me. Biker sluts I can get for free. Please make sure that you bring the full amount to the usual place in time for your deadline. No need to contact me directly again; you can speak to Santos, you know the number.”

Carduccio addresses Anders, who is stood next to us. “Anders, I’ve no business with the Sinners. I was not made aware that she was one of yours.” Then he nods and walks away. When he reaches a large black SUV, a driver opens the door for him. Once the Senator is seated inside, the driver climbs into the front seat and the car pulls away.

“You little cunt,” my father screams.

Pulling down my skirt, Daisy moves me to the side of the group. A hand grasps mine and I turn to see Grits has moved next to me. Sighing in relief I squeeze her hand back.

“It’s almost over, baby girl. Just get through the next few minutes, that’s all you’ve got to do,” she coos quietly.

“Just who the fuck do you think you’re talking to?” Daisy sneers taking a step closer to the gate. Anders, Blade, Echo, and another man, move as one to stand shoulder to shoulder with Daisy. This is a show of solidarity and my heart lurches at the wonderful family Daisy has made for himself.

“You. You’re nothing but a disgusting, filthy piece of biker shit. Mark my words, I will have my daughter returned to me. The stupid little cunt belongs to me and I won’t let my name be sullied by her spreading her legs for the likes of you,” my father spits out.

Daisy laughs a humorless laugh. “How the hell did you get voted into office? You’re a fucking idiot.”

A quiet rumble of laughter burbles through the Sinners. “Prez, who owns this town?” Daisy asks Anders.

“The Sinners own Archer’s Creek,” Anders says with a smirk.

“And who runs this town?” Daisy asks Blade.

“The Sinners run Archer’s Creek,” Blade says throwing his arm around Daisy’s shoulder.

Daisy glances at me and offers me a salacious grin. “Who owns you, baby?” he asks me.

I smile back. “You do.” Then I pointedly look at my father. My legs are shaking but I force them to stay still. I need my father to see me stand tall and brave. I need him to know that I won’t cower from him anymore.

“So, Mayor Jefferies,” Daisy says accentuating the word mayor in a mocking tone. “The Sinners own this town, we run this town, and I own your daughter. You have no power here. You’re nothing but an annoying little pussy who likes to beat up girls. You can’t do shit to us, so why don’t you crawl back into your hole and leave Angel the fuck alone.”

My father purses his lips and breathes heavily in and out, rage pouring from him. Protected by the big metal gate and surrounded by Daisy and his biker brothers, I almost feel brave enough to laugh at the spectacle he’s making of himself. He looks behind him at the two deputies from the sheriff’s department and points at them. “Officers, my daughter is a danger to herself, please retrieve her.”

The officers shuffle uncomfortably looking from my father to the Sinners compound.

“I’m the mayor. I pay your wages. I insist you go get my daughter,” my father screams.

Anders starts to chuckle; the sound is low and sinister, and he takes a menacing step closer to the gate. Glancing to someone on his right, the gates slowly start to slide open. I grip Grits’ hand tightly and my heart starts to race.

“It’s okay, don’t worry, Dove. Just watch.” Grits assures me.

My father looks unsure now, like he never expected them to just open the gates. Anders takes several steps forward and crosses the threshold of the compound and onto the road. We all silently watch as he spreads his arms wide and says. “Officers, feel free to come and collect Angelique if we’ve broken any laws.”

The officers smirk to one another and saunter over to Anders. My heart’s beating so loudly I swear I can hear it. I watch as the officers reach Anders, expecting them to stride past him and toward me, but instead they stop and the men exchange handshakes and warm smiles.

“Officer Perez, how are Molly and the kids? Officer Smith, that truck of yours is coming along nicely.” Anders says cordially.

A bubble of laughter escapes me, and I slap my hand across my mouth to stifle it. Anders turns to me and winks. “Dove, sweetheart, come on over here and say hello to Archer’s Creeks finest law enforcement.”

Grits pushes me forward and I take unsteady steps over to the group of men. Daisy’s arm folds over my shoulders as I walk past him and together we take the final few steps until we reach the police officers. “Officers,” I say shakily.

I eye my father warily. He’s only a few feet from me, he could be on me in a second; his mean grip in my hair, his hard fists against my skin. I move closer to Daisy and that’s when I realize that Daisy, Anders, and the two police officers, have effectively formed a barrier around me. To get at me my father would have to go through four huge men. I look at each man in turn and all of them reassure me in some way that they won’t let him hurt me. Anders squeezes my shoulder; the officers Perez and Smith smile at me and dip their chins in greeting, and then there’s Daisy.

He wouldn’t let my father hurt me, he’d keep me safe. There’s not a moment of doubt in my mind that he wouldn’t do absolutely everything in his power to protect me. I melt into his side and wrap my arms around him tightly.

“Miss Jefferies,” Officer Perez says. I turn to look at him. “Are you okay?” he asks simply.

“Better than I have been in about two years.” I reply.

The officer’s eyes shutter for a moment and when he opens them I know he’s taking in the faded bruises on my face. He offers me a single nod.

Glancing at my father again, I watch as he takes several steps closer to our group, a triumphant smile etched across his face. I gasp, and all four men direct their attention at me and then to my father. Daisy kisses the top of my head, then moves me behind him and closer to Blade. Blade shelters me until I’m within the main group of Sinners, and Grits who holds me closely at her side.

My eyes jump from my father to the group of Daisy, Anders, Perez, and Smith. The officers turn as one and stand between my father and the rest of the Sinners. “Mayor, the girl’s eighteen and she’s living with her boyfriend, there’s nothing against the law here. The only thing of concern I can see in this situation are the bruises all over that young lady’s face. They’re not fresh bruises and she didn’t go missing until two days ago.” Officer Perez says.

The color starts to drain from my father’s face.

“Anders, did Miss Jefferies have those bruises on her face when she got here?” Perez asks.

“Why yes, she did, real beat up she was. Perhaps you’d like to come back later on and speak to her about that in more depth?” Anders says, his tone conciliatory.

“This is ridiculous,” my father shouts. “These inbred criminals hurt her. Look at her, she’s incapable of making rational decisions. As her parent I demand you return her to her home, so we can get her the help she so obviously needs.”

“Well now, Mr. Mayor, I’m starting to take offense at all these ugly names you’re calling us. As I’m sure the officers here will confirm, The Doomsday Sinners are simply a law-abiding group of citizens with a mutual interest in motorcycles. We own numerous businesses and contribute greatly to the town’s prosperity. Hell, you yourself have attended more than one gathering right here at the clubhouse. Your daughter’s the old lady of one of our members, she’s a Sinner and we take very good care of our members. I’d think you’d be happy knowing that your daughter‘s going to be safe and well cared for within the compounds walls,” Anders says. His words are pleasant, but his undertone is threatening and full of authority.

Both of the officers reach out and shake first Anders’ and then Daisy’s hands and then they start to make their way back to the police cruiser that’s parked a little ways down the road.

“Where are you going?” My father shouts.

The officers ignore him and we all watch as they get into their car and drive away. My father’s hands clench into fists and he starts to walk toward me. “You stupid bitch, look at all the trouble you’re causing me. I won’t tolerate this level of disobedience.”

His angry words spew at me, but for once they don’t hit their target. I don’t withdraw into myself, I don’t flinch at each step closer to me he gets. Instead I look to Daisy and find his warm, loving gaze trained on me. He smiles at me, then steps directly into my father’s path.




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