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Missing Pieces: A White Creek Novel (The White Creek Series Book 1) by Tori Fox (14)

Chapter Fourteen

It had been two days since I last saw Easton. I was at the diner both days and he hadn’t come in. I even walked around the block after I closed yesterday and he wasn’t at work. Ivy said he leaves town every now and again and I hope that is why he’s M.I.A. It can’t have anything to do with me, right? You can’t purposely avoid someone if there is nothing to avoid.

Ivy came back to the diner on Tuesday and somehow she could tell something about me was off. I knew I was off, but I didn’t want to admit it was because of Easton. Because there was nothing going on between the two of us. At least that is what I keep telling myself every time I think about him.

“What is with you today?” Ivy asks me, knocking me out of my cleaning trance. “You’ve been wiping that table for ten minutes.”

I look down at the table and notice it is sparkling clean, I can practically see my reflection in it. “I guess I’m just a little distracted is all.”

“Mmhmm. I can see that,” she says, pointing to the table. “You’ve also given three tables the wrong order.”

I slouch into a chair at the pristine table and sigh. “I just have a lot on my mind. Divorce stuff.” I lie, glancing up at her. I don’t know what it is about her but she’s somehow a human lie detector or I am just horrible at lying.

“Divorce stuff, right. ‘Cause that hasn’t been your problem for the last three weeks.” She folds her arms across her chest and looms over me. “That divorce stuff must be affecting other people in town too.”

I look at her curiously because I really have no idea what she’s talking about. “Easton must be having divorce issues too because he was acting weird last night when he was helping Trace out.” She pauses and then leans over the table. “I’ve heard that even five years after a divorce it still looms over you. As rumor has it.”

I look away from her and start chewing the inside of my cheek. If she saw him last night, then he must be avoiding me. I don’t understand what I did. He was the one who pulled me against him. I might have touched his arm, but I in no way instigated the almost kiss we had. Well maybe I had a small role in it. But nothing happened. And it’s probably better for the both of us that nothing happened. I don’t need any reason to get attached to anyone here, least of all that pompous asshole. Even though I have seen a better side to him, the side of the man who has experienced so much in his life and puts up a front to push it all away.

“Oh my god, you slept with him.”

Ivy pulls me out of my thoughts abruptly. “What?” I shriek. “I did not sleep with him.”

“Well, something must have happened cause neither of y’all are actin’ like yourself.”

I fold my arms down onto the table and let my head fall onto them. “I don’t know what happened. I feel like a freaking teenager with my hormones all over the place.” I sigh and lift my head. “We almost kissed, okay? But right when it was about to happen, he pulled away and ran out of the house like it was on fire.”

“So he likes you.” She sits down across from me.

“I don’t know how you got him liking me after I just said he ran away from me like he was going to catch some deadly disease or something.”

“Yeah, your cooties.” She laughs. “He has to like you if he walked away. Easton is the type of guy who would just strip your clothes off and take you on the kitchen table. So if he walked that means he wants more than a quickie with you.”

I shrug. I’m tired of talking about something that doesn’t mean anything. I yawn and get up to finish cleaning the tables.

“You look tired. As you should be. I’ve been working you like a dog. I can’t believe I haven’t given you a day off in over two weeks.”

I think about it and realize I have worked every day. “I need the money, so it doesn’t really bother me.”

“I don’t care if it bothers you. You need at least one day off or two. Clear your mind. Breathe fresh air.”

I guess some time off would allow me to do some housework. I want to paint, but I also thought adding some plants outside would bring value to her rental. “Maybe you’re right. But one day is more than enough. I need to get out of the house to keep my head clear.”

“Of course I’m right darlin’. I always am. Take the next two days off. I can handle the diner.”

I walk toward the back throwing some towels into the hamper. “Thanks, Ivy.” We both grab our purses and head toward the front door. “Thanks for everything, actually. You’ve made my life a lot easier here.”

“Don’t mention it.” She locks the door and we walk around back to the lot. As I walk to Easton’s pickup, Ivy asks, “What happened to your car?”

“Oh. Yeah, I had some car problems. Easton let me borrow this one,” I say, nodding toward the truck.

“Hmm.” One of her mischievous meddling looks crosses her face. “Well, I’ll see you Thursday. Enjoy the days off.”

She jumps into her truck and peels out of the lot leaving me in a cloud of dust.