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Maybe I Do by Nicole McLaughlin (31)


Charlotte held Dean’s hand as they walked down the aisle of the Maple Springs Humane Society. Set after set of big round eyes stared back at them from every kennel.

“This is too hard,” she said. “I want them all.”

Dean released her hand and put an arm around her shoulder. After pulling her in tight and dropping a kiss on her head, he whispered, “Let’s start with one for now.”

She nodded, knowing he was right, even though it was so sad.

Dean had moved into Charlotte’s house a month ago, in October. Much to the surprise and disappointment of them both, Alexis had gone ahead and decided to honor her commitment to deploy to Italy in July, so when Dean’s lease was up they’d decided to take things to the next step. It hadn’t taken Charlotte long to convince him they should adopt a rescue dog. This was their first trip out to look.

Charlotte glanced back and forth, feeling guilty every time she locked eyes with one of them. They turned a corner to go down the next aisle. The kennel to her immediate left stood open and a shelter volunteer was putting a small brown dog inside. It was shivering so badly, it could barely walk.

“Oh,” Charlotte gasped. “What’s wrong with him?”

The young man smiled up at Charlotte. “He’s cute isn’t he? His leg is injured and he’s very nervous. New. Brought in by a farmer who said he and his siblings were dumped in his ditch.”

With a horrified gasp, Charlotte pulled away from Dean and knelt down on the floor. The volunteer left the kennel door open so Charlotte could see the little dog better. He was no more than ten pounds with short milk-chocolate-colored fur, and little ears that flopped over into points.

“Where are his siblings?” she asked.

“They adopted immediately. He’s the only one left.”

“Aww.” She stuck out her hand slowly, but the little pup just continued to shiver as he stared up at her with beady eyes. “What kind is he?”

“We think he’s a pinscher-and-Chihuahua mix. The vet said he needs surgery to get full use of that back leg, but they won’t do it without an adoption commitment. Hence him being the only one left unadopted. It’s pricey surgery.”

Charlotte looked over at him. “Will he die without the surgery?”

“No. He’ll make adjustments in his habits, but it could cause issues down the road.”

He went to close the kennel but Charlotte instinctively stuck her hand out to stop him.

“Can’t I try once more?”

The young man shrugged. “Sure, but he’s a timid one.”

“Who can blame him?” Charlotte said. She realized Dean had knelt down beside her. “He’s so scared.”

“What are you thinking, babe?” he asked.

“I’m thinking his story breaks my heart,” she said quietly, sticking out a hand to the shaking puppy. “The human race has let him down. He just wants to be loved.”

The two little black eyes continued to stare at her for a long moment, and finally he got up off his haunches and limped toward her outstretched hand. He sniffed it once then wobbled away.

“Does he have a name?” Charlotte asked.

“The vet was calling him Fernando,” the guy laughed. “No idea why.”

Charlotte’s heart skipped and she turned to Dean. “Oh, babe. It’s fate. He’s ours.”

Dean raised an eyebrow. “Okay. But how do you know?”

She smiled. “‘Fernando’ is one of my favorite ABBA songs.”

Dean let out a laugh as his eyelids fell shut. Then he stood up and spoke to the volunteer. “We want him. How soon can he have the surgery?”

*   *   *

Five days later they drove home with Fernando, who was curled in Charlotte’s lap with his leg wrapped in bandages while Dean drove. He glanced at her and their new dog as she fumbled with her phone. Within moments a song he now knew well—“Fernando”—came blaring through the speakers of his SUV.

She’d been singing it all over the house since they’d left the pound the week before.

“Aren’t you excited to come home, Fernando?” she crooned to the dog. They were at a red light so he could enjoy watching the dog lick at her nose as she continued to talk to him in a baby voice. “We’re gonna love you so much. Yes we are.”

Dean just chuckled. She heard him and smiled up at him. “Don’t make fun of me.”

“Never. I love it.”

“We just adopted our first fur-baby. It will be good practice for when we adopt a human baby.”

Dean smiled at her. They’d been discussing it a lot lately. But he wasn’t committing to anything until they finalized one more thing. Speaking of which …

“It will be good practice,” Dean said as he pulled into their driveway and turned off the car. He reached into the pocket of his coat and pulled out a bag. “But first I bought you and our … fur baby a present.”

Her eyes lit up, her grin wide as she took the small bag. “You did? You’re such a good dad,” she teased.

Reaching into the bag, she pulled out a little blue dog collar. “Aww, look, Fernando. It’s so swe—” Her breath caught.

Dean watched Charlotte’s eyes as she moved the collar through her fingers and touched the engagement ring attached. She turned to look at him and whispered, “Dean.”

“We’re a family now, Charlotte. It’s time you married me.”

With tears in her eyes, she reached up and touched his face. He knew what he was asking of her. To take a risk. Face one of her biggest fears. They’d done a lot of talking over the past four months about their pasts, their hopes, and their love for each other.

There was no doubt that they’d both been through what they had just to eventually find each other. And he had no interest in waiting any longer. Dean knew she was the one for him.

“You’re my world, Charlotte. We’ll get married in whatever way makes you feel safe, but don’t you doubt for one minute that I won’t show up to make you mine forever.”

Her lip trembled, and Fernando climbed up on her chest to lick her chin. She laughed as the little tongue tickled her skin.

“Is that a yes?” Dean asked.

“It’s a yes from me and Fernando.”

Dean leaned over and kissed her. After a moment she pulled back and smiled. “I want to get married at that beach in North Carolina. It was so beautiful.”


“Just you and me. And our parents.”

Dean nodded. “Whatever you want.”

“And maybe Lauren, so she can take pictures.”

“That sounds like a good idea.”

“And then we can have a big reception back here at the Stag for all of our family and friends.”

Dean laughed. “Have you already been planning this?”

“Not really.” She gave him a playful shove. “But I can’t wait to plan it with you.”