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Gage (American Extreme Bull Riders Tour Book 8) by Katherine Garbera (5)

Chapter Four

She wished she’d worn a skirt or something that he could slide his hands up underneath so she could feel his hands on her skin instead of on the fabric of her jeans. But she’d been working today and Montez Denim was her life and her job.

He put his large hands on her waist, pulling her forward to the edge of the seat until he was standing right between her legs. She felt his abdomen pressing against her and it wasn’t enough. She had that empty ache deep inside of her and she needed more of him. She arched her back and his mouth slid from hers, nibbling down the edge of her jaw to the line of her neck.

He kissed his way down to her collarbone where her blousy shirt fell toward the edge of her shoulders, leaving an expanse of skin bare to him. Her hair fell around her shoulders.

“It’s better like this.”

“What is?” she asked. Honestly nothing felt better. He felt good and he made her ache in the most delicious way but she doubted she was going to be better until he was buried deep inside of her.

“Your hair. Damn, it’s pretty. I keep thinking it’s brown but there is so much more color to it than that.”

“I have it colored,” she said. She did it so she didn’t look as much like Savanna and their mom, who had deep ebony-colored hair.

He chuckled and she realized how ridiculous it was to tell him that.

“Well I like it,” he said at last. “You’ve got two choices, darlin’.”

She loved the way he called her darlin’ all long and slow. It made her feel all warm and drippy like honey.

“Yes,” she said, but the word was raspy and not very solid.

He rubbed his thumb over her bottom lip and her nipples hardened. She wasn’t sure how much more of this teasing she could take before she just reached into his jeans and took what she wanted from him. She didn’t know if it was his intent to tease her or if he was trying to do the cowboy thing. Being all gentlemanly. But she was almost to her breaking point.

“We can do this here and now or we could go back to your place and take our time on the bed,” he said.

She realized that she was about to have a night with the man she’d spent the better part of seven years fantasizing about. And being timid or shy wasn’t in the cards. Knowing her own track record with men, she figured she better do everything she could tonight. Because she might not get another chance with him.

She shifted back to put a little space between their bodies and ran her finger down the center of his neck over the leather necklace that held a small medallion. She looked up at him from under her lashes.

“I think you forgot an option.”

“Did I?” he asked.

She nodded. “Both.”

“Both works for me.”

She thought it would. She’d never been risky or bold. Not really. She thought she was sometimes because who wanted to think of themselves as a wimp? But the reality was there had seldom been anything she wanted enough to take a chance on. Something she’d never realized until tonight this moment when Gage was standing between her spread thighs looking like temptation. Tonight she was tired of always being the “smart” sister. She wanted to be swept away by the passion he easily called from her.

“I thought it would,” she said.

He drew her closer again. His hands tightened on her, drawing her off the seat until her feet touched the ground. He let her slide down the front of his body, each of her curves gliding over the muscly hardness of him. She had always lusted over muscled men when she saw the bull riders they sponsored but until this moment hadn’t appreciated the hardness of a male frame pressed against hers.

She sighed.


He laughed. The demons that had been dogging him all night seemed to have fled and she realized that fighting would have definitely gotten rid of the adrenaline that had been riding her, but sex was a much better way to do it.

He tangled his hands in her hair, drawing his fingers through it from her scalp and letting the strands fall to her shoulders. Her hair wasn’t long and certainly she never really thought of the thick mass as anything other than a pain to style, but the way he fondled her hair made her realize he liked it.

She tipped her head back, looking up at him in the shadowy light of the parking lot and noticed that she could see his expression better now than she could under the brim of his Stetson. His hair was thick and short. She ran her fingers through it and despite the fact that it had been flattened by the hat it was springy and soft under her fingers.

“What are you doing?” he asked, his voice a deep raspy growl.

“Just seeing if your hair feels good under my fingers,” she said, running her hands over his scalp, scraping her nail around his ear and down his neck. He shivered as he tightened one hand in her hair and drew her head back, bringing his mouth down hard on hers. This time there was no seduction in his kiss, just a raw aching need that left her hungry for more.

He thrust his tongue deep into her mouth and she sucked hard on it, answering his thrust with one of her own. She was pulled deeper into the swirling whirlpool of desire. Her blood felt hotter in her veins. Her skin suddenly was sensitive to everything and her clothing was too restrictive. She needed to be naked. She wanted him naked.

She needed his body pressed against hers and she wanted it now.


Gage had stopped thinking. Stopped worrying about if he should take her, knowing he was going to. He’d spent most of his life running and denying he wanted or needed anything but tonight he knew he needed Sierra.

She had calmed something wild inside of him and awakened this…he didn’t have a word to describe it since he’d never experienced it before. He only knew that he wasn’t going to walk away from her.

She wanted him too. Her eyes watched him with a rapt attention that made him want to stand taller and stick out his chest. Made him want to grab her, mark her and claim her as his. Her mouth moved under his with passion and desire, fanning the already out of control blaze in his veins. He had pulled out of the truck because he couldn’t get close enough to her, but now as she skimmed her hands down the front of his chest, undoing the buttons of his western-cut shirt as she went, he wondered if that had been a mistake.

He ran his hands up and down her back before drawing her closer to him, grinding his erection against the notch at the top of her thighs and she groaned as her head fell to the side, exposing her neck and thrusting her breasts forward. He buried his face between her breasts using his teeth to pull the elastic at the top of her blouse lower. He brought his hand up and drew the neckline of her peasant top down until it was tucked under her bra. She wore a nude fabric bra that did nothing to hide her taut nipples.

He felt a pulse of liquid desire between his legs and realized it had been a long time since a woman had gotten him this hot. He tongued her nipple through the fabric of her bra and then scraped his teeth gently over it.

She arched again, wrapping one thigh around his hips and rubbing against his erection. He wanted to take this slow but knew that the parking lot wasn’t the place for that. Besides there was always later. He figured it was going to take him at least until morning to sate the hunger he had for her.

He found the button fastening of her jeans and undid it before lowering the zipper and sliding his hand inside her pants. He felt her warmth against his fingers as he cupped her intimately. She scored her nails down his chest, her fingers scraping over his hard nipples in a sensation he wasn’t too sure he liked but then she moved lower.

He used his free hand to undo her bra and then nudged the fabric out of his way with his nose as he took her nipple into his mouth, suckling on her as his fingers explored between her legs.

She rocked her hips forward as he touched her, tapping lightly on her, and she moaned. Her own hand was stroking him through the fabric of his jeans and making him strain against the denim.

She undid the buttons of his jeans, her mouth on his throat. Kissing and licking against him, whispering something too soft for him to understand. Then she shifted and bit the lobe of his ear as her hand slipped into the opening of his jeans and under the band of his underwear to encircle his length. Her hand was cool and soft against him. He thrust up into her grip and she tightened it, running her hand up and down his shaft.

He felt that tingling down his back and knew he was getting close to the edge. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her hand from his pants. She started to object but he caught her mouth under his and thrust his tongue deep into her mouth, to keep her from talking. She used both hands to shove her panties and jeans down her legs below her knees and he lifted her up onto the seat of his truck again.

She sat there, her hair tousled, her lips swollen, her eyes watching him with a hunger he knew he could sate.

He took her shoes off and pulled her jeans down her legs and tossed them on the floor of the truck before removing her panties and tucking them into his back pocket. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders as he cupped her naked backside in his hands, running his finger lightly between her cheeks.

She arched her back, as he caught her nipple in his mouth and suckled it. He turned his attention to her other nipple when he was done and she started to arch against him. He put his hands on the top of her thighs, running his fingers along the inside all the way up to her center. He lifted his mouth from her body and stepped back to look at her. His hands were on her thighs, her breasts were exposed and her secrets were there for the taking. He palmed her body and thrust the tip of one finger inside her, drawing out the wet tip and bringing it to his mouth and licking it.

“You taste good, darlin’.”

She just groaned as he parted her and leaned down to tongue the tiny little bud between her legs. He flicked his tongue over it as her hands tightened in his hair. He entered her again with one finger and as she thrust up he continued to eat her intimate flesh so delicately. Her thighs tightened around his head and he added a second finger in her body, shoving them both in and out of her as her body tightened around him.

Her hands clasped his head to her body as she cried out his name and thrust her hips urgently against his mouth. Then she arched her back and collapsed against the seat as the storm inside of her raged on. He lifted his head and looked up at her. Saw the flush of passion on her skin and tasted her in his mouth. He watched her as she stared down at him for a minute and knew that walking away from her was going to be harder than he wanted to admit.


Her body was still buzzing and pulsing, but she wanted more. She needed him between her legs and not just a few fingers. She didn’t think beyond getting him where she wanted him. She scooted back on the seat, beckoning him up inside the cab of the truck with one finger.

He climbed up onto the passenger seat and shut the door behind him.

“Do you have a condom?” she asked. “I’m on the pill, but…”

“Don’t worry, darlin’, I’ve got it covered,” he said, reaching for the glove box and pulling out a box of condoms.

Another time it might bother her that he carried a box in his truck but right now she was just glad that it meant she didn’t have to wait to have him inside of her. He opened the pack and put the condom on and she crawled over to him and straddled his lap. She shifted on him, felt him at the entrance of her body before she sank down on him, taking him completely inside of her. She felt his hands on her butt holding her in place when she wanted to move.

He arched his back and went even deeper and she groaned. He was so thick and hard and filled her completely. She tipped her head back, felt her own hair brushing on her shoulders, and then opened her eyes to see he was watching her. He tangled his hands in her hair again and she realized he wasn’t holding her still so she started to move on him. Lifting herself until only the tip of him remained inside of her and then shifting back down until he filled her again. She put her hands on his shoulders and rode him hard. Up and down until she felt the climax building inside of her again.

He lowered his head, his mouth on her left breast suckling her while he kept one hand in her hair and the other on her hips urging her to move faster, to take him deeper. She kept rocking against him until she felt her orgasm burst through her. She cried out his name and he wrapped both arms around her, thrusting up inside of her and going faster and faster until his entire body shuddered underneath hers and he groaned her name.

She wrapped her arms around him as he rested his head against her breast and she just held him. He held her too, both of them clinging to each other. The storm of passion had forced them here to this spot and all of the other things that had been on her mind faded away.

He held her so tightly to him.

And all she could think about was Gage.

He rubbed his hands up and down her back and she rested her head on his shoulder. Not thinking about anything but him. For once she didn’t have that anxious knot in the pit of her stomach.

“I guess we should think about leaving the parking lot,” he said.

“Are you coming back to my hotel?” she asked.

“Unless you’ve changed your mind,” he said. He ran his hands up her back as she shifted back on his thighs, pulling their bodies apart.

“I haven’t,” she said.

He lifted her off his lap and set her on the seat next to him. They both put their clothing back on and he pulled her panties from his back pocket and handed them to her. She had to laugh and soon he started laughing too. It was such an awkward but not sweet moment as they were both bumping into each other as she struggled to get back into her jeans.

When they were both dressed again, he got out and walked around to the driver’s side of the truck and she watched him. The way he moved got to her. He walked with the confidence of a man who knew his place in the world and when he opened the door and climbed behind the wheel, glancing over at her, she knew she should stop staring but didn’t.


“I just like the way you move.”

“Really? Well,” he said, wriggling his brows at her, “I’ve got a few more moves to show you. Where are you staying?”

She told him and put on her seat belt as he started the engine. He put on a local country music station that was playing oldies that she remembered her mom listening to when she’d been growing up. She tipped her head back against the seat and finally realized that she knew why Savanna was always looking for this connection with a guy. It made sense to her now.

“What are you thinking?”

“Nothing I want to say out loud.”

“Fair enough. How’d you like your first dive bar?” he asked as the miles passed.

She thought about it for a long while. She wouldn’t have said she liked the place but being anywhere with Gage was certainly enough to make her want to go back again.

“It was different. The company was great.”


She nodded. She wanted to ask him if he had enjoyed the night with her, but didn’t want to be that vulnerable. She knew in that instant that sex hadn’t really solved everything the way it had felt like it had when they’d finished. Now she realized that she wanted more from him and she wasn’t sure he wanted anything from her.

Why hadn’t she thought of that before?

He pulled up to the reception area at her hotel and looked over at her.

“Second thoughts?”


Hell yes.

But letting him walk away tonight wasn’t what she wanted. Tomorrow would be soon enough to find out what the future had in store for her where this man was concerned. Tonight, she wanted everything he had to give.