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Secret Jaguar (Curse of the Moon Book 6) by Stacy Claflin (25)

Chapter 25


“Should it take her this long?” Kevin asked. 

It had taken twice as long as I’d have thought, but I didn’t want to worry him. “Maybe she couldn’t find them, or maybe they’re busy with hotel guests. It could be anything.”

“Or they might not believe I’m still alive. I wouldn’t put it past my father to come up with something elaborate and convincing. Something that would leave nobody with any doubt that I was dead and gone.”

“Still, there’s no reason for them to doubt Katya. She’s smart and level-headed. They all adore her.”

“You should go and find her.” He lay back down on the bed.

“I promised her I wouldn’t leave you alone.”

“I’ve been alone for nineteen years. What’s another few minutes?”

“No. I can’t risk something happening to you. Katya would never forgive me. Neither would I, actually.”

“Then take me with you.”

“But if she comes back, and we’re not here…” My voice trailed off. There didn’t seem to be a good solution. Then I thought of something. “I’ll just text her. Let her know I’m moving you.”

“We just can’t stay here. That’s all I ask. I have a bad feeling.”

I couldn’t deny that my inner sirens were wailing. Katya should’ve been back or at least tried to contact me by now. 

No service.

“What’s the matter?”

“I don’t have a signal. This wing must be blocking it—the same magic that’s kept you hidden. It’s the only thing to make sense.”

“Let’s go, then.” Kevin struggled to sit. 

I offered him my arm and helped him to his feet.

“Thanks. I gave up trying years ago.”

“So, you can walk?” 

“Yeah. I just had no reason to for so long.”

He leaned against me and took a step. Though he stumbled, he regained his footing and took another step. “I should have never given up.”

“Can’t blame you after all that time.”

“I didn’t even know they were here in the building for the last five years. If I’d had any idea, I’d have been making so much noise. I would have built my strength as much as possible.”

“You can’t change any of that. Let’s just get you out of here. Without magic, this wing is depressing and repressive enough. It’s ten times worse with the magic.”

Kevin continued leaning against me, and though it felt like it took a week, we finally made our way out into the lit hallway. He covered his eyes immediately. “It’s blinding.”

“I’m sure it is. Just lean on me, and I’ll guide you.”

We crept along through the halls. He gained a little more strength the farther we went. Not much, but some. He’d need some food as soon as we made it to the main part of the hotel, which at this rate, could take a week.

I pulled out my phone. Full service again. I called Katya. It went straight to voicemail.

“That’s weird. Is she out of range? Did she go back?”

“What?” Kevin asked.

I didn’t want to add anything for him to worry about. “Oh, I’m just trying to find Katya. She might’ve doubled back and missed us.”

“We should turn around.”

“She’ll find us once she sees we’re not there. We need to get you food. How are you doing now that you’re out of the cursed wing?”

“I can’t die in this hotel, remember. Let’s go back.”

“You need to eat.”

“What if Alley and Jennifer are with her?”

“They’ll find us.” I called Che. It rang, but then went to voicemail. “Where is everyone?”

“That’s what I’d like to know.”

I called some of my pack members, but continued only getting voicemails. Irritation ran through me, and I wanted to throw my phone.

Kevin and I were still so far away from the main part of the building. I could order pizza, and by the time we got to the lobby, it’d be cold from waiting so long.

“Do you want me to carry you?”

“No, I need to do this.”

“I don’t mind.”

He ignored my offer. “Are you in love with my daughter?”

I turned to Kevin, surprised by the question. “Come again?”

“Do you love Katya? I picked up that vibe between you two.”

“Very much, yes. I’ve spent the last month trying to keep her safe from your family.”

He grumbled at the mention of them. “I appreciate that. And Che’s still in the picture? I know it was a lot for me to ask of him to watch them, but as a lone jaguar, he knew why it was important.”

“Che hasn’t left. He’s very protective of them, and they think of him like a father—but they definitely know you’re their dad.” I cringed at my words. He’d probably feel horrible knowing his kids thought of someone else as their dad, even if it was his best friend.

“It’s fine. I wasn’t there, so I couldn’t expect anything else. I’m just glad it was him rather than anyone else, especially any of my family.” He took a deep breath. “But he and Jennifer…? They’re not an item?”

“I’ve never seen anything between them.”

Kevin breathed a sigh of relief. “Not that I could blame either of them if they did. I made Che swear he’d watch over the girls if anything ever happened to me. I knew what that could lead to, and I’ve had nothing but time to think about it.”

“Nope. If anything, she’s so focused on running the hotel and taking care of the twins, she has no time for anything else as far as I can tell.”

“And what about you? How did you come into Katya’s life?”

We had nothing but time, so I told him the story of how I’d sensed her years earlier and was immediately worried for a lone female jaguar shifter. Then as her protection spell had weakened, I finally found her, but unfortunately so had their family.

“I’m glad you found her first. You seem like a good kid. What’s your story? Where’s your family?”

It was my turn to groan. “Not all that different from you, actually. I managed to break free from my family a number of years back.”

“And you’ve been on your own this time?”

“I’ve joined a pack of mismatched werewolves that also accepts other supernaturals.”

“Interesting. And they offer you protection?”

“Like I’m blood. In fact, I need to see if I can get one of them to answer their phone.”

“Try Katya again. Or Jenny. I need to talk with her.”

“I think we’d probably better find them first.”

“Why’s that?”

“She and Alley might have to see you to believe you’re actually alive.”

He grimaced. “That’s probably true.”

We plodded along in silence for a while. Every once in a while, I tried calling someone. It was futile.

At long last, we reached the hall leading to the main part of the hotel. But at the rate we were traveling, it could be an hour until we reached the rope. Then there was the matter of finding everyone else. 

I made more calls. Toby finally picked up.

“Carter, where have you been?”

“Where have I been? I’ve called everyone, only to get voicemails. What’s going on?”

“That jaguar shifter pack you’ve been worried about is in town. Their scent is thick, and people are disappearing.”

“What do you mean disappearing?”

“The news—they’re reporting about a dozen missing locals.”

“You’re saying the jaguars are kidnapping humans? Why?”

Kevin looked at me, his expression tight. “Ransom. They want to trade the humans for Katya and me.”

“Did you hear that?” I asked Toby.

“Yeah. Is that Che?”

“No, it’s actually Katya’s dad. Turns out he’s not dead, after all.”

“And they know it?”

“They’re behind it.”

“This is worse than I thought. Is Katya with you?”

I took a deep breath. “She was. Clearly, I shouldn’t have let her run off on her own. I just thought it’d be quicker for her to find her mom and sister.”

“Do you think they got her?”

“Nothing would surprise me at this point. I think we’d better assume they have her.”

Toby mumbled something. “Okay, I’ll call Gessilyn. We need more than a cloaking spell now. I’ll talk to you soon.”

“Wait. Have someone bring food.”

“How can you think of eating at a time like this?”

“Kevin needs it. He hasn’t eaten in twenty years.”



“Yeah, I’ll have someone send food. He really hasn’t had food in two decades?”


He swore. “They have to be working with witches, too. That’s the only explanation.”

“I’d say that’s a good assumption.”

We ended the call, and I turned to Kevin. “Since your family is holding people hostage, you think that means they want Katya and you?”

“I know it. They’ve pulled this before. It’s practically their signature move.”

My insides tightened. “And what will they do to the innocent people if they don’t get you and Katya?”

He held my gaze. “Kill them all—unless we kill those jaguars first.”