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High Seduction by Vivian Arend (14)


A screaming hot shower and a short nap followed their full day of marking up the powder. Rested and damn near starving, they were definitely ready for dinner.

Both of them eyed their clothing bags with a bit of disgust.

Erin held her cleanest T-shirt gingerly between two fingers. “I think I’ll be dining in the room so I can wear a towel. As much fun as this impromptu holiday is, I didn’t pack much more than a change of undies. I’m not wearing any of my stinky stuff down to a formal dinner with Matt.”

“First, stop with the formal and Matt thing, but I agree about the clothes. He said we’re free to check the closet and use whatever we want.”

She tugged open the door to the walk-in closet and flicked on the light. “Sweet Jesus, is Matt a cross-dresser, or does he often have women show up he needs to dress?” Erin whirled to face him. “These aren’t his ex-wife’s clothes or something, are they?”

Tim tugged forward a sleeve to show a price tag was still attached. “I’ll ask him, but I get the feeling this is like the decor. Someone bought the lot because closets are supposed to hold clothes. I wouldn’t worry about it. They’re here, let’s find something that fits.”

She ran a hand along the garments as she paced forward, the fabric swaying as she released it. “Matt’s world is a whole different place than the one I live in,” she repeated.

He kissed the back of her neck, then pulled a blouse forward. “Get dressed. I like that colour.”

“You should try this on.” She tugged a hanger to one side and raised a brow.

Tim grinned. “A kilt?”

Erin patted his ass as she grabbed a couple of hangers and headed into their room. “I wouldn’t complain.”

By the time Tim escorted her down the stairs to the main dining room, there was a spot inside him that could only be called contentment.

Erin leaned against him easily, all the fight and bluster that usually hovered around her faded to a low level. It wasn’t as if she were weaker, but the bristly side she tended to display in public was muted.

Tim wondered if she even realized how often she tended to put on a tough façade. He hoped for the next couple of days she’d continue to allow herself to relax, not only in private behind the doors of their suite, but out in the real world.

As real as mansions in the high alpine were, ones with suited servants and a professional chef.

Jason strolled into the room only a moment after they’d arrived. His dark eyes flashed as he smiled at them. “Good to see you looking more rested. If you’re ready, I’ll have dinner brought in. Matt’s been delayed by a phone call—he suggested you start without him.”

“We can wait,” Erin offered.

“No need, although he did mention he hopes to join you by dessert.” Jason tilted his head politely, then left the room, vanishing like a shadow.

Erin picked up a full water glass from the elegantly set table and raised it toward him. “To rest and relaxation.”

Tim joined her in the toast. “Two more days of luxury,” he agreed. He examined the room, a happy sigh escaping as he spotted his target. “I hope you don’t plan on sticking with water the entire time.”

She made a face. “Tim, I’m already wearing clothes out of Matt’s guest closet. I don’t feel comfortable drinking his liquor as well as crashing at his place, not unless I’m contributing to the cost.”

“Good point, but I doubt he’ll take cash in payment. I’ll ask, though, if it would make you more comfortable.” As Erin settled into a chair, Tim walked to the side table where a selection of wine and alcohol covered the surface. “Matt and I have the kind of relationship where he calls me up on Tuesday to announce he’d like to go parachuting the next day. I set it up, and that’s it until the next time we get together.”

Erin laughed, the bright tones dancing through the room. “Great, two daredevils. No wonder you get along so well.”

Tim had just grabbed a bottle of whiskey and turned toward her to answer.

She’d leaned back in her seat, the thick braid she’d woven her hair into leaving her face shining and bright. No adornment, no makeup. Both the borrowed blouse and skirt he’d convinced her to pull on were far more puritanical than the naked he’d prefer to see her in, but in spite of all that, Tim stopped cold and stared.

She frowned. “What?”

“So damn beautiful.”

Her pleasure at the compliment was clear as she fidgeted slightly. A smile lingered on her lips as she gestured to the bottle in his hand. “What are you going to ply me with?”

“Grey Goose. Or if you’d prefer, I’ll open a bottle of red wine.”

“Hmm.” Erin templed her fingers together as she leaned her elbows on the table. “Decisions, decisions. Maybe I should have a taste of each.”

She jerked back, teasing expression vanishing as Jason reappeared, a trolley of food before him. “May I suggest the Merlot? The chef is grilling steaks for your main course.”

“Of course he is.”

Erin choked down a laugh at Tim’s comment.

Jason had no qualms about sharing his amusement. His deep rumble of laughter rolled over them as he uncovered plates and placed them on the table. “We’ve made an assortment of things for you to try, since we had no idea of your preferences.”

Amazing smells rose from the platters. “It looks delicious,” Tim commented. “Open a bottle of the Merlot, and I’d like my steak medium rare.”

“The same for me.” Erin scooped up a shrimp with her fingers, dipping it in the rich sauce before pausing. “Jason—I don’t know how this works. Would you like to eat with us?”

He lowered his chin briefly. “Thank you for the invitation, but I ate earlier with the rest of the staff.”

Jason moved smoothly to the sideboard to open the wine, and Tim took advantage of the distraction to ease a couple more tidbits onto Erin’s plate.

Five minutes later they were alone, music playing in the background, candles lighting the length of the table.

Tim raised his glass.

“Another toast?” Erin asked.

He shook his head. “Taste.”

He held it to her lips, tilting the glass slowly as the dark liquid moved toward her mouth. Her gaze fixed on his eyes as she parted her lips slightly, a small sip of liquid all he allowed before stopping the flow.

She licked her lips, her tongue darting out to gather the lingering drops. “Lovely.”

Hmm. Her voice had gone sultry and low, a tantalizing brush more potent than the wine. “Here. Try a pastry.”

He chose one of the tiny tarts from her plate and lifted it as well, waiting until she leaned forward and took a bite, her teeth nipping through the flaky crust. Small crumbs scattered and he brushed them from her carefully, letting his touch linger on the curve of her breast under the silky blouse.

“Tim,” she whispered.

He popped a stuffed mushroom cap into his mouth and enjoyed the burst of flavors for a moment before lifting the glass for her again. “We’re alone. And I want to take care of you.”

He watched her consider his words as she took another sip. She hesitated, then relaxed. She snuck one hand over and rested it on his thigh as she leaned her head on his shoulder.

Cheering wasn’t appropriate, but reassuring was. He pressed his free hand over her fingers and squeezed encouragingly. “Thank you for your trust, kitten. I promise to help you enjoy yourself.”

“Just don’t go—” She pulled herself to a full stop, dark eyes glittering as she jerked upright so she could stare at him. She shook her head. “No, I won’t do that. I won’t make rules to try to influence what we’re doing.”

She said it plainly but in a hushed tone, as if she didn’t want her confession to intrude into the world they had stepped into.

“You’re braver than I am,” Tim admitted. “I like influencing what’s about to happen.”

A spark of mischief danced in. “Then we’re both in a good place, aren’t we?”

“Exactly.” Tim leaned back in his chair, looking her over carefully. The food was going to get cold if they didn’t enjoy it soon, but there was one more thing . . . “Since we’ve established I’m in charge, and that I’m planning lovely things for your pleasure, then you’ll have no problem handing me your panties.”




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