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Falling for the Billionaire (One Night Stand #5) by J. S. Cooper, Helen Cooper (9)



Chapter Nine


“Looking good, sexy!” Eliza whistled at me as I practiced walking back and forth in my new black heels. My feet were already hurting, but I was determined to wear the heels. I wanted to look sexy. I wanted Henry to look at me and think, Hey, hot stuff! I wanted him to look at me and need to have me. I’m not sure why I thought heels would make him want me more than he already did. And I didn’t want to question any secret ulterior motives that might be in my head. I didn’t want to acknowledge the fact that I wanted him to want me for more than sex. I wanted him to crave being with me for other things as well. I wanted him to want to date me. I wanted him to be my boyfriend. I wanted him to fall for me. I wanted him to like me as much as I liked him. I knew I was an idiot. He’d already told me in no uncertain terms that that wasn’t going to happen. He’d already told me not to fall for him. I was just the fool who wasn’t listening to him.

“I don’t look like an idiot as I walk?” I asked Eliza as I wobbled back and forth. “Like some sort of duckling?”

“Well, if you look like a duckling, it’s not an ugly one.” She giggled and I made a face at her.

“You’re not helping,” I groaned as I pulled down my short black skirt. “Do I look like a hooker?” I asked her and sighed as I walked over to the mirror to stare at my reflection again. I smiled at my reflection and flicked my hair in the sexy way I’d been practicing for the last hour. I pouted my bright red lips and batted my dark fake eyelashes. “Are you sure this isn’t too much?” I looked over at Eliza and she shook her head.

“You look hot as hell, Lacey. He’s not going to know what hit him. He’s going to be drooling as soon as he sees you.”

“Ooh, drooling isn’t sexy.” I laughed.

“Okay, he’s going to be licking his lips.” She winked at me. “And then he’ll start trying to lick other things.”

“Eliza!” I rolled my eyes at her as I shook my head. “You’re disgusting.”

“Haha, not as disgusting as Henry is.” She bit down on her lip and then slapped her thigh a couple of times. “Oh yeah, Henry, that’s how you do it!”

“Eliza!” I started laughing. “You’re so disgusting.” I couldn’t stop laughing as she continued slapping her thigh and then walked over to me and slapped my ass. “Eliza, stop it!”

“Is that what you say to Henry?” She giggled.

“No. I’ll just spank him back,” I retorted back to her. “I’ll grab him and bend him over and…”

“And then when he says, ‘Keep on going, mama. Spank me harder. I’m a bad boy. A really bad boy,’ what are you going to do?” Eliza cut me off and winked, and I screeched.

“That’s disgusting!” I shook my head at her. “You’re one perverted lady.”

“But Lacey, it feels so good,” she said in a deep gruff voice and then collapsed onto the ground almost in tears from laughing so hard. “Sorry,” she said between giggles. “If you could see your face right now.”

“You’re making me even more nervous than I already was,” I groaned as I looked down at her.

“Don’t be nervous.” Eliza sat up. “He obviously likes you or he wouldn’t have asked you out.”

“Well, that’s because he wants sex.” I sighed. “It’s not like he likes me, likes me.” I sat on the ground next to her and then leaned back on the ground. “Am I making a mistake here? Am I being a dumbass?”

“What do you mean?” Eliza looked over at me, concern in her eyes.

“He told me not to fall in love with him. He told me he doesn’t do relationships. He told me that this is basically for fun.”

“Yeah, you knew that from the beginning.” Eliza nodded.

“But what if a part of me wants more than that?” I looked over at her and watched as her eyes widened in concern.

“Are you falling for him, Lacey?” Her lips thinned, and I shrugged.

“I don’t know.” I shook my head at her. “I don’t think so.”

“Cancel the date,” she said confidently. “You need to not see him anymore. And you need to not accept his proposition.”

“Huh?” I frowned at her, my heart racing at her words. I knew immediately that I didn’t want to cancel the date. “What are you talking about?”

“You’re falling for him.” She sighed, her face a cloud of worry. “I can’t believe I didn’t see it before.”

“I’m not falling for him.”

“You are.” She sighed again. “I’m an idiot. I know you’re not the sort of girl who can do casual sex. I can’t believe I encouraged you to play along with this guy.”

“It’s not your fault, Eliza. You haven’t encouraged me in anything. I’m okay.”

“You’re not okay.” She shook her head. “I’ve been blind because I was so worried about how things were between us, but I can tell that you’re falling for him.”

“I’m not falling for him. There’s nothing for me to fall for. I know the deal. I haven’t even had sex with him yet.”

“Lacey, look at me.” She grabbed my hands and her fingers squeezed mine. “You’re falling for him. You don’t want to put yourself in a position where you can get really hurt. Trust me.”

“I can’t just cancel the date now.” My chest started to feel tight at the thought.

“Yes, you can.” She nodded. “Do it right now. Text him, tell him something came up.”

“What about the book?” I said anxiously. “I need to do this for the book.”

“The book is not worth it if you get your heart broken.” She shook her head.

“I’m not going to get my heart broken,” I said, trying to sound confident, but even I could hear the slight hesitation in my voice. “I want to see him, Eliza. I want to just let go and have some fun. Why can’t I do that?”

“Some of us aren’t capable of casual sex,” she said softly. “Some of us are too emotional. We get real feelings. We care too much. We get attached. Sex is more than just sex to some of us.”

“But it’s not more than just sex to him.”

“And that’s why you can’t continue on with him.” She sighed. “I know you want to and I know it’s fun and it’s hot and he likes you and it makes you feel good, but it’s not worth it, Lacey. It’s not worth it because he is going to end up breaking your heart. And I’ve a feeling that it will be for real this time.”

“Maybe he won’t. I won’t let myself fall in love with him. I’ll play the game. It will be research for my book.”

“Yeah, maybe he won’t break your heart. Maybe you can make it just research, but honestly, I don’t think you should take the chance.” She shook her head. “The risk is not worth it.”

“I know what I’m doing.” I shook my head. “It’ll be fine. I think I can handle it.”

“Do you really?” Her eyes bore into mine. “Are you prepared for the moment that you feel more and want more—and he wants nothing? Are you prepared for that moment when you’re lying naked next to him feeling warm and cozy and he gets a call and he has to go?”

“I don’t know,” I answered honestly. “I just don’t know.”

“Are you prepared for the fact that he might be sleeping with other women? Are you prepared for finding that out? How would that make you feel?”

“I don’t know.” I swallowed hard as my heart sank.

“I just don’t think it’s a good idea,” Eliza said, her face worried. “This guy could really break your heart.”

“I already know the deal, so maybe it’ll be okay. I already know it’s not going to be a relationship. It’s just sex. I can do this. I won’t get hurt. I won’t!” I said adamantly.

“Lacey, are you trying to convince me or you?”

“I don’t know,” I said slowly. “It’s like a part of me knows that this is all a really bad idea. A part of me knows that I’m just walking into the lion’s den and that inevitably I’m going to get bitten, but I can’t seem to stop myself. And I don’t know why. Maybe a part of me likes flirting with danger. Maybe a part of me thinks I can escape before the lion gets too close.”

“The lion is already too close, Lacey.”

“I know,” I whispered under my breath. And I did know. I did know inside that hanging out with Henry and talking to him and seeing him and kissing him and touching him were all really good—and bad—things. Good in the way that they made me happy and excited. But bad because it was a false feeling of happiness. Being with Henry shouldn’t make me feel as good as it did, and I knew that was a sign that I was feeling things for him that I shouldn’t. If it was just casual, I wouldn’t be so excited. I wouldn’t want to tell him about my day. I wouldn’t want to spend time with him. I wouldn’t look forward to seeing him. I wouldn’t care that he didn’t contact me every day or text me that often. I wouldn’t be wishing that he thought of me often. I knew that I was in an unhealthy position and that whatever weird relationship we found ourselves in wasn’t going to be what I really wanted. I knew that I was putting myself in a position that could really end up hurting me, and I knew that Eliza was right. That I should just cancel the date and move on with my life. I wasn’t sure that I could do casual sex. I wasn’t sure if I could be intimate with someone and not feel deep emotions, but I knew that if there was one man I wanted to try with, it was Henry. I wanted to be with Henry. Any way I could have him.

“You’re still going to go, aren’t you?” Eliza sighed, and I nodded as I looked at her. “It might not be so bad, then.” She looked away and her voice faded. “Maybe it won’t be bad.”

“Yeah, if he sucks in bed and it’s really bad, then there will be no issues.” I tried to grin at her.

“But that’s the problem, Lacey. It’s not going to be bad. It’s going to be good. It’s going to be really good, and you’re going to end up finding yourself in too deep.” She gazed at me, but didn’t say anything else. She was resigned to the fact that I was going to move forward with this situation.

“I will deal with that if it happens.”

“I know. And I’ll be here for you, if it happens.” Eliza gave me a look. “And I promise to not say I told you so.”

“How generous of you.” I made a face at her and she made a face back at me. I could see that she was worried and I also felt worried, but I knew I had to let the worry go. Life was too short. I looked at the alarm clock near my bed and realized that I only had about five minutes before Henry was due to arrive and I still wanted to reapply my lipstick and put on some eyeliner.

“But we can talk about this later!” I squeaked and ran back to the bathroom to finish beautifying myself. “He’s going to be here any minute now.”

“You look gorgeous, Lacey.” Eliza followed behind me and watched as I ran my black liquid liner along the base of my eyes.

“Thanks.” I grinned at her, looking through one eye as I counted to ten, wanting to make sure that the liner dried properly before I opened an eye and ended up looking like a skunk.

“There’s nothing to thank me for. You look gorgeous. I know it, and he will certainly see it as well.”




“Be cool, Lacey. Be cool,” I mumbled to myself as I walked to the front door to let Henry in. I stumbled over my heels as I walked and I groaned wondering if I’d made a mistake deciding to wear them. Did I really need to impress him that much? Did I think heels were going to make him fall in love with me? Was this some unconscious decision I’d made due to being slightly crazy? It was highly unlikely and irrational. But I’d never been one to really think things through properly.

“Hey,” I said with a small smile as I opened the front door.

“Hey, you,” Henry responded back, his eyes surveying my body and face as he gazed at me, a light in his eyes that made me warm inside.

“Want to come in?” I asked him and then leaned over and gave him a quick hug.

“You smell good,” he said and I mentally thanked myself for spending the eighty dollars on the perfume at Nordstrom’s that I’d really had no business buying. His compliment made the dent in my bank account worth it. Now I knew that it made me smell like some sort of beautiful sex siren and that it wasn’t just in my own mind.

“Would you like a beer or something before we head out?” I asked him casually, trying to play it cool, even though all I really wanted to do was pull him into my bedroom and close the door.

“You have beer?” He gave me a half-smile. “I’m impressed.”

“We have the beer for all our male callers. We mainly drink wine here.” I laughed.

“All your male callers, huh?” He raised an eyebrow at me. “I’m going to guess that all these men are your callers, seeing as Eliza is dating Scott.” His eyes narrowed as he spoke.

“Well, you know, gotta keep my options open and all that jazz.” I giggled and yelped as he hit my ass lightly. “Henry!” I gave him a look. “What are you doing?”

“Do you really have to ask that, Lacey?” He winked at me and came closer to me. “What do you think I’m doing? Or would you like me to give you another spanking?”

“You wish.”

“I truly do.” He licked his lips lasciviously. “We don’t even have to go to dinner if you don’t want to.”

“Oh, but I do want to,” I lied.


“Henry!” I rolled my eyes at him.

“I know that you know my name and I know that you love to roll your eyes at me. Don’t worry, you don’t have to keep reminding me.” He winked.

“Haha, very funny. I’m not worried.” I tilted my head to the side. “But if you want me to be, I can be.”

“There are many things I want you to be, Lacey and if you’re willing to be all of them, then I think we’re going to have a really good time together.” He licked his lips.

“Hmm, now you have me curious.” I gave him a look. “What are these things you want from me? What do you want me to be?”

“I think you can guess some of them.” He licked his lips again. “You know me. I’m just a not-too-serious guy looking for a not-too-serious thing. I think I’m pretty simple and easy to read.”

“Yeah.” I gave him a weak smile, trying to hide my disappointment at his words. What did he mean by that? A not-too-serious guy looking for a not-too-serious thing? That didn’t sound good at all. And why would he say that to me now? Was he trying to remind me that I shouldn’t get attached to him? Was he worried that I was too dressed up? That I’d been too eager to see him? Maybe he thought I was trying to make him jealous when I’d brought up the beers and other guys? Maybe he thought I was going to try and make him fall for me and this was his way of letting me know in no uncertain terms that it was never going to happen. All Henry wanted from me was sex. That’s all he was after. And he wanted to remind me of that fact before I got too full of myself. I felt my mood dropping.

“So what beers do you girls woo your men with then?” Henry asked me as we made our way into the kitchen.

“Nothing fancy, to be honest.” I tried to joke as I opened the fridge, my disappointment filling my soul quickly as I stood there, next to him, wanting to be with him in ways that I knew he didn’t want to be in with me.

“Don’t tell me Budweiser.” His eyes widened in dismay and shuddered as he looked in the fridge. “Anything but Budweiser.”

“You’re horrible.” I laughed and pulled out a Bud and pretended to hand it to him. “Here you go.”

“You don’t seriously think you’re impressing men with Bud, do you?” He laughed. “Is that why you were free to hang out with me tonight?”

“I’m only hanging out with you because you begged me.” I hit him in the shoulder and then grabbed the beer back out of his hand. “No beer for you.”

“No beer for me?” He pouted. “Are you the beer Nazi now?”

“No, of course not.” I giggled. “We have other stuff. Have your pick.” I opened the door wider and ushered him over to choose his own. He let out a whistle as he gazed at the extensive array of beers and lagers in the fridge.

“Color me impressed.” He looked at me in surprise and I just gave him a satisfied look. He didn’t have to know that the only beer I’d bought was the Bud and the rest had been purchased by Scott, Eliza’s boyfriend, for when he came over and wanted a drink.

“Pale ale, ambers, IPAs, who knew you girls were into such diverse beers?” He laughed. “You must have a wide array of men coming over.” He gave me a side look and I just smiled.

“I do like a good stout myself.” The lie fell out of my mouth smoothly. I didn’t even know what a stout was and I hated the taste of beer, but couldn’t stop myself from trying to show off after he’d dissed my Bud selection. I didn’t know what his problem was. He was just a beer snob. Plenty of people enjoyed Budweiser. It was America’s beer. At least I thought that was their advertising campaign slogan.

“Stout, huh? What’s your favorite?”

“Hmmm,” I answered, turning away, hoping he wouldn’t continue with the line of questioning. I already regretted the lie. And I knew he knew it was a lie. Why else would he ask me, what was my favorite?

“Lacey.” He tapped me on the shoulder and he was grinning at me.

“Yes, Henry?” I asked innocently.

“What’s your favorite stout?”

“Oh, I don’t know that I have one favorite.”

“So then feel free to list more than one then.” He smiled encouragingly, his eyes telling me that he knew I couldn’t name any.

“Oh, okay, thanks. Though technically when you ask for a favorite, it should really be just one, don’t you think?”

“I don’t mind if you name one or three.” He shook his head. “I’m just curious to hear what your favorites are.”

“Uhm, I really like Heinek—” I paused as I saw him smiling widely. Okay maybe that wasn’t a stout. I wracked my brain for a few seconds trying to think about what a stout was. And then suddenly it came to me. “I mean, let’s be real. My favorite stout is Guinness.”

Henry looked at me and started laughing. “Guinness, eh?”

“Yes.” I gave him a proud smile, knowing that he couldn’t doubt me now.

“Well done on remembering one stout.” He winked at me and I watched as his eyes crinkled at the sides.

“What?” My jaw dropped and my eyes narrowed as he continued laughing. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Uh huh.” He gave me a smirk and then licked his lips. “Oh, Lacey, the things I should do to you for lying to me.”

“I’m not lying.”

“I’m going to start to think that you enjoy being spanked by me.”

“Henry!” My face was red.

“Lacey.” He said my name slowly, and I watched as he ran his hands through his hair. “Lacey, Lacey, Lacey.”

“Henry, Henry, Henry.” I repeated his name back to him and my stomach stirred as he grabbed me around the waist and pulled me closer to him.

“I like it when you say my name like that, Lacey. It really turns me on.”

“What doesn’t turn you on?” I said, my breath coming faster as I felt his warm body pressed against mine.

“Many things, but I don’t think that you really want the list.”

“Haha, you can’t think of anything. You’re turned on by everything.”

“Everything or everyone?” He kissed the top of my head and I could feel myself melting. I had to be stronger, had to resist his innocent flirting. It meant nothing to him, this cutesy banter that made my heart race.

“Are you turned on by everyone?” I asked, not doubting that, though that made my stomach churn in a different way.

“Does that make you jealous?” He laughed as if he knew exactly what was going through my head.

“Why would I be jealous?” I shrugged, as if that were out of the realm of any possibility.

“I don’t know.” He shrugged. “Why would you be?”

“I’m not.” I tried to back away from him, but he wouldn’t let me out of his grip.

“Liar,” he whispered before giving me another quick but tender kiss on the forehead and then letting me go. “Are you ready to go and eat?”

“Yes.” I nodded. “Did you want to drink your beer?”

“I can finish it right now.” He grabbed the bottle and chugged it down with ease before setting it on the table. “Ready.”

“Impressive.” I laughed, suddenly giddy and excited by what lay ahead for the night. Where were we going to go? What were we going to do? And was I going to regret it? Stop it, Lacey. Just go with the flow. Enjoy this moment. Enjoy this time with him. Just have fun. You only live once. Once. That’s it. You might as well have fun. I gave him a huge grin, feeling myself loosening up. I was going to do this. I was going to have fun. No matter the cost. I was just going to go with the flow.




“You’re such a bad boy, Henry,” I said as I sipped my wine and laughed into his eyes. I was already feeling a bit tipsy and I batted my eyelashes at him flirtatiously. “You really want to bring out the bad girl in me, don’t you?” I placed my wine glass down on the table and my hand slid to his thigh and ran up his leg.

“I’m a bad boy?” He laughed, and I felt his hand grabbing mine and holding it against his leg. “You’re the one who’s teasing me here, Lacey.”

“I’m not teasing you.” I giggled, my hand pushing its way farther up his leg. “Would I do that?”

“I very much think that you would do that.” His eyes pierced mine as my hand kept sliding up and stopped right before his slight bulge. My fingers slid up slightly and I gasped as I felt him harden beneath me. My eyes widened as my excitement grew that he was already turned on by my actions. “Lacey,” he growled under his breath as my fingers remained close to his hardness. “What are you going to do now?”

“What do you want me to do?” I purred, wondering just how far I would take it. Not knowing if I knew my own boundaries about when to stop. Not knowing if I really cared about stopping. I knew what I was doing, but the alcohol and excitement of the moment had me not caring so much. I was here to have fun and as long as it felt this exhilarating, who was I to say no and stop it?

“You know what I want you to do.” His voice was deep.

“No, why don’t you tell me what you want me to do.” I enjoyed flirting with him and teasing him.

“If I tell you, will you do it?”

“Maybe.” I winked.

“Then, Lacey, here’s what I want you to do.” His voice grew lower and he leaned into me, his lips next to my ear.

“I’m listening,” I said softly as I felt his warm breath on my skin.

“I want you to drop to your knees under the table. I want you to unzip my pants. I want you to take me into your mouth and blow me so hard that I explode. And then I want you to swallow all of my cum and tell me how good you think I taste.” He chuckled softly and then looked into my eyes. “What do you think about that?”

“What do I think?” I could barely talk as I looked at him. My heart was racing at his words and I couldn’t believe what he’d asked me to do. What he wanted me to do. In the middle of this restaurant, with other people here. Who did he think I was, that I would do that?

“Can I expect to be in bliss in a few minutes?” He winked at me now as I blushed.

“Is that how long you normally last? A few minutes?” I grinned and watched as he winked at me.

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” His hand fell to my thigh.

“Yes, I would.” My body stilled as his hand slid up under my skirt.

 “Is this going to be the best first date of my life?” He laughed and I watched as his eyes fell to my breasts. For a few seconds I felt happy and then it struck me that I really had nothing to feel happy about. Why was I feeling like I was flying? Because he wanted to have sex with me? Was that really that special? Not really. I tried not to sigh out loud as I felt my high escaping me. I grabbed my wine glass and gulped some more wine down. I needed to occupy my mind. And stop focusing on the negatives of the situation. I knew that this was part of my problem in life. I knew that my focus on the negative was what led me to not really being able to enjoy everything that life had to offer. And a part of me was fed up of not fully enjoying and appreciating different life experiences. I moved back and jumped up lightly as Henry’s fingers slid between my legs and rubbed gently. I looked over at Henry, who was gazing at me with a flirtatious smile.

“I don’t know,” I said as I removed his hand and jumped up quickly. “Save that thought, though. I’m going to the bathroom.” I gave him a small wink and walked away quickly, my legs feeling like jelly as I hurried toward the rear of the restaurant, wondering if he was watching me and wondering exactly what I was thinking. Was he hoping that I was going to come back and crawl under the table and take him into my mouth? That would be kinda crazy and exciting and totally not like anything I’d ever done before. It would be the sort of thing that would be perfect material for Play the Player, but I wasn’t sure if I was just telling myself that. Maybe I was coming up with excuses to make this work. I stared at myself in the bathroom mirror. My face was glowing, my eyes were sparkly, and I looked happy and slightly high. I splashed my face with some water and stared at myself. I knew I had to make a decision now. I was either going to do this or I wasn’t. I had to make the decision now. There was no more time. I either went back out there and we went back to his place or I went home. Right away. I had to decide now.

“Can you do this, Lacey?” I whispered to myself as I stood there and waited, almost as if I were waiting for a voice to answer me back.




I walked back to the table as if I were a woman on the catwalk: confident, head high and freaking out on the inside. “Let’s get out of here,” I said quickly as I reached the table. I saw Henry’s eyes widen in shock. He hadn’t been prepared for me to be so forward. Good. I needed to keep him off balance slightly if I was to have any chance at this being an equal situation.

“Go?” He raised an eyebrow at me. “Like now?”

“Yup, like now.” I grinned and stared at him from the side of the table, hands on my hips. “Unless, you’re not up for it?”

“Unless I’m not up for it, huh?” He grinned and stood up. “Oh, I’m always up for it, Lacey. Always, always up for it.”

“Then let’s go.” I licked my lips slowly. Hurry up, Henry, before I completely lose my cool.

“Let’s go.” He pulled out his wallet, took some bills out, and dropped them on the table. “You don’t need to tell me twice.”

“Good.” My stomach purred as he slid his arm around my waist. “Where shall we go?”

“That’s up to you, my dear. Where would you like to go?”

“Uhm, your place?” I said, this time not as confidently as before. I wanted him to make the decisions now. I’d done my part. I was already out of my comfort zone. I’m not sure what else I was capable of doing without downing three more drinks and working up some liquid courage.

“Sure, we can go to my place if that is what you really want?” His eyes glittered as he grabbed my hand and led me out of the restaurant. “Are you sure this is what you want, Lacey?”

“I’m as sure as I’ll ever be,” I said lightly. I totally wasn’t sure—well, that was a bit of a lie. My body was sure. My body was real sure. My body was ready, and I just wanted him to take me and have his wicked way with me. Oh, how badly I wanted that to happen.

‘Then let’s go. I have a bed waiting for you, my dear. A bed, and a long night.”




“Shall I play some music?” Henry asked as we entered his bedroom. My eyes flew to his with a puzzled expression and I saw him grinning at me.

“Music?” I muttered, feeling nervous.

“Maybe that song, ‘What Does the Fox Say?’ He winked at me.

“What does the fox say?” I repeated.

“If we play the song, we can find out.” He pulled off his shirt and I stared at him, mesmerized at how quickly he was taking his clothes off.

“I’m confused.”

“Don’t be.” He walked toward me confidently. “There’s nothing to be confused about.” He grabbed me and pulled me toward him, lowering his face down to kiss me. My stomach jumped into my heart as his lips touched mine softly and I felt my heart soaring as my blood warmed in excitement. My hands reached over to his chest and I could feel his heart beating rapidly. I was about to tease him, when I felt him pushing me back onto the bed and then lowering his body down onto mine.

“Are you ready for the night of your life?” he whispered into my ear, his tongue entering my ear slowly and licking softly. I squirmed beneath him, and groaned as I felt his hardness against my stomach.

“Yes,” I whispered softly as I reached up to feel his hardness between my hands. “Yes, Henry. I’m very, very ready.”

“Those are the words that I love to hear.” He grinned down at me, his eyes dancing as he surveyed my face. His smile was gentle and my heart skipped a beat for a few seconds. The way he looked at me felt adoring and I knew that he was someone that could very easily take my heart. The way he looked at me made me feel like this was something special. Something more real than what it was. And I could feel myself getting caught up in his magic. I was caught up in the moment. I could feel myself feeling things that I didn’t want to be feeling. Things that would make me think that this was more than it was. And I couldn’t afford that. I had to remind myself that this was just physical. I had to remind myself that this was nothing special. Not to him. It would never be anything special. And if I was going to partake in this madness, in this sensual seduction, I had to be completely aware of that. No matter how many sweet nothings he said into my ear. “So Lacey, what should we do next?” His lips came closer to mine. “Or should I tell you what I want us to do next?” he said and as his fingers moved closer to my warm skin, all I could do was nod and let go.

 “What are you doing?” My voice came out as a squeak as I felt his hands reaching up under my skirt to pull my panties down.

“What do you think I’m doing beautiful?” He laughed and I froze as I felt his fingers rubbing up against me gently. He groaned loudly as he touched me. “You’re already wet for me.” His fingers rubbed me a little quicker. “I love that.”

“Henry.” I moaned as I closed my eyes, my body feeling things I hadn’t felt in years. The excitement coursing through me made me feel like I was on a roller coaster.

“Lacey, Lacey, when you say my name like that, I don’t think I can handle it. You’ve got such a sexy voice. You turn me on so much.”

“Henry.” I watched as he unbuckled his pants and pulled them off quickly, along with his boxer shorts.

“Yes, Lacey.”

“Nothing.” I squeaked, not knowing what else to say as I stared at his manhood, erect and stiff, standing out in front of him, proud and ready to go. I could feel my body trembling just looking at him. I started to smile at the thought of being intimate with him; happy and eager to be with him. I started laughing as he started singing some random song and dancing back and forth with a huge smile on his face. “Henry, what are you doing?” I asked him curiously as he danced around happily.

“Dancing for you, my dear.”

“Why are you dancing?”

“Because I want to show off my moves and impress you.”

“You’re certainly doing that.” I laughed at him as he started waving his hands and getting into his dance, his voice fluctuating as he continued singing. I felt my heart bouncing around between happy giddiness and excitement. He was such an enigma and I didn’t know how to react to his sexy boyishness. I realized that I didn’t really know how to take Henry. He was so playful and serious at the same time. He was completely unlike any guy I’d ever met before. And that made things even harder than they already were.

“Don’t you want to dance with me?” He winked at me and held his hands out to me.

“No, I don’t think I want to dance right now.” I shook my head, suddenly feeling shy and feeling like my alcoholic high was fading quickly. What was I doing here?

“I see. You’d rather be doing other things then, huh?” Henry started laughing and jumped back onto the bed to join me. “Hey.” He moved his face close to mine.

“Hey, you.” I smiled at him shyly, his naked body feeling warm next to mine.

“I think you have too many clothes on,” he said as he reached over and tugged on my shirt. “I want you naked.”

“Do you really?”

“Yes, really.” He grinned and I lay there with a sly smile on my face as he quickly took my clothes off and threw them onto the floor. “I want to make you come for me.” He laughed as my face flashed red. “All night long.”

“Henry,” I squeaked out. I didn’t know men like him really existed. So confident, so sexy, so dominant. I loved it. I loved feeling like I was the most desired woman in the world. I loved feeling and seeing his hardness next to me. I had done this to this handsome man. I was the one that was turning him on. It made me feel powerful. It made me feel like I was on top of the world.

“Are you ready?” he said as he slid his fingers inside of me. I gasped as my eyes closed and I felt him groaning as he nibbled on the side of my neck as his fingers slid in and out of me. “Fuck, you’re so wet.” I felt him grinding his hard cock next to my leg and I reached down and wrapped my fingers around his thickness.

His cock moved at my touch and I could feel it growing harder as I squeezed. I moaned as I felt his fingers moving in me faster and my body buckled as he rubbed my clit softly.
“Oh, Henry,” I moaned and sighed as he withdrew his fingers from inside of me. I moved his hardness down between my legs and he rubbed it against me before his hips crashed down on mine. His tongue entered mine as the tip of his manhood rubbed my wetness and I rocked back and forth next to him, loving the feel of him, hard and horny pushing into me.
His hand reached up and squeezed my breasts, his fingers playing with my nipples. His mouth left mine and he reached down and pulled my right breast into his mouth. His lips sucked on my nipple as his teeth nibbled gently. I cried out in ecstasy at the feel of him touching me. His breath and mouth were warm and teasing on my body. He pushed me back down, flat onto my back and then he kissed down my stomach. My body stilled as he made his way down to my sweet spot slowly. I reached down and grabbed his hair, running my fingers through his wild silky tresses. I gasped loudly when I felt his tongue on me.

“Scream for me, Lacey. Tell me how badly you want me.” He grunted as his tongue entered me deliciously, feeling even better than his fingers had previously.

“Henry, don’t stop.” My body moved involuntarily on his bed and I felt my legs trembling as he brought me to orgasm with his tongue. “Don’t stop,” I screamed as I felt my body buckling as his tongue moved in and out of me quickly.

“Oh baby, I won’t.” He looked up at me and I watched as he jumped off of the bed quickly to grab a condom. I was about to moan out at his leaving me, but he made his way back to the bed in record time and before I knew what was happening, he was entering me and I felt like my body was on fire.

“Ooooh,” I cried out as he slid in and out of me, his cock reaching and touching places inside of me that I didn’t even knew existed. I wrapped my legs around his back and held on tightly as he slammed into me, his groans and grunts turning me on more than I’d ever thought was possible.

“Henry,” I cried out as his eyes met mine and his movements became slower and slower. “I’m going to come,” I whispered slowly and he grinned at me and started moving faster again.

“Come for me, Lacey.” His lips moved down onto mine and I felt myself exploding in an orgasm as his tongue entered my mouth. He grabbed my hips and started moving even faster for a few minutes and then I felt his body stilling as he too exploded. He collapsed on me for a few seconds and then kissed me on the cheek and jumped off of the bed.

“Where are you going?” I asked him confused as I watched him walking away from me.

“Just to clean up. I’ll be back.” He gave me a quick smile before walking quickly to a door. I tried to smile back, but I didn’t know what to say.

I lay back in the bed, feeling satiated yet empty inside. Maybe it was the way he’d jumped out of the bed so quickly to go and shower and just left me there, feeling desolate and somewhat alone. Almost like a whore. Like he’d gotten what he wanted and now I was of no use to him. I knew I wasn’t being fair. It had been an amazing experience. He was a perfect lover. The best lover that I’d ever had. Yet, a part of me felt hollow inside. I wanted to be with him again.

“Go for what you want, Lacey,” I mumbled to myself as I scrambled out of the bed to make my way toward the bathroom so that I could join him in the shower. Maybe we could bathe each other. In a romantic sexy way. I paused as I made my way there. Would that be too intimate? Would he turn me away? Tell me he didn’t want to bathe with me. For a second I felt nervous and shy, what if he turned me away? What if he told me that he didn’t want to be intimate with me again? What if he looked at me as if I wasn’t good enough? I couldn’t face that. I knew my feelings were unreasonable. I wasn’t sure why I was feeling so insecure. Maybe because I already felt connected to him. Maybe because I felt slightly dissed because he’d jumped out of bed to shower right away. Like he needed to clean his skin and me off of him as soon as possible. That hurt. Made me feel insecure. Made me feel cheap and dirty. Easy almost. There were no words of love whispered to me. No declarations of affection. It was just an act. Nothing special. Nothing special at all. That hurt. A lot more than I thought it would. But I knew that I shouldn’t have expected him to say anything special. I mean, if he had, I wouldn’t have even have believed him. What could I have expected him to say? What if he had said something like, “I love you, Lacey.” I would have looked at him incredulously and unbelieving. Though, I knew deep inside, I would have felt amazing as well. It would have been like something out of a romance book or movie. And as unrealistic and insincere as I knew it would be, I also knew that I still would have loved it and had great hope.

I continued toward the bathroom, ready to surprise him. I wanted to be confident. I wanted to be someone different. I wanted for everything to be sexy and fun. I didn’t want to be held back by my emotions. I wanted to be everything that I wasn’t. I was about to open the door when I heard Henry speaking. I paused with my hand on the door and listened to see if he was actually talking or if he was singing along to a song.

“I can’t meet you tonight.” His voice sounded urgent and I paused, my heart thudding at his words. Who was he talking to? “You know I care. You know I want to see you.” His voice was insistent. “I can make tomorrow work.”

Tomorrow? Who was he meeting tomorrow? And who wanted to know if he cared? I could feel my body growing warm and worried. Not a feeling that I enjoyed. At all.

“Claudia.” His voice softened and I gasped softly. So he was talking to a woman. I took a step back. I shouldn’t be listening to him. I shouldn’t be eavesdropping. It was really none of my business. Not at all. I didn’t even want to know. Didn’t want to hear. Who was Claudia? My throat felt dry. Who the fuck was Claudia? I wanted to scream out and ask him. Does she know you just slept with me? We just had sex. And now, now you’re on the phone with someone else? I knew I couldn’t say anything. Knew I had no right. No place. What we’d just done. It wasn’t special. Not to him. I had to remember that. I took another step back, but then stopped.

“Claudia, you know I proposed to you for a reason. My feelings were real.”

Proposed? My heart sunk faster than a ten-ton elephant in the ocean. I felt like I wanted to throw up. Was Henry engaged? Or had he been engaged? Who exactly was this Claudia?

“I’ll meet you tomorrow, Claudia. At Spasso’s. The coffee shop on the corner of Pine,” he said and my brain locked down on the name. “Let’s say eleven.”

I hurried back to the bed and gathered my clothes from the floor. I needed to go home. Now. I didn’t want to stay here. Feeling cheap. And used. Like some floozy. I pulled my clothes on quickly and ran my fingers through my now wild and frazzled hair. I stood there for a few seconds debating whether or not I should just leave or if I should wait for Henry to come out of the bathroom and make up some excuse for my departure. Did he really deserve a reason? Maybe he wouldn’t even care? Maybe he’d be happy for me to leave. I didn’t know. I hesitated one second too long and I realized my decision had been made for me when I heard the bathroom door opening and I watched as Henry walked out in all his naked glory, his body dripping with glistening drops of water.

“Why are you dressed?” He looked at me with a confused expression, his eyes looking over my fully dressed body quickly as he walked over to me.

“I have to go home.” The words tripped out of my mouth rapidly. “I, uh, just remembered I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow.”

“So?” He frowned. “Why does that mean you have to leave now?”

“Because I have to get ready for it?”

“Get ready for it?” He stopped next to me and I could see that he was already hard. I swallowed and looked back up. I didn’t want his manhood to make me stay. I didn’t want to start questioning about what I’d heard on the phone.

“Women’s stuff.” I gave him an awkward smile, then leaned forward to kiss him on the lips. His lips pressed against mine and I melted into him, breathing in his musky masculine scent. My fingers ran to his wet hair and I closed my eyes. I didn’t want to leave. I didn’t want to let him go. I felt like an idiot for getting attached so quickly. What had I been thinking? I’d known that I wasn’t the sort to be able to have a casual sexual relationship. I knew I wasn’t the sort that could do friends with benefits. Had I really slept with him thinking that I wouldn’t become emotionally attached? I didn’t know what I’d been thinking. I didn’t understand myself. What the hell was I doing? I pulled myself away from him and gave him a small smile. “Thanks for a great night, but I have to go now.”

“What?” He looked dazed. “You’re being serious? You’re going to leave?”

“Yes.” I nodded. “I think I’ll call an Uber or something.”

“Don’t be stupid. If you really want to leave, I will take you home.” He shook his head and sighed. “Let me just pull some clothes on.”

“Okay,” I said, not wanting to argue with him. “Thank you.”

“Yeah, it’s fine,” he said, sounding slightly exasperated. “If you’re sure you need to go now.”

“Yes.” I nodded and looked down at the floor. “I need to go.”

“Okay,” he said and I watched as he walked to his closet. I wanted to call out to him. I wanted to ask him who Claudia was and why he was meeting her tomorrow. I wanted to know so badly, but I knew I couldn’t. I didn’t want him to think I was crazy.




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