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Havoc by Alexis Noelle (4)

Chapter Five



“You know just what to say

Shit, that scares me, I should just walk away

But I can't move my feet

The more that I know you, the more I want to

Something inside me's changed” – Hailee Steinfeld


I haven’t been to a club party since the night I met Rock. Considering I met him in the parking lot and we spent the rest of the night in his room, this is basically the first one I’ve been to.

Walking in I’m met with the smell of cigarettes and liquor, and I swear I can smell the testosterone in this place. I’m definitely an independent woman, but hell if I don’t love an aggressive man. I’m talking about a slam you against a wall, pull your hair, dirty talkin’ man.

The problem is they are always the ones who have a problem letting you walk away. My eyes scan the men here and I’m like a kid on Christmas morning. Knowing Rock isn’t here to screw up my good time makes me want to go even crazier. I walk toward a man who has the road name Brick on his cut. “Hey, you up for showing a girl where to get a drink and maybe some fun?”

He turns with a smile on his face that drops once he looks at me. “No, I’m good.”

I stand there unsure of what to do for a minute. I haven’t been turned down flat like that in a long time. Maybe he has an old lady or something. Walking toward another one called Storm I run my hand through my hair and shake off the last rejection. “So, you know anyone that can show me around? I’m new here and dying to see what these parties are all about.”

He turns just like Brick did, his smile fading just as quick. “Not interested.”

Jesus Christ.

What the fuck is up with these boys?

I see Megan and breathe a sigh of relief. “Hey girl, did all these boys suddenly decide to revirginize themselves or something? I just got shot down twice.”

Megan laughs and by the look on her face I know that I’m missing something. “Okay, come clean. What the fu—“

Strong arms encircle my waist, while a very familiar smell invades my senses. “Looking good tonight, babe.”

I narrow my eyes at Megan. “Stop laughing, traitor.”

I turn in his arms breaking his hold on me. “So, I tell you to leave me alone, you keep texting me. I tell you to stay away, you follow me. I tell you I don’t want to see you anymore, you trick me into coming to see you. You need me to write a message in the damn sky?”

He smirks at me and my hand clenches with the urge to smack it right off his face. Even I know doing that here would be a terrible decision. “I’m leaving.”

I turn but he grabs my arm and spins me toward him. “You have to stay for the announcement.”

He nods toward one of the other brothers who whistles and everyone gets quiet. “Tonight, even with the brewing chaos, we have an announcement for you all. Our brother, Rock, has officially claimed an old lady. She is now a part of our club, and our family. Her name is Chrissy and I expect you all to treat her as one of your own.”

My face immediately reddens. A small reason for that is embarrassment, the rest of it is from pure unfiltered rage. “You fucking did what?”

He is still smiling at me and this time I can’t control myself. I swing at him but he catches my hand before I make contact. Without saying a word, he bends down and quickly lays me over his shoulder. “Excuse us, she’s a little too excited. I’ll be back after I tire her out.”

The room erupts in hoots and hollering and my rage only boils more to an unhealthy temperature. I start pounding on his back hoping to cause some bruising.

“Get him, girl!” I hear Megan shout.

I love that girl but sometimes I want to dropkick her.

We head down the hallway and for a minute I curb my anger to take in the curve of his ass. I’ve never met a man with as juicy of a peach.


You’re pissed off, not horny.

He walks into his room, kicking the door closed before he lets me down. “Now before you get all pissy—“

“Pissy? Oh, I’m way past that. I’m fourth day of my period, I just ran out of chocolate, and I feel a migraine coming pissed off.” I take two steps toward him, his scent fills my nose and for a minute I forget what I was saying. “Whatever you did, you need to undo it. Now.”

His hands rest on my hips. “I love it when you’re all feisty like this. The louder you yell the harder my dick gets.” He yanks me against him and I can feel him through the jeans he’s wearing.

Down girl.

“Don’t think that shit is going to work. I told you we were done, Rock, and I meant it.” I cross my arms and take a step back. I need to put some distance between us.

He walks toward me and once again I stupidly back up. This time until I’m pinned between a Rock and a wall. “I’m gonna say this one more time, so make sure you’re listening.” His fingers grip my chin. “You. Are. Mine. In my bed every night, on the back of my bike, by my side. Forever. That’s what tonight is about. You and me. Nothing less. Now you can keep fightin’ this shit and makin’ yourself miserable, or you can accept it and let me make you happier than you’ve ever fucking been.”

I look at him. His eyes are determined, focused on me. The more time I spend with him, the more I want to give into him. Give him a chance.

Can I do it though?

Let myself fall?

Let go of all my fears?

Give him the ability to crush me?

I close my eyes letting my head fall against the door. “Fine.” I say it so quietly that I almost don’t think he heard me. Then I feel his mouth against my neck, his teeth nipping a trail down to my collarbone.

“I want to spend the night in here making you scream my name until you can’t form another word.” A chill runs through me as my knees almost buckle under me. “We can’t though. Everyone out there is waitin’ on us. So right now it’ll be hard and fast because there is no way I could wait all night to have you.”

His hands slip up my thighs lifting my skirt until it’s bunched around my hips. My skin tingles as he plays with the lace of my boy shorts. I find the button on his jeans, popping it and giving them a small tug.

“Love the way these things make your ass look, but right now they’re in the fucking way.” Before I can reply he pushes his thumb through the lace shredding them off of me.

“Seriously? I would have just taken them off.”

“Babe, I’ll buy you fifty of the damn things. Just shut that pretty mouth unless you’re screamin’.” He grips my thighs, lifting me off the floor, and I feel him at my entrance. “I’ve been waitin’ for this day since the first night.”

He pushes into me and my hand grips his neck, my nails digging in as my body adjusts to his size. “Say it.”

I look over at him in question.

“I want to hear you say you’re mine,” he grumbles and I can see him fighting not to move.

“Oh really? You’re gonna play this game because I can-”

His finger pushes on my clit rubbing it in circles. I can’t control the moan that slips from my lips. “Say it or I’ll bring you to the edge and then make you wait all night.”

“Fine, I’m yours, asshole.” I roll my eyes for extra dramatic effect.

“I’ll take that shit anyway I can get it, babe.” He pulls out before pushing hard into me, our bodies slamming against the door. I arch into him, begging him for more.

He moves faster, each thrust hard than the one before. Within a couple minutes I’m clenching around him, my body tightening from the way he’s moving.

“Fuck, you’re so goddamn tight.” His hand reaches between us stroking me and I tip over the edge.

“Rock!” I yell out as a loud growl sounds from his chest. My chest heaves as I try to catch my breath. He eases me down to the floor in front of his bed. Without a word, he walks out of the room.

Really? Is he just gonna leave me here? No panties, and his shit all over me?

Before I get too annoyed he walks back in the room, a washcloth in hand. Okay, maybe he gets points for this. Bending down he cleans me off and I never imagined he could be this gentle. Tossing it into his hamper he leans down, placing a kiss on my lips. “Let’s get back out there before one of these assholes comes lookin’ for us.”

Grabbing my hand, he leads back out into the main room. Megan is there with a shit eating grin on her face. “Keep smiling, traitor.”

“Got one more thing for you,” Rock says then walks away.

I turn toward my so-called friend. “A little warning would have been nice.”

“Why? So you could pretend you were sick? Or send another girl?” She starts to laugh and I shake my head. “So, he finally wore you down?”

“Oh, he did more than that.” I wink at her.

Megan’s eyes go wide so I turn around to look. Rock is standing there holding a leather jacket with the club emblem and ‘Property of Rock’ on it. “Oh hell no.”

His brows draw together in confusion.

“I did not agree to be some bimbo with your name stamped across my back. Property is your damn bike, not me.” The talking around us dies down some.

I instantly regret what I said when I see the look on his face. “Fucking talk to her,” he says to Megan handing her the jacket without a second look.

“I’m gonna grab a beer,” Ryder says before walking in the same direction as Rock.

When I turn back to her she looks pissed at me too. “What the fuck Chris?”

“Seriously? That shit is like branding a damn cow. I should just get his damn name tattooed on my ass.”

“Actually, we usually get it on our back.” I turn to see the girl who was standing with the brother that made the announcement. She shrugs off the jacket she’s wearing that’s just like the one Rock just tried to give me. I see a tattoo identical to the patch on the back of the jacket, except hers says ‘Property of Twisted’. She gives me a look before walking away from us.

“Has everyone lost their damn minds? They advertise and permanently mark that they’re property?” I’m literally having a mind blown moment.

“Listen, stow the feminist attitude for a minute. Property here isn’t what you associate it with. It means that you belong to the club. You are theirs to protect, you are family. The jacket is so that everyone knows that you are not to be fucked with. Any of these guys would come to your side at the drop of a dime if you needed them. It’s an honor and you just shit all over it.” She hands me the jacket and then walks away.


I scan the room and find Rock at the bar with Ryder. I tap him on the shoulder and he slowly spins toward me. “Give it to me again,” I say handing him the jacket back.

He doesn’t say anything or make a move to hand over my present.

“Come on, I’m trying here.”

“Try. Harder.” His voice is rough and blunt.

“I am yours. I told you that in the room. Now you can either give me the jacket or I’ll walk around and no one will know.” I cross my arms trying to grovel but keep my dignity at the same time.

He shakes his head but plays along and offers it to me.

“Oh Em Gee! This is awesome!” I take it from him and slip it on.

Rock tries to keep a steady face but fails and starts to laugh. “You make me fucking crazy but I love it.”

He yanks me toward him and pulls me into a kiss.

Maybe I love it too.