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Mocha Me Crazy by Kristen Flowers (34)

A week or so had passed since our ‘not a date’ date. I had straightened myself out and was no longer going to play into Remi’s advances. He caught on pretty quickly and eventually gave up on me. I figured he wasn’t interested anymore. It had all been a game to him; he just wanted to see if he could break down my resolve and get me in bed—again. He won and now he was over me. Besides, I figured this mystery ‘Stacy’ kept him entertained enough.


Everything between Remi and I was a hundred-percent professional now, just the way I told him it was going to be from the start. At least, this time, I had stuck to my guns. I was done fawning over his good looks or remembering how mind-blowing the sex was. I was over trying to decipher why he said or did certain things. He was just my employer and, in some odd way, my roommate. I did the most to stay out of the condo except for the times I needed to cook. Sometimes I’d just leave the meals prepared for him ahead of time.


In keeping with my professionalism, dinner was always cooked on time. I always asked Remi for his schedule to know how to plan meals. And when it came time to eat, I always sat at the bar away from the table. He only asked me to join him once, but my firm rejection stopped him from asking again. We didn’t even say anything to each other unless it was absolutely necessary. Needless to say, things at the condo were a little tense.


I was constantly beating myself up for sleeping with him. I cursed myself even more for letting it happen twice. I always knew the type of guy he was, but I got involved anyway. I often sat in bed for a while going over the events in my head and thinking about all the ways and times I could have stopped myself. It made me bitter each time and I knew it was unhealthy, but I couldn’t help it. The text message from Stacy kept flashing in my mind and it made me feel humiliated. I hated that I spent so much time ruminating on everything that had happened between Remi and I.


One night I was trying to clear my mind of everything when the phone rang. It was my dad. I gladly picked it up. I figured he was calling to ask when he would see me again. Instead, he brought up the only thing that kept my life balanced and the reason I was able to keep working at Remi’s. It was the one thing I was truly excited about.


“Hi, Eevee honey,” he greeted warmly.


I could picture his sweet smile, eyes wrinkling at the corners. His eyes always shined in a special way when he looked at me and it was one of the best feelings in the world, and certainly the most comforting.


“Hi dad,” I pulled my knees up to my chest and rested my chin on them. I already felt better.


“I know tomorrow’s a big, important day. I’m really proud of you. You keep that in mind, okay?”


“Of course, dad. I’m so nervous. I can’t believe I’m really meeting with the realtor tomorrow. I wish you could see the place. It’s the perfect location for the restaurant.” I beamed with a grin. I liked getting his input on major decisions like this.


“I trust your judgment, honey. On that note, don’t go above five,” he reminded.


I felt giddy. As much as I wanted to do everything on my own I couldn’t deny my dad fronting me the money was incredible—even if it was a huge amount of money like five million. If it weren’t for him the meeting with the realtor wouldn’t be happening. “Thank you so, so much!”


“You don’t need to thank me, honey. I know your restaurant will be a big success.”


“I promise to pay you back as soon as I start making money. That’ll be my top priority. I promise,” I repeated. My job with Remi would help jump start that and also aid with the cost of getting the place up and running. If my father was already fronting the money to buy the location, I didn’t want to ask for any more.


“You don’t need to worry about that either,” he assured me.


“Of course I do! I can’t just let you pay millions for this place and never repay you. That’s ridiculous.”


“It’s not ridiculous, Eevee. It’s the least I can do,” he told me.


“How is it the least you can do? You’ve already done so much! I’m so thankful you–”


He laughed and cut me off, “Alright, let’s just drop it for now. You need to get a good night’s rest and bickering with me isn’t the way to go.”


I huffed, “I’m not bickering.”


He chuckled in good nature again, “Okay. You get to bed now and rest up. Make sure to call me and let me know how it goes!”


“Of course I will! Goodnight.”


“Goodnight, love you.”


“Love you too.”


I leaned back against the headboard of the bed and closed my eyes. I felt more at peace now that I had talked to my father. Even though I always knew I had his support, it never hurt to hear it before important events in my life. I tried to shake it out of my head because going to bed with so many thoughts swirling around would only keep me awake. I curled up under the blanket and shut my eyes, drifting off to dreamland with a smile.


The following morning I thanked my lucky stars I didn’t need to cook for Remi. He had left the condo early, which was even more of a plus for me. I woke up, had breakfast, and then went to get ready in the bedroom. It was nice to feel free since he wasn’t around and I did my best not to think about anything other than the meeting with the realtor. I had everything ready to go and a pretty high bid limit, one that I doubted I would need to hit.


I wore a brand new suit for the occasion that I picked out weeks earlier. The slacks were simple black and fitted along with a black shirt. It was the jacket that had really caught my eye. It was white with a bold check pattern and a lovely ruched collar. I had it tailored to fit me perfectly. It was fashionable, professional, and very me.


As I looked at my reflection in the mirror, I felt it did the job of making me look exactly how I wanted. I was ready for this. It was a totally different look than my typical white chef’s apron. I let out a nervous sigh and left Remi’s condo to go meet with the realtor.


A couple hours later, I was standing in the middle of the commercial property where I had envisioned the tiny details to my restaurant a million times over. It was spacious, well designed, and in an amazing location. It had everything I dreamed of. Even though it was currently filled with nothing but a bunch of boxes, construction equipment, and paint cans, I had no trouble picturing it once it was completed. I could already see the bar off to the left by the far window, slightly sectioned off from the main dining room.


There would be white-on-white tables and chairs filled with people enjoying my food, simple white candles in clear holders casting a romantic glow. Even without setting foot inside, I could picture the kitchen in the back. I smiled thinking of the antique French tile I had picked out ages ago. I closed my hand as if grasping a chef’s knife, one my initials “E.P.” engraved on the handle. I looked up and pictured the simple sign above the dining room reading, “Evelyn’s.” It would be a literal dream come true.


I was so lost in thought that I didn’t even hear the clicking of the realtor’s high-heels coming up behind me. I gave a start when the realtor tapped me on the shoulder.


“Hello, Ms. Page, it’s lovely to meet you,” she said with a pleasant smile.


I placed my hand on my chest and sheepishly admitted, “You gave me quite a fright.”


“Oh, I’m sorry about that!”


“Oh, no. No, don’t worry about it. It was my own fault for being so wrapped up in my imagination,” I told her. “It is a pleasure to see you, Mrs. Danson. I’m so pleased to finally meet you.” I reached out for a handshake before turning to stand beside her and admire the building that would soon be mine.


It was perfect.


“Shall we step inside? I know you’ve had a quick look during an open showing.”


“I have; I fell in love with it since then.”


 “I have another appointment in 20 minutes. It’s my understanding that you’re ready to make an offer today?” Mrs. Danson told me.


I felt my heart sink to my stomach. I hated the idea of someone meeting with the realtor afterward. I nodded. My mouth had gone dry in an instant and suddenly the fabric of my coat made my arms itch. This wasn’t how I pictured this meeting going, not in the slightest. I took a deep breath and tried to remain calm. The realtor led me into the building, which only made my heart ache more. Now standing inside of the place, I couldn’t imagine not getting it for my restaurant. This was the place.


“Ms. Page,” she called for my attention, “Would you like to take another look around before making your official offer?”


I vehemently shook my head, “I’m ready to make it now. I’d like to make an official offer of two million.”


Saying the amount so smoothly made my confidence build back up slightly. I was offering a respectable chunk of money right off the bat and had 3 million more to work with if it came down to that. I had to figure whoever was stopping by after me was unlikely to do the same. At least I hoped that was the case.


Mrs. Danson smiled, “I’ll make sure to let the owner of the property know.”


“Thank you, do I need to sign anything or fill out a form?”


“Not at all. I’ve received your verbal offer and that’s all we need for now. Do you have any other questions at the moment?”


“I don’t think so. May I take a look at the back area?”


Mrs. Danson nodded and led me over, pushing the door open with a bit of difficulty. Even with the flooring torn and the walls scratched, I could tell the space would be perfect for the restaurant’s kitchen. I wouldn’t even have to tear down the wall or build another one. The size of it was perfect, as was the shape. Everything else in terms of layout would be modeled with counters, burners, freezers, and so on.


“What type of business are you interested in opening up here, if I may ask?”


“Oh, I am hoping to–”


Just then the front door of the building opened with a loud bang and a voice called out, making us both jump.


“Oh boy. That scared me, but it’s probably just some worker out there. Sometimes they stop by to take measurements or haul out some of the boxes around the place.” Mrs. Danson frowned and added, “Though they usually tell me if that’ll be the case.”


We heard footsteps just outside the door. Before the realtor had a chance to step forward, the door swung open with another bang. As soon as I saw the man standing in the doorway, my heart sank even further. I felt sick.


Remi Parker.


“Mr. Parker! You’re a little early. I’m still with a client, as you can see, and you gave both of us quite a start storming in the way you did.” It was clear she was watching her professionalism while hinting that his behavior wasn’t quite ideal.


In his usual manner Remi didn’t seem to care as he walked toward us.  The moment he laid eyes on me he nearly stopped in his tracks, mouth wide in shock. It was the first time I had seen the great and confident Remi Parker truly taken aback. I nearly gawked at him. My gape soon turned to a glare. He looked just as arrogant and unconcerned as he did when he strolled into the kitchen at the Red Brick Cuisine.


“What are you doing here?” My tone was aggressive, but I didn’t care. The thought of Remi ruining this for me was infuriating, and it’s not like I was lacking reasons to resent the guy already.  


“I’m here to put an offer on the place,” he told me haughtily. He sneered before asking, “Don’t tell me that’s why you’re here?”


“That’s exactly why I’m here,” I responded with shock and wobbly knees.


The two of us stared in disbelief for a couple moments, though on my behalf it was more like I was scowling at him. I was more than perturbed by his presence and could tell he felt the same way. In my mind, however, it was Remi who was crossing a line in this situation. He was in the wrong and I had no intention of backing down. If I had come in here ready to fight for the place, that readiness had multiplied tenfold.


Mrs. Danson cleared her throat and awkwardly asked, “Do—do you two know each other?”


Remi smirked and turned to the realtor for the first time since he entered the place. “She’s my chef,” he informed Mrs. Danson.


His tone was rather condescending and it made me turn red hot. I took a step forward ready to say something, but kept my lips pressed into a thin line. The realtor looked even more confused than before. It was obvious she was trying to make out how any of this came to be and why our run-in was so unpleasant, but all that was impossible to decipher. Mrs. Danson had no way of knowing anything that had happened between Remi and I.


“How much did she offer?” Remi asked the question loud and clear, but he was looking at me the entire time rather than the realtor.


The realtor had just opened her mouth when I snapped, “Two million.”


“I’ll offer 2.5.” He countered.


“Mr. Parker, aren’t you interested in at least seeing the place first? I know you—”


“I know everything I need to know about the place,” Remi cut her off. Even then he was staring straight at me. He was like a hungry lion on a hunt and I was the one thing standing between him and his prey. When he talked he pointedly looked into my eyes as if to say all he needed to know was that buying the place meant stealing it from me.


My jaw dropped to the floor. My face felt like it was in an oven. I was furious. The nerve of him to stroll in early, interrupt my meeting, and now only want to buy the place to steal it out from under me was beyond belief.


“Three million,” I shot back.


“3.8,” he smirked.


Neither of us even acknowledged the realtor the entire time. We were too wrapped up in our own little bidding war to care about her. This was more than just bidding– this was a flat-out war.


We stared at each other for a moment, eyes glaring and cheeks flushed red hot. “4.5!”


Remi scoffed, “5.”


I seethed, but was still levelheaded enough to remember the limit my dad gave me. Then I reasoned my father had no clue what I would be up against. I was blindsided by the worst possible person and I had no intention of losing to him.


“Okay you two, this is not the way we do things,” Mrs. Danson finally piped up.


I sucked in a deep breath before uttering, “5.5.”


“I guess there are no worries when it’s daddy’s money you’re throwing away,” Remi said snidely.


I shot back, “At least my ‘daddy’ loves me and is there to help me out when I need him. Unlike some fathers.”


Remi stared at me. I could tell the words stung, but he was doing everything in his power not to let it show. If I wasn’t so angry, I would have felt bad. I saw his Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed.


“At least everything I have is because of me. I don’t need daddy to bail me out.”


“He isn’t bailing me out. You just wouldn’t know otherwise because my father actually supports me and my decisions.” 


Remi opened his mouth and then promptly shut it. He looked away for a brief second to hide his face; when he turned back to look at me he looked shocked and hurt. “Too bad you use that so-called support as training wheels you’ll never remove.” Then he stepped forward, “And that is what’s really going to stop your dreams from coming true.”


“Enough!” The two of us turned to look at Mrs. Danson in surprise. “This is not how things will be done. This is not an auction house and it certainly isn’t a playground. I’m done listening to this. You’ll each have to go through me to place an official offer and it will most certainly not happen with you two in the same room together!” 


“Fine,” both Remi and I muttered in unison.


Remi took one last look at me before walking around some boxes and heading toward the front door. “I’ll be in touch soon,” he called back to the realtor before walking outside, the front door shutting behind him.


I stood there shaking, staring at Remi as he started to walk down the sidewalk outside. I turned to the realtor and said goodbye in the friendliest way I could before practically running out to catch up to him. I just needed to get a hold of him before he disappeared from view. A couple minutes later I managed to catch up to him outside on the busy city street.


I called out from behind him, “What do you even want that place for?”


Remi stopped in his tracks, but didn’t turn around. I stood still, debating whether or not to walk around to stand in front of him. I swallowed and put on a stern face before walking towards him. He pointedly looked past me for what felt like an eternity.


 “Remember that perfect spot for my new mega gym? That’s it. It’s going to be my gym.”


I clenched my jaw. I hated how sure he sounded when he told me it would be his gym. It was like he had already won and was merely informing me what’s going to happen. And even though I thought I should know better, a part of me was still shocked at how callous he was being with the whole ordeal.


“No.” I said pointedly. I spoke loud and clear, not just because the street was busy, but also because I needed him to know the battle wasn’t over for me. I wasn’t going down that easily. “That’s going to be my restaurant.”


“In your dreams? I believe it because you certainly do a lot of dreaming,” he taunted.


His sense of superiority practically dripped from every word he said. No matter how much of a front and fight I put up, Remi had already decided he won. He took a single step back to look down at me and, for the first time, I felt like he was really looking down upon me. I wanted to slap that arrogant smirk off his face.


“I do, but there’s nothing wrong with that,” I told him.


My blood boiled when his lap of ridicule came out of his mouth. “You keep telling yourself that while us adults continue being successful in the real world.”


I felt my fingernails digging into the palms of my hands. I was so angry I didn’t even know what to do with myself. I groaned in frustration.


He raised his brow and muttered, “There’s a noise I’ve heard before.”


I had to grip my own hand to stop from swinging at him. The nerve of him to bring up what had happened between us to push me down was going too far, even for him. I was flooded with the bitter realization that he was even worse than what I had first thought.


“I’m sure you’ve heard it plenty from lots of women.”


“Right. More than once and each time I couldn’t even keep track,” he pushed.


I hated the self-satisfied look on his face, but I was so pissed off I couldn’t even think of a comeback. “I’m fucking done with this,” I muttered before turning on my heel and charging down the street in the opposite direction.


“What’s for dinner?”


I heard Remi yell out after me, catching the attention of some other people out on the street. I tensed my shoulders and turned to look at him. “Chicken Marsala with spiced broccoli,” I yelled back.


Remi nodded, head shaking as he laughed and walked away.