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Hungry Mountain Man by Charlize Starr (113)

Chapter 3 – Virginia


“Are you kidding me?” I was glaring at my dad with fury, while mom dabbed tears from the corners of her eyes at the door of my bedroom. A bag was lying open on my bed, into which my dad was expecting me to pack some essentials.

“Mouse, please don’t fight me on this, sweetheart. Just do what you’re told!” Dad looked upset. He wasn’t being aggressive, but he was being firm. I couldn’t believe a word of what I was hearing.

“I have an exam coming up in a few days. I can’t just go to Alaska for a week!” I screamed and dad walked around me and threw open the doors of my wardrobe.

“C’mon, mouse, tell me what you need and I’ll help you pack,” he said, staring at my clothes.

“Mom?” I shrieked, who shook her head and a few more fat tears rolled down her cheeks.

“What is going on? Why do I need to go to Alaska?” I yelled, and Dad pulled out a bunch of hangers with clothes on them and strewed them all over my bed.

“Tell me what you need,” he said, ignoring my statement.

“Why won’t you even tell me what’s happening? Why do I have to go now, alone?” I shrieked and dad looked up at me, peering into my face.

“All you need to know is that I’m doing this for your safety and you’re not going alone. Now pack!” he growled, and his tone had changed from pleading to commanding.

“My safety? What does that mean? Dad, what is going on!” I shrieked and threw my hands up in the air.

“Virginia!” he barked and I clamped my mouth shut. I couldn’t understand what had gotten into him lately. I couldn’t remember the last time he had yelled at me. “Mouse . . . baby, do you trust me?” he came up to me, and his voice had softened.

I could feel my eyes watering. I was confused, afraid, and angry that my dad wasn’t giving me any explanations.

“Do you trust me?” he urged me again, and my lips quivered as I looked away from him.

“This needs to be done. It’s only for a few days and it’s the only way I can take care of what I need to take care of. Please, trust me. I wouldn’t force this on you if I had any other choice,” he said.

I stared into his eyes, then walked around him and started picking out things off my bed and throwing them into the bag. I didn’t want to look at him or my mother. I couldn’t believe that this was happening to me. What did he mean when he said that I wasn’t going alone?

“There’s a cab waiting for you downstairs,” dad said, as I zipped up my bag. I didn’t even check to see if I had everything I needed. I didn’t even know what I could possibly need in Alaska!

I walked over to Mom and hugged her tightly and she brushed my hair as more tears trickled down her cheeks.

“Virginia!” I heard Dad call out as I bounded down the stairs. If he was sending me away to Alaska without an explanation, I didn’t owe him a conversation either.

I banged open the front door and saw that there was a black SUV at the end of our driveway. I could sense that mom and dad had run to the door but I didn’t turn to look at them. How could they do this to me?

I yanked open the back door of the car and threw my bag in. It was only when I lowered my head to get in that I noticed Carl sitting inside. My body froze, and I felt like my voice was caught in my throat.

“Hello, Virginia, it’s nice to see you again,” he said, in his usual deep smooth voice. I could feel my hands shaking, as I tried to make my limbs move. I hadn’t seen him in practically a year, but nothing had changed about him. He was just as hot as I remembered him.

He was a big man, and he seemed to fill up the entire back seat of the SUV. His head grazed the ceiling of the car. I knew he was muscular underneath the t-shirt and leather jacket he was wearing. His beard was dark and thick, and he always maintained a clean neat shape to it. His hair was dark, too, and very thick, unlike my dad’s which was greying and thin now.

It was Carl’s eyes that had always weakened me, and as he stared at me now, I could feel those familiar tugs in my belly return. He had crystal clear blue, dangerous eyes that could turn stormy and dark at a moment’s notice.

“Are you going to come in?” he asked, and there was a soft grin on his face. I felt foolish and like a child as I continued staring at him, still feeling immobilized.

“We should get going before we miss our flight,” Carl said and I had no choice but to slide in and settle down beside him. I shut the door behind me and looked out of the dark tinted window. Mom and Dad were at the front door of the house. I could tell that Mom was still crying, and Dad had his arm around her, trying to console her.

“Virginia, I don’t want you to be scared. I’m going to do everything I can to keep you safe,” Carl’s voice was strong and deep, and I turned to look at him again.

“I’m not scared,” were the first words I said to him, and the grin on Carl’s face widened.

Suddenly, I didn’t hate my dad so much anymore. I only wished that I had packed more appropriately. I was going on a trip to Alaska with the man of my dreams, and I couldn’t be more excited!