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#Delete by Sandi Lynn (23)


When I arrived back home, I set my coffee cup down on the table, grabbed my laptop, and began editing yesterday’s blog video. I was almost finished with the last edit when my phone rang. I looked over and saw it was Natalie face-timing me.

“Hello,” I answered with a smile.

“Hello, darling. What is this I hear about you going to Chicago with Christian Blake? And why haven’t you told me?” she asked with a hint of irritation.

“I’ve been busy with work. I’m sorry. It kind of happened so fast. I’m doing a Chanel photo shoot for Christian’s advertising agency. Isn’t that exciting?”

“Chanel is exciting, yes. But, my lovely grounded friend, I’m not so sure going with Christian is a good idea. You may get swept up in the windy city with him. Which, of course, is fine if that’s what you want.”

I rolled my eyes at her.

“This trip is strictly business. Besides, he met someone at the singles mixer last night. Her name is Brio. Like, seriously, what kind of name is that?” I frowned.

“I sense a hint of jealousy in your tone.” She smiled.

“Ha. I’m not jealous at all. It’s just her name is weird. Don’t you think?”

She shrugged. “I think it’s kind of cool and different.”

“Whatever. Anyway, I’m almost finished with the edits for my first blog video. As soon as I’m done, I’ll send it over to you.”

“Sounds good. I can’t wait to see it. By the way, are you still talking to that Mobile Man guy?”

“Yes. Every day.” I grinned. “I’m actually giving him some advice on a woman he’s interested in.”

“So he texts you every day? And responds in a timely manner?”

“Yes. He usually responds right away and vice versa.”

“Sounds like the perfect man to me. I think you should meet him.”

“I think not.” I arched my brow. “Enough about him. How’s Hawaii and Nathan?”

“Hawaii is amazing and so is Nathan. Unfortunately, he had to fly back to Long Island today. But he said as soon as I get back, he’s taking me out.”

“You slept with him, didn’t you?” I asked.

“Maybe.” She smiled.

“Well, I’m happy for you.”

“Thanks, doll. I could be happy for you too if you let your guard down and meet Mobile Man. He sounds like a nice guy.”

“He is and we’re text buddies and that’s all we’ll ever be.”

She sighed and rolled her eyes.

“I have to go. I’ll be home in a few days and we’ll catch up.”

“Okay. Enjoy the rest of your trip.”

“Enjoy Chicago, and if anything happens, you better call me right away! I don’t want to be hearing about it from Claire or Scarlett.”

“I will.” I laughed.

I finished the edits and sent the video off to Natalie, Claire, and Scarlett, then proceeded to upload it to my blog. I also decided to start a YouTube channel. What better way to reach millions of women from all over the world.

After I finished recording my second video, it was time for me to freshen up and get ready for dinner with Christian. I hated the fact that a bit of excitement fluttered inside me. I was putting my shoes on when I heard my phone ding.

“Plans tonight?” Mobile Man asked.

“Actually, yes. I’m just heading out to dinner.”

“A date?”

“No. It’s a business dinner. You?”

“Having dinner with a beautiful woman.”

“I hope you mean the same woman you’re chasing after.”

“Of course. She’s the only woman I’m interested in.”

“Good for you! How did you get her to have dinner with you?”

“I took your advice. So once again, thank you.”

“You’re welcome. I hope it goes well for you. Don’t be a douchebag.”

“I promise I won’t be. In fact, I don’t think I ever could be with this woman.”

“Sounds like you might have found your soulmate, Mobile Man.”

“Maybe I have, Digits. We’ll see. Enjoy your business dinner. Catch ya later?”

“Always. I want all the details. Catch ya later.”


I stepped inside Tavern on the Green and told the hostess I was meeting someone.

“Hi, I’m meeting Christian Blake. Is he here yet?”

“He is.” She nodded. “Follow me.”

I followed her to a table that sat in the middle of the restaurant and took the seat across from Christian.

“Hi.” He smiled.


“I’ve taken the liberty of ordering a bottle of their house wine. I hope that’s okay.”

“Sounds good. Thank you.” I placed my napkin in my lap.

Swan dives were happening in the pit of my stomach as I looked at him. This feeling was torturous and I needed it to stop.

“Are you all packed for Chicago?” he asked as we both glanced over the menu.

“No.” I lightly laughed. “I’ll do that when I get home. Are you?”

“No.” He smirked. “If you have a formal dress, it would be wise to bring it. We will be attending a Chanel dinner on Friday night.”

“Do you always do this?” I cocked my head.

“Do what?”

“Wait until the last minute to spring stuff on people?”

He chuckled. “I’m sorry. I just found out about the dinner right before I arrived at the restaurant.”

“Oh. Well, in that case, you’re forgiven. And I do have a formal dress I can bring.”

“Good. I’m sure it looks beautiful on you.” He winked.

I could feel the rise of heat in my cheeks. After we placed our dinner order, Christian and I got down to business. As we were talking about the shoot and jotting down some ideas, a woman stopped at our table and glared at Christian.

“Well. Well. Look who it is. Mr. Christian Blake,” the woman spoke in a harsh tone.

Christian cleared his throat. “Hello, Cheyenne.”

“Is that all you can say?” she asked with her hands placed firmly on her hips. “I haven’t heard from you since our date. I sent you a few text messages only to never get a response from you.”

“I’m sorry. I’ve been really busy.”

“Too busy to shoot a fucking text back? A text that would literally take thirty seconds or less of your time?”

“Now isn’t the time, Cheyenne,” Christian spoke in irritation.

“Who’s this?” She looked over at me with an evil eye. “Is this your first date? ‘Cause guess what, honey, he won’t be calling you after tonight.”

It was apparent Christian had ghosted her and she was angry. I didn’t blame her because I’d been in her shoes more times than I could count.

“He isn’t worth it, Cheyenne,” I spoke.

“Excuse me?” She cocked her head.

“The anger, the resentment, the hurt. You’re a beautiful woman. I can tell you’re confident and you’re strong. You know your self-worth, don’t you?”

“Of course I do.” She arched her brow.

“Then you know you’re better than him and he doesn’t deserve this attention you’re giving right now. And you know why?”

“Why?” she asked.

“Because you’re giving him power over you. And you don’t strike me as the type of woman who would let someone have that kind of power. He clearly has communication issues and emotional immaturity if he couldn’t extend the courtesy of texting you back. Is that the kind of man you want to be with or even go on a date with?”

“No.” She shook her head.

“I didn’t think so. Do you still have his number in your phone?”

“Yes. Why?”

“I want you to delete his number right now. You can do it, Cheyenne. Having his number in your phone is still giving him power over you. Because I know there’s this little bit of hope that you’ll still hear from him. Am I right?”


“Take back your power.” I smiled.

“You’re right.” She pulled out her phone, held it up to Christian, and deleted his number in front of him. “You’re history, Mr. Blake.” Cheyenne turned to me, and with a smile, she spoke, “I hope you’ll take your own advice if he does the same to you.”

“He won’t. We aren’t dating. I’m doing some photography work for his advertising agency. This is nothing but a business dinner. But if you should need any further assistance or advice on dating, here’s my business card.” I smiled as I handed it to her.

“Thank you.” She grinned as she took it from me and walked away.

“Really?” I arched my brow at him.

“Really what?”

“You ghosted her?” I cocked my head.

He sighed and rolled his eyes.

“Yeah. I guess I did.”

“And you think that’s okay?”

“No. Not after hearing what you just said to her. And for the record, I am not emotionally immature.” He pointed at me.

“You are if you did that. What is it with you guys and confrontation?”

“I didn’t want to hurt her feelings by telling her I didn’t want to see her again.” He finished off his wine.

“And you don’t think that going ghost is hurting her feelings?”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t look at it that way. I just figured if I didn’t text her back, she’d get the hint.”

“Women need closure, Christian. Even if it was only after one date. It’s called respect.”

“Okay. I get it. I really do. But it’s done now. So let’s get back to discussing ideas for the shoot.”

I folded my arms and sat up straight in my chair.

“You need to apologize to her.”