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Rockers Unite by Heidi McLaughlin, Amy Briggs, Michelle Mankin, A.L. Wood, L.B. Dunbar (33)



I couldn’t have been happier to be getting the hell out of New Orleans. When you’re young, you think it’s the coolest city. The all-night partying, the old world vibe that the city gives off. But after the surprise left for me at the hotel, coupled with the fact that I no longer enjoyed partying all night long, I couldn’t wait to get to San Diego. It was a two-day drive, and while we had the option to fly if we wanted, Carmen and I enjoyed the bus. The plan was to get to California, hit San Diego and San Francisco, go up the coast to Portland and Seattle, then back down to the south west and Texas before finishing up the tour back home in Nashville.

Unfortunately for my libido that had been awakened by my time with Ryan, it would be two long days of not sleeping together, and stealing glances from across the bus, and nothing but idle chitchat. I did some writing of my own, playing a few snippets of new songs for him and Carmen, who had softened her tone with him significantly. Whatever they talked about in New Orleans must have eased her reservations about his time with us, and she seemed to appreciate his company as well.

By the time we finally arrived in sunny San Diego, I couldn’t get off the bus fast enough. Not only was I tired of being in such a small space, San Diego is warm, sunny, and known for their beaches. I wanted to stretch my legs and go for a walk along the water.

“Are you even going to check in?” Carmen asked, laughing.

“If I must,” I sighed, taking in a huge breath of the sea air.

“Well, it would certainly be easier now than later,” she giggled. “Your love of California continues to baffle me. The people here are so weird.”

“They’re weird because they’re happy!” I exclaimed. “If we lived in weather like this, you’d be much less salty, sister,” I teased her.

“Perhaps, but my salty attitude keeps us balanced. Besides, you’re my sister, you have to love me exactly as I am.”

Throwing my arms around her in front of the hotel, I said in a singsong voice, “I love my sister no matter what, day or night, salty attitude, or the occasional sweet.”

“Oh, for fucks sake, get off me.” She tried to shrug me off, but I only held on tighter. I was feeling silly and happy, and she was going be a part of it, whether she liked it or not.

“Ryan, would you like to join me and my cranky little sister for fish tacos down by the beach?” I asked joyfully.

Laughing at me, his sexy beard shining in the sun, he replied, “I’d be honored to accompany you beautiful ladies for some lunch. Shall we get ourselves checked in?”

“Yes, we should, let’s be quick about it. It’s beautiful out here and I want to enjoy it!” I exclaimed. We had all started to walk off, when Marty stopped me quickly. “You guys go ahead, I’ll be right there.”

“Just wanted to remind you that this is the stop where we have a guy coming to clean the buses. So if there’s anything in there you want, have someone grab it for you, okay?”

“I don’t think we need anything, but thanks, Marty!” I smiled at him, before waving and jogging to catch up with Ryan and Carmen.

Johnny had opted to fly, he wanted to go home and see his kids and wife, then he would be flying to San Diego from Nashville. I couldn’t blame him; if I had family back home, kids and that sort of thing, I’d go home in between towns whenever I could too. Mike said he was going to see his friend in town and would meet up with us later. I swear, Mike had “a friend” in every town we went to. I was pretty sure these friends were ladies he’d been hooking up with, because he never brought anyone out with us at night when we’d gather. Hey, to each his own. Carmen always seemed to find herself someone to spend evenings with when she wanted to as well, without any unnecessary attachments.

After we checked in, I realized I’d forgotten I wanted my guitar. I had some ideas for a new song I wanted to play around with later.

“I’m gonna go back and grab my guitar,” I said to Ryan when we got upstairs to my room.

Cocking his head at me, he replied, “How about I go get it?”

“I’m perfectly capable of grabbing my guitar and coming back,” I retorted.

“Not to be a downer, but the last time I let you run off on your own for five minutes, we had what we’ll call a situation in New Orleans, so forgive me if I’d rather you didn’t?” he implored softly, flashing me his charming smile. “Besides, Carmen is gonna meet us here in your room, so I’ll run down and grab it, and then we’ll go, okay? Just wait here.”

Sighing, and dramatically rolling my eyes, I said, “Fine,” with as much overwhelming sarcasm as I could muster.

“Thank you for humoring me, baby.” He took my face in his hands, planting a kiss on my lips before running off quickly.

Moments later, Carmen used her drumsticks to knock on my door. “You decent in there?” she yelled.

“Of course I am,” I laughed, swinging the door open. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

“You never know,” she grinned. Looking around, she asked, “Where’s Ryan? I’m hungry.”

“He ran down to get my guitar for me,” I replied.

“Let’s go get him, I don’t want to wait. You can get your guitar when we get back. I do want to enjoy some sunshine and some fish tacos. Is it Tuesday?” she asked.

“I have no clue what day it is, actually, but I don’t need it to be Tuesday for tacos. Especially San Diego fish tacos,” I laughed.

We left my room, hoping to catch Ryan before he’d actually grabbed the guitar so we could just get a move on. My stomach growled, thinking of how delicious the seafood in San Diego was. You can get almost anything anywhere, but having something local was always our goal, and this was no exception. Especially after two days on a bus.

We didn’t run into him on our way, so I hopped on the bus, with Carmen right behind me. What we saw changed everything I thought was good and real in my relationship with him.

Standing in the middle of the bus, I found Ryan pointing a gun directly at a young man holding what looked like a towel, standing just outside of our bathroom, and the towel appeared to have red stains all over it.

“What the fuck is going on here!” I screamed.