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In His Corner by Alexandra Warren (21)

-Round Eleven-



I was sick to my stomach and it had nothing to do with the baby growing inside of me, but everything to do with the person equally responsible for creating her. The undercard fights were the only thing keeping me at peace, the longer they went, the longer it would be until Princeton had his turn in the ring. And while I was sure he was ready to get the whole thing over with after being hyper-focused on it for the last two months - or for his whole life - I wished he could hold off a little longer just so I wouldn’t have to be a witness, even through the television.

Luckily I wasn’t alone; my parents, Princeton’s mom, and Gina all keeping me company as they called themselves putting together a little fight party complete with all the greasy foods my heart would’ve desired if I could stomach any of it. But since I couldn’t, I was curled up on the couch in front of the TV, my heart leaping out of my chest when the screen flashed to a shot of Princeton as he ran pre-fight drills with Tony in his dressing room

“That’s my boy!” Lucinda shouted as she plopped down on the couch next to me with a plate of chicken wings, the smell alone making my stomach turn as I focused back on the screen just in time to catch the close-up shot of Princeton’s face that was already dripping in sweat.

Even with my nerves, I could still appreciate how fine he looked. Though my lusting felt inappropriate once my father came back in the room with a bowl of chips and a beer, stopping to give a kiss to my forehead as if he could already sense my anxiety.

“He’ll be fine, baby girl. He’s undefeated for a reason.”

“I know, I know. I just… I want him to win so bad,” I admitted, unable to share my full reason out loud since Princeton hadn’t made his retirement public yet. But I couldn’t even imagine how he would feel if he didn’t come out on top, if he didn’t go out a champ, if he ruined his undefeated record against some washed up fighter who we now knew only came back to boxing because of his issues with the IRS.

“He’s going to win, Bella. He’s going to bring that championship belt back home and hang it right over Zuri’s crib because this one is for her,” Gina said confidently, Lucinda and my mother both agreeing with her as I curled deeper into the couch, hoping they’d be right. But I quickly realized we were going to find out soon enough once I watched Scotty’s boring ass introduction, followed by Princeton’s who was accompanied by G. Griffey rapping one of his latest hits as he made his way through the crowd with Tony and Little Tony behind him.

Naturally, I wondered how he felt about not having his father there for the first time, worried he would miss his critical commentary and infight adjustments. But as I watched him enter the ring, shaking his shoulders as if he was shaking off the same nerves that I was holding onto, I decided I was better off letting him do what he did best than acting like this fight was anything different than the ones that had come before it.

He had everything under control.

At least I thought he had everything under control until he went the entire first round without landing a substantial punch.

“It’s alright, Bella. He’s just feeling him out,” my father explained, his casual-watcher expertise more than enough for me to rely on since I didn’t have any of my own. But when the second round went past in pretty much the same fashion, I really became worried.

“What are you doing, Princeton?” I whispered to myself, listening in as the commentators basically said the same thing in more technical terms. But I realized the issue the second the camera view went to his corner, Princeton’s eyes blank as Tony broke down what he was doing wrong and what adjustments he needed to make while Little Tony squirted water into his mouth.

I knew he wasn’t really listening, wasn’t at all focused. And it showed when round three began and Princeton let “Lights Out” get away with the same things Tony had just warned him about, landing a body blow I knew would leave a bruise once I saw the way Princeton crunched in response.

At that point, I didn’t want to watch anymore, knowing the scorecard was far from in his favor. But I kept watching anyway, kept cringing each time “Lights Out” landed a punch, covered my eyes as the crowd roared in support of who Princeton had described as a legend, and let out the biggest sigh of relief when the bell rung signaling the round was finally over; the only thing saving Princeton if I was being completely honest.

The house was dead silent, no one really knowing what to say in response to a sight none of us had seen before. Princeton losing a fight, Princeton taking big hits, Princeton… not being Princeton.

It was bewildering, but made all the sense in the world once I considered everything that was probably on his mind coming into this bout, even if I had tried to put him at ease about it all. And while I hated to admit it, I knew I had turned into the exact distraction his father had once talked about, my existence - our baby - taking his mind off of where it needed to be long before he had even agreed to this fight. `

By the time the next round began, I was just about ready to excuse myself to the bathroom permanently until I saw Princeton show a glimpse of life, landing a jab to Scotty’s face that was enough to send sweat spraying throughout the ring. But my high didn’t last long as Scotty threw one right back a few seconds later that stumbled Princeton back into the ropes, his arms swooping up to block the face shots as Scotty let off a round of clean body shots that were just as dangerous.

“This is a disaster,” I groaned as I sank into the couch, covering my face with my hands as I began mentally preparing for the aftermath of what was sure to be a broken spirit.

Of course I couldn’t help but wonder if it would be anything like what Sir Kingfield had turned into, couldn’t help but wonder if Princeton would never be the same after this; never truly recover. But once I heard Lucinda shout, “There you go, baby!”, I peeked through my fingers just in time to catch Princeton land a right hook that had Scotty on wobbly legs as the round came to an end.

“Saved by the damn bell,” my father growled with a clap of his hands, shaking his head as I sat back up, more alert now that Princeton was back in it. And I wasn’t the only one, baby girl doing what felt like somersaults in my stomach as if she was excited too.

This time when they showed Princeton’s corner, I could see the determination I was used to back in his eyes as if he had finally settled into the fight, as if he had suddenly remembered who the fuck he was. And when the bell rang to signal the beginning of the next round, I was all in, my fists clenched as I whispered, “Come on, babe. You got this.”

Princeton and Scotty went back and forth trading blows that neither seemed to be affected by, Scotty the first to show signs of exhaustion as he leaned into Princeton for support while trying to sneak in body shots that Princeton blocked with ease before the referee broke them apart. But I could tell Princeton was in his zone when he was the one to chase after Scotty, his aggressive approach showing just how confident he was feeling until...

“No!” I shouted as Princeton caught a clean left hook from Scotty that seemed to come out of nowhere, falling to the canvas with a heavy thud as the referee stood over him and began his ten-count.

“Come on, baby. Get up,” Lucinda pleaded as my parents and Gina sat back with stunned expressions, watching regretfully as Princeton struggled to recover from the shot.

And while I worried I might’ve been too late - and in bad standing since I hadn’t followed up like I said I would - , I immediately closed my eyes to pray, “Hey God. You good? Cause I’m not. And I really, really need you to help me out here cause I’ll be one crazy mama if he doesn’t…”

“He’s up, he’s up,” my father announced, snapping me from my prayer with one eye to find the referee checking Princeton out before approving his return the fight.

But just before he stepped away, I closed my eyes to finish, “I promise I’ll be at church as soon as the baby drops. K bye,” my eyes quickly popping back open to see Princeton smack gloves with Scotty before chasing him around the ring yet again until the round came to an end, then making his way back to his corner on what seemed to be steady legs as Tony checked his eyes and Little Tony gave him more water.

“I’m not gonna make it,” I announced, nervously gnawing on my lip as the commentators gave Scotty high praise for a punch that might’ve knocked anyone else out for good. But considering the way Princeton had went back after him, even after the knockdown, I had a feeling it wasn’t as bad as it looked - prayed it wasn’t as bad as it looked - though the slow motion replay proved Princeton had definitely been affected.

Knew I should’ve shown him that boxing brain simulation…” I thought to myself as the bell rung to signal the beginning of the next round, the sound alone enough to make my anxiety skyrocket. But with my hands over my mouth, I kept my eyes intently on the screen, watching the little taps Scotty and Princeton traded back and forth before Scotty went for the jugular with a smooth uppercut that slipped right past Princeton’s chin. The move leaving Scotty’s face wide open for the shortest second, which turned out to be just enough time for Princeton to counter the attack with a clean jab that stumbled Scotty back.

The roar of the crowd was all too familiar. But I refused to get my hopes up until I saw the way Princeton went into full-on attack mode, unleashing an onslaught of jabs and hooks that appeared to weaken Scotty until he finally crumbled and the referee slipped between them to stop the fight.

It’s over! It’s over!” the commentator shouted, Gina and Lucinda both hopping off the couch excitedly as my parents shared in a celebratory hug. But all I could do was sit there in awe, stunned in the best way now that Princeton had actually pulled it off. 

“You can breathe now, Bella! He did it!” Gina shouted once she realized I hadn’t moved. But instead of responding, my eyes stayed on the screen as I watched Princeton celebrate with his team, the exuberance on his face taking me back to the first day we met.

Who knew all of this would come from it?

I was sitting in what was slowly transforming into “our” house. We were both surrounded by people who loved us. He was ending his career on the exact note he envisioned and my career had transformed into something I couldn’t have even imagined. And we had created a life; a bundle of joy that was just as pure as the smile on her father’s face as they began his post-fight interview.

“Prince, how does it feel to add another victory to your undefeated record after taking on such a distinguished challenger chasing your heavyweight title?”

Princeton’s charm was on full tilt, making me hot between the thighs when he smiled wide and answered, “It feels amazing, man. Can’t even describe it. My team and I came in here on a very specific mission. So to complete it in such a triumphant way… I couldn’t be happier.” 

“You took quite a shot from Scotty in the fifth round. Were you at all worried it’d be over then?”

The chuckle he let out in response had us all chuckling as he replied, “Hell yeah I was worried. Scotty knows I have all the respect in the world for him, for what he’s done for boxing; even more specifically, what he’s done for our weight class. And I’d be playing myself if I pretended like his left hook wasn’t shit. But by the grace of God, I made it up before the ten-count was over and found my way back into the fight.”

“Now we noticed your father wasn’t in your corner this go-round.”

Naturally, I tensed up. And I could see how uncomfortable the question made Princeton as well in the way he ran a hand across the back of his neck before he pushed out, “Yeah. He uh… he suffered a minor stroke pretty recently, so my team and I decided it’d be best to let him fully recover instead of worrying himself sick about something we knew we could handle without him.”

While I knew that wasn’t the full truth, I could appreciate the way he handled it for the public as the commentator replied, “Well I know all of us here are sending well wishes to someone who’s a legend in his own right. But who can we expect to see you in the ring with next? Anyone in particular on your radar?”

A sneaky smile grew on my face before he even said a word since I already knew the answer to this question. Still, I let it be news to everyone else in the house when he released a sigh, peeking over his shoulder at his team before he finally answered, “Actually, I’m proud to announce this will be my last fight. Leaving the ring as a champion, defeating who I believe was one of the best to ever do it, I couldn’t ask for anything more. Wouldn’t want to go out any other way.” 

The house fell especially quiet, everyone shocked as the commentator continued, “You heard it here first, ladies and gentlemen. “The Prince” is bowing out gracefully. Thanks for your time and congratulations.”

“Appreciate it. Special shoutout to all the fans who have shown love over the years, shoutout to Scotty for putting up one hell of a fight tonight. And to my Bella, I’ll be home soon, baby.”

All eyes flashed towards me as I sank into the couch, giddy as hell for more reasons than one. Though Gina was the first to acknowledge, “Oh my God. You knew, didn’t you?”

With my lip pulled between my teeth, I nodded, feeling especially relieved now that I no longer had to keep that secret. And before I had to put any words behind it, my phone rang, Princeton’s name flashing across the screen an even bigger surprise since he hadn’t been off the television for more than a minute. But his call made sense once I said, “Hello” and his immediate response was, “Is the baby still baking?”

I giggled, shaking my head at his concern as I answered, “I don’t know for how much longer thanks to how stressed the fuck out you just had us, but she is.”

There was a ton of commotion in the background, so I only vaguely heard him when he said, “My bad, B. He was a little more polished than I thought he’d be.”

“Uhh.. weren’t you the one who told me you can never underestimate your opponent? Every fighter has a puncher’s chance?” I asked, my eyebrow piqued teasingly as if he could see me.

But my teasing expression was easily transformed into a goofy grin once I heard him reply, “Yeah. But then I met this girl who gassed me the hell up and I forgot to take my own advice cause I liked hers better.”

Once again, I shook my head with a laugh, biting back my grin as I gushed into the phone, “I’m so proud of you. Congratulations, Prince.”

“Thank you, Bella. I’ll be home soon, aight?”

I nodded as if he could see me, putting on a game face of my own since I knew his return meant more than just having him around again.

We had survived this battle, but it was one of a pair. And while I could only hope mine would go over a lot smoother than his had, his overall victory had me inspired enough to reply, “One fight down. One more to go.”