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High Seduction by Vivian Arend (11)


Tim eased back awkwardly in the plastic seat and let weariness take hold. It was no use pretending he wasn’t beat.

After his little leap of faith it had taken an hour to get his and Alisha’s feet on solid ground, plus get the entire group of passengers onboard the chopper. Erin pulled off another flying miracle and kept the chopper level in nearly impossible conditions, reducing the panic in the group as they were winched onto the chopper.

They’d shifted the rescued into a medical transport, passing over responsibility at that point, done a quick debrief with the local SAR team, and then Tim had offered to stay behind until Erin completed her paperwork. The rest of the team were shuttled to a nearby hotel for a chance to recover.

That was what seemed like hours ago, and he’d been floating between sleep and consciousness the entire time since. But he wasn’t leaving Erin, no matter how much he longed to crash for a few hours.

Soft, warm fingers stroked his arm, and he opened his eyes to discover Erin hovering over him.

“Hey, you.”

Tim didn’t fight the yawn that welled up as he pulled himself alert. “Hey yourself. You done all your postflight checks?”

“Uh-huh. Plus, I’ve got amazing news—I get to fly her to Calgary when we leave. They need her out there, and since we’re available, we get the gig.”

He smiled at her enthusiasm. “That is awesome. Congrats.”

She laughed. “You’re still half asleep. Come on, we’re good to go.”

Dragging his carcass out of the seat made him groan lightly as his tight and bruised muscles protested. Erin wrapped an arm around him, and they headed toward the exit.

“The rest of the team settled for the night?” Erin asked.

“They’re already at the hotel. And Devon got his wish. Marcus announced we’ve got a three-day leave.”

Erin paused, adjusting her small personal backpack to hang over her shoulder. “Seriously?”

Tim nodded. He tugged her to the side, pulling her strong body against his. “I want to take you somewhere special for the time we’ve got. Somewhere a little fancier than the local Holiday Inn. You okay with that?”

“Right now I need food.” She covered a yawn. “And then anywhere with a shower and a bed is fancy enough for me.”

“But you’ll go with me?”

“I don’t need to hang out with the team all the time,” Erin said. “But don’t expect me to make any decisions right now. My brain is mush.”

Tim tucked her hand in his and led her to a waiting taxi. “No other decisions needed. I’ll take care of you.”

His aches and pains faded rapidly as she settled beside him in the cab, leaning into him and sighing. He pulled out a phone and connected with Devon.

His teammate picked up on the first ring. “Yo, Tim!”

“You’re disgustingly chipper. You already eaten, or do you and Alisha want to join us for refueling?”

“Chipper is because I’ve had a shower, and we’re just headed down to the restaurant. Want us to order for you?”

Shower—bullshit. Tim would bet anything Devon had not only showered but bent Alisha over, or had her up against the wall. Only soul-satisfying sex put that tone in a man’s voice. “Cover the table with appetizers, and we’ll see about the rest when we arrive.”

“Deal. Hey . . . while it’s on my mind. Going out on a limb here, and I don’t expect an answer this minute, but I know Erin’s a frequent visitor at The Wild. You ask her to put in a good word, and get Alisha and me an invite to the rooms upstairs sometime?”

Seriously? “Why, Devon, isn’t that a little outside your usual tastes?”

A deep chuckle sounded. “Assumptions can come back to bite you, Tim. Maybe Alisha and I get a kick out of keeping it fresh.”

And a visit to a sex club was on his mind? Yeah, the man had definitely had sex and now he was gloating. Tim tucked away the phone and pondered how every day brought new and interesting things to light.

Erin nestled in again. “Late lunch with the team?” she asked.

“Just Alisha and Devon. Thought it would be nice to relax with them for a bit.” Tim didn’t add that his original intention had been to make sure Erin got used to being accepted as a part of a couple. Devon and Alisha worked with the team, but there was an unmistakable connection between them. Something he desperately wanted for himself and Erin again.

A partnership on the field and in the bedroom—strong enough that everyone would know they were together. The details of how they were together and what they were doing in private weren’t for others to know, but it was the complete deal Tim was still focused on.

The restaurant was surprisingly busy, delicious smells rushing from the kitchen to assault them as they walked in the door. Devon’s call rose over the sounds of happy tourists, and Erin tugged Tim toward the corner booth where Alisha and Devon sat.

The huge platter of nachos waiting in the center of the table pulled a groan from him. “Oh, hell yes.”

Erin had a scoop of guacamole on a chip before her ass even hit the cushioned bench. “I dreamed about this the entire flight from Banff.”

“We’ve got enough appetizers coming we don’t need anything else,” Alisha warned. She held out a plate. “Jalapeño poppers ordered just for you as well. Except Devon’s gone through four already.”

“It was cold out there. I needed something to warm me up,” Devon protested with a smile.

Other than putting in drink orders when the waitress came by, there was little but the sounds of happy crunching for the next fifteen or so minutes.

Devon leaned back, nestled up tight against Alisha as he let out a long, hard sigh. “God, I didn’t know I was that famished.”

“Granola bars and power gels get the calories in, but they don’t count as food.” Alisha held up a forkful of salad. “Here—you need something green to go with that carnivore’s feast you just inhaled.”

Devon rolled his eyes at Tim, then good-naturedly turned to his fiancée. “Rabbit food. Fine.”

Alisha might have been the one holding the fork, but Devon was obviously doing something other than it appeared as he accepted the mouthful of food.

Tim watched closely, trying to figure out why Alisha’s cheeks had bloomed so brightly. Their body language, the way Devon leaned toward her—everything screamed that they were not only a couple, but a pair who couldn’t keep their hands off each other.

It wasn’t until Alisha shuddered slightly, though, that Tim discovered the reason for her flushed face. He smiled, hiding the expression behind his glass. Devon’s hand was below the tabletop, and Tim would bet long odds he knew what was going on out of sight.

Devon’s little question from earlier made more sense now.

Tim turned to Erin. “Great job out there today.”

“You, too, except for the momentary shot of stupid.”

Devon joined in the conversation, no indication that he was doing anything sexual to Alisha while they spoke. “I thought it was no more than what was needed. A touch stupid, but there’s nothing wrong with that—”

“Sometimes stupid is what gets the job done,” Tim agreed. “Exactly. You can’t always wait for the most comfortable situation. Wait for the right place and time—hell, occasionally it’s that edge of danger that makes some experiences work better than if you called it safe.”

Devon grinned, catching the dual meaning in Tim’s words. “That extra edge? I hear some people get off on it.”

Alisha sucked in a tiny gasp of air, reaching for her water glass with unsteady fingers. Whatever Devon was doing, she was enjoying it immensely. Or at least enough that she didn’t feel safe to join in the conversation.

Erin bumped his shoulder, whispering in his ear. “Did I just miss some guy-talk lingo?”

Tim glanced at Devon. The other man raised a brow but didn’t answer. Instead, he picked up a spring roll from the table and offered it to Alisha, feeding it to her as he spoke softly.

All the while continuing to torment her and make her squirm.

Well, hell. Tim had enjoyed Devon’s company before, but this was a whole new side that he was seeing. Perhaps they had more in common than Tim originally suspected. It was something he’d have to explore more in the future.

Right now?

Now that there was food in their stomachs it was time for him and Erin to head toward the next thing, and there was no reason not to begin immediately.

He snuck his hand up Erin’s back, caressing the strong muscles of her shoulders, stroking the gentle curve with his thumb. He leaned in close so he could speak quietly.

“Your friend is really enjoying her supper today,” he whispered.

Erin snorted. “Why are we whispering about Alisha and appetizers? Is this some dark secret because of the deep-frying?”

“Try deep penetration,” Tim teased. “Notice where we are? Tucked up safe in this corner? Devon’s got his fingers all over Alisha right now, and I bet you she’s biting her tongue to stop from moaning.”

Erin stiffened slowly as he spoke, instantly glancing away from the other couple. “They’re fooling around right here?” she demanded, still keeping her voice low enough not to be overheard.

“That’s what I think.” Tim squeezed her neck again, dragging his nails lightly over her skin. “You know this. You know people get off on all kinds of edgy play. Voyeurs, exhibitionists. It’s a part of what makes people happy. If this is one of their kinks, good for them.”

“But it’s Alisha and Devon,” Erin protested.

“And you’ve spent how many hours with them over the years?”

“Enough, but I didn’t know—I mean, I don’t want to know what turns them on.”

“You trust them with your life; they trust you with theirs. You’ve played together as well as worked—enjoyed a good meal. A good movie. Sexual pleasure is simply one more thing we appreciate as humans. Knowing what they like doesn’t mean you’re jumping in and getting hands-on, either.”

He ignored her and faced the table. If Devon and Alisha were playing right out in the open like this, he was going to take advantage of the situation. Plus, there was something deliciously sensual in helping them take it one step further.

He caught Alisha’s gaze, making sure he was wearing a completely nonjudgmental expression, but he also didn’t let her look away. “Alisha. When you drop on the cable, especially in high winds, I’ve noticed you don’t seem to spin as much as I do. Got any secrets to share?”

Alisha swallowed hard but wiggled herself a bit more upright. Devon’s soft smile showed his approval and delight as he also met Tim’s gaze and waited for Alisha’s answer.

“It might have something . . . to do with our weight ratio. I don’t present as big of a target since my—” She sucked for air, her lashes fluttering. Only a second later she pulled herself together, voice shaky as she continued. “. . . My mass is smaller than yours. Try flipping between staying compact, and using a ballet dancer’s snap to focus your . . . torso on one point. That slows . . . oh, god . . . the rotation.”

She pressed both hands to the table and her eyes went unfocused for a second, lips slightly open as she silently exhaled. Devon was fully engrossed in her now, his mouth close to her ear as she got caught in the maelstrom of what Tim judged to be a very nice orgasm.

At his side Erin squirmed, a good indicator of just how much this was affecting her.

Erin wasn’t a wiggler.

“You’ll have to work through that with me in the gym sometime.” Tim raised his glass to Devon. “Demonstrations are the best way to learn.”

“Fun as well,” Devon agreed. He raised his hand to his mouth and deliberately licked the wet fingers clean, all the while staring at Alisha.

“Holy shit,” Erin breathed, leaning against Tim. “This is all wrong, but I’m so turned on right now.”

Hallelujah. “Nothing wrong, love. Our friends have healthy sex drives. They know what they like, and they’re good having some fun. Sounds like pretty much the perfect situation.”

“It feels . . .” She shook her head. “Not here.”

He squeezed her leg, leaving his hand on her thigh. “We’ll talk about it in a bit, then.”

She nodded.

Tim wanted to jump up on the table and cheer. Instead he focused on the rest of the time together with Devon and Alisha, making sure it was ordinary and everyday as possible. Just friendly team members, taking a break. Enjoying the start of a couple days off.

But when they got out of here? He was picking up the conversation and running with it. And he was sending a bottle of really good whiskey to Devon the first chance he got.

* * *

Tim followed her into the back of the taxi. He didn’t crowd her, yet his presence wrapped around her so hard she broke into an instant sweat. His scent, his nearness.

Just him.

Erin was a mess of emotion, all tangled up with urgent sexual desires that needed to be dealt with right now. Only she wasn’t sure exactly what she wanted to do with herself.

Watching Devon and Alisha fool around shouldn’t have driven her so crazy. Or maybe that wasn’t the truth—Devon was a good-looking guy, Alisha good-looking as well, and seeing them together was far better than your typical porn-star mash-up. But seeing them getting turned on had been far more exciting than she’d expected.

For one second she’d wanted to slip over to the opposite side of the table and join in. Add her touch to the hand stroking Alisha—and girls weren’t the normal go-to for Erin’s turn-ons, but they’d been so into what they were doing. So intent on finding pleasure that the situation had just screamed for Erin to be a part of it.

She’d been so wrapped up in her pondering that she missed what Tim said to the driver.

“We’re not staying at the hotel with them?”

Tim shook his head. “You agreed I could take you somewhere else. Three days of R and R on my dime. If you’ll allow me.” He lifted her hand and kissed the back of her knuckles.

Erin could no sooner stop the shiver that rocked her than stop the blood from rushing to her erogenous zones. “You did catch the part where I said I needed a shower and some sleep?”

“And food. Don’t worry. I’ll make sure we cover all the bases.”

The heat wasn’t just there inside her. Tim’s gaze drifted over her face, more than a touch of anticipation clearly there for her to witness. “You’re acting twelve. You’ll be making comments about hitting a home run next.”

“Anything to score with you.” He winked at her groan. “Don’t worry, I intend sex to be involved, but I’m exhausted as well. I’ll be a perfect gentleman until we’ve both recovered.”

Erin ignored the fact that the driver could hear them. After Alisha and Devon’s little scene in the restaurant, being overheard talking about sex wasn’t nearly as risqué. “The idea of you being a gentleman makes me laugh.”

“Gentleman pirate?”

She chuckled softly. “That I could see. You scoundrel.”

He leaned her head against his chest and cradled her close. “At your service. It’s what scoundrels do best.”

She thought she’d fall asleep, what with the winding roads and the long day of travel and work. Instead she found herself awake but relaxed, the steady beat of his heart under her ear. The rhythmic touch of his fingers as he stroked her braid. Fingertips light on the strands as it hung down over her shoulder.

Outside the grey sky filled with clouds, harsh against the deep green of the evergreens on the mountainsides. They were out off the highway and headed into the higher ground of the island. “So not into Victoria City?”

“What’s that?”

Erin rested a palm on his chest and held on lightly. “I thought you’d take me into the big city. Find us a fancy hotel so you could impress me.”

“Too easy. And too much like being back living in a tourist town. Banff is great, but I want some time away from the constant influx of strangers, even if we’re a couple of them.”

Good point. “Rustic cabin in the woods?”

“Just about.” Tim pointed ahead of them.

Erin leaned forward to follow the line. “Holy shit, Tim. Rustic doesn’t mean castle-sized.”

“I do everything bigger.” Tim laughed when Erin’s hand curled into a fist, and she playfully tapped him on the chest. “I can’t help it. I’ve been gifted in so many ways.”

“Gift of oversized ego, that’s for sure.” Erin stared out at the rapidly approaching estate and wondered why she wasn’t screaming harder about being kidnapped. “Tell me what is this mansion we’re headed to. Because that doesn’t look like a hotel.”

“It’s a private residence. Someone I know who has a few places, and offered for me to stay anytime I wanted.”

Oh, right. She gave him a look. “You just happen to know someone who just happens to have a place on Vancouver Island that is like a million-dollar setting, and without even calling, we’re going to be welcome for a few days?”


She snorted. “You are so going to have to tell me what you’ve been up to over the past years.”

“Making friends.” He shrugged. “There’s a lot of money in and around the oil industry. In this case, though, knowing how to save a man when he was having a heart attack during a visit to the platform got me the connection.”

“Oh, that makes sense.” Erin relaxed a little. “He got sick while doing a tour of the station, and now he’s eternally grateful to you?”

“Something like that. Add in the fact I’m a charming fellow, and I get invited to a lot of parties.”

“I bet you do.” Erin eased back. “Fine. I’ll trust you.”

Utter silence followed the statement, and panic threatened to rise in Erin.

Trust. She pretty much had always trusted him. Except when her actions had led to his one shitty retaliation. For the rest, when things had gone sideways, it had been far more about her fears than him doing anything wrong.

Far more about losing control and losing herself.

The car pulled up to the front of the long drive, stopping under the protective roof of a massive overhang. A few lights were on in the house, and a well-dressed young man came forward to open her door and offer her a hand.

Erin waited silently, a little uncomfortable until Tim joined her.

“Is Matthew home?” Tim pulled Erin to his side, soothing her fears with his confident approach.

“Unfortunately, you’ve missed him. He’ll be home tomorrow.”

Tim held out his hand. “Timothy Dextor and Erin Tate. Matthew said for me to drop in. We’ll be staying for three nights.”

The man shook hands. “I’m Jason Lord. Let me help you with your bags, and I’ll show you to the sunroom. You can relax while I see about getting your suite prepared.”

“I’ll deal with the taxi.” Tim gestured for Erin to go ahead. “I’ll be with you in a minute.”

Jason extended his arm, and Erin wrapped her fingers around the cool black suit with hesitation. “There’s not a problem with us stopping in unannounced?”

“Mr. Haven enjoys the spontaneity of new guests,” Jason assured her. “I’m sure he’ll be delighted.”

Then Erin got lost in the three-storey ceiling and massive roman columns arranged in a circle around the grand foyer. “Holy shit,” she whispered. “We’re not in Kansas anymore.”

Gold. Textiles. Dazzling colours and comfortable leather. It was like watching Homes Beautiful, international version, only instead of being on the TV it was right freaking there in front of her.

She was a little shell-shocked by the time Tim joined her in the sunroom. An unpretentious name for a room the size of her main floor that was filled with greenery and exotic blooms.

“You comfortable?” Tim grabbed a bottle off the side counter and poured sparkling liquid into two fluted glasses waiting there.

Erin’s jaw snapped up as she fought to find words. “What the hell is going on, Tim?”

He shrugged. “I told you, Matthew and I go back a ways. He’s got money, and I like spending it for him. We get along fine.”

“So Jason isn’t off summoning the police right now?”

Tim shook his head and handed her a glass, the stem cool against her fingers. “Of course not. I’m sure he left the room and immediately phoned Matt to make sure we were on the up-and-up, but seriously. Think about it, Erin. Would anyone really show up out of the blue and announce they were staying for three days if they hadn’t been invited?” He raised a brow. “Right? I mean, that would take more chutzpa than even I’ve got.”

“True.” Erin accepted the glass and sniffed cautiously. “Only you have to admit this is far outside my usual lifestyle.”

“I don’t live this way on a daily basis, either. Makes it more enjoyable when I do.” Tim raised his glass to her in salute. “To three days of luxury and relaxing.”

Their glasses touched, and a crystal click echoed off the walls. Erin could no longer hold back her grin. “To three days of decadence.”

The flash of desire in his eyes promised that their time would be enjoyable for many reasons.

Heat trickled up her spine as Tim strolled through the room, but she answered his casual comments with matching nonchalance.

For the past month he’d done everything he’d said he would. He’d let her be in charge, hadn’t pushed for more in the bedroom than what a typical vanilla couple would enjoy. And he was talented enough that she’d had fun. But—

The look of ecstasy on Alisha’s face only a few hours earlier had changed things. Rocked the world that Erin had been fighting to maintain—a world where she didn’t step outside the very clear boundaries she’d set.

Yet the longing to accept more from Tim was real. While that scared the hell out of her, Erin tucked up her fears and let the other side of her desires escape.

Maybe it was wrong, but for this short while, in a new and somewhat unreal setting, maybe the rules she’d been following so closely for so long could be slightly bent. Maybe, as with Alisha and Devon, there was a place for her to simply take what it was that gave her the most pleasure.

Now she had to work up the courage to let Tim know the rules were temporarily changing.