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Definitely Memorable by Cara Roman (24)

Chapter 25




              Determined to put her ex husband's growing disapproval out of her mind, sitting on the jet Caitlyn focused instead on the fact that she was seeing Nolan in just a few short hours. As expected Bryan wasn't very pleased that she was, as he had put it, 'running off again.' Well, his immature, and frankly selfish, attitude about Caitlyn's private life was his own problem. All of the people important in her life were thrilled she was moving on. Aunt Maura was ready to send her new beau a gift basket, Dad couldn't wait to meet Nolan, and her boys thought the whole thing was cool, as long as she was happy.

              Instead of asking Bryan to keep the boys Sunday night this time, Caitlyn asked her Dad to come hang out at her house for the night. She was due back late Sunday, or rather early Monday morning. Which had only seemed to annoy her ex husband more for some reason. Bryan had been nice and civil about the whole divorce, until she had a man in her life. Now suddenly he was the stereotypical jerk of an ex husband. Figuring that said more about Bryan, than about the way Caitlyn was living her life she didn't bother letting it upset her anymore. She had given him years of her life, after all, and he hadn't appreciated them. No way was he going to steal these moments of happiness from her now.

              Turns out that surprising Nolan was harder than Caitlyn thought it would be. They texted often throughout their day, and omitting hopping on a flight to come see him was pretty hard for Caitlyn. Thankfully Mags kept Nolan extremely busy running around all day Friday, barely giving him the chance to breathe, let alone have in depth conversations with Caitlyn. Thinking ahead, Nolan's assistant had also booked a room for Caitlyn at a hotel near the concert venue. That way she had somewhere to get ready for the show, it also had the added benefit of being somewhere she could stash her bags instead of bringing them along with her. Mags assured her that she would make sure they found their way to Nolan's house sometime during the show, and Caitlyn had no doubt she would make that happen. The woman was a veritable organizational goddess.

              Caitlyn had never been to Los Angeles before, so the whole car ride from LAX to her hotel she snapped pictures of everything she passed by. The traffic was as bad as rumored, and Caitlyn was grateful she wasn't trying to navigate the ins and outs of the city. The hotel wasn't anything special, a typically affordable place you expected to see vacationing families eating a continental breakfast in the early hours before heading out to sight see. Her room had a single queen sized bed, a television on top of a dresser, and a simple bathroom. She set her luggage down on the bed.

              Checking the time, she calculated she had a little over two hours before show time. Pulling out her shampoo and conditioner she decided to take a quick shower. Running the razor carefully over her legs, Caitlyn smiled thinking that before the end of the night Nolan would be running his hands over the same spot. This was going to be the first time she got to see Nolan on stage, and it was exciting enough that she was fairly buzzing with adrenaline. She added a generous amount of frizz control cream to her hair, October in Los Angeles is quite a bit warmer than what the temperature back home in Michigan had been.

              Walking back out into the small room Caitlyn pulled on the clothes she picked out specifically for this. The moto-style jeans were so dark they were nearly black, with sexy zippered pockets on her hips, and textured knees. The top was a sultry wine color, deep v with a criss-crossing neckline. Carrying her makeup bag into the bathroom she added a little more to her face than she usually wore. Winging out some black eyeliner on her eyes, adding lashings of mascara, and a wine colored lipstick. It was fall after all, and vampy lips were always in. Bringing everything back out of the bathroom she packed it all back into her bag. Mags had arranged for her stuff to be picked up, but Caitlyn doubted someone was going to wander around making sure she had packed it all. Stacking some bangles on her wrist, and putting hoops in her ears Caitlyn stepped into the black ankle boots. Her phone dinged with a text from Mags letting her know that Nolan was on in ten, and she could head safely over now. It was too warm for the jacket she brought, and would only get warmer with all of the people packed in for the concert. Caitlyn shoved the jacket back into her suitcase, grabbed her little clutch purse and walked out of the room.

              Thinking she would be walking the couple blocks to the venue Caitlyn almost missed the driver from before waiting in the lobby. He laughed at her confusion and let her know that he was told specifically to wait for her. It was probably for the best, she was so amped up that the short walk would have taken far too long. There was a young woman waiting by the front door for her with a VIP pass. Caitlyn put the placard over her head and followed the woman weaving through the crowd. She didn't need the help though, she could hear Nolan singing, the sound of his voice yanking her to him like a moth to the flame. Walking past the adoring fans she stood next to the security guard on the side of the stage. Staring up at all that was Nolan, it took Caitlyn a moment to remember to breathe. He was charming as hell one on one, but up on stage there was a raw magnetism to him that every single person in the room felt, and he owned them all from the second he stepped out onto that stage.

              He was wearing dark jeans, scuffed boots, a flannel shirt opened to show the vintage band t-shirt underneath. There was a red electric guitar strapped across his body, and his fingers all but flew across the strings. As he sang into the microphone he winked to a girl in the front, and gyrated his hips against his guitar in time to his words. The girl screamed like her ovaries were exploding, and Caitlyn laughed, knowing exactly how she felt right about now. Watching him in his element like this she could see how much he loved being up on that stage. Nothing about him looked nervous, in fact he looked like he lived for this moment. He switched up guitars often, a tech rushing out to hand him the next one and rushing away with the previous. Nolan sang two more songs before he finally spotted Caitlyn. He was next to his bass player jamming out when he looked up and his eyes met hers and she watched his face go absolutely blank for a heartbeat before the biggest grin she had ever seen in her entire life took over his face. It lit him right up, and she could actually feel the waves joy pouring off of him. Strutting back to his microphone stand he sang the rest of the song directly to her.

              Caitlyn was so lost in his eyes that it wasn't until he finished the song that she realized it was the one describing the way her eyes looked while she came beneath him in the dark. He wagged his eyebrows at her, telling her he had been well aware of what he was singing to her, before turning his attention back to the rest of his audience. Caitlyn spent the next hour and a half jumping and dancing excitedly with the rest of the crowd until the young woman from earlier came and tapped on her shoulder. She had to lean in really close, all but yelling into Caitlyn's ear telling her that Mag's said it was time to bring her back stage. Caitlyn sent Nolan a little wave, which had him smirking as he bobbed his head to the beat. That was a sight she clicked away to memory right then and there as she walked away.

              They made their way through the security, and followed the corridors around, until the woman left her next to Mags just off stage.

              "Looks like you had a good time." Mags said hugging Caitlyn.

              "Oh, yeah! He's just incredible!" Caitlyn gushed proudly.

              Mags laughed at her, then explained how he would come off stage for a minute giving the audience plenty of chance to scream, before running back out to do his two song encore. Nodding her head Caitlyn stood off to the side unable to keep her eyes off Nolan. The song ended, and he thanked the audience before exiting the stage. He walked right over to Caitlyn, slinging the guitar still strapped to him around so that it hung from his back. Not stopping his momentum he grabbed her, his body colliding with hers. Shoving both of his hands into her hair he kissed her like he hadn't seen her in years. She felt the heat pouring off his skin, the energy zinging through him as he feasted from her mouth. Pulling his mouth away from hers he leaned down, and rested his forehead against hers.

              "Missed ye so much, love. Best surprise ever!" He said, his voice low and husky.

              There was a flurry of activity around him as he stepped away from her wiping the smudge of her lipstick off of his mouth with his thumb. His eyes never leaving hers, he lifted the guitar, handing it off and accepting the new one, adjusting the strap on his shoulder. Caitlyn could hear the crowd chanting his name now "NOL-AN! NOL-AN! NOL-AN!" He sent her a cocky wink and strutted back on stage to the roar of a deafening scream. He played his first song, then thanked the crowd for coming, told them to get home safely that he wanted to see them all the next time. The last song seemed to go on forever, dragging out the guitar solos, and adding in another round of the chorus before it ended with Nolan and the drummer dueling it out while the lights pulsed. Nolan walked briskly off stage as the last note rang out. Stopping a hairsbreadth in front of Caitlyn his breath tickling her face, he handed his guitar off, pulled the in-ear monitors out, and all of the wires and battery packs out of his back pockets.

              His eyes were blazing blue fire at her, the muscle in his tense jaw standing out. Caught up in the desire she read clearly in his eyes, Caitlyn's tongue flicked out licking her top lip, and she felt Nolan's control snap. Grabbing her hand he stormed away. Caitlyn almost had to jog to keep from being dragged behind Nolan through the corridors. He pulled her into a room and kicked the door shut. Reaching a hand back he turned the lock on the knob with a audible click. "Ye look so fucking sexy, Caitlyn." He said his hands roaming all over her body.

              The slow burn that had been simmering while she watched him play suddenly ignited inside of her, and she yanked the flannel off of his shoulders. He kissed her while he pulled the top over her head, pausing to look down at the burgundy bra she had on. He growled appreciatively in the back of his throat. His hands came up cupping her breasts, thumbs rubbing against the satin against her nipples. Caitlyn pulled his belt buckle, and opened his pants reaching her hand into his boxers to find his dick. The feel of him beneath her fingertips was like velvet warmth covering steel. She worked her hand up and down his shaft, kissing him as his hands undid her pants, pushing them down her hips. Nolan turned her around, and opening her eyes she saw the table in front of her. It was shoved against the wall, which had a large mirror hanging on it. Looking up into his eyes Caitlyn planted her hands on the wooden surface, and pushed her ass invitingly into him. Nolan gripped his dick and she watched his face as he rubbed it across her slit, teasing her. Moaning she begged, "please, Nol, I want you so bad right now."

              Biting his bottom lip he thrust his hips forward, his dick finally sliding into her pussy. It always felt right, like they were made to fit together. Nolan pumped into her hard and fast, still flying high from all of the energy from being on stage. "Shit." He said as his breath came in hard pants. He reached down and stroked his finger across her clit in time to his dick moving inside of her. "C'mon baby, hurry."

              Seeing him take her this way, his fingers working her, his own pleasure written on his face as his hips slammed into her was the hottest thing Caitlyn had ever seen. "Yes, yes, yes!" She chanted as she raced to catch up with him. Just as she felt him swelling impossibly bigger inside of her she broke apart. Bucking her hips back into him she rode the wave crashing through her. She heard his groan as he twitched deep inside of her, coming in a warm rush. He moved in and out lazily a moment, savoring every second of her pussy shuddering around him before he finally pulled out.

              "Can ye stay standing?" Nolan leaned over and asked against her ear.

              Nodding her head, "I think so."

              He walked over to the bathroom in the corner of the room, and disappeared inside. A few moments later he came back out, his pants back in place, with a wet wash cloth. Caitlyn turned around, facing him, her back against the table. Nolan leaned down, and cleaned up all of their fluids from her thighs. Once he had wiped all the traces away he walked back into the bathroom, presumably to take care of it. Caitlyn leaned down to grab her own pants, but Nolan beat her to it, and pulled them gently up her legs. His t-shirt had never even made it off, and she spotted hers across the room. Walking over to it on legs still shaky she shook it out and put it back on.

              He walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her. "God it was so hard to watch ye all night." He buried his head in her neck.

              "I kind of liked it. You look really good up on that stage Nol. And if this is what waiting to touch me does to you, I've got zero complaints." Caitlyn ran her hands up and down his back, feeling at home in his arms.

              "I didn't get too rough?" She shook her head in answer. "How long are ye here with me for?"

              "I fly back on Sunday. I'm coming with you to the show tomorrow too." She told him. He smelled warm and spicy like usual, but there was an unapologetic raw new dimension with the sweat from playing so hard on stage. If they could find a way to bottle it, insatiable women would buy it by the gallons.

              "Fuck yeah!" He said excitedly, lifting his head up. "Wheres yer bags?"

              "Mags was having them sent to your house, so I'm thinking there." She said laughing. "Don't ever let her get away, she is scary good at her job."

              "Oh, I've no intention of that." He said raising his brows in agreement.

              "How long after a show do you usually stay?" Caitlyn asked.

              "Since I'm just going home from here I can leave any time I want. Wanna come see me house love?" He said, his fingers stroking the sides of her rib cage where he held her tenderly.

              "Aren't you hungry after working so hard?" Caitlyn asked him tilting her head to the side.

              "I'll order us a take away pizza." He said unlocking the door and walking out of his dressing room hand in hand with Caitlyn.

              People were rushing around everywhere, busy taking care of the stage, instruments and every other little thing that goes into putting a show together. Nolan waved or said goodbyes to everyone as they passed. Mags had a clip board in her hand when they found her, and she was talking into her phone. Holding a hand over the receiver she said "Your car is waiting right outside the stage door Nolan, be at the airport by 11. See you later guys." Before turning back to her conversation.

              Nolan held the passenger open on the black Mercedes coupe while Caitlyn climbed inside. Nolan walked around the hood and climbed in the drivers side. They pulled out, and were on the road before anyone had a chance to notice him. In a city brimming with wealth a Mercedes blended right in. Caitlyn lounged in the supple leather seat holding his hand thinking about how different this was than her life. If his car rolled through her small town, you could bet that everyone would take note. Nolan drove them high into the hills away from the bustling city. Most of the houses up here were hidden by hedges, foliage, or walls. People who lived here clearly valued their privacy, and Caitlyn figured at home was probably the only time they got it.

              He pulled up to a gate, sent his window gliding down, and reached out to punch in a code. The horizontal slats of wood slipped into the rest of the fence and he drove past, sliding back in place a moment later. Driving the short distance to the house he pushing a button on his visor the garage door whizzed up and he pulled smoothly inside. His house was big, but nothing she would call an opulent mansion, and that make her happy. Caitlyn had been a little worried on the drive up what she would find. He had to have more money that he could ever spend, but seeing his house she was grateful she was right about the kind of person he was.

              Her suitcase was sitting in front of the door leading inside, and Nolan grabbed it as he unlocked the door with another keypad before motioning for her to walk inside. He hit the light switch on the wall and Caitlyn saw they were standing in a mudroom, with a laundry room leading off to one side. Nolan kicked his shoes off, so Caitlyn stepped out of her ankle boots. He smiled at her, and led her the rest of the way into his house.

              Nolan's taste ran to modern. There were a lot of clean lines, white walls, sandy colored wooden floors. But it all looked comfortable, the couch was a large gray sectional, with a low slung coffee table in front of it begging you to relax. The kitchen was spacious, with more of the same color scheme, but it all looked well loved, like it was actually used. "You cook?" She asked turning to look at Nolan.

              "Of course. I like to eat, don' I? Although I doubt I've got much to throw together right now." He answered back. "I'm the same man, love. I can see ye were wondering if I live in a palace like some egotistical king as we pulled in." He pulled her close against him. "That's no' me."

              "I don't really know what I expected, but driving past some of the houses, I'll admit I started to get a little worried." She confessed sheepishly.

              "I thought the same thing when I first came up here to look at this place. Truth be told, I think I've got the smallest house in the whole of the area." He said laughing.

              He asked what she liked on her pizza, she told him everything but pineapples, to which he whole heartedly agreed. While he ordered their food Caitlyn roamed his house. There was a patio area just off the living room, standing at the french doors she looked out and saw a pool in the yard. She found an office slash music room with guitars hanging up on the walls on the first floor, there were awards sitting on the shelves, mixed in with pictures of him and his band on stage. There was also a guest room, and bathroom down the hall. Taking a moment she appreciated the stairs with their cool suspended cable railings before walking up them. Upstairs on one side there were two more bedrooms that looked meant for friends and family to stay in when they visited. Walking back past the stairs again she went to the other side of the hall.

              There was only one door on this side of the stairs. Nolan's room was large and with a decidedly masculine air. A king size bed sat against one wall, with its massive black headboard as tall she was. There was a television hanging above a small fireplace on the opposite wall. There was a pair of comfortable chairs in front of the window, walking over to it she guessed he had a nice view of the yard from here. There were two doors on the other side, in one she found a large walk in closet that was well organized. Closing the closet she walked to the other door guessing it was his bathroom. Opening it she felt along the wall for the lights. Finding them she flipped them on and blinked while her eyes adjusted. The room was gorgeous. Directly across from the door was a large granite counter top vanity with double sinks, and a huge mirror. Stepping in and turning she saw a jetted tub made for relaxing after a long day, and the frosted glass walls of his shower. He favored light gray marble, and although it was stunning, nothing looked elaborate. This was only the third bathroom in the whole house. There was one on the first floor, another up here by the guest rooms, and this one. She had two bathrooms at home, but it wasn't unheard of to have three. It wasn't as if he had  twenty three bedrooms and fifteen bathrooms that all had a different theme.

              Smiling she wandered back down stairs. Nolan was sitting on the couch, and had turned the television on low. She could see the ESPN logo in the corner of the screen. But his eyes were all for Caitlyn as she walked down to him. She could easily read the questions in his gaze, and sitting down next to him she laid her head on his chest. His arm immediately came around her, and she sighed, "I love your home Nol, its beautiful." He let the air out of his lungs slowly, and she felt his body relax. "How long until the pizza gets here?"

              "Twenty minutes or so. Mind if I grab a quick shower? I feel a might ripe. Pizza's already paid for, but I'll be out before they get here with it." He said, his fingers drawing circles on her shoulder.

              "You don't have to ask, go ahead." He kissed her quick on the lips, then headed upstairs. 




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