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Secret Jaguar (Curse of the Moon Book 6) by Stacy Claflin (20)

Chapter 20


I tapped the armrest as I waited for Katya to come out of her closet. She was taking so long, I couldn’t help but wonder if she’d fallen asleep in there. 

I wanted to ask her if she was okay, but that had annoyed her so much downstairs, I wasn’t going to make that mistake again.

Pat, pat.

Someone was outside the door.

Pat, pat, pat.

Nerves on edge, I jumped up and pressed my ear to the door. 

More of the same noise. It was soft, barely noticeable, but someone was there.

I closed one eye and peeked out the peephole. Nothing appeared in the rounded glass. 

Yet the sounds continued.

With one quick motion, I flung open the door. 

Skittering noises sounded toward the stairs. Nobody was in the hall, but at least I’d scared off whoever had been pacing near Katya’s door.

“You leaving?”

I spun around. Katya stood behind me in a long purple nightshirt. It was perfectly modest, but at the same time… just wow. I let go of the door and it closed on its own.

“Are you?” she asked.

“Am I what?” I couldn’t stop looking at her.

“Never mind.” She spun around and climbed under the covers. 

I couldn’t get my feet to move.

“Are you sleeping there or something?”

“Well, no. I could take the chair.”

“Or you could join me.” She turned out the lamp, surrounding us in darkness.

Even though she didn’t seem to want my company, I climbed under the covers and wrapped my arm around her. Katya stiffened, but then eventually relaxed and scooted closer to me. She smelled like flowers. It was intoxicating.

I pressed my face against her hair and breathed in deeply. All my stress and worries melted away with her right there. Whether she was actually mad at me or if it was the potion, I couldn’t be sure, but the fact that she at least tolerated me being with her sent a warmth through me.

Her breathing deepened, and before I knew it, I was drifting off to sleep, too. 

The next morning, I woke to her gazing at me. She smiled and ran the back of her fingers along my cheek.

“I should probably shave.”

She shook her head. “No, I like it.”

“You do?”

“Immensely.” She snuggled up to me and we lay in silence until her stomach grumbled. Her cheeks turned pink as they always seemed to.

“I love that you’re so feisty, yet you embarrass easier than anyone I know.”

She looked away. “Stop.”

“Nothing to be embarrassed about. We all have to eat. I’m pretty hungry myself. We should also check on Che and make sure he got everything done last night.”

Katya groaned. “And I’d better apologize. I acted like a spoiled brat.”

I kissed her forehead. “I’m sure he understands.”

“And I owe you an apology, too. I should probably just say sorry to everyone I know to be safe.”

“No need to with me.” I pressed our palms together and laced my fingers through hers.

“You must think I’m a bear.” She shook her head and buried her face against my chest. “I’ve been awful the whole time you’ve known me. I don’t know what you see in me.”

I slid my finger under her chin and guided her to look at me. “What I see is a wonderfully strong woman who has more on her plate than anyone could be expected to handle. And I’m more than happy to help with that load—if you’ll let me.”

“You really are perfect.”

“No more than you.”

Katya rolled her eyes at me and climbed out of bed. That nightshirt was going to be the death of me.

An hour later, we were both showered and dressed. We strolled down to the lobby, hand-in-hand. 

Everything in the lobby looked as good as new. If I hadn’t known better, I’d have never guessed what had taken place the night before.

Jennifer came around from the reception desk, smiling. “Oh, good. You two are ready for lunch.” She stared me down. “I didn’t see you come in.”

Che appeared around the corner. “I did. He arrived while you were making copies in the back.”

Katya’s mom relaxed. “Well, it’s good to see you again. I enjoyed getting to know you better last night during the game.” She turned to Katya. “Will you text your sister? I thought she’d be down here already.”

“Sure, Mom.” Katya pulled out her phone and slid her finger around the screen. 

Jennifer chatted excitedly about having gotten reservations at a popular restaurant outside of town. 

Alley bounded into the lobby and gave Katya a big hug. “I’m so proud of you, Miss MVP!”

We piled into the taxi when it arrived, and everything went by in a blur. The others gave Katya gifts at lunch. I’d have too, if I hadn’t spent every moment with her since the game, but she didn’t seem to mind.

As we ate, I kept looking around for the jaguars. Che did the same. But they weren’t anywhere near the restaurant. There wasn’t even a whiff of them in the air. I relaxed, figuring they were taking the day to lick their wounds.

After lunch, Jennifer insisted on taking the twins out for a girls’ only afternoon of shopping and pampering. 

I pulled Che aside. “Is that a good idea?”

“I’ll tail them and make sure they stay safe. They’ll have no idea I’m watching—they never do.”

“All right. I’ve got some calls to make, anyway. I need to follow up with Tap and Gessilyn.”

Che’s eyes widened. “Tap and Gessilyn are working on this? As in the former troll king and the high witch?”

“Yeah. I’m also going to see who else will help us. Toby can probably convince the vampires, who hold weight with the dragons.”

“Wow. Those jaguars have no idea what they’re up against.”

“No, they certainly don’t.”

“The taxis are here,” Jennifer said. “I called one to take you two back to the hotel.” Her gaze landed on me. “I want to thank you.”


“Yes. Katya has been so much happier these last two weeks since you’ve been in her life. You’re really special to her. I just want to make sure you know that.” She stared me down, clearly sending an unspoken message.

I cleared my throat. “She’s really special to me, too. I just want what’s best for her.”

Che stepped a little closer to me. “Don’t worry, Jen. I’ve already given him ‘the talk.’ He’s got my seal of approval.”

Jennifer smiled and turned back to me. “You seem like a really great guy, but you have to understand why I’m so protective of her. The girls are all I have of my Kevin.”

“I do, and I would never treat her as less than the treasure she is.”

She threw her arms around me, then turned to pay the bill. 

“Wait,” I said. “I’ve got that.”

Her eyes widened. “What?”

I pulled out my card and handed it to the server before turning back to Jennifer. “My treat.”

“But… why?”

My mind raced. I didn’t want to hurt her pride by saying that I knew she didn’t have a lot of money and that I had plenty to spare. “It’s my gift to Katya for the win.”

“I don’t know what to say. Thank you. You really do seem to be as great as Katya thinks.”

“It looks like the taxis are here,” Che said.

We gathered our things, and I signed the receipt as everyone headed for the door. 

Once outside, Katya wrapped me in a hug. “Thank you for paying for the meal. I know it was more than Mom could afford, and she planned a spa day on top of lunch.”

“She just wants you to feel as special as you are.” I gave her a quick kiss.

“Come on, Katya!”

She brushed her lips across mine. “I’ll be back to the hotel as soon as I can.”

“Have fun.” Our gazes lingered as she climbed into the taxi with her mom and sister.

Che turned to me. “You take the taxi. I’m going to hail another one and keep an eye on them.”

“Sounds good. Give me a call if you need anything.”

He nodded, and we waved as the ladies’ taxi pulled away. “And you tell me if you hear any good news from Tap or Gessilyn. I still can’t believe that. And you mentioned the dragons?”

“They’re a maybe. Toby has sway with the vampire queen, who is mother-in-law to a dragon king.”

“Well, I’m glad to hear that. Blown away, but glad.” Che waved to a taxi. 

A breeze blew by, and with it, the scent of jaguar shifters tickled my nose.

Che and I exchanged a worried glance. 

I shuddered. “You keep an eye on her, and I’ll find out what I can about who can help us.”

He sniffed the air. “Make sure they know it’s urgent.”

“Believe me, I will.”




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