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Redemption by Emily Bishop (82)

Chapter 22


Jarryd had turned a shade of red that would’ve been the envy of strawberries. I tugged on his forearm again. “Who bought it? I have a right to know.”

He flinched and looked down at me. The color drained from him, but he didn’t pale completely. “I’m sorry,” he said.

My heart tha-thumped. Well, that can’t be good. “Why?”

“It’s James. James bought the cabin.”

I clung to his arm to keep from falling over again. How many times could that happen in one day? I shut my eyes and steadied myself. James, my ex, who wanted to punish me for daring to go against his wishes to date me, had bought the cabin right out from under me. He didn’t care about it. He probably didn’t want to live in it or even resell it. It was a tactic to make me feel small.

How did he know I wanted it? Likely, he’d heard it around town. Heard that I was interested.

And that meant he’d never sell it to me. Not without some sick undercurrent of a cost. I didn’t want to think about what that might be.

“Aurora.” Jarryd anchored me to the present with his presence.

I opened my eyes and looked up at him. “I’m OK,” I said. But I wasn’t. Not really. A part of me had believed that Jarryd might be able to convince the buyer to sell to me. Not to him, no, I truly didn’t want the handout. I wanted to buy the damn place fairly, and I’d been five thousand dollars from reaching the price.

“You’re not OK,” Jarryd said. “I know how much this meant to you.”

I sucked in a breath, hiccupped. “I have to be OK. That’s life, isn’t it?” Ironically, if Jarryd had never challenged James’ masculinity and his warped sense of self-esteem, he likely wouldn’t have bought up the cabin.

In a way, our relationship, if it could be called that, had been part of the cause of this. It’d brought us to this moment. “I’ll work something out,” I said.


“I don’t know. Something else will come up. Another house.” But I couldn’t afford much, and I didn’t want another house. I wanted my only childhood home. “It’s not the end of the world. I’ve handled worse than this.”

“You don’t have to be brave if you don’t want to be, Aurora. You’re allowed to be mad. God knows, I’m fucking furious.” He trembled under my grip, and I smoothed a finger over the hairs on his forearm.

“There’s nothing we can do,” I said.

“Bullshit,” he replied. “I’ll make that asshole give the place to you. I’ll fucking throttle him for it if I have to.”

“That won’t change anything. If anything, it will only make things worse.”

“No. It will make things right,” Jarryd replied. “Men like him, they’re bullies. As soon as you confront them head on, they buckle. Your ex thinks he’s bullying you by doing this. He probably thinks you haven’t told me about it. Boy, is he in for a fucking surprise.” Jarryd gently removed his arm from my grip and made for the door.

I scooted forward on jelly legs and blocked his path. “What are you doing?”

“I’m going to see him.”

“No, you can’t.”

“I can, and I will,” he said and gripped my upper arms. He lifted me, spun around then set me down gently out of his route to the exit. “He’s got to know that he can’t get away with this. That I know, and I’m going to destroy him if he—”

“Please, stop,” I said and took one of his massive hands in both of mine. “Please, Jarryd, I’m begging you. This isn’t what I need right now. I don’t want to have to worry about the consequences of what you’ll say to him. Or do to him.”

“You won’t have to worry about the consequences. I will.”

“And I will have to worry because of that.” I dragged him backward, but he didn’t budge more than a single step.

“I’ll be back in a half hour.” He turned again.

I launched myself at his back, the earlier jelly legs made sturdy by fear for his safety, and wrapped my arms around his neck.

“What the heck are you doing?” he asked.

“I’m leeching onto you,” I replied, sheepishly. “If it’s the only way to stop you from going, I’ll do it.”

“Why? What are you afraid of? You think that chump is a threat to me?” He puffed up, expanded that chest and those shoulders, made it difficult for me to cling to him, at least in this position.

“He’s got friends in high places. He’s a founder.”

“Yeah? Well, unless his friend is a relative of Al Capone, I think I’m OK,” Jarryd replied and took a single, powerful step toward the exit.

I kissed the back of his neck. He froze.

“Please. Don’t go,” I whispered. “Stay with me. I need you to stay with me tonight.”

Jarryd tensed. “Aurora.”

“Please.” A gravid silence, and the walls of the room seemed to breathe for the both of us, in and out. “Please.”

“OK,” he said, at last.

I released my chokehold on him and slid down his back, dropped to my feet. I rested my forehead against his back and pressed the cotton shirt to his skin. “Thank you,” I whispered. “You didn’t have to do any of that.”

“I did.” Jarryd rotated in place and looked down on me. “You don’t seem to understand how much all of this has meant to me.”

“Explain it.”

“You came into my life at a time when everything was bleak, Aurora. You brought light and freedom. Maybe that sounds dramatic, but it’s true. Before you, I spent my days working and that was it. Work, work, work, and then the breakup, and now this. You’re my breath of fresh air.” His throat worked around the words of that last sentence.

He was so close, the warmth from his chest leaking out from the opening of his shirt. I ran my finger between his pecs, over the abs, and they rippled beneath that caress.

Jarryd slipped his hands around to the back of my neck and held me there, looked down at my breasts, though they were hidden beneath a plain white cotton tee. Those blue eyes flashed with a surge of desire that matched my own.

“We’re here again,” I whispered. “In your hotel room.”

“Would you rather be somewhere else?” he asked. “Wait, don’t answer that. I have an idea. Stay right here.” He moved off, and I let out a little moan, which stopped him. Jarryd’s smile twisted another spike of need in my core. “I’m not going far.”

He crossed the floor and entered the bathroom then shut the door behind himself. The faucet squeaked, the sound of running water, and nothing else.

Oh, god, is he going to dive out of the window and make a run for it? Has he finally realized I’m a total loon and too high maintenance for him? The crazy thoughts danced through my mind, taunting me with dumb questions that weren’t even a little plausible but bothered me nonetheless.

A couple minutes passed. “Jarryd?” I called out. I slunk toward the bathroom door then rapped my knuckles on it, a light request for entry. “Is everything OK?”

The door swung inward and revealed the tiled bathroom—nothing spectacular about it, except for the tea light candles that decorated the marbleized sink, and the top of the toilet tank. The bath, a deep white tub, had been filled to the brim with steamy water and foam. Jarryd stepped back from the door and allowed me a better view of everything.

“It’s the best I can do on short notice.” His shirt was off, and his hand rested on his belt buckle. “You must be cold after the forest. After everything, I mean.”

I nodded and gulped down air.

God, this was the most romantic thing anyone had ever done for me.

“Come on,” he said and guided me into the bathroom. He shut the door then positioned himself in front of me. “Do you need help getting out of that?”

I nodded again.

Jarryd lifted the hem of my shirt and stripped it off then removed the shirt underneath and exposed my lacy bra. I’d thrown it on the morning, so I’d have something on for work.

He reached around and unclipped it. The straps slipped down my arms and coldness brushed against my breasts. My skin prickled, and I shivered.

Jarryd bent, held the back of my neck, gentle as always, and took one of my nipples into his mouth. I gasped and placed my hands on his shoulders, dug my nails in.

He sucked, grunted his satisfaction, and transferred his lips down the slope of my breast and over to the other one. Jarryd licked my other nipple, bit it gently, and drew another shudder from me.

“The water’s getting cold,” he said and undid the button on my jeans. He slipped them over my hips, taking my panties down with them then helped me step out of them.

I unzipped his pants, tugged them down, and freed his already hard dick. “Oh god,” I whispered. “Jarryd.”

“You do this to me,” he said, and his cock throbbed.

I sucked my bottom lip, reached down, and ran my finger over his head. I squirmed at the sensation of his moisture against my skin, already wet for me, as I was for him.

He took my hand and walked me to the tub then helped me into it.

The water sloshed against my skin, and I sighed. It was perfect, not boiling anymore but warm enough to comfort me after the chill from the forest.

Jarryd followed me in and sat down first, foam rising up to his chest, below those well-defined pecs. Candlelight flickered, and the mirror over the sink had already steamed up. The atmosphere enveloped me. I sank into the water, straddled Jarryd, placed my hands on his muscular shoulders.

“You know, this is all I’ve ever wanted,” he said and kissed my palm. He sucked the tip of my index finger, turned it into a kiss.

“What do you mean?” I asked, holding myself above his abdomen. Tingles scattered through me, from my tailbone up my sides, a whoop of pleasure.

He kissed my middle finger next and worked his way over the rest of them, pausing to suck the side of my hand, gaze tied to mine. “This,” he said and placed my hand on his chest. “I’m falling in love with you.”

I inhaled, sharply. “Jarryd.”

“No, that’s not right. I’m not falling. I’ve already fallen.”

I lurched forward and kissed him then, cupping his jaw, rough with stubble, in both hands. I wet his lips with my tongue then slipped it into his mouth and tasted him.

He grasped my hip with one hand and dipped the other beneath the water, brought himself up to meet me. His cock throbbed at my entrance, and I kissed him harder, moaned into his mouth.

Jarryd forced me downward, parting my lips, entering me in one swift thrust that slopped water over the edge of the bathtub.

I bit his bottom lip then sucked. “God,” I moaned.

He held both of my hips, now, and the heat from the water was nothing compared to the furnace that sprang up between us. He raised my body, brought me down again, using his arms to do all the work I should’ve done on top.

I threw my head back and squeezed one of my breasts, let out a long, low groan that hit the ceiling and rebounded, echoed in the tiled room.

“Again,” he said and increased the pace. Water poured over the bathtub now, but I didn’t care, I couldn’t concentrate on anything but the pressure between my legs, the slow burn of rising desire that uncoiled me.

The bathroom melted into a haze of flickering light and steam. It was him and me.

“Jarryd,” I groaned and played with my clit beneath the water, jerking at the sensation. “Faster, oh, god. Faster.”

He did that, bringing us to a pace we couldn’t possibly maintain for long. He grunted and slammed into me, deeper still, harder then abruptly slowed down to a more sensual pace.

“Come here,” he said and took me by the arm, dragging me forward.

I worked myself on his dick this time, and kissed him, tasting him, even as my climax built below. I lay almost flat against his chest and went with our new rhythm, rocking back and forth, needing more of him.

“I’m close,” he said. “Fuck, I’m already close.”

“Me too.” I choked it out, between deep kisses, between needing to be a part of him more than I’d needed anything else in my entire life. He’d fallen for me. And I’d fallen for him, and it was too late to step back from that truth, now.

The slow burn reached its peak, and he grew thicker inside me. I tensed and tightened, anticipating his orgasm, which would surely shatter me into a million pieces all over again.

Jarryd pushed me upright again. “I want to see you,” he said. “You’re mine.”


“Mine,” he said, and thrust into me. “Aurora, you’re mine.” He tensed up, pressed harder, growled low in his throat, and released into me, pulsed deep and hard.

My eyes rolled back in my head at the sensation, and I tightened instantly, increasing the pressure on my g-spot. He pulsed inside me, took me higher and higher, toward the edge, and finally, I tipped over it.

White hot pleasure, disconnected thoughts streaming through my head. The press of his flesh against mine, nothing separating us, the scent of his skin, the bubble bath. And we’d fallen in love with each other.

I moaned and writhed, prickling skin, an explosion of pleasure from the inside then finally fell still. I crept forward, bent, lay against his chest.

He slipped out of me slowly, still pulsing with the aftershocks of his orgasm and put both arms around me, rested his palms on my back. “I want this every day and every night,” he said.

I squeezed my eyes shut and didn’t answer him. How could I? And how could we possibly have this every day and every night, when he had obligations, a movie, and investors to cater to?

I blocked out those thoughts, the concept that this might be it, that this might be the last time I was able to do this, and simply inhaled him.

No moment could be this perfect. Every perfect moment has to end.