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Secret Jaguar (Curse of the Moon Book 6) by Stacy Claflin (12)

Chapter 12


The next couple weeks flew by in a blur of volleyball practices and games, classes and homework, and barely any sleep. Carter was around a lot. We talked over homework, and he cheered me on when I played volleyball.

Neither of us mentioned my near-drowning or the jerks who tried to attack me. We just got to know each other more, and I was pleased that he was far more than just a good-looking guy. He had a lot of depth and a great sense of humor.

The more time I spent with him, the more I wanted. If he didn’t go with me to the games and practices or to the library, I wouldn’t have gotten much time with him other than running into him on campus. Though I honestly wondered if that wasn’t on purpose, too. 

“Are you ready for the final game?” His voice brought me back to the present. 

I glanced up from my math problem and smiled at him. It was nearly impossible not to. Just looking at him overwhelmed me. “I hope so.”

“You are.” He put his hand on top of mine and squeezed. “Your entire team is. I’ve seen you guys, and you’re getting better each day.”

He was right. We’d beaten other teams each time in the playoffs, and with each new win, our confidence grew by leaps and bounds. But even so, the team we were going to face the next evening was undefeated.

I realized Carter was talking again, so I stared into his gorgeous eyes, still unable to focus on what he was saying. Even though he’d been my constant companion for two weeks, it was still hard to believe he probably had feelings for me. We hadn’t talked about them, but things like his hand lingering on mine and spending all his free time with me spoke volumes.

It also sent my heart racing so fast I feared him hearing it.

Carter’s phone rang. He squeezed my hand. “I’ve got to take this. Be right back.”


Don’t be too long.

Why couldn’t I say things like that to him?

He flashed his pearly whites, then headed toward the library stairs. I turned back to my math homework.

A few minutes later, someone sat next to me, not across from me as Carter had been. I glanced up and saw Paige from the volleyball team. 

“Not with Carter?” She arched a brow.

“He’s on the phone.” 

“And you guys are still just friends?” She made air quotes when she said just friends.


“Really? I’ve seen the way you guys look at each other. I’d have staked my claim weeks ago.” 

“I only met him two weeks ago. Well, actually two weeks and two days.”

She grinned. “You are in love.”

I looked around. “Shh! Don’t say that so loud.”

“You afraid he’s going to hear?”

My face burned. “Maybe.”

“Why? He obviously feels the same for you, and seriously, he’s got to be the hottest guy on campus.”

My face heated even more. “Can we talk about something else?”

“You’re so cute, it’s like—” Her eyes widened. “Wait. Is he your first love?”

“Again, can you keep your voice down? Seriously.”

“He is! How did you make it to college without—?”

“Because I was focused on my grades. I was more interested in getting scholarships than I was in finding a boyfriend.”

“Well, don’t be too slow in snatching him up. I can think of several other girls who have their eyes set on him.”

Jealousy ran through me. A rib popped. That hadn’t happened since the night those two guys cornered me.

Paige gave me a funny look. “What was that all about?”

“Just my back.” I stretched it.

“Maybe you should see a chiropractor.”

“After the final game.”

“Well, I wouldn’t wait. That sounded painful.” 

It really was. 

“Oh, here comes Carter. I’ll leave you two lovebirds alone. See you at practice.” She winked and hurried off.

Carter came over, his expression strained.

“Is everything okay?”

“Yeah, it’s fine.” He sat down, not looking at me.

“What’s the matter?”

“Nothing. Are you ready for dinner? You won’t want to go to practice hungry.”

Practice was at five, so if I ate first, it’d have to be a really early dinner. But that wasn’t the point. Something was clearly wrong, but he was trying to act like it wasn’t. 

I put my hand on top of his. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing I want you worrying about. You have enough on your plate.”

“Why won’t you tell me?” I stared at him until he finally looked at me.

“Like I said, I don’t want you worrying. Che and I have it covered.”

“Che?” If I was Carter’s love interest, then Che was his new best friend. It was kind of weird, because Che was the closest thing to a father figure I’d ever had. If anyone was going to walk me down the aisle someday, it would be him. 

“All you need to worry about is your homework and finals.”

If I’d had feathers, they’d have been ruffled. Irritation shoved aside all my loving feelings. “Carter, just tell me what’s going on. I’m not some weakling you have to protect.”

“I never thought—”

“Yes, you did. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be concerned about upsetting poor, defenseless me.”

“Katya, you’re taking this all wrong.”

“Am I?” I packed my things into my tote bag.

“Yes. That’s not how I meant it at all. I just don’t want to add unnecessary stress on top of everything else you’re dealing with.”

I glared at him. “If you trusted me, you’d just tell me. I’ll have dinner on my own, thank you very much.”

He rose, practically knocking over his chair. “Wait.”

Tears threatened. I turned before he could see how upset I was. All these raging emotions I’d had lately were driving me crazy. I wasn’t a crier. I was the tough twin. “I’ll see you later. Have fun with Che.”


A bone popped somewhere, but I was too upset to tell which one. I hurried toward the stairs, eager to get away from him. 

It was like he didn’t know me at all after spending practically every waking hour with me. Did he really think I was a weak little princess who couldn’t handle anything? Hadn’t he seen me fighting those two jerks? What about how aggressive I’d been in the volleyball playoffs? 

Once out of the library, I darted down a path that went behind the building in hopes he’d think I’d gone toward the cafeteria or deli. 

I made it to the arts building and watched some ballerinas until I calmed down enough to realize how hungry I was. Keeping a lookout for Carter, I grabbed a bite to eat and then headed to the gym for practice. 

At first, I was glad he wasn’t there, but then a wave of disappointment washed through me. 

“Come warm up,” the coach called.

I put all of my raging emotions into volleyball and ignored the occasional popping bone. It was probably just a side effect of working my body so hard. Everything would settle back down after the game the next day.

Near the end of practice, just as I was about to serve the ball, Carter walked into the gym. His face was bruised and blood dripped down from the corner of his mouth. 

My arm froze mid-serve. The ball flopped to the ground halfway before it reached the net. My coach and teammates yelled at me, but I barely took notice of them. 

Carter waved for me to go back to the game. I managed to finish the rest of the practice without any more mishaps, but I couldn’t stop thinking about him. What had happened?

After practice was finally over, I rushed over to him and studied his wounds close up. His lower lip was split and caked in dried blood, and he had several bruises around his face, including around his right eye and on his chin. I traced the one on his chin with my thumb. “What happened? Will you finally tell me what’s going on?”

“Yeah. Let’s get out of here first.”

“Okay.” I grabbed my things, and we walked toward the hotel. Though the air was warm, I shivered. 

Carter put his arm around me and took a deep breath. “Those guys from a couple weeks ago are back.”

I turned to him. “What?”

“Those guys who tried to attack you.” 

“I know who you’re talking about. They’re back?”

“Yeah. I’m not sure they ever left, actually.”

My stomach twisted in knots. “What do they want? Why did they hurt you?”

“Let’s get you to the hotel.”

I stopped walking. “No. I need you to tell me what’s going on. Now.”

“I will. I’ll tell you everything, but not here. Not where others can overhear.”

“Is it that bad?”

He gave a slight nod. “Let’s go.”

One of my ribs popped.

Carter’s eyes widened. 

“My back’s been giving me issues. I’m going to see the chiropractor after tomorrow’s game.”

“Has that been happening? Your bones popping?”

“Yeah. I’m fine.”

Color drained from his face. “It’s worse than I thought.”

“What is?”

“Everything. Come on.”

How could my rib issue worry him so much? “What do you know?”

“Like I said, we need to discuss this. In private.”

“Have I ever told you how much you annoy me?”

The corners of his mouth twitched. “No, but I can see it in your eyes sometimes.”

“And you think that’s funny?”

“Not at all.” He kissed my forehead.

His lips on my skin sent a wave of pleasant emotions through me.  I took a deep breath to regain my focus. “Don’t try to distract me.”

“I’m not trying to.”

Trying or not, he was succeeding. I walked ahead of him, eager to get to the hotel and find out what was going on. 

Carter walked alongside me, and we stayed quiet until we reached my home. We waved to my mom, who was busy checking a family in. In the hall leading to my room, we passed Che. 

He had bruises on his face.

I froze in my tracks and glared at him. “What’s going on? Did you two get into a fight?”

Carter put his arm around me. “We have to tell her everything. Now.”

Che nodded. “I always knew this day was coming.” His tone held sadness.

“What are you talking about?”

“You two should come to my room. I don’t want to risk your mom or sister hearing us.”

My stomach was such a mess of tight knots, I wasn’t sure it could ever untangle itself. A rib popped, and then my hip. I cried out. They’d never been that painful before.

“Hurry.” Carter glared at Che. “Before she shifts.”

“Before I what?” I exclaimed.

They pulled me down the hall.