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Dirty Roomie (A Maxwell Family Romance) by Alycia Taylor (5)

My grandmother’s house was a mere ten minutes away. I felt bad at the thought that she had lived so close to me all these years. It wasn’t my fault that we didn’t keep in touch though. A big feud had split the family in half, and I had been too young to really understand what was going on. I probably should’ve made an effort to find out the truth, but I had all but forgotten about most of the family by the time I was old enough to care. It was weird thinking that she had lived so close to me for so long.

The house was big. I’d go as far as saying that it was the biggest house that I had ever seen in my life. There was no other word for it but grand. A grand house. Nothing like my tiny apartment where I couldn’t even fit an ironing board out in the open. I saw a car in the driveway, and as soon as I parked next to it and got out, I saw that a man was leaning against it.

“Ah, you must be Riley,” he said as I got closer. The lawyer was wearing a tailored pinstriped suit, which would look ridiculous on most people but somehow seemed to suit him. He was the type of man that you couldn’t imagine in anything other than a suit. I half pictured him going to sleep each night in one too.

“Mr. Spurdock? Good to meet you.”

“Nah, call me Quinton,” he said. “Isn’t this house grand?”

I smiled. “That was the exact word I was thinking of when I looked at it. It’s incredible. I had no idea this house was even here, and I’ve lived around here for such a long time. I guess I’ve just never come down this road,” I said as we walked toward the house.

“You said the two of you weren’t close,” he said.

“It’s not that we weren’t close really. We just didn’t know each other. I only met her once when I was a child. Then there was this big family argument. Anyway, it’s a long story that I really don’t even know about. I was too young to know.”

“Family problems. It happens to everyone. Come on, let me show you around the place before we chat.”

The house was magnificent. It took us a while to navigate through it all, and it felt like we had just stepped back in time. They just didn’t make houses like this anymore, and I felt a pang at the thought of my grandmother living here all alone. It was far too big for one person. It was the sort of place that should be alive with people, and awash in monthly parties.

“It’s all very Great Gatsby, isn’t it?” I said as we took a seat at the large living room table. I ran my hands along the varnished wood and wondered how many others had sat there before.

“It certainly is,” he said as he opened his briefcase and took out wads of paper.

“Listen, are you sure that she left this house to me? It doesn’t seem right. I mean, I didn’t know her. Maybe she meant someone else.”

“We have all the details, and you are most definitely named as the successor to her house. I have it all here, and I can show you,” he said as he slid a piece of paper toward me.

I looked through the document, scanning through it until I saw my name. It was there in black and white. She really had left me her house. I looked at the lawyer in shock.

“I didn’t really believe it, you know. I came here expecting you to tell me it was a mistake.”

He smiled. “I had a feeling you would think that. But it’s yours. Now, are you currently a homeowner? Because I’d love to help you discuss ideas.”

“I rent a tiny little apartment with barely enough space to move. And despite the size, I am battling to afford the rent.”

He smiled. “Those small apartments are crazy with rent. So, this is going to be quite some adjustment for you then. Are you going to move in?”

I looked around. I hadn’t really considered it until that moment. Could I really live in such a big place? It seemed unfathomable. But I couldn’t turn it down.

“You could sell,” Quinton said as if reading my mind. “But, between you and me, it would be a shame to sell a place like this. And it would be a great place to keep as part of your family legacy.”

Family legacy? They were nice words. I didn’t know how much I wanted a family legacy until then. I imagined myself bringing up a family. I imagined my own children taking over the house one day, and for the house to stay a part of us forever. Distant dreams. But still, the thought remained.

“What about the upkeep, though? Isn’t it going to be expensive?”

He nodded. “The upkeep is not cheap. I have it all detailed for you here. But perhaps you could look at getting a roommate. A place this size means you’ll barely be in each other’s way.”

I hadn’t considered that. I’d sworn that I would never live with someone again after the disaster I’d experienced a few years ago. I’d lived with a group of people that seemed adamant on partying all the through the night and barely lifted a finger around the house. I’d felt old before my time as I walked around cleaning up after them every day. But Quinton was right. I could get a roommate and still enjoy the space. Also, the last place had been me against a group of friends. I would just need one roommate here to help me with the bills. Just one.

I smiled. “You’re right. I don’t think I could give this place up. I think I want very much to keep it.”




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