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Lost Boys: Ken by Riley Knight (26)




“Has anyone seen Aaron?” Lance asked, draped over his chair in a sort of bonelessly relaxed, graceful way that Ken knew that he couldn’t pull off in a million years. Beside him, of course, as always seemed to be the case, was Jamie, artlessly tousled and just as beautiful as ever.

So they were both there, and Ken, obviously was there, and by Ken’s side was Justin, who had been offered an incredibly lucrative contract with the record label. It had turned out that Lara had been quite eager to make sure that Justin didn’t go off and write with other people, so she had made it as tempting as possible for him to stay.

Which meant that Justin was around a lot more, which didn’t exactly break Ken’s heart. Nor did it upset him that Jade had become somewhat of a fixture, charming people wherever she went.

“Nah,” Ken admitted, while Jamie lifted his head with a sort of feline grace.

“He said he wasn’t going to bother coming. That he didn’t see what the big deal was, and he’d meet the new manager later.”

Ken rolled his eyes. That sounded like Aaron. Leave it to him to blow off something like this. Ken, personally, was excited to meet the new manager, though he was wary, of course, too. But then, Lara would have been very careful about who she hired in this case.

“Well, if Aaron isn’t going to bother to show himself,” Lara commented, giving a wry little shake of her head. “Then I guess I’d better get this show on the road.”

This woman had a sense for the dramatic, for sure, which could only go over well in her job. She kept the suspense going as long as possible, though she had to know that they were all very eager to see who was going to be taking Lester’s place. So she’d had them—whoever they were—wait outside, and she went over to open the door.

“Okay, guys. This is Brad. Brad, this is Lance, Jamie, and Ken.”

The man who walked in was huge, standing at least a few inches taller than Ken, which was saying something. His shoulders were broad and wide, his lips pulled into a tight little smirk, his hair dark, and his eyes a bright amber, almost golden.

Ken was a happily taken man, but even so, he couldn’t help but stare. The corporate types weren’t usually his sort of thing, but this man was the epitome of tall, dark, and handsome, and all around him, he could see the reactions of the other men in the room, which were all pretty much the same as his, from what he could tell.

It wasn’t just his physical appearance, this Brad, though that was something just on its own. But there was a tilt to his chin, a wry set to his mouth, which spoke of confidence and competence, a man who was used to being in control and who liked it that way.

“You know,” Justin whispered very quietly so that only Ken could hear him, “I think it might be a good thing that Aaron isn’t here.”

Ken snorted softly, and Brad’s golden eyes fell on him, one dark eyebrow raising as if in silent question. Ken shook his head, and mercifully that penetrating gaze moved on, scanning each of the other men in the room one by one.

Yeah. The more time Ken spent around this man, the more he thought that it would probably be better if Brad and Aaron were around each other as little as possible. The clash of personalities would be quite something to see there. Ken was fairly sure of that.

If they ever butted heads, that would be pretty intense, but at the same time, what were the chances of that happening? Aaron kept to himself, for the most part. That would probably keep everything nice.

Not that it wouldn’t be fun to see two forces of nature, two men who could somehow seem to get their way just by silently arching an eyebrow, butting heads. It would be something to watch, for sure.

From about two or three blocks off, Ken figured. Or maybe a little bit more, just to be safe.




The meeting broke up soon enough. Brad had seemed pretty eager to get to work, and no doubt he had a lot of work to do, cleaning up the mess that Lester had left. Not only had Lester been crooked, but he really hadn’t been very good at his job, from what Justin had seen.

“Well, that didn’t take as long as I thought it would,” Ken, always blunt, pointed out, and Justin smiled at him and pulled his boyfriend close.

“Yeah,” he admitted. “Now we have the whole afternoon free. What do you think we can find to do together?”

He had some ideas, for sure, and from the sultry look that came into the lovely turquoise of Ken’s eyes, Ken was having some of the same ideas.

“When’s Jade out?” Ken asked, which was a fair enough question. They both loved Justin’s daughter, but she did have a way of getting between them and the chance for sex.

“She’s got her dance day camp until five,” Justin murmured and shifted closer, pressing his body against Ken’s lovely, strong, huge body, rubbing against him in the way that he knew, through experience, that Ken wouldn’t be able to resist. “Why don’t we go home and …”

Ken grinned and grabbed Justin around the wrist, tugging him right out the door and into the lingering late summer heat. Soon, Ken and the rest of the Lost Boys would be on tour, and Justin would have to stay behind with his daughter, and he wanted to get as much time with him as he could now.

When they got to Justin’s place, Justin took a step back, not unlocking his front door. Instead, he just tilted his head and gestured at it. His eyebrows meaningfully raised as he gazed at the other man.

“Uh, babe, I don’t have a key or anything …” Ken started, which was exactly the cue that Justin had been waiting for.

“You do now,” he purred, and he grabbed a keyring out of his pocket, one that he’d been holding there for a while, just waiting for the right time. This felt like it. Maybe Ken would be going away soon, but Justin wanted to send the message, loud and clear, that he would have a place waiting for him when he came back.

Ken stared at the keys and then looked at Justin, his eyes wide and surprised.

“Really? Do you actually want me to …”

Justin cut him off, stealing his words with a kiss. As he did, he gently took Ken’s hand in his own and guided it to the doorknob, letting him unlock the door and then pushing him inside, still kissing him.

“Oh yeah,” he finally admitted. Yes, that was what he wanted, for Ken to call this place home, too, just as Justin and Jade already did. More frantic kissing and they made it to the couch, which was—Justin sensed—really as far as either of them was willing to go.

It had been months, the whole summer, almost, and yet this heat between them, this passion, burned hotter than the summer sun. It never seemed to die down at all, and Justin wanted to hold on to it as long as he could.

Before Ken, it had been so long since Justin had felt wanted by anyone. It was addictive, and he had found that he couldn’t seem to get enough of it.

They tangled together on the couch, kissing over and over again, and it all built so naturally between them. There was no need to rush, no need to push because it would all happen, neither of them could resist.

Since they had the house to themselves, Justin stripped Ken slowly, taking his time, worshiping his body with his tongue. It was such a luxury to be able to do this right in the living room, to know that no one was around to catch them and they didn’t have to be careful.

At the same time, Ken was taking off all of Justin’s clothes, leaving his body bare and vulnerable to him. They slid together, and Justin settled on top of Ken’s larger, stronger body, straddling his hips so that his dick was pressed right up against Ken’s, rutting against him.

Even this, which should have just been foreplay, was so damn good with Ken. Justin moaned, and his cock was leaking, mixing with Ken’s precome to make everything so perfectly slick and slippery that it was as satisfying as sex that Justin had ever had with anyone else.

They kissed, over and over, hot breath mingling as their hips danced, cocks sliding together, pressed against each other from their toes all the way to their chests.

Justin could have worked himself to climax far too easily, just rubbing against Ken, doing the sort of things that teenagers would do, frantically humping and hoping to get relief. But then Ken, lying under him, spread his legs and Justin fell down between them, his cock so slippery that it slid between the cheeks of Ken’s ass absolutely effortlessly.

“Ken,” Justin moaned softly, thrusting his hips, his head sliding smoothly between those full, firm ass cheeks where Ken was so hot and tight. He kissed the other man, his tongue probing into his mouth as his leaking, slick head rubbed against the entrance to Ken’s body.

It was all far too effortless. Justin rocked and thrust and the very, very tip of his head caught against Ken’s tight hole. He gasped and pushed a tiny bit more, and a tiny bit more of his slippery cockhead pushed inside, lubricated by his own precome and by Ken’s, too.

“Justin, baby,” Ken moaned, obviously feeling no pain as he writhed up, trying to get more of Justin inside of him, trying to get more of that connection. And that was just what Justin wanted, moaning and trembling with the effort of holding back as he slid, a fraction of an inch at a time, inside his boyfriend.

“You okay?” Justin asked, balls deep inside of Ken but holding himself back. This was unusual for them, to do it without more lube, but it had all been so slow and neither of them had seemed to be able to hold themselves back.

“Yeah. I’m okay. Move, fuck me,” Ken moaned, and he pulled his hips back and gave Justin the idea, thrusting back up onto him, fucking himself on Justin. Once more, they kissed, and Justin slid down to find Ken’s cock hard and hot and waiting for him.

But Justin couldn’t fuck him. He couldn’t go as fast as he might want to, and not only because he didn’t want to hurt Ken. No, there was also the fact that he was too close, that he couldn’t ever get enough of Ken and seeing how flushed and hot he was for Justin as he lay under him on the couch was driving him insane.

Ken, as it turned out, didn’t give him much of a choice. He pushed his hips up, and, when that wasn’t enough, he took matters into his own hands. As big as Ken was, it was a simple matter for him to scoop Justin up, still impaled on Justin’s cock, and spin them both over so that Ken was straddling Justin’s hips and had control over the speed, the depth, everything.

There was something so raw, so elemental, about being with Ken. Justin had never screwed anyone even half as energetic as Ken was, and sometimes, he felt like he had to hold on for dear life. But the ride was always more than worth it, and Ken took it all over, riding him for all he was worth.

It was pointless to try to resist, and honestly, Justin didn’t. There was just no way he was going to be able to hold back. His balls were already throbbing and aching with the desire to shove deep inside of him, to empty himself and to once more make Ken his.

From the signs, though, Ken wasn’t too far off, either. He was already giving those little hoarse cries, increasingly desperate, and his cock throbbed against his flat stomach as he fucked himself deep, his eyes going hazy with the pleasure which Justin knew must be building inside of him.

“Now, Justin,” Ken moaned, and it was then that Justin knew that his lover was linked to him completely, that Ken, too, could tell how close Justin was. With those two words, Ken’s body convulsed hotly around Justin’s cock, and he shot his come all over himself, both of them sweating as they churned and thrust and desperately tried to become one person.

Seeing Ken as he writhed for him, as he moaned and fucked himself frantically, it was too much for Justin. He groaned, and his body tensed once more, every muscle strained almost to the breaking point as he spilled inside of him. Spurt after spurt painted the insides of Ken’s body, their harsh breath mingling between them as Justin’s hands clutched to Ken and hauled him close and filled him up.

When it was all over, Ken thoughtfully rolled onto his back again, holding Justin on top of him, his body a huge, hot, sexy mattress under Justin’s body, far more comfortable than the couch where they rested. They nuzzled close, slowly getting their breath, and, in Justin’s case, at least, his wits, back together.

Maybe. Or maybe not, as it turned out, with what he said next.

“Hey, babe? You ever think of getting married?” Justin saw the look on Ken’s face, and he did know that it was way too soon, he did, so he rushed on. “I mean, not right now. But someday, maybe?”

Ken grinned, his shoulders relaxing, and hugged Justin tightly.

“More often than you know.”

It wasn’t an official commitment, maybe, but it was good enough for now. Good enough, for sure, for the man who really hadn’t had a family to offer to his daughter, or to take comfort in himself.

It seemed like that had all changed, and Justin closed his eyes and relaxed into Ken, letting his muscles just melt, until it really did seem like they were two people who had, at least temporarily, become one.

Oh, yes. This was definitely, definitely good enough, and Justin had the idea that, with their tentative conversation just then, maybe he wouldn’t have to worry about losing it. Ever. And that was so damn perfect that he held on to Ken and decided that he just wasn’t letting go.



Thanks for reading!