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Missing Pieces: A White Creek Novel (The White Creek Series Book 1) by Tori Fox (4)

Chapter Four

The next morning, I decide I am going to keep my head held high. I go on a three-mile run around the town, which consists of me looping around the main area about ten times. I did not want to get lost in the residential part and there weren’t any sidewalks. After I got back to my room and showered, I felt refreshed and ready to take on the day.

That mindset lasted me all of five minutes until I turn the corner on Main Street and saw that the auto shop was still closed. A string of curse words left my mouth as I head back toward the hotel. I make it almost to the door when my stomach growls loud enough that I thought a car was backfiring. I look across the street and next to my recent sanctuary, the lovely bar that has fueled me through the last two days, is the café with the best peach cobbler north of the state line, The Scrambled Egg. I turn toward the café deciding it was a better option than the bar and the fact it is only seven-thirty in the morning.

There are a few tables filled with gossiping women. The second I walk through the door and the little bell above it chimes, everyone stops talking and turns to look at me. I am used to the gossip of the big city and figure the gossip of a small town was one in the same, so I brush it off and take a seat at the bar area of the diner.

“I would say that you definitely could use a coffee this morning, but since I saw you running laps around this place, I am guessing the alcohol has finally worn off.” I look up to see a beautiful petite young woman smiling at me with her brilliantly white teeth.

“Umm…” was all I could muster considering I had no idea how this woman knew anything about my business.

I guess there was an obvious look of confusion on my face because before I could ask any questions, she explained herself, “My name is Ivy, dear. Didn’t mean to throw you off by soundin’ like I know your business, but I do. My husband told me all about you.” I startle and my face probably contorted into some weird double chinned look. “Well, I guess he didn’t tell you about me then from that look. Trace is my husband, we both own the bar and this café. He told me how he helped you after a few too many drinks the other night.”

I throw my hands up to my face, slightly shaking my head, and realize that this seems to be a common position for me to sit in this town. A gentle hand touches my shoulder. “Don’t worry sweetie, I ain’t a town gossip like those women over there.” She nods her head toward the table of women and slides her voice into a whisper. “So my advice is to stay away from them. But I am sorry to hear about your situation. Terrible luck that your car broke down on top of everything else that happened to you this year.”

This woman was really throwing me for a loop because I did not remember speaking that much about my situation with Trace, but then again, I was so shit-faced I needed to be walked back to my hotel a total fifty feet away. “This is so embarrassing. I am sorry you had to hear about my sad pathetic life.”

“Honey, from what I heard you seem to be holding up just fine. If it were me and I found Trace cheating on me, I would have cut off his balls and stapled them to the bar door. But then again that’s just me.”

I crack a smile which feels stiff due to my lack of smiles in the last few months. Something about this woman makes me feel just slightly better.. Ivy places a cup in front of me while pouring steaming coffee into it, “So how about I get you some breakfast. Eggs, pancakes, or both?”

I spend the better part of an hour talking with Ivy about frivolous things between her helping customers. The café starts to get crowded and Ivy spends a lot of time hustling between tables. I am surprised that it was only her working and from what I could see into the kitchen, one cook. I finish up my second cup of coffee and get ready to leave when Ivy comes back around the bar. “I know we haven’t talked much about your situation here. I know that Easton at the shop won’t be back until later today to talk with you about your car but Trace told me that money might be an issue and if you haven’t noticed I am a bit short staffed here. If you wanted to pick up a few shifts to make some cash for your car, I could gladly use the help.”

I am shocked for one that Ivy knew about my money problem but then again, I apparently drunkenly told Trace about everything in my life and two that someone would offer me a job knowing so little about me. It would be a lot of help to make some extra cash, but I don’t think I could survive another week in this town, much less, months in order to make enough money to pay for my car. “That is very kind of you and I would gratefully take the job, but I am going to see if my parents can help me out. I would like to be on my way quickly and not be a burden to anyone here. God knows I already embarrassed myself enough.”

Ivy chuckles. “I don’t think it was too embarrassing, but it did give those ladies sitting over there earlier something to gossip about all morning. I think you did them a favor. Don’t worry I think that gossip will pass by tomorrow. I’m sure once Easton is back and that no good ex of his, Quinn, finds him she will be barking up his tree and trying to start something again. Either way, I think you might be safe from gossip soon.”

“Thanks. I’m sure none of it is as bad as the gossip about me back home. Those were words to break a person.”

“You seem pretty strong, I don’t think much could break you, hon.” I stand and turn toward the door as Ivy says, “Good luck with everything. The job offer still stands if things don’t fall in your favor.”

I mumble another thanks and head back to the hotel. I check my email once I am in my room hoping my dad responded to me since my mother was obviously not any help at all. My dad had yet to respond, but I am sure it’s because of the time difference. I settle back into bed, open a book and read until I fall asleep.

* * *

It’s after two when I wake up. I didn’t know how exhausted and tired I was from everything that has been happening in my life. The rest didn’t feel like it helped at all. The tension in my shoulders is still there and the near constant headache between my eyes seems to have gotten worse. Without getting off the bed, I fumble for my purse on the floor and try to not fall off the bed. I grab it and look for my Advil bottle praying I still have some left. I open it and shake out air. Damn it. I had seen a pharmacy down the street earlier on my run and decide to run over there and grab some food for the night. I peel myself away from the bed and slide into my shoes. I throw my purse over my shoulder and am about to walk out the door when I hear the ping of an email. Finally!

I drop my purse and run to my computer and see the email from my dad. I am saved! I could get out of this town! I open the email and my smile quickly goes from a frown to anger as I read the note.

Hi sweetheart. I am sorry to hear about your car. I know these last few months have been rough for you, but your mother and I think it is best that you try to work your problems out on your own. This is a learning experience and you could grow so much as a person from this. We love you very much and we will talk to you soon.



There is a picture of the two of them on the beach and I almost pick up my computer and throw it. But my hand hits the down arrow and I notice my dad wrote more.

P.S. Your mother wanted to see the email before I sent it. And I know she wouldn’t see this part here. I want to help you out, but it might be a few days before I can transfer funds to you. Make the most of the time you have. Maybe you will find out you like it there. (Although I know you are not a small-town girl.) And don’t take what your mother said to heart. We both know she is a bit overwhelming at times. I have been married to her for thirty years, I’ve seen enough to know that. I want you to know I love you and I do not blame you for anything that has happened. You are a wonderful person and just got the short end of the stick this time around. But you are strong, and you will come out stronger from this. You’re my girl and you’ve always come out swinging. I love you until there are no tomorrows. And I will speak to you as soon as we get back. All my love.

Despite the fact my parents were not going to help me, my father had cheered me up a bit. He is right, I can come out swinging.

I get back on my feet, only physically, and walk out the door. I need to get some Advil and hope Ivy is still at The Scrambled Egg, it looks like I will be needing a job after all.