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Father Figure: A Single Dad & Virgin Romance by M.L. Sapphire (3)

















I wonder how long Scott had been looking out his window. It's too bad he didn't decide to join us out by the pool. I wasn't just saying it: he really must've been hot after fighting fires all day.

“You wanna get ready to go pick up the pizzas?” Jessica asks.

“Actually,” I reply, “I think I'm just gonna stay here, if you don't mind. I'm getting hot again. I think I'm gonna go for another swim.”

“We've been swimming all day long!” she says. “Don't you wanna get out for a little while?”

“No. Not really, to be honest. I'm feeling super lazy today. If you really want me to go with you, I will. But I'd rather just stay here, take another dip, and lay in the sun a little longer.”

“Okay. Suit yourself. I'm gonna go get changed, grab the keys and some money from dad, then I'll be off. If you change your mind, I won't be leaving for a few minutes.”

“I won't, but thanks. See you when you get back.”

Jess gets up and disappears into the house. After putting my bikini top back on and taking my sunglasses off, I dive into the pool for what's probably my twentieth swim of the day. It's been so hot out for the past several days that the water temperature is almost as warm as the air. The water still feels good, though.

I swim for a few minutes, until I'm feeling refreshed. My entire afternoon – me and Jessica's, actually – followed the same pattern: lay in the sun until really hot, take a quick dip until cool again, and repeat. We must've done this twenty times.

Now that I've cooled off again, I climb up the ladder and get out of the pool. Just as I'm getting out, I hear Scott's truck pulling out of the driveway. I can't wait until Jessica gets back with the pizzas and especially the cheese bread sticks. They're my favorite and have been for as long as I can remember.

I put my sunglasses back on and lay down on my towel to dry off in the sun. Since I was laying on my back last, I lay down on my stomach. The warm sun feels great beaming down on my skin. It's nowhere near as hot as what comes walking out the back door of the house, though.

“Amy?” Scott asks, a surprised look on his handsome face. “I thought you went with Jessica to go pick up the food.”

Scott's wearing nothing but a pair of swimming trunks. He's got a towel slung over one of his big, broad shoulders. They say that men get more attractive with age. I don't know if that's true of all men, but it certainly seems to be with Jessica's dad. Every time I see him he looks a little sexier than the last.

“Oh, I decided to stay back,” I reply, pulling my sunglasses down so I can look him in the eyes. “I'm tired and didn't feel like going out. I hope that's alright.”

“Of course it's alright. My home is your home, Amy. You know that. Well, I'll go inside so you can have your privacy out here,” he says, turning to walk back into the house.

I rarely get to spend time with Scott, just me and him. Jessica's almost always around whenever I see him. Not wanting to miss a chance to get to know him a little better, I hop up and walk toward Scott.

“Wait! I really don't mind if you're out here with me, Mr. Hanneman. In fact, I'd like the company. And besides, I think privacy went out the window when you were looking at my breasts through the one in your bedroom!”

Scott almost looks embarrassed when I mention him looking at my breasts through his bedroom window. That tells me that he was, in fact, looking at me. I've caught him checking me out many times, but I've never acknowledged it before.

“I wasn't checking you out,” he says.

“Oh,” I say, trying to sound disappointed. “You don't think I'm pretty?”

“Are you kidding me? I think you're one of the se...” Scott says, but cuts himself off mid sentence and starts again, slower. “I think you're a lovely young woman.”

Wait a minute? I wanna know what you were gonna say before you cut yourself off. You think I'm one of the what? What were you gonna say? Sexiest something?

“Lovely young woman?” I say. “Jeez, Mr. Hanneman, you might as well say that I look like crap.”

He shakes his head and says, “Amy. I'm trying hard not to be inappropriate. You're very attractive. But, you're also my daughter's best friend. I don't want to say anything too out of line.”

“That's true: I am best friends with your daughter. But, I'm also a grown woman now. You probably still see me as the little girl from next door, but I'm not. I'm an adult now, Mr. Hanneman.”

“Maybe a little part of me still sees the little girl in you, Amy. But, believe me, I see you as an adult woman. I've been thinking about that, actually. We're both adults now, so why don't you call me Scott – if you want to.”

Wow. I've been calling him Scott in my head for years, but I've never called him that in real life. I've always called him Mr. Hanneman, out of respect.

“Okay, Scott!” I say, proudly. “Are you gonna go swimming or not? That's why you came out here, isn't it?”

“It is. If you don't mind, then, I'm gonna take a dip in the pool.”

“Good! You look hot. Would you do me a quick favor before you jump in?”

“Sure. What?”

“Rub some of this lotion on my back. I can't reach all the way back there. Jessica was supposed to put more on me before she left, but I guess we both forgot.”

“Um... Sure.”

I hand Scott the lotion and lay back down on my towel. He can't see my face, but I'm smiling. I don't know why, but calling him Scott really turns me on. It's like I'm on his level for the first time.

“Don't be shy with the lotion Mr. Hann... I mean Scott. Make sure you get my whole back.”

The anticipation is killing me. I can't wait to feel Scott's big, strong hands all over my back. I hear him squeeze the lotion into his hands but don't feel anything yet. Is he checking me out? Is Scott looking at my butt? I wonder what he's thinking right now.

Finally, I feel Scott's hands on my back. His touch is gentle – much softer than I was expecting. He must've warmed the lotion in his hands, because it isn't nearly as cool as when Jessica put some on me a few hours ago.

Scott starts massaging the lotion into my skin. His muscular hands feel amazing all over my back. I wish he wouldn't stop there, though. I want those strong hands all over my body. Thoughts of Scott touching my breasts and massaging my clit fill my mind and I can feel myself getting wet. I wish he'd rip off my bikini bottom and take my virginity right here, right now.

“How's that?” he asks.

“It feels good – really good. Would you mind doing my legs, too, please?” I pick my head up and look back at him. “Please, Scott?”

He swallows and says, “Sure thing.”